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Raw Normal View History

// files
include <util.scad>
include <stems.scad>
include <dishes.scad>
include <libraries/geodesic_sphere.scad>
/* [Settings] */
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
// keytop thickness, aka how many millimeters between the inside and outside of the top surface of the key
keytop_thickness = 1;
// wall thickness, aka the thickness of the sides of the keycap. note this is the total thickness, aka 3 = 1.5mm walls
wall_thickness = 3;
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
/* [Brim] */
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
//brim radius. 11 ensconces normal keycap stem in normal keycap
brim_radius = 8;
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
//brim depth
brim_depth = .3;
//whether stabilizer connectors are enabled
stabilizers = false;
// stem offset in units NOT MM. for stepped caps lock basically
stem_offset = 0;
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
// font used for text
// font size used for text
font_size = 8;
// whether or not to render fake keyswitches to check clearances
clearance_check = true;
/* [Key profile] */
// width of the very bottom of the key
bottom_key_width = 18.16;
// height (from the front) of the very bottom of the ke
bottom_key_height = 18.16;
// how much less width there is on the top. eg top_key_width = bottom_key_width - width_difference
width_difference = 6;
// how much less height there is on the top
height_difference = 4;
// how deep the key is, before adding a dish
total_depth = 11.5;
// the tilt of the dish in degrees. divided by key height
top_tilt = -6;
// how skewed towards the back the top is (0 for center)
top_skew = 1.7;
// what type of dish the key has. 0 for cylindrical, 1 for spherical, 2 for something else idk TODO
dish_type = 0;
// how deep the dish 'digs' into the top of the keycap. this is max depth, so you can't find the height from total_depth - dish_depth. besides the top is skewed anyways
dish_depth = 1;
// how skewed in the x direction the dish is
dish_skew_x = 0;
// how skewed in the y direction (height) the dish is
dish_skew_y = 0;
//length in units of key
key_length = 1;
//height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
key_height = 1;
//print brim for connector to help with bed adhesion
has_brim = false;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
inverted_dish = false;
// array of positions of all stems. includes stabilizers as well, for now
// ternary is a bad hack to keep the stabilizers flag working
connectors = stabilizers ? [[0,0],[-50,0],[50,0]] : [[0,0]];
// whether or not we use the functions to generate an ISO enter
// NOTE this uses data in the profile so be sure to set the profile to ISO enter too
ISOEnter = false;
//should the key be rounded? unnecessary for most printers, and very slow
rounded_key = false;
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
// 'cherry', 'alps' or 'cherry_rounded'
stem_profile = "cherry";
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
stem_rotation = 0;
//text to be rendered in the center of the key, if any
text = "";
// is the text on the key inset? inset text is still experimental
inset_text = false;
// radius of corners of keycap
corner_radius = 1;
// if you're doing fancy bowed keycap sides, this controls how many slices you take
// default of 1 for no sampling, just top/bottom
height_slices = 1;
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
/* [Hidden] */
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
$fs = .1;
//beginning to use unit instead of baked in 19.05
unit = 19.05;
2016-09-04 03:22:48 -04:00
//minkowski radius. radius of sphere used in minkowski sum for minkowski_key function. 1.75 default for faux G20
$minkowski_radius = .75;
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
// derived functions. can't be variables if we want them to change when the special variables do
// actual mm key width and height
function total_key_width() = $bottom_key_width + (unit * ($key_length - 1));
function total_key_height() = $bottom_key_height + (unit * ($key_height - 1));
// actual mm key width and height at the top
function top_total_key_width() = $bottom_key_width + (unit * ($key_length - 1)) - $width_difference;
function top_total_key_height() = $bottom_key_height + (unit * ($key_height - 1)) - $height_difference;
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
// bottom clipping shape we can use to anchor the stem, just a big ol cube with the inside of
// the keycap hollowed out
module inside(){
//TODO why 50?
translate([0,0,50]) cube([100000,100000,100000],center=true);
shape(wall_thickness, keytop_thickness);
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
// conicalish clipping shape to trim things off the outside of the keycap
// literally just a key with height of 2 to make sure nothing goes awry with dishing etc
module outside(thickness_difference){
2015-07-28 01:42:05 -04:00
cube([100000,100000,100000],center = true);
shape_hull(thickness_difference, 0, 2);
2015-07-28 01:42:05 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
// key shape including dish. used as the ouside and inside shape in key()
module shape(thickness_difference, depth_difference){
2015-07-28 01:42:05 -04:00
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
shape_hull(thickness_difference, depth_difference, 1);
if ($inverted_dish) { dish(depth_difference); }
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
if (!$inverted_dish) {
} else {
// needed to trim the edges of an inverted dish
2015-07-28 01:42:05 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
// shape of the key but with soft, rounded edges. much more realistic, MUCH more complex. orders of magnitude more complex
module rounded_shape() {
shape($minkowski_radius*2, $minkowski_radius);
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
sphere(r=$minkowski_radius, $fn=24);
cube([2*$minkowski_radius,2*$minkowski_radius,2*$minkowski_radius], center=true);
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
// basic key shape, no dish, no inside
// modifier multiplies the height and top differences of the shape,
// which is only used for dishing to cut the dish off correctly
// $height_difference used for keytop thickness
module shape_hull(thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier){
if ($ISOEnter) {
ISOEnterShapeHull(thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier);
} else {
slices = 10;
for (index = [0:$height_slices-1]) {
color("red") hull() {
shape_slice(index, $height_slices, thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier);
shape_slice(index + 1, $height_slices, thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier);
module shape_slice(index, total, thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier) {
progress = index / (total);
$top_skew * progress,
($total_depth * modifier - depth_difference) * progress
]) rotate([-$top_tilt / $key_height * progress,0,0]){
total_key_width() - thickness_difference - (($width_difference - abs(index - total)/4) * modifier * progress),
total_key_height() - thickness_difference - (($height_difference - abs(index - total)/4) * modifier * progress),
],$corner_radius + (pow(progress, 2)));
module oldshape_hull(thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier){
if ($ISOEnter) {
ISOEnterShapeHull(thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier);
} else {
// $bottom_key_width + ($key_length -1) * unit is the correct length of the
// key. only 1u of the key should be $bottom_key_width long; all others
// should be 1u
roundedRect([total_key_width() - thickness_difference, total_key_height() - thickness_difference, .001],$corner_radius);
//depth_difference outside of modifier because that doesnt make sense
translate([0,$top_skew,$total_depth * modifier - depth_difference]){
rotate([-$top_tilt / $key_height,0,0]){
total_key_width() - thickness_difference - $width_difference * modifier,
total_key_height() - thickness_difference - $height_difference * modifier,
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
//dish selector
module dish(depth_difference){
translate([$dish_skew_x, $top_skew + $dish_skew_y, $total_depth - depth_difference]){
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
if($dish_type == 0){
cylindrical_dish(top_total_key_width(), top_total_key_height(), $dish_depth, $inverted_dish, $top_tilt / $key_height);
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
else if ($dish_type == 1) {
spherical_dish(top_total_key_width(), top_total_key_height(), $dish_depth, $inverted_dish, $top_tilt / $key_height);
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
else if ($dish_type == 2){
sideways_cylindrical_dish(top_total_key_width(), top_total_key_height(), $dish_depth, $inverted_dish, $top_tilt / $key_height);
// else no dish
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
module keytext() {
extra_dish_depth = ($dish_type > 2) ? 0 : $dish_depth;
extra_inset_depth = ($inset_text) ? keytop_thickness/4 : 0;
translate([$dish_skew_x, $top_skew + $dish_skew_y, $total_depth - extra_dish_depth - extra_inset_depth]){
text(text=$text, font=font, size=font_size, halign="center", valign="center");
module connectors($stem_profile) {
difference() {
for (connector_pos = $connectors) {
translate([connector_pos[0], connector_pos[1], $stem_inset]) {
rotate([0, 0, $stem_rotation]){
if ($has_brim) cylinder(r=brim_radius,h=brim_depth);
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
//approximate (fully depressed) cherry key to check clearances
module clearance_check() {
if(clearance_check == true && ($stem_profile == "cherry" || $stem_profile == "cherry_rounded")){
color([1,0,0, 0.5]){
translate([0,0,3.6 + $stem_inset - 5]) {
%hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,1,5 - 0.01]) cube([10.5,9.5, 0.01], center=true);
%hull() {
cube([15.6, 15.6, 0.01], center=true);
translate([0,0,-5.5]) cube([13.5,13.5,0.01], center=true);
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
module keytop() {
if ($rounded_key) {
} else {
shape(0, 0);
shape(wall_thickness, keytop_thickness);
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
// The final, penultimate key generation function.
// takes all the bits and glues them together. requires configuration with special variables.
module key() {
difference() {
if($stem_profile != "blank") connectors($stem_profile);
if(!$inset_text) keytext();
if ($inset_text) keytext();
// actual full key with space carved out and keystem/stabilizer connectors
// this is an example key with all the fixins
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
module example_key(){
$bottom_key_width = bottom_key_width;
$bottom_key_height = bottom_key_height;
$width_difference = width_difference;
$height_difference = height_difference;
$total_depth = total_depth;
$top_tilt = top_tilt;
$top_skew = top_skew;
$dish_type = dish_type;
$dish_depth = dish_depth;
$dish_skew_x = dish_skew_x;
$dish_skew_y = dish_skew_y;
$key_length = key_length;
$key_height = key_height;
$has_brim = has_brim;
$inverted_dish = inverted_dish;
$connectors = connectors;
$ISOEnter = ISOEnter;
$rounded_key = rounded_key;
$stem_profile = stem_profile;
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
$stem_inset = stem_inset;
$stem_rotation = stem_rotation;
$text = text;
$inset_text = inset_text;
$corner_radius = corner_radius;
$height_slices = height_slices;
2017-08-13 03:04:53 -04:00
2015-04-14 00:50:30 -04:00
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
// Experimental stuff
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
// corollary is roundedRect
// NOT 3D
module fakeISOEnter(thickness_difference = 0){
// 1u is the space taken upy by a 1u keycap.
// unit is the space taken up by a unit space for a keycap.
// formula is 1u + unit *(length - 1)
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
// t is all modifications to the polygon array
t = $corner_radius + thickness_difference/2;
function unit(length) = 19.02 * (length) + (18.16 - 19.02);
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
pointArray = [
[ 0 + t, 0 + t],
[unit(1.5) - t, 0 + t],
[unit(1.5) - t, unit(1) - t],
[unit(1.25) - t, unit(1) - t],
[unit(1.25) - t, unit(2) - t],
[ 0 + t, unit(2) - t]
offset(r=$corner_radius) {
2016-04-23 21:26:29 -04:00
//corollary is shape_hull
module ISOEnterShapeHull(thickness_difference, depth_difference, modifier){
// TODO move this somewhere
function unit(length) = 19.02 * (length) + (18.16 - 19.02);
height = $total_depth - depth_difference;
width_scale = top_total_key_width() / total_key_width();
height_scale = top_total_key_height() / total_key_height();
linear_extrude(height = height, scale = [width_scale, height_scale]) {
// TODO completely making up these numbers here
translate([unit(-.5), unit(-.9)]) fakeISOEnter();