diff --git a/Marlin/src/module/delta.cpp b/Marlin/src/module/delta.cpp
index 2fe924a427..f005d6298a 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/module/delta.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/module/delta.cpp
@@ -155,38 +155,38 @@ float delta_safe_distance_from_top() {
  * The result is stored in the cartes[] array.
-void forward_kinematics_DELTA(float z1, float z2, float z3) {
+void forward_kinematics_DELTA(const float &z1, const float &z2, const float &z3) {
   // Create a vector in old coordinates along x axis of new coordinate
-  float p12[3] = { delta_tower[B_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS], delta_tower[B_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS], z2 - z1 };
+  const float p12[3] = { delta_tower[B_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS], delta_tower[B_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS], z2 - z1 };
-  // Get the Magnitude of vector.
-  float d = SQRT( sq(p12[0]) + sq(p12[1]) + sq(p12[2]) );
+  // Get the reciprocal of Magnitude of vector.
+  const float d2 = sq(p12[0]) + sq(p12[1]) + sq(p12[2]), inv_d = RSQRT(d2);
-  // Create unit vector by dividing by magnitude.
-  float ex[3] = { p12[0] / d, p12[1] / d, p12[2] / d };
+  // Create unit vector by multiplying by the inverse of the magnitude.
+  const float ex[3] = { p12[0] * inv_d, p12[1] * inv_d, p12[2] * inv_d };
   // Get the vector from the origin of the new system to the third point.
-  float p13[3] = { delta_tower[C_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS], delta_tower[C_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS], z3 - z1 };
+  const float p13[3] = { delta_tower[C_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS], delta_tower[C_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS], z3 - z1 };
   // Use the dot product to find the component of this vector on the X axis.
-  float i = ex[0] * p13[0] + ex[1] * p13[1] + ex[2] * p13[2];
+  const float i = ex[0] * p13[0] + ex[1] * p13[1] + ex[2] * p13[2];
   // Create a vector along the x axis that represents the x component of p13.
-  float iex[3] = { ex[0] * i, ex[1] * i, ex[2] * i };
+  const float iex[3] = { ex[0] * i, ex[1] * i, ex[2] * i };
   // Subtract the X component from the original vector leaving only Y. We use the
   // variable that will be the unit vector after we scale it.
   float ey[3] = { p13[0] - iex[0], p13[1] - iex[1], p13[2] - iex[2] };
-  // The magnitude of Y component
-  float j = SQRT( sq(ey[0]) + sq(ey[1]) + sq(ey[2]) );
+  // The magnitude and the inverse of the magnitude of Y component
+  const float j2 = sq(ey[0]) + sq(ey[1]) + sq(ey[2]), inv_j = RSQRT(j2);
   // Convert to a unit vector
-  ey[0] /= j; ey[1] /= j;  ey[2] /= j;
+  ey[0] *= inv_j; ey[1] *= inv_j; ey[2] *= inv_j;
   // The cross product of the unit x and y is the unit z
   // float[] ez = vectorCrossProd(ex, ey);
-  float ez[3] = {
+  const float ez[3] = {
     ex[1] * ey[2] - ex[2] * ey[1],
     ex[2] * ey[0] - ex[0] * ey[2],
     ex[0] * ey[1] - ex[1] * ey[0]
@@ -194,16 +194,16 @@ void forward_kinematics_DELTA(float z1, float z2, float z3) {
   // We now have the d, i and j values defined in Wikipedia.
   // Plug them into the equations defined in Wikipedia for Xnew, Ynew and Znew
-  float Xnew = (delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[B_AXIS] + sq(d)) / (d * 2),
-        Ynew = ((delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[C_AXIS] + HYPOT2(i, j)) / 2 - i * Xnew) / j,
-        Znew = SQRT(delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - HYPOT2(Xnew, Ynew));
+  const float Xnew = (delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[B_AXIS] + d2) * inv_d * 0.5,
+              Ynew = ((delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[C_AXIS] + sq(i) + j2) * 0.5 - i * Xnew) * inv_j,
+              Znew = SQRT(delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - HYPOT2(Xnew, Ynew));
   // Start from the origin of the old coordinates and add vectors in the
   // old coords that represent the Xnew, Ynew and Znew to find the point
   // in the old system.
   cartes[X_AXIS] = delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS] + ex[0] * Xnew + ey[0] * Ynew - ez[0] * Znew;
   cartes[Y_AXIS] = delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS] + ex[1] * Xnew + ey[1] * Ynew - ez[1] * Znew;
-  cartes[Z_AXIS] =             z1 + ex[2] * Xnew + ey[2] * Ynew - ez[2] * Znew;
+  cartes[Z_AXIS] =                          z1 + ex[2] * Xnew + ey[2] * Ynew - ez[2] * Znew;
diff --git a/Marlin/src/module/delta.h b/Marlin/src/module/delta.h
index cf62b5e621..2dde72f801 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/module/delta.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/module/delta.h
@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ void recalc_delta_settings();
 // Macro to obtain the Z position of an individual tower
-#define DELTA_Z(V,T) V[Z_AXIS] + SQRT(   \
+#define DELTA_Z(V,T) V[Z_AXIS] + SQRT(    \
   delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[T] - HYPOT2( \
       delta_tower[T][X_AXIS] - V[X_AXIS], \
       delta_tower[T][Y_AXIS] - V[Y_AXIS]  \
     )                                     \
-#define DELTA_IK(V) do {        \
+#define DELTA_IK(V) do {              \
   delta[A_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(V, A_AXIS); \
   delta[B_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(V, B_AXIS); \
   delta[C_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(V, C_AXIS); \
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ float delta_safe_distance_from_top();
  * The result is stored in the cartes[] array.
-void forward_kinematics_DELTA(float z1, float z2, float z3);
+void forward_kinematics_DELTA(const float &z1, const float &z2, const float &z3);
-FORCE_INLINE void forward_kinematics_DELTA(float point[ABC]) {
+FORCE_INLINE void forward_kinematics_DELTA(const float (&point)[ABC]) {
   forward_kinematics_DELTA(point[A_AXIS], point[B_AXIS], point[C_AXIS]);