// the point of this file is to be a sort of DSL for constructing keycaps. // when you create a method chain you are just changing the parameters // key.scad uses, it doesn't generate anything itself until the end. This // makes it remain easy to use key.scad like before (except without key profiles) // without having to rely on this file. Unfortunately that means setting tons of // special variables, but that's a limitation of SCAD we'll have to work around /* TODO: * can now measure keycaps very accurately. need to redo measurements: [x] SA [ ] DCS [ ] DSA [ ] OEM? * bowed sides for SA? jebus * sideways cylindrical dish needs to be used for some spacebars but not others. currently none of them use it * Add inset stem to all profiles that need it * Pregenerated keysets for DCS (rounded tops too intense) [ ] 60% [ ] TKL [ ] full * Full experimental ISO enter * customizer version where everything is copy/pasted in */ use //TODO duplicate def to not make this a special var. maybe not worth it unit = 19.05; // defaults $bottom_key_width = 18.16; $bottom_key_height = 18.16; $width_difference = 6; $height_difference = 4; $total_depth = 11.5; $top_tilt = -6; $top_skew = 1.7; $dish_type = 0; $dish_depth = 1; $dish_skew_x = 0; $dish_skew_y = 0; $key_length = 1; $key_height = 1; $has_brim = false; $inverted_dish = false; $connectors = [[0,0]]; $ISOEnter = false; $rounded_key = false; $stem_profile = 0; $stem_inset = 0; $stem_rotation = 0; // key profile definitions module dcs_row(n=1) { // names, so I don't go crazy $bottom_key_width = 18.16; $bottom_key_height = 18.16; $width_difference = 6; $height_difference = 4; $dish_type = 2; $dish_depth = 1; $dish_skew_x = 0; $dish_skew_y = 0; $top_skew = 1.75; if (n == 5) { $total_depth = 11.5; $top_tilt = -6; children(); } else if (n == 1) { $total_depth = 8.5; $top_tilt = -1; children(); } else if (n == 2) { $total_depth = 7.5; $top_tilt = 3; children(); } else if (n == 3) { $total_depth = 6; $top_tilt = 7; children(); } else if (n == 4) { $total_depth = 6; $top_tilt = 16; children(); } } module dsa_row(n=3) { $bottom_key_width = 18.4; $bottom_key_height = 18.4; $width_difference = 5.7; $height_difference = 5.7; $total_depth = 7.4; $top_tilt = (n-1) * 7 - 14; $top_skew = 0; $dish_type = 1; $dish_depth = 1.2; $dish_skew_x = 0; $dish_skew_y = 0; children(); } module sa_row(n=1) { $bottom_key_width = 18.4; $bottom_key_height = 18.4; $width_difference = 5.7; $height_difference = 5.7; $dish_type = 1; $dish_depth = 0.85; $dish_skew_x = 0; $dish_skew_y = 0; $top_skew = 0; if (n == 1){ $total_depth = 14.89; $top_tilt = -13; children(); } else if (n == 2) { $total_depth = 12.925; $top_tilt = -7; children(); } else if (n == 3) { $total_depth = 12.5; $top_tilt = 0; children(); } else if (n == 4){ $total_depth = 12.925; $top_tilt = 7; children(); } } module g20() { $bottom_key_width = 18.16; $bottom_key_height = 18.16; $width_difference = 2; $height_difference = 2; $total_depth = 6; $top_tilt = 2.5; $top_skew = 0.75; $dish_type = 3; $dish_depth = 0; $dish_skew_x = 0; $dish_skew_y = 0; //also, $rounded_key = true; } module fake_iso_enter() { $bottom_key_width = 18.16 * 1.5; $bottom_key_height = 18.16 * 2; $width_difference = 4; $height_difference = 4; $total_depth = 7; $top_tilt = 0; $top_skew = 1.75; $dish_type = 0; $dish_depth = 1; $dish_skew_x = 0; $dish_skew_y = 0; children(); } module brimmed() { $has_brim = true; children(); } module rounded() { $rounded_key = true; children(); } module inverted() { $inverted_dish = true; children(); } module stabilized(mm=12, vertical = false) { if (vertical) { $connectors = [ [0, 0], [0, mm], [0, -mm] ]; children(); } else { $connectors = [ [0, 0], [mm, 0], [-mm, 0] ]; children(); } } module dishless() { $dish_type = 3; children(); } module spacebar() { $inverted_dish = true; 6_25u() stabilized(mm=50) children(); } module lshift() { 2_25u() stabilized() children(); } module rshift() { 2_75u() stabilized() children(); } module backspace() { 2u() stabilized() children(); } module enter() { 2_25u() stabilized() children(); } module numpad_enter() { 2uh() stabilized(vertical=true) children(); } module numpad_plus() { numpad_enter() children(); } module numpad_0() { backspace() children(); } module stepped_caps_lock() { u(1.75) { $connectors = [ [-5, 0] ]; children(); } } module translate_u(x=0, y=0, z=0){ translate([x * unit, y*unit, z*unit]) children(); } // key width functions module u(u=1) { $key_length = u; children(); } module 1u() { u(1) children(); } module 1_25u() { u(1.25) children(); } module 1_5u() { u(1.5) children(); } module 2u() { u(2) children(); } module 2_25u() { u(2.25) children(); } module 2_75u() { u(2.75) children(); } module 6_25u() { u(6.25) children(); } // key height functions module uh(u=1) { $key_height = u; children(); } module 1uh() { uh(1) children(); } module 2uh() { uh(2) children(); } module 1_25uh() { uh(1.25) children(); } module 1_5uh() { uh(1.5) children(); } module 2_25uh() { uh(2.25) children(); } module 2_75uh() { uh(2.75) children(); } module 6_25uh() { uh(6.25) children(); } module blank() { $stem_profile = "blank"; children(); } module cherry() { $stem_profile = "cherry"; children(); } module alps() { $stem_profile = "alps"; children(); } module rounded_cherry() { $stem_profile = "cherry_rounded"; children(); } module legend(text, inset=false) { $text=text; $inset_text = inset; } translate([0,0,0]){ for (x = [1:4]){ translate_u(0,(x-1)){ sa_row(5-x) blank() key(); } } translate([-10,-10,-2]) cube([40,80,2]); }