diff --git a/Marlin/ultralcd.cpp b/Marlin/ultralcd.cpp
index d58b2dc37e..7803a72c4a 100644
--- a/Marlin/ultralcd.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/ultralcd.cpp
@@ -2192,51 +2192,51 @@ void kill_screen(const char* lcd_msg) {
       if (!(axis_known_position[X_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Y_AXIS] && axis_known_position[Z_AXIS]))
         return lcd_goto_screen(_lcd_ubl_map_homing);
-        if (lcd_clicked) return _lcd_ubl_map_lcd_edit_cmd();
+      if (lcd_clicked) return _lcd_ubl_map_lcd_edit_cmd();
-        if (encoderPosition) {
-          step_scaler += (int32_t)encoderPosition;
-          x_plot += step_scaler / (ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM);
-          if (abs(step_scaler) >= ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM)
-            step_scaler = 0;
-          refresh_cmd_timeout();
+      if (encoderPosition) {
+        step_scaler += (int32_t)encoderPosition;
+        x_plot += step_scaler / (ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM);
+        if (abs(step_scaler) >= ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM)
+          step_scaler = 0;
+        refresh_cmd_timeout();
-          encoderPosition = 0;
-          lcdDrawUpdate = LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW;
-        }
-        // Encoder to the right (++)
-        if (x_plot >= GRID_MAX_POINTS_X) { x_plot = 0; y_plot++; }
-        if (y_plot >= GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y) y_plot = 0;
-        // Encoder to the left (--)
-        if (x_plot <= GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X + 1)) { x_plot = GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 1; y_plot--; }
-        if (y_plot <= GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y + 1)) y_plot = GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - 1;
-        // Prevent underrun/overrun of plot numbers
-        x_plot = constrain(x_plot, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X + 1), GRID_MAX_POINTS_X + 1);
-        y_plot = constrain(y_plot, GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y + 1), GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y + 1);
-        // Determine number of points to edit
-        #if IS_KINEMATIC
-          n_edit_pts = 9; //TODO: Delta accessible edit points
-        #else
-          const bool xc = WITHIN(x_plot, 1, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 2),
-                     yc = WITHIN(y_plot, 1, GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - 2);
-          n_edit_pts = yc ? (xc ? 9 : 6) : (xc ? 6 : 4); // Corners
-        #endif
-        if (lcdDrawUpdate) {
-          lcd_implementation_ubl_plot(x_plot, y_plot);
-          ubl_map_move_to_xy(); // Move to current location
-          if (planner.movesplanned() > 1) { // if the nozzle is moving, cancel the move. There is a new location
-            quickstop_stepper();
-            ubl_map_move_to_xy(); // Move to new location
-          }
+        encoderPosition = 0;
+        lcdDrawUpdate = LCDVIEW_REDRAW_NOW;
+      }
+      // Encoder to the right (++)
+      if (x_plot >= GRID_MAX_POINTS_X) { x_plot = 0; y_plot++; }
+      if (y_plot >= GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y) y_plot = 0;
+      // Encoder to the left (--)
+      if (x_plot <= GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X + 1)) { x_plot = GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 1; y_plot--; }
+      if (y_plot <= GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y + 1)) y_plot = GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - 1;
+      // Prevent underrun/overrun of plot numbers
+      x_plot = constrain(x_plot, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X + 1), GRID_MAX_POINTS_X + 1);
+      y_plot = constrain(y_plot, GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y + 1), GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y + 1);
+      // Determine number of points to edit
+      #if IS_KINEMATIC
+        n_edit_pts = 9; //TODO: Delta accessible edit points
+      #else
+        const bool xc = WITHIN(x_plot, 1, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 2),
+                   yc = WITHIN(y_plot, 1, GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - 2);
+        n_edit_pts = yc ? (xc ? 9 : 6) : (xc ? 6 : 4); // Corners
+      #endif
+      if (lcdDrawUpdate) {
+        lcd_implementation_ubl_plot(x_plot, y_plot);
+        ubl_map_move_to_xy(); // Move to current location
+        if (planner.movesplanned() > 1) { // if the nozzle is moving, cancel the move. There is a new location
+          quickstop_stepper();
+          ubl_map_move_to_xy(); // Move to new location
+      }
diff --git a/Marlin/ultralcd_impl_HD44780.h b/Marlin/ultralcd_impl_HD44780.h
index 24280f7889..40187f79a8 100644
--- a/Marlin/ultralcd_impl_HD44780.h
+++ b/Marlin/ultralcd_impl_HD44780.h
@@ -1085,151 +1085,151 @@ static void lcd_implementation_status_screen() {
-    /* 
-     * These are just basic data for the 20x4 LCD work that
-     * is coming up very soon.
-     * Soon this will morph into a map code.
-     */
+  /* 
+   * These are just basic data for the 20x4 LCD work that
+   * is coming up very soon.
+   * Soon this will morph into a map code.
+   */
-    /**
-    Possible map screens:
+  /**
+  Possible map screens:
-    16x2   |X000.00  Y000.00|
-           |(00,00)  Z00.000|
+  16x2   |X000.00  Y000.00|
+         |(00,00)  Z00.000|
-    20x2   | X:000.00  Y:000.00 |
-           | (00,00)   Z:00.000 |
+  20x2   | X:000.00  Y:000.00 |
+         | (00,00)   Z:00.000 |
-    16x4   |+-------+(00,00)|
-           ||       |X000.00|
-           ||       |Y000.00|
-           |+-------+Z00.000|
+  16x4   |+-------+(00,00)|
+         ||       |X000.00|
+         ||       |Y000.00|
+         |+-------+Z00.000|
-    20x4   | +-------+  (00,00) |
-           | |       |  X:000.00|
-           | |       |  Y:000.00|
-           | +-------+  Z:00.000|
-    */
+  20x4   | +-------+  (00,00) |
+         | |       |  X:000.00|
+         | |       |  Y:000.00|
+         | +-------+  Z:00.000|
+  */
-    void lcd_set_ubl_map_plot_chars() {
-      #if LCD_HEIGHT > 3
-        //#include "_ubl_lcd_map_characters.h"
-        const static byte _lcd_box_top[8] PROGMEM = {
-          B11111,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000
-        };
-        const static byte _lcd_box_bottom[8] PROGMEM = {
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B00000,
-          B11111
-        };
-        createChar_P(LCD_UBL_BOXTOP_CHAR, _lcd_box_top);
-        createChar_P(LCD_UBL_BOXBOT_CHAR, _lcd_box_bottom);
-      #endif
-    }
+  void lcd_set_ubl_map_plot_chars() {
+    #if LCD_HEIGHT > 3
+      //#include "_ubl_lcd_map_characters.h"
+      const static byte _lcd_box_top[8] PROGMEM = {
+        B11111,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000
+      };
+      const static byte _lcd_box_bottom[8] PROGMEM = {
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B00000,
+        B11111
+      };
+      createChar_P(LCD_UBL_BOXTOP_CHAR, _lcd_box_top);
+      createChar_P(LCD_UBL_BOXBOT_CHAR, _lcd_box_bottom);
+    #endif
+  }
-    void lcd_implementation_ubl_plot(const uint8_t x_plot, const uint8_t y_plot) {
+  void lcd_implementation_ubl_plot(const uint8_t x_plot, const uint8_t y_plot) {
-      #if LCD_WIDTH >= 20
-        #define _LCD_W_POS 12
-        #define _PLOT_X 1
-        #define _MAP_X 3
-        #define _LABEL(C,X,Y) lcd.setCursor(X, Y); lcd.print(C)
-        #define _XLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL("X:",X,Y)
-        #define _YLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL("Y:",X,Y)
-        #define _ZLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL("Z:",X,Y)
-      #else
-        #define _LCD_W_POS 8
-        #define _PLOT_X 0
-        #define _MAP_X 1
-        #define _LABEL(X,Y,C) lcd.setCursor(X, Y); lcd.write(C)
-        #define _XLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL('X',X,Y)
-        #define _YLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL('Y',X,Y)
-        #define _ZLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL('Z',X,Y)
-      #endif
+    #if LCD_WIDTH >= 20
+      #define _LCD_W_POS 12
+      #define _PLOT_X 1
+      #define _MAP_X 3
+      #define _LABEL(C,X,Y) lcd.setCursor(X, Y); lcd.print(C)
+      #define _XLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL("X:",X,Y)
+      #define _YLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL("Y:",X,Y)
+      #define _ZLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL("Z:",X,Y)
+    #else
+      #define _LCD_W_POS 8
+      #define _PLOT_X 0
+      #define _MAP_X 1
+      #define _LABEL(X,Y,C) lcd.setCursor(X, Y); lcd.write(C)
+      #define _XLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL('X',X,Y)
+      #define _YLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL('Y',X,Y)
+      #define _ZLABEL(X,Y) _LABEL('Z',X,Y)
+    #endif
-      #if LCD_HEIGHT <= 3   // 16x2 or 20x2 display
-        /**
-         * Show X and Y positions
-         */
-        _XLABEL(_PLOT_X, 0);
-        lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_xpos[x_plot]))));
-        _YLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 0);
-        lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_ypos[y_plot]))));
-        lcd.setCursor(_PLOT_X, 0);
-      #else                 // 16x4 or 20x4 display
-        /**
-         * Draw the Mesh Map Box
-         */
-        uint8_t m;
-        lcd.setCursor(_MAP_X, 0); for (m = 0; m < 5; m++) lcd.write(LCD_UBL_BOXTOP_CHAR); // Top
-        lcd.setCursor(_MAP_X, 3); for (m = 0; m < 5; m++) lcd.write(LCD_UBL_BOXBOT_CHAR); // Bottom
-        for (m = 0; m <= 3; m++) {
-          lcd.setCursor(2, m); lcd.write('|'); // Left
-          lcd.setCursor(8, m); lcd.write('|'); // Right
-        }
-        lcd.setCursor(_LCD_W_POS, 0);
-      #endif
+    #if LCD_HEIGHT <= 3   // 16x2 or 20x2 display
-       * Print plot position
+       * Show X and Y positions
-      lcd.write('(');
-      lcd.print(x_plot);
-      lcd.write(',');
-      lcd.print(y_plot);
-      lcd.write(')');
+      _XLABEL(_PLOT_X, 0);
+      lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_xpos[x_plot]))));
-      #if LCD_HEIGHT <= 3   // 16x2 or 20x2 display
+      _YLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 0);
+      lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_ypos[y_plot]))));
-        /**
-         * Print Z values
-         */
-        _ZLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 1);
-        if (!isnan(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]))
-          lcd.print(ftostr43sign(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]));
-        else
-          lcd_printPGM(PSTR(" -----"));
+      lcd.setCursor(_PLOT_X, 0);
-      #else                 // 16x4 or 20x4 display
+    #else                 // 16x4 or 20x4 display
-        /**
-         * Show all values at right of screen
-         */
-        _XLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 1);
-        lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_xpos[x_plot]))));
-        _YLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 2);
-        lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_ypos[y_plot]))));
+      /**
+       * Draw the Mesh Map Box
+       */
+      uint8_t m;
+      lcd.setCursor(_MAP_X, 0); for (m = 0; m < 5; m++) lcd.write(LCD_UBL_BOXTOP_CHAR); // Top
+      lcd.setCursor(_MAP_X, 3); for (m = 0; m < 5; m++) lcd.write(LCD_UBL_BOXBOT_CHAR); // Bottom
+      for (m = 0; m <= 3; m++) {
+        lcd.setCursor(2, m); lcd.write('|'); // Left
+        lcd.setCursor(8, m); lcd.write('|'); // Right
+      }
-        /**
-         * Show the location value
-         */
-        _ZLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 3);
-        if (!isnan(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]))
-          lcd.print(ftostr43sign(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]));
-        else
-          lcd_printPGM(PSTR(" -----"));
+      lcd.setCursor(_LCD_W_POS, 0);
-      #endif // LCD_HEIGHT > 3
-    }
+    #endif
+    /**
+     * Print plot position
+     */
+    lcd.write('(');
+    lcd.print(x_plot);
+    lcd.write(',');
+    lcd.print(y_plot);
+    lcd.write(')');
+    #if LCD_HEIGHT <= 3   // 16x2 or 20x2 display
+      /**
+       * Print Z values
+       */
+      _ZLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 1);
+      if (!isnan(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]))
+        lcd.print(ftostr43sign(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]));
+      else
+        lcd_printPGM(PSTR(" -----"));
+    #else                 // 16x4 or 20x4 display
+      /**
+       * Show all values at right of screen
+       */
+      _XLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 1);
+      lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_xpos[x_plot]))));
+      _YLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 2);
+      lcd.print(ftostr32(LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl._mesh_index_to_ypos[y_plot]))));
+      /**
+       * Show the location value
+       */
+      _ZLABEL(_LCD_W_POS, 3);
+      if (!isnan(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]))
+        lcd.print(ftostr43sign(ubl.z_values[x_plot][y_plot]));
+      else
+        lcd_printPGM(PSTR(" -----"));
+    #endif // LCD_HEIGHT > 3
+  }