include <keys.scad> //key unit size unit = 19.05 * 1.5; //height of keycap height = 13; //minimum mold thickness extra = 12.5; //thicknesses of the mold side_thickness = 2; bottom_thickness = 2; total_side = unit + extra*2 + side_thickness * 2; bottom_box_height = 5; function hypo(num) = sqrt(pow(num,2) / 2); module bottom_box() { difference(){ //outer box cube([total_side, total_side, bottom_box_height + bottom_thickness]); //inner box translate([ side_thickness, side_thickness, bottom_thickness]) { cube([unit + extra*2, unit + extra*2, bottom_box_height + .02]); } } } module slanted_box() { translate([total_side / 2, total_side / 2, bottom_box_height + bottom_thickness]) rotate([0,0,45]) difference(){ //outer box cylinder( height + extra - bottom_box_height + bottom_thickness * 4, hypo(total_side), hypo(total_side + 3), $fn=4 ); //inner box translate([0,0,-0.01]) cylinder( height + extra - bottom_box_height + .02 + bottom_thickness * 4, hypo(unit + extra*2), hypo(unit + extra*2 + 3), $fn=4 ); } } module platform() { //platform translate([ side_thickness + extra, side_thickness + extra, bottom_thickness ]) cube([unit, unit, bottom_thickness* 4]); } module registration() { positions = [ [// bottom left side_thickness + extra / 2, side_thickness + extra / 2, bottom_thickness ], [// top left side_thickness + extra / 2, side_thickness + unit + extra * 1.5, bottom_thickness ], [// bottom right side_thickness + unit + extra * 1.5, side_thickness + extra / 2, bottom_thickness ], [// top right side_thickness + unit + extra * 1.5, side_thickness + unit + extra * 1.5, bottom_thickness ] ]; for (position = positions) { translate(position) cylinder(3,extra/3, extra/4, $fn=4); } } module key_for_mold(wall_thickness = 20) { translate([ 29, 29, bottom_thickness * 5 ]) { $wall_thickness = wall_thickness; $support_type = false; key(); } } module bottom_mold(){ bottom_box(); slanted_box(); platform(); registration(); /* key_for_mold(); */ } module top_mold(){ difference(){ //outer box cube([ total_side, total_side, height + extra + bottom_thickness, ]); //inner box translate([ side_thickness, side_thickness, 0 ]) { cube([ unit + extra*2, unit + extra*2, height + extra + bottom_thickness, ]); } } } module skinner_box() { scale(.99) union() { cube([total_side, total_side, bottom_box_height + bottom_thickness]); translate([total_side / 2, total_side / 2, bottom_box_height + bottom_thickness]) rotate([0,0,45]){ //outer box cylinder( height + extra - bottom_box_height, hypo(total_side), hypo(total_side + 3), $fn=4 ); } } } difference() { /* skinner_box(); */ bottom_mold(); } /* key_for_mold(0); */ /* translate([100,0,0]) top_mold(); */