From 4a141a694f594d2177ea1db98fd8e9a9ccc5de5a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dirk Eichel <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:59:56 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Marlin code for GLCD display

This contains the menues, status screen etc...
 Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h | 557 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 557 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h

diff --git a/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h b/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a702bd4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+ *dogm_lcd_implementation.h
+ *
+ *Graphics LCD implementation for 128x64 pixel LCDs by STB for ErikZalm/Marlin
+ *Demonstrator:
+ *License:
+ *
+ *With the use of:
+ *u8glib by Oliver Kraus
+ *
+ *License:
+ */
+* Implementation of the LCD display routines for a DOGM128 graphic display. These are common LCD 128x64 pixel graphic displays.
+// CHANGE_DE begin ***
+#include <U8glib.h>	// DE_U8glib
+#include "DOGMbitmaps.h"
+#include "ultralcd.h"
+/* Russian language not supported yet, needs custom font
+#include "LiquidCrystalRus.h"
+#define LCD_CLASS LiquidCrystalRus
+#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
+#define LCD_CLASS LiquidCrystal
+// DOGM parameters (size in pixels)
+#define DOG_CHAR_WIDTH			6
+#define DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT			12
+#define START_ROW				0
+/* Custom characters defined in font font_6x10_marlin.c */
+#define LCD_STR_BEDTEMP     "\xFE"
+#define LCD_STR_DEGREE      "\xB0"
+#define LCD_STR_UPLEVEL     "\xFB"
+#define LCD_STR_REFRESH     "\xF8"
+#define LCD_STR_FOLDER      "\xF9"
+#define LCD_STR_FEEDRATE    "\xFD"
+#define LCD_STR_CLOCK       "\xFC"
+#define FONT_STATUSMENU	u8g_font_6x9
+// LCD selection
+static void lcd_implementation_init()
+	//  Uncomment this if you have the first generation (V1.10) of STBs board
+	pinMode(17, OUTPUT);	// Enable LCD backlight
+	digitalWrite(17, HIGH);
+	u8g.firstPage();
+	do {
+		u8g.setFont(u8g_font_6x10_marlin);
+		u8g.setColorIndex(1);
+		u8g.drawBox (0, 0, u8g.getWidth(), u8g.getHeight());
+		u8g.setColorIndex(1);
+	   } while( u8g.nextPage() );
+#ifdef LCD_SCREEN_ROT_90
+	u8g.setRot90();	// Rotate screen by 90°
+#ifdef LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180;
+	u8g.setRot180();	// Rotate screen by 180°
+#ifdef LCD_SCREEN_ROT_270;
+	u8g.setRot270();	// Rotate screen by 270°
+	u8g.firstPage();
+	do {
+			// RepRap init bmp
+			u8g.drawBitmapP(0,0,START_BMPBYTEWIDTH,START_BMPHEIGHT,start_bmp);
+			// Welcome message
+			u8g.setFont(u8g_font_6x10_marlin);
+			u8g.drawStr(62,10,"MARLIN"); 
+			u8g.setFont(u8g_font_5x8);
+			u8g.drawStr(62,19,"V1.0.0 RC2");
+			u8g.setFont(u8g_font_6x10_marlin);
+			u8g.drawStr(62,28,"by ErikZalm");
+			u8g.drawStr(62,41,"DOGM128 LCD");
+			u8g.setFont(u8g_font_5x8);
+			u8g.drawStr(62,48,"enhancements");
+			u8g.setFont(u8g_font_5x8);
+			u8g.drawStr(62,55,"by STB");
+			u8g.drawStr(62,61,"uses u");
+			u8g.drawStr(92,61,"8");
+			u8g.drawStr(100,61,"glib");
+	   } while( u8g.nextPage() );
+static void lcd_implementation_clear()
+	//u8g.setRot180();
+	u8g.firstPage();
+	do {	
+			u8g.setColorIndex(0);
+			u8g.drawBox (0, 0, u8g.getWidth(), u8g.getHeight());
+			u8g.setColorIndex(1);
+		} while( u8g.nextPage() );
+/* Arduino < 1.0.0 is missing a function to print PROGMEM strings, so we need to implement our own */
+static void lcd_printPGM(const char* str)
+    char c;
+    while((c = pgm_read_byte(str++)) != '\0')
+    {
+			u8g.print(c);
+    }
+static void lcd_implementation_status_screen()
+ static unsigned char fan_rot = 0;
+ u8g.setColorIndex(1);	// black on white
+ // Symbols menu graphics
+ if ((blink % 2) &&  fanSpeed )	u8g.drawBitmapP(9,1,STATUS_SCREENBYTEWIDTH,STATUS_SCREENHEIGHT,status_screen0_bmp);
+	else u8g.drawBitmapP(9,1,STATUS_SCREENBYTEWIDTH,STATUS_SCREENHEIGHT,status_screen1_bmp);
+ #ifdef SDSUPPORT
+ //SD Card Symbol
+ u8g.drawBox(42,42,8,7);
+ u8g.drawBox(50,44,2,5);
+ u8g.drawFrame(42,49,10,4);
+ u8g.drawPixel(50,43);
+ // Progress bar
+ u8g.drawFrame(54,49,73,4);
+ // SD Card Progress bar and clock
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+   {
+	// u8g.print(itostr3(card.percentDone()));
+	// Progress bar
+	u8g.drawBox(55,50, (unsigned int)( (71 * card.percentDone())/100) ,2);
+   }
+    else {
+			//
+		 }
+ u8g.setPrintPos(80,47);
+ if(starttime != 0)
+    {
+        uint16_t time = millis()/60000 - starttime/60000;
+		u8g.print(itostr2(time/60));
+		u8g.print(':');
+		u8g.print(itostr2(time%60));
+    }else{
+			lcd_printPGM(PSTR("--:--"));
+		 }
+ #endif
+ // Extruder 1
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(6,6);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degTargetHotend(0) + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ u8g.setPrintPos(6,27);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degHotend(0) + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ if (!isHeatingHotend(0)) u8g.drawBox(13,17,2,2);
+	else
+		{
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(0);	// white on black
+		 u8g.drawBox(13,17,2,2);
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(1);	// black on white
+		}
+ // Extruder 2
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ #if EXTRUDERS > 1
+ u8g.setPrintPos(31,6);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degTargetHotend(1) + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ u8g.setPrintPos(31,27);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degHotend(1) + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ if (!isHeatingHotend(1)) u8g.drawBox(38,17,2,2);
+	else
+		{
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(0);	// white on black
+		 u8g.drawBox(38,17,2,2);
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(1);	// black on white
+		}
+ #else
+ u8g.setPrintPos(31,27);
+ u8g.print("---");
+ #endif
+ // Extruder 3
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ # if EXTRUDERS > 2
+ u8g.setPrintPos(55,6);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degTargetHotend(2) + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ u8g.setPrintPos(55,27);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degHotend(2) + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ if (!isHeatingHotend(2)) u8g.drawBox(62,17,2,2);
+	else
+		{
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(0);	// white on black
+		 u8g.drawBox(62,17,2,2);
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(1);	// black on white
+		}
+ #else
+ u8g.setPrintPos(55,27);
+ u8g.print("---");
+ #endif
+ // Heatbed
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(81,6);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degTargetBed() + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ u8g.setPrintPos(81,27);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int(degBed() + 0.5)));
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR(LCD_STR_DEGREE " "));
+ if (!isHeatingBed()) u8g.drawBox(88,18,2,2);
+	else
+		{
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(0);	// white on black
+		 u8g.drawBox(88,18,2,2);
+		 u8g.setColorIndex(1);	// black on white
+		}
+ // Fan
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(104,27);
+ #if FAN_PIN > 0
+ u8g.print(itostr3(int((fanSpeed*100)/256 + 1)));
+ u8g.print("%");
+ #else
+ u8g.print("---");
+ #endif
+ // X, Y, Z-Coordinates
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ u8g.drawBox(0,29,128,10);
+ u8g.setColorIndex(0);	// white on black
+ u8g.setPrintPos(2,37);
+ u8g.print("X");
+ u8g.drawPixel(8,33);
+ u8g.drawPixel(8,35);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(10,37);
+ u8g.print(ftostr31ns(current_position[X_AXIS]));
+ u8g.setPrintPos(43,37);
+ lcd_printPGM(PSTR("Y"));
+ u8g.drawPixel(49,33);
+ u8g.drawPixel(49,35);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(51,37);
+ u8g.print(ftostr31ns(current_position[Y_AXIS]));
+ u8g.setPrintPos(83,37);
+ u8g.print("Z");
+ u8g.drawPixel(89,33);
+ u8g.drawPixel(89,35);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(91,37);
+ u8g.print(ftostr31(current_position[Z_AXIS]));
+ u8g.setColorIndex(1);	// black on white
+ // Feedrate
+ u8g.setFont(u8g_font_6x10_marlin);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(3,49);
+ u8g.print(LCD_STR_FEEDRATE[0]);
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(12,48);
+ u8g.print(itostr3(feedmultiply));
+ u8g.print('%');
+ // Status line
+ u8g.setFont(FONT_STATUSMENU);
+ u8g.setPrintPos(0,61);
+ u8g.print(lcd_status_message);
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, char pre_char, char post_char)
+    char c;
+    uint8_t n = LCD_WIDTH - 1 - 2;
+		if ((pre_char == '>') || (pre_char == LCD_STR_UPLEVEL[0] ))
+		   {
+			u8g.setColorIndex(1);		// black on white
+			u8g.drawBox (0, row*DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT + 3, 128, DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+			u8g.setColorIndex(0);		// following text must be white on black
+		   } else u8g.setColorIndex(1); // unmarked text is black on white
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		if (pre_char != '>') u8g.print(pre_char); else u8g.print(' ');	// Row selector is obsolete
+    while( (c = pgm_read_byte(pstr)) != '\0' )
+    {
+		u8g.print(c);
+        pstr++;
+        n--;
+    }
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+		}
+		u8g.print(post_char);
+		u8g.print(' ');
+		u8g.setColorIndex(1);		// restore settings to black on white
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, char pre_char, char* data)
+    static unsigned int fkt_cnt = 0;
+	char c;
+    uint8_t n = LCD_WIDTH - 1 - 2 - strlen(data);
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.print(pre_char);
+    while( (c = pgm_read_byte(pstr)) != '\0' )
+    {
+			u8g.print(c);
+        pstr++;
+        n--;
+    }
+		u8g.print(':');
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+			  }
+		u8g.print(data);
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic_P(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, char pre_char, const char* data)
+    char c;
+    uint8_t n= LCD_WIDTH - 1 - 2 - strlen_P(data);
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.print(pre_char);
+    while( (c = pgm_read_byte(pstr)) != '\0' )
+    {
+			u8g.print(c);
+        pstr++;
+        n--;
+    }
+		u8g.print(':');
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+			  }
+		lcd_printPGM(data);
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_int3_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', itostr3(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_int3(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', itostr3(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float3_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', ftostr3(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float3(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ftostr3(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float32_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', ftostr32(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float32(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ftostr32(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float5_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', ftostr5(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float5(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ftostr5(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float52_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', ftostr52(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float52(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ftostr52(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float51_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', ftostr51(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_float51(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ftostr51(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_long5_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, '>', ftostr5(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_long5(row, pstr, pstr2, data, minValue, maxValue) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ftostr5(*(data)))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_bool_selected(row, pstr, pstr2, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic_P(row, pstr, '>', (*(data))?PSTR(MSG_ON):PSTR(MSG_OFF))
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_bool(row, pstr, pstr2, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_setting_edit_generic_P(row, pstr, ' ', (*(data))?PSTR(MSG_ON):PSTR(MSG_OFF))
+void lcd_implementation_drawedit(const char* pstr, char* value)
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH_LARGE, (u8g.getHeight() - 1 - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT_LARGE) - (1 * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT_LARGE) - START_ROW );
+		u8g.setFont(u8g_font_9x18);
+		lcd_printPGM(pstr);
+		u8g.print(':');
+		u8g.setPrintPos((14 - strlen(value)) * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH_LARGE, (u8g.getHeight() - 1 - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT_LARGE) - (1 * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT_LARGE) - START_ROW );
+		u8g.print(value);
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sdfile_selected(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, const char* filename, char* longFilename)
+    char c;
+    uint8_t n = LCD_WIDTH - 1;
+    if (longFilename[0] != '\0')
+    {
+        filename = longFilename;
+        longFilename[LCD_WIDTH-1] = '\0';
+    }
+		u8g.setColorIndex(1);		// black on white
+		u8g.drawBox (0, row*DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT + 3, 128, DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.setColorIndex(0);		// following text must be white on black
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.print(' ');	// Indent by 1 char
+    while((c = *filename) != '\0')
+    {
+		u8g.print(c);
+        filename++;
+        n--;
+    }
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+			   }
+	u8g.setColorIndex(1);		// black on white
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sdfile(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, const char* filename, char* longFilename)
+    char c;
+    uint8_t n = LCD_WIDTH - 1;
+    if (longFilename[0] != '\0')
+    {
+        filename = longFilename;
+        longFilename[LCD_WIDTH-1] = '\0';
+    }
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.print(' ');
+while((c = *filename) != '\0')
+    {
+			u8g.print(c);
+        filename++;
+        n--;
+    }
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+			   }
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sddirectory_selected(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, const char* filename, char* longFilename)
+    char c;
+    uint8_t n = LCD_WIDTH - 2;
+    if (longFilename[0] != '\0')
+    {
+        filename = longFilename;
+        longFilename[LCD_WIDTH-2] = '\0';
+    }
+		u8g.setColorIndex(1);		// black on white
+		u8g.drawBox (0, row*DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT + 3, 128, DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.setColorIndex(0);		// following text must be white on black
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.print(' ');	// Indent by 1 char
+		u8g.print(LCD_STR_FOLDER[0]);		
+    while((c = *filename) != '\0')
+    {
+			u8g.print(c);
+        filename++;
+        n--;
+    }
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+			   }
+	u8g.setColorIndex(1);		// black on white
+static void lcd_implementation_drawmenu_sddirectory(uint8_t row, const char* pstr, const char* filename, char* longFilename)
+    char c;
+    uint8_t n = LCD_WIDTH - 2;
+    if (longFilename[0] != '\0')
+    {
+        filename = longFilename;
+        longFilename[LCD_WIDTH-2] = '\0';
+    }
+		u8g.setPrintPos(0 * DOG_CHAR_WIDTH, (row + 1) * DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT);
+		u8g.print(' ');
+		u8g.print(LCD_STR_FOLDER[0]);
+    while((c = *filename) != '\0')
+    {
+			u8g.print(c);
+        filename++;
+        n--;
+    }
+    while(n--){
+					u8g.print(' ');
+			   }
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_back_selected(row, pstr, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, LCD_STR_UPLEVEL[0], LCD_STR_UPLEVEL[0])
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_back(row, pstr, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, ' ', LCD_STR_UPLEVEL[0])
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_submenu_selected(row, pstr, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, '>', LCD_STR_ARROW_RIGHT[0])
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_submenu(row, pstr, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, ' ', LCD_STR_ARROW_RIGHT[0])
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_gcode_selected(row, pstr, gcode) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, '>', ' ')
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_gcode(row, pstr, gcode) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ' ')
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_function_selected(row, pstr, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, '>', ' ')
+#define lcd_implementation_drawmenu_function(row, pstr, data) lcd_implementation_drawmenu_generic(row, pstr, ' ', ' ')
+static void lcd_implementation_quick_feedback()
+#if BEEPER > -1
+    for(int8_t i=0;i<10;i++)
+    {
+		delay(3);
+		delay(3);
+    }