require './openscad.rb' require 'tempfile' ROWS = [5,1,2,3,4].freeze # [5,1,2,3,4] SIZES = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.75, 6.25].freeze PROFILES = ['dcs', 'dsa', 'g20', 'oem', 'sa'].freeze # can't get include statements to work dynamically so we'll just use a file def make_file(command) lines = OpenSCAD::expand('model_base.scad') lines << command f ='models.scad') f.write lines.join f.close f.path end # length is not used in the command here to get the automatic stabilizers from the script def make_command(row, length, profile) "key_profile(\"#{profile}\", #{row}) { union() { #{length == 6.25 ? '$dish_type = "sideways cylindrical"; $inverted_dish=true;' : ''} key(); } }" end ROWS.each do |row| SIZES.each do |length| PROFILES.each do |profile| command = make_command(row, length, profile) filename = "#{profile}_row-#{row}_length-#{length.to_s.sub('.', '_')}.stl" puts "rendering #{filename}:" puts "\tcommand: #{command} \n\n" path = make_file(command) `openscad -o ./models/#{filename} -D "\\\$key_length = #{length};" #{path}` end end end