mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 05:32:41 +00:00
make most 'shape selectors' fail gracefully. switch to using 'disabled' instead of false due to customizer limitations when something is disabled. continue reconfiguring settings, breaking out the important ones and moving them higher. make some default settings for customizer that may or may not actually belong in the settings (because they conflict with other settings)
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 246 additions and 130 deletions
@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ Prints from this library are still challenging, despite all efforts to the contr
That's it, if you have any questions feel free to open an issue or leave a comment on thingiverse!
## TODO:
* switch dishing logic from a super large cube to a bounding box intersection
* update this documentation!
* replace linear_extrude_shape_hull with skin_extrude_shape_hull or something, to enable concave extrusions
* replace current ISO enter shape with one that works for `skin()`
* generate dishes via math? kind of hard, maybe later
@ -1,47 +1,45 @@
// entry point for customizer script. This probably isn't useful to most people,
// as it's just a wrapper that helps generate customizer.scad for thingiverse.
/* [Key] */
/* [Basic-Settings] */
//length in units of key
// what preset profile do you wish to use? disable if you are going to set paramters below
key_profile = "dcs"; // [dcs, oem, dsa, sa, g20, disable]
// what key profile row is this keycap on? 0 for disable
row = 1; // [5,1,2,3,4,0]
// What does the top of your key say?
legend = "";
/* [Basic-Settings] */
// what type of stem you want. Most people want Cherry.
$stem_type = "cherry"; // [cherry, alps, rounded_cherry, filled, disable]
// support type. default is "flared" for easy FDM printing. to disable pass false
$support_type = "flared"; // [flared, bars, flat, disable]
//length in units of key. A regular key is 1 unit; spacebar is usually 6.25
$key_length = 1;
//height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
$key_height = 1;
/* [Brim] */
//print brim for connector to help with bed adhesion
$has_brim = false;
// how tall in mm the brim is, if there is one. brim sits around the keystem and helps to secure it while printing.
$brim_height = 0.4;
// what type of stem you want. To turn off stems pass false. "cherry", "alps", and "cherry_rounded" supported
/* [Stem] */
// What stem do you want to use?
$stem_type = "cherry"; // [cherry, alps, rounded_cherry, filled]
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
$stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
$stem_rotation = 0;
// the stem is the hardest part to print, so this variable controls how much 'slop' there is in the stem
$stem_slop = 0.3;
/* [Support] */
// support type. default is "flared" for easy FDM printing. to disable pass false
$support_type = "flared"; // [flared, bars, flat]
/* [Misc] */
// font size used for text
$font_size = 6;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
$inverted_dish = false;
/* [Advanced Features] */
/* [Advanced] */
/* Key */
// height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
$key_height = 1;
// keytop thickness, aka how many millimeters between the inside and outside of the top surface of the key
$keytop_thickness = 1;
// wall thickness, aka the thickness of the sides of the keycap. note this is the total thickness, aka 3 = 1.5mm walls
@ -74,6 +72,12 @@ $rounded_cherry_stem_d = 5.5;
// dimensions of alps stem
$alps_stem = [4.45, 2.25];
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
$stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
$stem_rotation = 0;
/* Stabilizers */
// array of positions of stabilizers
@ -95,15 +99,13 @@ $height_slices = 1;
/* Dish */
// what type of dish the key has. note that unlike stems and supports a dish ALWAYS gets rendered.
$dish_type = "cylindrical"; // [cylindrical, spherical, sideways cylindrical, old spherical]
$dish_type = "cylindrical"; // [cylindrical, spherical, sideways cylindrical, old spherical, disable]
// how deep the dish 'digs' into the top of the keycap. this is max depth, so you can't find the height from total_depth - dish_depth. besides the top is skewed anyways
$dish_depth = 1;
// how skewed in the x direction the dish is
$dish_skew_x = 0;
// how skewed in the y direction (height) the dish is
$dish_skew_y = 0;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
$inverted_dish = false;
// if you need the dish to extend further, you can 'overdraw' the rectangle it will hit
$dish_overdraw_width = 0;
// same as width but for height
@ -111,6 +113,8 @@ $dish_overdraw_height = 0;
/* Misc */
// how tall in mm the brim is, if there is one. brim sits around the keystem and helps to secure it while printing.
$brim_height = 0.4;
// font used for text
$font="DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book";
// whether or not to render fake keyswitches to check clearances
@ -241,6 +245,8 @@ module dcs_row(n=1) {
$total_depth = 6;
$top_tilt = 16;
} else {
module oem_row(n=1) {
@ -275,16 +281,16 @@ module oem_row(n=1) {
$total_depth = 9.25;
$top_tilt = 10;
} else {
module dsa_row(n=3) {
$key_shape_type = "sculpted_square";
depth_raisers = [0, 3.5, 1, 0, 1, 3];
$bottom_key_width = 18.24; // 18.4;
$bottom_key_height = 18.24; // 18.4;
$width_difference = 6; // 5.7;
$height_difference = 6; // 5.7;
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
$top_tilt = n == 5 ? -21 : (n-3) * 7;
$top_skew = 0;
$dish_type = "spherical";
@ -297,7 +303,25 @@ module dsa_row(n=3) {
// do you even minkowski bro
$corner_radius = 0.25;
depth_raisers = [0, 3.5, 1, 0, 1, 3];
if (n == 5) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 1) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 2) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 3) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 4) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else {
module sa_row(n=1) {
$key_shape_type = "sculpted_square";
@ -334,6 +358,8 @@ module sa_row(n=1) {
$total_depth = 12.925;
$top_tilt = 7;
} else {
module g20_row(n=3) {
@ -341,22 +367,41 @@ module g20_row(n=3) {
$bottom_key_height = 18.16;
$width_difference = 2;
$height_difference = 2;
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = 2.5;
$top_tilt = n == 5 ? -18.5 : (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
$top_skew = 0.75;
$dish_type = "no dish";
$dish_type = "disable";
$dish_depth = 0;
$dish_skew_x = 0;
$dish_skew_y = 0;
$minkowski_radius = 1.75;
$key_bump_depth = 0.6;
$key_bump_edge = 2;
$key_bump_depth = 0.6;
$key_bump_edge = 2;
$rounded_key = true;
if (n == 5) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = -18.55;
} else if (n == 1) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else if (n == 2) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else if (n == 3) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else if (n == 4) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else {
// man, wouldn't it be so cool if functions were first order
@ -371,6 +416,10 @@ module key_profile(key_profile_type, row) {
sa_row(row) children();
} else if (key_profile_type == "g20") {
g20_row(row) children();
} else if (key_profile_type == "disable") {
} else {
echo("Warning: unsupported key_profile_type");
module spacebar() {
@ -811,6 +860,8 @@ module stem(stem_type, depth, has_brim, slop){
cherry_stem(depth, has_brim, slop);
} else if (stem_type == "filled") {
} else if (stem_type == "disable") {
} else {
echo("Warning: unsupported $stem_type");
@ -1025,10 +1076,10 @@ module dish(width, height, depth, inverted) {
else if ($dish_type == "old spherical") {
old_spherical_dish(width, height, depth, inverted);
} else if ($dish_type == "disable") {
// else no dish
} else {
// else no dish, "no dish" is the value
// switchted to actually diffing a cube here due to changes to stems being differenced from the dish instead of the inside
translate([0,0,500]) cube([width, height, 1000], center=true);
echo("WARN: $dish_type unsupported");
// cherry stem dimensions
@ -1082,6 +1133,8 @@ module supports(type, stem_type, loft, height) {
flat(stem_type, loft, height);
} else if (type == "bars") {
bars(stem_type, loft, height);
} else if (type == "disable") {
} else {
echo("Warning: unsupported $support_type");
@ -1333,13 +1386,20 @@ module _dish() {
// for when you want to take the dish out of things
// used for adding the dish to the key shape and making sure stems don't stick out the top
// has physical limits, since you can't specify planes in openscad
// maybe I should make a bounding box cube, difference that with the dish then intersect with the children
module dished(depth_difference, inverted = false) {
difference() {
union() {
translate([-500, -500]) cube(1000);
// this weird math here is so Customizer doesn't see a giant shape and zoom out a million miles. could just be cube(1000)
translate([-$key_length * unit, -$key_height * unit]) cube([
$key_length*2 * unit,
$key_height*2 * unit,
if (!inverted) _dish();
if (inverted) _dish();
@ -1352,7 +1412,7 @@ module dished(depth_difference, inverted = false) {
// more user-friendly than top_placement
module top_of_key(){
// if there is a dish, we need to account for how much it digs into the top
dish_depth = ($dish_type == "no dish") ? 0 : $dish_depth;
dish_depth = ($dish_type == "disable") ? 0 : $dish_depth;
// if the dish is inverted, we need to account for that too. in this case we do half, otherwise the children would be floating on top of the dish
corrected_dish_depth = ($inverted_dish) ? -dish_depth / 2 : dish_depth;
@ -1409,7 +1469,7 @@ module cherry_keyswitch() {
//approximate (fully depressed) cherry key to check clearances
module clearance_check() {
if($stem_type == "cherry" || $stem_type == "rounded_cherry"){
if($stem_type == "cherry" || $stem_type == "cherry_rounded"){
translate([0,0,3.6 + $stem_inset - 5]) {
@ -1468,19 +1528,19 @@ module key(inset = false) {
// both stem and support are optional
if ($stem_type || $stabilizer_type) {
if ($stem_type != "disable" || $stabilizer_type != "disable") {
dished($keytop_thickness, $inverted_dish) {
translate([0, 0, $stem_inset]) {
if ($stabilizer_type) stems_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
if ($stem_type) stems_for($stem_positions, $stem_type);
if ($stabilizer_type != "disable") stems_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
if ($stem_type != "disable") stems_for($stem_positions, $stem_type);
if ($support_type){
if ($support_type != "disable"){
inside() {
translate([0, 0, $stem_inset]) {
if ($stabilizer_type) support_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
if ($stabilizer_type != "disable") support_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
// always render stem support even if there isn't a stem.
// rendering flat support w/no stem is much more common than a hollow keycap
@ -1494,47 +1554,35 @@ module key(inset = false) {
// actual full key with space carved out and keystem/stabilizer connectors
// this is an example key with all the fixins from settings.scad
module example_key(){
/* [Key] */
/* [Basic-Settings] */
//length in units of key
// what type of stem you want. Most people want Cherry.
$stem_type = "cherry"; // [cherry, alps, rounded_cherry, filled, disable]
// support type. default is "flared" for easy FDM printing. to disable pass false
$support_type = "flared"; // [flared, bars, flat, disable]
//length in units of key. A regular key is 1 unit; spacebar is usually 6.25
$key_length = 1;
//height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
$key_height = 1;
/* [Brim] */
//print brim for connector to help with bed adhesion
$has_brim = false;
// how tall in mm the brim is, if there is one. brim sits around the keystem and helps to secure it while printing.
$brim_height = 0.4;
// what type of stem you want. To turn off stems pass false. "cherry", "alps", and "cherry_rounded" supported
/* [Stem] */
// What stem do you want to use?
$stem_type = "cherry"; // [cherry, alps, rounded_cherry, filled]
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
$stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
$stem_rotation = 0;
// the stem is the hardest part to print, so this variable controls how much 'slop' there is in the stem
$stem_slop = 0.3;
/* [Support] */
// support type. default is "flared" for easy FDM printing. to disable pass false
$support_type = "flared"; // [flared, bars, flat]
/* [Misc] */
// font size used for text
$font_size = 6;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
$inverted_dish = false;
/* [Advanced Features] */
/* [Advanced] */
/* Key */
// height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
$key_height = 1;
// keytop thickness, aka how many millimeters between the inside and outside of the top surface of the key
$keytop_thickness = 1;
// wall thickness, aka the thickness of the sides of the keycap. note this is the total thickness, aka 3 = 1.5mm walls
@ -1567,6 +1615,12 @@ $rounded_cherry_stem_d = 5.5;
// dimensions of alps stem
$alps_stem = [4.45, 2.25];
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
$stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
$stem_rotation = 0;
/* Stabilizers */
// array of positions of stabilizers
@ -1588,15 +1642,13 @@ $height_slices = 1;
/* Dish */
// what type of dish the key has. note that unlike stems and supports a dish ALWAYS gets rendered.
$dish_type = "cylindrical"; // [cylindrical, spherical, sideways cylindrical, old spherical]
$dish_type = "cylindrical"; // [cylindrical, spherical, sideways cylindrical, old spherical, disable]
// how deep the dish 'digs' into the top of the keycap. this is max depth, so you can't find the height from total_depth - dish_depth. besides the top is skewed anyways
$dish_depth = 1;
// how skewed in the x direction the dish is
$dish_skew_x = 0;
// how skewed in the y direction (height) the dish is
$dish_skew_y = 0;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
$inverted_dish = false;
// if you need the dish to extend further, you can 'overdraw' the rectangle it will hit
$dish_overdraw_width = 0;
// same as width but for height
@ -1604,6 +1656,8 @@ $dish_overdraw_height = 0;
/* Misc */
// how tall in mm the brim is, if there is one. brim sits around the keystem and helps to secure it while printing.
$brim_height = 0.4;
// font used for text
$font="DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book";
// whether or not to render fake keyswitches to check clearances
@ -1632,4 +1686,4 @@ $key_bump_edge = 0.4;
key_profile(key_profile, row) legend(legend) key();
@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
// entry point for customizer script. This probably isn't useful to most people,
// as it's just a wrapper that helps generate customizer.scad for thingiverse.
/* [Basic-Settings] */
// what preset profile do you wish to use? disable if you are going to set paramters below
key_profile = "dcs"; // [dcs, oem, dsa, sa, g20, disable]
// what key profile row is this keycap on? 0 for disable
row = 1; // [5,1,2,3,4,0]
// What does the top of your key say?
legend = "";
include <src/settings.scad>
include <src/key_sizes.scad>
@ -10,4 +20,4 @@ include <src/key_transformations.scad>
use <src/key.scad>
key_profile(key_profile, row) legend(legend) key();
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ module dish(width, height, depth, inverted) {
else if ($dish_type == "old spherical") {
old_spherical_dish(width, height, depth, inverted);
} else if ($dish_type == "disable") {
// else no dish
} else {
// else no dish, "no dish" is the value
// switchted to actually diffing a cube here due to changes to stems being differenced from the dish instead of the inside
translate([0,0,500]) cube([width, height, 1000], center=true);
echo("WARN: $dish_type unsupported");
@ -135,13 +135,20 @@ module _dish() {
// for when you want to take the dish out of things
// used for adding the dish to the key shape and making sure stems don't stick out the top
// has physical limits, since you can't specify planes in openscad
// maybe I should make a bounding box cube, difference that with the dish then intersect with the children
module dished(depth_difference, inverted = false) {
difference() {
union() {
translate([-500, -500]) cube(1000);
// this weird math here is so Customizer doesn't see a giant shape and zoom out a million miles. could just be cube(1000)
translate([-$key_length * unit, -$key_height * unit]) cube([
$key_length*2 * unit,
$key_height*2 * unit,
if (!inverted) _dish();
if (inverted) _dish();
@ -154,7 +161,7 @@ module dished(depth_difference, inverted = false) {
// more user-friendly than top_placement
module top_of_key(){
// if there is a dish, we need to account for how much it digs into the top
dish_depth = ($dish_type == "no dish") ? 0 : $dish_depth;
dish_depth = ($dish_type == "disable") ? 0 : $dish_depth;
// if the dish is inverted, we need to account for that too. in this case we do half, otherwise the children would be floating on top of the dish
corrected_dish_depth = ($inverted_dish) ? -dish_depth / 2 : dish_depth;
@ -270,19 +277,19 @@ module key(inset = false) {
// both stem and support are optional
if ($stem_type || $stabilizer_type) {
if ($stem_type != "disable" || $stabilizer_type != "disable") {
dished($keytop_thickness, $inverted_dish) {
translate([0, 0, $stem_inset]) {
if ($stabilizer_type) stems_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
if ($stem_type) stems_for($stem_positions, $stem_type);
if ($stabilizer_type != "disable") stems_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
if ($stem_type != "disable") stems_for($stem_positions, $stem_type);
if ($support_type){
if ($support_type != "disable"){
inside() {
translate([0, 0, $stem_inset]) {
if ($stabilizer_type) support_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
if ($stabilizer_type != "disable") support_for($stabilizers, $stabilizer_type);
// always render stem support even if there isn't a stem.
// rendering flat support w/no stem is much more common than a hollow keycap
@ -20,5 +20,9 @@ module key_profile(key_profile_type, row) {
sa_row(row) children();
} else if (key_profile_type == "g20") {
g20_row(row) children();
} else if (key_profile_type == "disable") {
} else {
echo("Warning: unsupported key_profile_type");
@ -30,5 +30,7 @@ module dcs_row(n=1) {
$total_depth = 6;
$top_tilt = 16;
} else {
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
module dsa_row(n=3) {
$key_shape_type = "sculpted_square";
depth_raisers = [0, 3.5, 1, 0, 1, 3];
$bottom_key_width = 18.24; // 18.4;
$bottom_key_height = 18.24; // 18.4;
$width_difference = 6; // 5.7;
$height_difference = 6; // 5.7;
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
$top_tilt = n == 5 ? -21 : (n-3) * 7;
$top_skew = 0;
$dish_type = "spherical";
@ -18,5 +16,23 @@ module dsa_row(n=3) {
// do you even minkowski bro
$corner_radius = 0.25;
depth_raisers = [0, 3.5, 1, 0, 1, 3];
if (n == 5) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 1) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 2) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 3) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else if (n == 4) {
$total_depth = 8.1 + depth_raisers[n];
} else {
@ -3,20 +3,39 @@ module g20_row(n=3) {
$bottom_key_height = 18.16;
$width_difference = 2;
$height_difference = 2;
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = 2.5;
$top_tilt = n == 5 ? -18.5 : (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
$top_skew = 0.75;
$dish_type = "no dish";
$dish_type = "disable";
$dish_depth = 0;
$dish_skew_x = 0;
$dish_skew_y = 0;
$minkowski_radius = 1.75;
$key_bump_depth = 0.6;
$key_bump_edge = 2;
$key_bump_depth = 0.6;
$key_bump_edge = 2;
$rounded_key = true;
if (n == 5) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = -18.55;
} else if (n == 1) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else if (n == 2) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else if (n == 3) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else if (n == 4) {
$total_depth = 6 + abs((n-3) * 0.5);
$top_tilt = (n-3) * 7 + 2.5;
} else {
@ -30,5 +30,7 @@ module oem_row(n=1) {
$total_depth = 9.25;
$top_tilt = 10;
} else {
@ -33,5 +33,7 @@ module sa_row(n=1) {
$total_depth = 12.925;
$top_tilt = 7;
} else {
@ -1,44 +1,32 @@
/* [Key] */
/* [Basic-Settings] */
//length in units of key
// what type of stem you want. Most people want Cherry.
$stem_type = "cherry"; // [cherry, alps, rounded_cherry, filled, disable]
// support type. default is "flared" for easy FDM printing. to disable pass false
$support_type = "flared"; // [flared, bars, flat, disable]
//length in units of key. A regular key is 1 unit; spacebar is usually 6.25
$key_length = 1;
//height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
$key_height = 1;
/* [Brim] */
//print brim for connector to help with bed adhesion
$has_brim = false;
// how tall in mm the brim is, if there is one. brim sits around the keystem and helps to secure it while printing.
$brim_height = 0.4;
// what type of stem you want. To turn off stems pass false. "cherry", "alps", and "cherry_rounded" supported
/* [Stem] */
// What stem do you want to use?
$stem_type = "cherry"; // [cherry, alps, rounded_cherry, filled]
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
$stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
$stem_rotation = 0;
// the stem is the hardest part to print, so this variable controls how much 'slop' there is in the stem
$stem_slop = 0.3;
/* [Support] */
// support type. default is "flared" for easy FDM printing. to disable pass false
$support_type = "flared"; // [flared, bars, flat]
/* [Misc] */
// font size used for text
$font_size = 6;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
$inverted_dish = false;
/* [Advanced Features] */
/* [Advanced] */
/* Key */
// height in units of key. should remain 1 for most uses
$key_height = 1;
// keytop thickness, aka how many millimeters between the inside and outside of the top surface of the key
$keytop_thickness = 1;
// wall thickness, aka the thickness of the sides of the keycap. note this is the total thickness, aka 3 = 1.5mm walls
@ -71,6 +59,12 @@ $rounded_cherry_stem_d = 5.5;
// dimensions of alps stem
$alps_stem = [4.45, 2.25];
// how much higher the stem is than the bottom of the keycap.
// inset stem requires support but is more accurate in some profiles
$stem_inset = 0;
// how many degrees to rotate the stems. useful for sideways keycaps, maybe
$stem_rotation = 0;
/* Stabilizers */
// array of positions of stabilizers
@ -92,15 +86,13 @@ $height_slices = 1;
/* Dish */
// what type of dish the key has. note that unlike stems and supports a dish ALWAYS gets rendered.
$dish_type = "cylindrical"; // [cylindrical, spherical, sideways cylindrical, old spherical]
$dish_type = "cylindrical"; // [cylindrical, spherical, sideways cylindrical, old spherical, disable]
// how deep the dish 'digs' into the top of the keycap. this is max depth, so you can't find the height from total_depth - dish_depth. besides the top is skewed anyways
$dish_depth = 1;
// how skewed in the x direction the dish is
$dish_skew_x = 0;
// how skewed in the y direction (height) the dish is
$dish_skew_y = 0;
// invert dishing. mostly for spacebar
$inverted_dish = false;
// if you need the dish to extend further, you can 'overdraw' the rectangle it will hit
$dish_overdraw_width = 0;
// same as width but for height
@ -108,6 +100,8 @@ $dish_overdraw_height = 0;
/* Misc */
// how tall in mm the brim is, if there is one. brim sits around the keystem and helps to secure it while printing.
$brim_height = 0.4;
// font used for text
$font="DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Book";
// whether or not to render fake keyswitches to check clearances
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ module stem(stem_type, depth, has_brim, slop){
cherry_stem(depth, has_brim, slop);
} else if (stem_type == "filled") {
} else if (stem_type == "disable") {
} else {
echo("Warning: unsupported $stem_type");
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ module supports(type, stem_type, loft, height) {
flat(stem_type, loft, height);
} else if (type == "bars") {
bars(stem_type, loft, height);
} else if (type == "disable") {
} else {
echo("Warning: unsupported $support_type");
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