diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/Copy of wiring.h b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/Copy of wiring.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e29959b865..0000000000
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/Copy of wiring.h	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-  wiring.h - Partial implementation of the Wiring API for the ATmega8.
-  Part of Arduino - http://www.arduino.cc/
-  Copyright (c) 2005-2006 David A. Mellis
-  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-  Lesser General Public License for more details.
-  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-  Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
-  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
-  Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-  $Id$
-#ifndef Wiring_h
-#define Wiring_h
-#include <avr/io.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "binary.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"{
-#define HIGH 0x1
-#define LOW  0x0
-#define INPUT 0x0
-#define OUTPUT 0x1
-#define true 0x1
-#define false 0x0
-#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
-#define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
-#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559
-#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
-#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105
-#define SERIAL  0x0
-#define DISPLAY 0x1
-#define LSBFIRST 0
-#define MSBFIRST 1
-#define CHANGE 1
-#define FALLING 2
-#define RISING 3
-#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
-#define INTERNAL1V1 2
-#define INTERNAL2V56 3
-#define INTERNAL 3
-#define DEFAULT 1
-#define EXTERNAL 0
-// undefine stdlib's abs if encountered
-#ifdef abs
-#undef abs
-#define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
-#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-#define abs(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x))
-#define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
-#define round(x)     ((x)>=0?(long)((x)+0.5):(long)((x)-0.5))
-#define radians(deg) ((deg)*DEG_TO_RAD)
-#define degrees(rad) ((rad)*RAD_TO_DEG)
-#define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
-#define interrupts() sei()
-#define noInterrupts() cli()
-#define clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() ( F_CPU / 1000000L )
-#define clockCyclesToMicroseconds(a) ( ((a) * 1000L) / (F_CPU / 1000L) )
-#define microsecondsToClockCycles(a) ( ((a) * (F_CPU / 1000L)) / 1000L )
-#define lowByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) & 0xff))
-#define highByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) >> 8))
-#define bitRead(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
-#define bitSet(value, bit) ((value) |= (1UL << (bit)))
-#define bitClear(value, bit) ((value) &= ~(1UL << (bit)))
-#define bitWrite(value, bit, bitvalue) (bitvalue ? bitSet(value, bit) : bitClear(value, bit))
-typedef unsigned int word;
-#define bit(b) (1UL << (b))
-typedef uint8_t boolean;
-typedef uint8_t byte;
-void init(void);
-void pinMode(uint8_t, uint8_t);
-void digitalWrite(uint8_t, uint8_t);
-int digitalRead(uint8_t);
-int analogRead(uint8_t);
-void analogReference(uint8_t mode);
-void analogWrite(uint8_t, int);
-unsigned long millis(void);
-unsigned long micros(void);
-void delay(unsigned long);
-void delayMicroseconds(unsigned int us);
-unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout);
-void shiftOut(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t val);
-uint8_t shiftIn(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, uint8_t bitOrder);
-void attachInterrupt(uint8_t, void (*)(void), int mode);
-void detachInterrupt(uint8_t);
-void setup(void);
-void loop(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp
index d4931b4a41..4397efb7ee 100644
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp
+++ b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/HardwareSerial.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,11 @@
 // using a ring buffer (I think), in which rx_buffer_head is the index of the
 // location to which to write the next incoming character and rx_buffer_tail
 // is the index of the location from which to read.
-#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 128
+#if (RAMEND < 1000)
+  #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 32
+  #define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 128
 struct ring_buffer
@@ -46,11 +50,22 @@ struct ring_buffer
   int tail;
-ring_buffer rx_buffer  =  { { 0 }, 0, 0 };
+#if defined(UBRRH) || defined(UBRR0H)
+  ring_buffer rx_buffer  =  { { 0 }, 0, 0 };
+#if defined(UBRR1H)
+  ring_buffer rx_buffer1  =  { { 0 }, 0, 0 };
+#if defined(UBRR2H)
+  ring_buffer rx_buffer2  =  { { 0 }, 0, 0 };
+#if defined(UBRR3H)
+  ring_buffer rx_buffer3  =  { { 0 }, 0, 0 };
 inline void store_char(unsigned char c, ring_buffer *rx_buffer)
-  int i = (unsigned int)(rx_buffer->head + 1) & (RX_BUFFER_SIZE -1);
+  int i = (unsigned int)(rx_buffer->head + 1) % RX_BUFFER_SIZE;
   // if we should be storing the received character into the location
   // just before the tail (meaning that the head would advance to the
@@ -62,13 +77,95 @@ inline void store_char(unsigned char c, ring_buffer *rx_buffer)
-// fixed by Mark Sproul this is on the 644/644p
-  unsigned char c  =  UDR0;
-  store_char(c, &rx_buffer);
+#if defined(USART_RX_vect)
+  {
+  #if defined(UDR0)
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR0;
+  #elif defined(UDR)
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR;  //  atmega8535
+  #else
+    #error UDR not defined
+  #endif
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer);
+  }
+#elif defined(SIG_USART0_RECV) && defined(UDR0)
+  {
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR0;
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer);
+  }
+#elif defined(SIG_UART0_RECV) && defined(UDR0)
+  {
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR0;
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer);
+  }
+//#elif defined(SIG_USART_RECV)
+#elif defined(USART0_RX_vect)
+  // fixed by Mark Sproul this is on the 644/644p
+  {
+  #if defined(UDR0)
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR0;
+  #elif defined(UDR)
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR;  //  atmega8, atmega32
+  #else
+    #error UDR not defined
+  #endif
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer);
+  }
+#elif defined(SIG_UART_RECV)
+  // this is for atmega8
+  {
+  #if defined(UDR0)
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR0;  //  atmega645
+  #elif defined(UDR)
+    unsigned char c  =  UDR;  //  atmega8
+  #endif
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer);
+  }
+#elif defined(USBCON)
+  #warning No interrupt handler for usart 0
+  #warning Serial(0) is on USB interface
+  #error No interrupt handler for usart 0
+//#if defined(SIG_USART1_RECV)
+#if defined(USART1_RX_vect)
+  {
+    unsigned char c = UDR1;
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer1);
+  }
+#elif defined(SIG_USART1_RECV)
+  #error SIG_USART1_RECV
+#if defined(USART2_RX_vect) && defined(UDR2)
+  {
+    unsigned char c = UDR2;
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer2);
+  }
+#elif defined(SIG_USART2_RECV)
+  #error SIG_USART2_RECV
+#if defined(USART3_RX_vect) && defined(UDR3)
+  {
+    unsigned char c = UDR3;
+    store_char(c, &rx_buffer3);
+  }
+#elif defined(SIG_USART3_RECV)
+  #error SIG_USART3_RECV
 // Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -134,7 +231,7 @@ void HardwareSerial::end()
 int HardwareSerial::available(void)
-  return (unsigned int)(RX_BUFFER_SIZE + _rx_buffer->head - _rx_buffer->tail) & (RX_BUFFER_SIZE-1);
+  return (unsigned int)(RX_BUFFER_SIZE + _rx_buffer->head - _rx_buffer->tail) % RX_BUFFER_SIZE;
 int HardwareSerial::peek(void)
@@ -153,7 +250,7 @@ int HardwareSerial::read(void)
     return -1;
   } else {
     unsigned char c = _rx_buffer->buffer[_rx_buffer->tail];
-    _rx_buffer->tail = (unsigned int)(_rx_buffer->tail + 1) & (RX_BUFFER_SIZE-1);
+    _rx_buffer->tail = (unsigned int)(_rx_buffer->tail + 1) % RX_BUFFER_SIZE;
     return c;
@@ -181,7 +278,26 @@ void HardwareSerial::write(uint8_t c)
 // Preinstantiate Objects //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-HardwareSerial Serial(&rx_buffer, &UBRR0H, &UBRR0L, &UCSR0A, &UCSR0B, &UDR0, RXEN0, TXEN0, RXCIE0, UDRE0, U2X0);
+#if defined(UBRRH) && defined(UBRRL)
+  HardwareSerial Serial(&rx_buffer, &UBRRH, &UBRRL, &UCSRA, &UCSRB, &UDR, RXEN, TXEN, RXCIE, UDRE, U2X);
+#elif defined(UBRR0H) && defined(UBRR0L)
+  HardwareSerial Serial(&rx_buffer, &UBRR0H, &UBRR0L, &UCSR0A, &UCSR0B, &UDR0, RXEN0, TXEN0, RXCIE0, UDRE0, U2X0);
+#elif defined(USBCON)
+  #warning no serial port defined  (port 0)
+  #error no serial port defined  (port 0)
+#if defined(UBRR1H)
+  HardwareSerial Serial1(&rx_buffer1, &UBRR1H, &UBRR1L, &UCSR1A, &UCSR1B, &UDR1, RXEN1, TXEN1, RXCIE1, UDRE1, U2X1);
+#if defined(UBRR2H)
+  HardwareSerial Serial2(&rx_buffer2, &UBRR2H, &UBRR2L, &UCSR2A, &UCSR2B, &UDR2, RXEN2, TXEN2, RXCIE2, UDRE2, U2X2);
+#if defined(UBRR3H)
+  HardwareSerial Serial3(&rx_buffer3, &UBRR3H, &UBRR3L, &UCSR3A, &UCSR3B, &UDR3, RXEN3, TXEN3, RXCIE3, UDRE3, U2X3);
 #endif // whole file
diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/WInterrupts.c b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/WInterrupts.c
index 3b3e0c9ec4..a71637f815 100644
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/WInterrupts.c
+++ b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/WInterrupts.c
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ void attachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum, void (*userFunc)(void), int mode) {
     // the mode into place.
     // Enable the interrupt.
     switch (interruptNum) {
 #if defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB) && defined(EIMSK)
     case 2:
@@ -81,6 +80,19 @@ void attachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum, void (*userFunc)(void), int mode) {
       EICRB = (EICRB & ~((1 << ISC70) | (1 << ISC71))) | (mode << ISC70);
       EIMSK |= (1 << INT7);
+#elif defined(EICRA) && defined(EIMSK)
+    case 0:
+      EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1 << ISC00) | (1 << ISC01))) | (mode << ISC00);
+      EIMSK |= (1 << INT0);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1 << ISC10) | (1 << ISC11))) | (mode << ISC10);
+      EIMSK |= (1 << INT1);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      EICRA = (EICRA & ~((1 << ISC20) | (1 << ISC21))) | (mode << ISC20);
+      EIMSK |= (1 << INT2);
+      break;
     case 0:
     #if defined(EICRA) && defined(ISC00) && defined(EIMSK)
@@ -123,15 +135,6 @@ void detachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum) {
     // ATmega8.  There, INT0 is 6 and INT1 is 7.)
     switch (interruptNum) {
 #if defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB) && defined(EIMSK)
-    case 2:
-      EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT0);
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT1);
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT2);
-      break;
     case 5:
       EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT3);
@@ -147,6 +150,17 @@ void detachInterrupt(uint8_t interruptNum) {
     case 7:
       EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT7);
+#elif defined(EICRA) && defined(EIMSK)
+    case 0:
+      EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT0);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT1);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      EIMSK &= ~(1 << INT2);
+      break;
     case 0:
     #if defined(EIMSK) && defined(INT0)
@@ -184,8 +198,8 @@ void attachInterruptTwi(void (*userFunc)(void) ) {
-#if defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB)
+#if defined(EICRA) && defined(EICRB)
 SIGNAL(INT0_vect) {
@@ -226,6 +240,23 @@ SIGNAL(INT7_vect) {
+#elif defined(EICRA)
+SIGNAL(INT0_vect) {
+  if(intFunc[EXTERNAL_INT_0])
+    intFunc[EXTERNAL_INT_0]();
+SIGNAL(INT1_vect) {
+  if(intFunc[EXTERNAL_INT_1])
+    intFunc[EXTERNAL_INT_1]();
+SIGNAL(INT2_vect) {
+  if(intFunc[EXTERNAL_INT_2])
+    intFunc[EXTERNAL_INT_2]();
 SIGNAL(INT0_vect) {
diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.c b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.c
index d5fa6fea3b..fe9a814019 100644
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.c
+++ b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.c
@@ -19,17 +19,54 @@
   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
   Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-  $Id: pins_arduino.c 254 2007-04-20 23:17:38Z mellis $
+  Changelog
+  -----------
+  11/25/11  - ryan@ryanmsutton.com - Add pins for Sanguino 644P and 1284P
+  $Id$
 #include <avr/io.h>
 #include "wiring_private.h"
 #include "pins_arduino.h"
-// On the Sanguino board, digital pins are also used
+// On the Arduino board, digital pins are also used
 // for the analog output (software PWM).  Analog input
 // pins are a separate set.
+//                  +-\/-+
+//            PC6  1|    |28  PC5 (AI 5)
+//      (D 0) PD0  2|    |27  PC4 (AI 4)
+//      (D 1) PD1  3|    |26  PC3 (AI 3)
+//      (D 2) PD2  4|    |25  PC2 (AI 2)
+// PWM+ (D 3) PD3  5|    |24  PC1 (AI 1)
+//      (D 4) PD4  6|    |23  PC0 (AI 0)
+//            VCC  7|    |22  GND
+//            GND  8|    |21  AREF
+//            PB6  9|    |20  AVCC
+//            PB7 10|    |19  PB5 (D 13)
+// PWM+ (D 5) PD5 11|    |18  PB4 (D 12)
+// PWM+ (D 6) PD6 12|    |17  PB3 (D 11) PWM
+//      (D 7) PD7 13|    |16  PB2 (D 10) PWM
+//      (D 8) PB0 14|    |15  PB1 (D 9) PWM
+//                  +----+
+// (PWM+ indicates the additional PWM pins on the ATmega168.)
+// 0-7 PE0-PE7   works
+// 8-13 PB0-PB5  works
+// 14-21 PA0-PA7 works 
+// 22-29 PH0-PH7 works
+// 30-35 PG5-PG0 works
+// 36-43 PC7-PC0 works
+// 44-51 PJ7-PJ0 works
+// 52-59 PL7-PL0 works
+// 60-67 PD7-PD0 works
+// A0-A7 PF0-PF7
+// A8-A15 PK0-PK7
 //                   +---\/---+
@@ -55,146 +92,536 @@
 //  PWM (D 14) PD6 20|        |21  PD7 (D 15) PWM
 //                   +--------+
 #define PA 1
 #define PB 2
 #define PC 3
 #define PD 4
+#define PE 5
+#define PF 6
+#define PG 7
+#define PH 8
+#define PJ 10
+#define PK 11
+#define PL 12
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] = {
+	&DDRA,
+	&DDRB,
+	&DDRC,
+	&DDRD,
+	&DDRE,
+	&DDRF,
+	&DDRG,
+	&DDRH,
+	&DDRJ,
+	&DDRK,
+	&DDRL,
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] = {
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] = {
+	&PINA,
+	&PINB,
+	&PINC,
+	&PIND,
+	&PINE,
+	&PINF,
+	&PING,
+	&PINH,
+	&PINJ,
+	&PINK,
+	&PINL,
+const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] = {
+	// -------------------------------------------		
+	PE	, // PE 0 ** 0 ** USART0_RX	
+	PE	, // PE 1 ** 1 ** USART0_TX	
+	PE	, // PE 4 ** 2 ** PWM2	
+	PE	, // PE 5 ** 3 ** PWM3	
+	PG	, // PG 5 ** 4 ** PWM4	
+	PE	, // PE 3 ** 5 ** PWM5	
+	PH	, // PH 3 ** 6 ** PWM6	
+	PH	, // PH 4 ** 7 ** PWM7	
+	PH	, // PH 5 ** 8 ** PWM8	
+	PH	, // PH 6 ** 9 ** PWM9	
+	PB	, // PB 4 ** 10 ** PWM10	
+	PB	, // PB 5 ** 11 ** PWM11	
+	PB	, // PB 6 ** 12 ** PWM12	
+	PB	, // PB 7 ** 13 ** PWM13	
+	PJ	, // PJ 1 ** 14 ** USART3_TX	
+	PJ	, // PJ 0 ** 15 ** USART3_RX	
+	PH	, // PH 1 ** 16 ** USART2_TX	
+	PH	, // PH 0 ** 17 ** USART2_RX	
+	PD	, // PD 3 ** 18 ** USART1_TX	
+	PD	, // PD 2 ** 19 ** USART1_RX	
+	PD	, // PD 1 ** 20 ** I2C_SDA	
+	PD	, // PD 0 ** 21 ** I2C_SCL	
+	PA	, // PA 0 ** 22 ** D22	
+	PA	, // PA 1 ** 23 ** D23	
+	PA	, // PA 2 ** 24 ** D24	
+	PA	, // PA 3 ** 25 ** D25	
+	PA	, // PA 4 ** 26 ** D26	
+	PA	, // PA 5 ** 27 ** D27	
+	PA	, // PA 6 ** 28 ** D28	
+	PA	, // PA 7 ** 29 ** D29	
+	PC	, // PC 7 ** 30 ** D30	
+	PC	, // PC 6 ** 31 ** D31	
+	PC	, // PC 5 ** 32 ** D32	
+	PC	, // PC 4 ** 33 ** D33	
+	PC	, // PC 3 ** 34 ** D34	
+	PC	, // PC 2 ** 35 ** D35	
+	PC	, // PC 1 ** 36 ** D36	
+	PC	, // PC 0 ** 37 ** D37	
+	PD	, // PD 7 ** 38 ** D38	
+	PG	, // PG 2 ** 39 ** D39	
+	PG	, // PG 1 ** 40 ** D40	
+	PG	, // PG 0 ** 41 ** D41	
+	PL	, // PL 7 ** 42 ** D42	
+	PL	, // PL 6 ** 43 ** D43	
+	PL	, // PL 5 ** 44 ** D44	
+	PL	, // PL 4 ** 45 ** D45	
+	PL	, // PL 3 ** 46 ** D46	
+	PL	, // PL 2 ** 47 ** D47	
+	PL	, // PL 1 ** 48 ** D48	
+	PL	, // PL 0 ** 49 ** D49	
+	PB	, // PB 3 ** 50 ** SPI_MISO	
+	PB	, // PB 2 ** 51 ** SPI_MOSI	
+	PB	, // PB 1 ** 52 ** SPI_SCK	
+	PB	, // PB 0 ** 53 ** SPI_SS	
+	PF	, // PF 0 ** 54 ** A0	
+	PF	, // PF 1 ** 55 ** A1	
+	PF	, // PF 2 ** 56 ** A2	
+	PF	, // PF 3 ** 57 ** A3	
+	PF	, // PF 4 ** 58 ** A4	
+	PF	, // PF 5 ** 59 ** A5	
+	PF	, // PF 6 ** 60 ** A6	
+	PF	, // PF 7 ** 61 ** A7	
+	PK	, // PK 0 ** 62 ** A8	
+	PK	, // PK 1 ** 63 ** A9	
+	PK	, // PK 2 ** 64 ** A10	
+	PK	, // PK 3 ** 65 ** A11	
+	PK	, // PK 4 ** 66 ** A12	
+	PK	, // PK 5 ** 67 ** A13	
+	PK	, // PK 6 ** 68 ** A14	
+	PK	, // PK 7 ** 69 ** A15	
+const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] = {
+	// PIN IN PORT		
+	// -------------------------------------------		
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PE 0 ** 0 ** USART0_RX	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PE 1 ** 1 ** USART0_TX	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PE 4 ** 2 ** PWM2	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PE 5 ** 3 ** PWM3	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PG 5 ** 4 ** PWM4	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PE 3 ** 5 ** PWM5	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PH 3 ** 6 ** PWM6	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PH 4 ** 7 ** PWM7	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PH 5 ** 8 ** PWM8	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PH 6 ** 9 ** PWM9	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PB 4 ** 10 ** PWM10	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PB 5 ** 11 ** PWM11	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PB 6 ** 12 ** PWM12	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PB 7 ** 13 ** PWM13	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PJ 1 ** 14 ** USART3_TX	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PJ 0 ** 15 ** USART3_RX	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PH 1 ** 16 ** USART2_TX	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PH 0 ** 17 ** USART2_RX	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PD 3 ** 18 ** USART1_TX	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PD 2 ** 19 ** USART1_RX	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PD 1 ** 20 ** I2C_SDA	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PD 0 ** 21 ** I2C_SCL	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PA 0 ** 22 ** D22	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PA 1 ** 23 ** D23	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PA 2 ** 24 ** D24	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PA 3 ** 25 ** D25	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PA 4 ** 26 ** D26	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PA 5 ** 27 ** D27	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PA 6 ** 28 ** D28	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PA 7 ** 29 ** D29	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PC 7 ** 30 ** D30	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PC 6 ** 31 ** D31	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PC 5 ** 32 ** D32	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PC 4 ** 33 ** D33	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PC 3 ** 34 ** D34	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PC 2 ** 35 ** D35	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PC 1 ** 36 ** D36	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PC 0 ** 37 ** D37	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PD 7 ** 38 ** D38	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PG 2 ** 39 ** D39	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PG 1 ** 40 ** D40	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PG 0 ** 41 ** D41	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PL 7 ** 42 ** D42	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PL 6 ** 43 ** D43	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PL 5 ** 44 ** D44	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PL 4 ** 45 ** D45	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PL 3 ** 46 ** D46	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PL 2 ** 47 ** D47	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PL 1 ** 48 ** D48	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PL 0 ** 49 ** D49	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PB 3 ** 50 ** SPI_MISO	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PB 2 ** 51 ** SPI_MOSI	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PB 1 ** 52 ** SPI_SCK	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PB 0 ** 53 ** SPI_SS	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PF 0 ** 54 ** A0	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PF 1 ** 55 ** A1	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PF 2 ** 56 ** A2	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PF 3 ** 57 ** A3	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PF 4 ** 58 ** A4	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PF 5 ** 59 ** A5	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PF 6 ** 60 ** A6	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PF 7 ** 61 ** A7	
+	_BV( 0 )	, // PK 0 ** 62 ** A8	
+	_BV( 1 )	, // PK 1 ** 63 ** A9	
+	_BV( 2 )	, // PK 2 ** 64 ** A10	
+	_BV( 3 )	, // PK 3 ** 65 ** A11	
+	_BV( 4 )	, // PK 4 ** 66 ** A12	
+	_BV( 5 )	, // PK 5 ** 67 ** A13	
+	_BV( 6 )	, // PK 6 ** 68 ** A14	
+	_BV( 7 )	, // PK 7 ** 69 ** A15	
+const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] = {
+	// TIMERS		
+	// -------------------------------------------		
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PE 0 ** 0 ** USART0_RX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PE 1 ** 1 ** USART0_TX	
+	TIMER3B	, // PE 4 ** 2 ** PWM2	
+	TIMER3C	, // PE 5 ** 3 ** PWM3	
+	TIMER0B	, // PG 5 ** 4 ** PWM4	
+	TIMER3A	, // PE 3 ** 5 ** PWM5	
+	TIMER4A	, // PH 3 ** 6 ** PWM6	
+	TIMER4B	, // PH 4 ** 7 ** PWM7	
+	TIMER4C	, // PH 5 ** 8 ** PWM8	
+	TIMER2B	, // PH 6 ** 9 ** PWM9	
+	TIMER2A	, // PB 4 ** 10 ** PWM10	
+	TIMER1A	, // PB 5 ** 11 ** PWM11	
+	TIMER1B	, // PB 6 ** 12 ** PWM12	
+	TIMER0A	, // PB 7 ** 13 ** PWM13	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PJ 1 ** 14 ** USART3_TX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PJ 0 ** 15 ** USART3_RX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PH 1 ** 16 ** USART2_TX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PH 0 ** 17 ** USART2_RX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PD 3 ** 18 ** USART1_TX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PD 2 ** 19 ** USART1_RX	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PD 1 ** 20 ** I2C_SDA	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PD 0 ** 21 ** I2C_SCL	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 0 ** 22 ** D22	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 1 ** 23 ** D23	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 2 ** 24 ** D24	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 3 ** 25 ** D25	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 4 ** 26 ** D26	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 5 ** 27 ** D27	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 6 ** 28 ** D28	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PA 7 ** 29 ** D29	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 7 ** 30 ** D30	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 6 ** 31 ** D31	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 5 ** 32 ** D32	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 4 ** 33 ** D33	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 3 ** 34 ** D34	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 2 ** 35 ** D35	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 1 ** 36 ** D36	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PC 0 ** 37 ** D37	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PD 7 ** 38 ** D38	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PG 2 ** 39 ** D39	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PG 1 ** 40 ** D40	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PG 0 ** 41 ** D41	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PL 7 ** 42 ** D42	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PL 6 ** 43 ** D43	
+	TIMER5C	, // PL 5 ** 44 ** D44	
+	TIMER5B	, // PL 4 ** 45 ** D45	
+	TIMER5A	, // PL 3 ** 46 ** D46	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PL 2 ** 47 ** D47	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PL 1 ** 48 ** D48	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PL 0 ** 49 ** D49	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PB 3 ** 50 ** SPI_MISO	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PB 2 ** 51 ** SPI_MOSI	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PB 1 ** 52 ** SPI_SCK	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PB 0 ** 53 ** SPI_SS	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 0 ** 54 ** A0	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 1 ** 55 ** A1	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 2 ** 56 ** A2	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 3 ** 57 ** A3	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 4 ** 58 ** A4	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 5 ** 59 ** A5	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 6 ** 60 ** A6	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PF 7 ** 61 ** A7	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 0 ** 62 ** A8	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 1 ** 63 ** A9	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 2 ** 64 ** A10	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 3 ** 65 ** A11	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 4 ** 66 ** A12	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 5 ** 67 ** A13	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 6 ** 68 ** A14	
+	NOT_ON_TIMER	, // PK 7 ** 69 ** A15	
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
 // these arrays map port names (e.g. port B) to the
 // appropriate addresses for various functions (e.g. reading
 // and writing)
-const uint8_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] =
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] =
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &DDRA,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &DDRB,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &DDRC,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &DDRD,
+        NOT_A_PORT,
+    &DDRA,
+        &DDRB,
+        &DDRC,
+        &DDRD,
-const uint8_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] =
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] =
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PORTA,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PORTB,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PORTC,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PORTD,
+        NOT_A_PORT,
+        &PORTA,
+        &PORTB,
+        &PORTC,
+        &PORTD,
-const uint8_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] =
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] =
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PINA,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PINB,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PINC,
-	(uint8_t) (uint16_t) &PIND,
+        NOT_A_PORT,
+        &PINA,
+        &PINB,
+        &PINC,
+        &PIND,
 const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] =
-	PB, /* 0 */
-	PB,
-	PB,
-	PB,
-	PB,
-	PB,
-	PB,
-	PB,
-	PD, /* 8 */
-	PD,
-	PD,
-	PD,
-	PD,
-	PD,
-	PD,
-	PD,
-	PC, /* 16 */
-	PC,
-	PC,
-	PC,
-	PC,
-	PC,
-   	PC,
-	PC,
-	PA, /* 24 */
-	PA,
-	PA,
-	PA,
-	PA,
-	PA,
-	PA,
-	PA  /* 31 */
+        PB, /* 0 */
+        PB,
+        PB,
+        PB,
+        PB,
+        PB,
+        PB,
+        PB,
+        PD, /* 8 */
+        PD,
+        PD,
+        PD,
+        PD,
+        PD,
+        PD,
+        PD,
+        PC, /* 16 */
+        PC,
+        PC,
+        PC,
+        PC,
+        PC,
+        PC,
+        PC,
+        PA, /* 24 */
+        PA,
+        PA,
+        PA,
+        PA,
+        PA,
+        PA,
+        PA  /* 31 */
 const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] =
-	_BV(0), /* 0, port B */
-	_BV(1),
-	_BV(2),
-	_BV(3),
-	_BV(4),
-	_BV(5),
-	_BV(6),
-	_BV(7),
-	_BV(0), /* 8, port D */
-	_BV(1),
-	_BV(2),
-	_BV(3),
-	_BV(4),
-	_BV(5),
-	_BV(6),
-	_BV(7),
-	_BV(0), /* 16, port C */
-	_BV(1),
-	_BV(2),
-	_BV(3),
-	_BV(4),
-	_BV(5),
-	_BV(6),
-	_BV(7),
-	_BV(7), /* 24, port A */
-	_BV(6),
-	_BV(5),
-	_BV(4),
-	_BV(3),
-	_BV(2),
-	_BV(1),
-	_BV(0)
+        _BV(0), /* 0, port B */
+        _BV(1),
+        _BV(2),
+        _BV(3),
+        _BV(4),
+        _BV(5),
+        _BV(6),
+        _BV(7),
+        _BV(0), /* 8, port D */
+        _BV(1),
+        _BV(2),
+        _BV(3),
+        _BV(4),
+        _BV(5),
+        _BV(6),
+        _BV(7),
+        _BV(0), /* 16, port C */
+        _BV(1),
+        _BV(2),
+        _BV(3),
+        _BV(4),
+        _BV(5),
+        _BV(6),
+        _BV(7),
+        _BV(7), /* 24, port A */
+        _BV(6),
+        _BV(5),
+        _BV(4),
+        _BV(3),
+        _BV(2),
+        _BV(1),
+        _BV(0)
 const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] =
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 0  - PB0 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 1  - PB1 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 2  - PB2 */
-	TIMER0A,     	/* 3  - PB3 */
-	TIMER0B, 		/* 4  - PB4 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 5  - PB5 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 6  - PB6 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,	/* 7  - PB7 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 8  - PD0 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 9  - PD1 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 10 - PD2 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 11 - PD3 */
-	TIMER1B,     	/* 12 - PD4 */
-	TIMER1A,     	/* 13 - PD5 */
-	TIMER2B,     	/* 14 - PD6 */
-	TIMER2A,     	/* 15 - PD7 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER, 	/* 16 - PC0 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 17 - PC1 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 18 - PC2 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 19 - PC3 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 20 - PC4 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 21 - PC5 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 22 - PC6 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 23 - PC7 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 24 - PA0 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 25 - PA1 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 26 - PA2 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 27 - PA3 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 28 - PA4 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 29 - PA5 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 30 - PA6 */
-	NOT_ON_TIMER   /* 31 - PA7 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 0  - PB0 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 1  - PB1 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 2  - PB2 */
+        TIMER0A,        /* 3  - PB3 */
+        TIMER0B,                /* 4  - PB4 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 5  - PB5 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 6  - PB6 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 7  - PB7 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 8  - PD0 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 9  - PD1 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 10 - PD2 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 11 - PD3 */
+        TIMER1B,        /* 12 - PD4 */
+        TIMER1A,        /* 13 - PD5 */
+        TIMER2B,        /* 14 - PD6 */
+        TIMER2A,        /* 15 - PD7 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 16 - PC0 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 17 - PC1 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 18 - PC2 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 19 - PC3 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 20 - PC4 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 21 - PC5 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 22 - PC6 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 23 - PC7 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 24 - PA0 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 25 - PA1 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 26 - PA2 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 27 - PA3 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 28 - PA4 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 29 - PA5 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER,   /* 30 - PA6 */
+        NOT_ON_TIMER   /* 31 - PA7 */
+// these arrays map port names (e.g. port B) to the
+// appropriate addresses for various functions (e.g. reading
+// and writing)
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[] = {
+	&DDRB,
+	&DDRC,
+	&DDRD,
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[] = {
+const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[] = {
+	&PINB,
+	&PINC,
+	&PIND,
+const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[] = {
+	PD, /* 0 */
+	PD,
+	PD,
+	PD,
+	PD,
+	PD,
+	PD,
+	PD,
+	PB, /* 8 */
+	PB,
+	PB,
+	PB,
+	PB,
+	PB,
+	PC, /* 14 */
+	PC,
+	PC,
+	PC,
+	PC,
+	PC,
+const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[] = {
+	_BV(0), /* 0, port D */
+	_BV(1),
+	_BV(2),
+	_BV(3),
+	_BV(4),
+	_BV(5),
+	_BV(6),
+	_BV(7),
+	_BV(0), /* 8, port B */
+	_BV(1),
+	_BV(2),
+	_BV(3),
+	_BV(4),
+	_BV(5),
+	_BV(0), /* 14, port C */
+	_BV(1),
+	_BV(2),
+	_BV(3),
+	_BV(4),
+	_BV(5),
+const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[] = {
+	NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 0 - port D */
+	// on the ATmega168, digital pin 3 has hardware pwm
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
+	// on the ATmega168, digital pins 5 and 6 have hardware pwm
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
+	NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 8 - port B */
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
+	NOT_ON_TIMER, /* 14 - port C */
diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.h b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.h
index 046f0330fd..92771c39a0 100644
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.h
+++ b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/pins_arduino.h
@@ -39,19 +39,43 @@
 #define TIMER2A 6
 #define TIMER2B 7
+#define TIMER3A 8
+#define TIMER3B 9
+#define TIMER3C 10
+#define TIMER4A 11
+#define TIMER4B 12
+#define TIMER4C 13
+#define TIMER5A 14
+#define TIMER5B 15
+#define TIMER5C 16
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
+const static uint8_t SS   = 53;
+const static uint8_t MOSI = 51;
+const static uint8_t MISO = 50;
+const static uint8_t SCK  = 52;
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
 const static uint8_t SS   = 4;
 const static uint8_t MOSI = 5;
 const static uint8_t MISO = 6;
 const static uint8_t SCK  = 7;
-extern const uint8_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[];
-extern const uint8_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[];
-extern const uint8_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[];
+const static uint8_t SS   = 10;
+const static uint8_t MOSI = 11;
+const static uint8_t MISO = 12;
+const static uint8_t SCK  = 13;
+// On the ATmega1280, the addresses of some of the port registers are
+// greater than 255, so we can't store them in uint8_t's.
+extern const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_mode_PGM[];
+extern const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_input_PGM[];
+extern const uint16_t PROGMEM port_to_output_PGM[];
 extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_port_PGM[];
-extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_PGM[];
+// extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_PGM[];
 extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM[];
 extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[];
 // Get the bit location within the hardware port of the given virtual pin.
@@ -63,8 +87,8 @@ extern const uint8_t PROGMEM digital_pin_to_timer_PGM[];
 #define digitalPinToBitMask(P) ( pgm_read_byte( digital_pin_to_bit_mask_PGM + (P) ) )
 #define digitalPinToTimer(P) ( pgm_read_byte( digital_pin_to_timer_PGM + (P) ) )
 #define analogInPinToBit(P) (P)
-#define portOutputRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( (uint16_t) pgm_read_byte( port_to_output_PGM + (P))) )
-#define portInputRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( (uint16_t) pgm_read_byte( port_to_input_PGM + (P))) )
-#define portModeRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( (uint16_t) pgm_read_byte( port_to_mode_PGM + (P))) )
+#define portOutputRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( pgm_read_word( port_to_output_PGM + (P))) )
+#define portInputRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( pgm_read_word( port_to_input_PGM + (P))) )
+#define portModeRegister(P) ( (volatile uint8_t *)( pgm_read_word( port_to_mode_PGM + (P))) )
diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring.h b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring.h
index 0a93678053..4645af76e5 100644
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring.h
+++ b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring.h
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
 #ifndef Wiring_h
 #define Wiring_h
-#include <math.h>
 #include <avr/io.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "binary.h"
@@ -77,7 +76,10 @@ extern "C"{
 #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
 #define abs(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x))
 #define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
-#define round(x)     ((x)>=0?(long)((x)+0.5):(long)((x)-0.5))
+// Removed to work with newer AVRLIBC
+//#define round(x)     ((x)>=0?(long)((x)+0.5):(long)((x)-0.5))
 #define radians(deg) ((deg)*DEG_TO_RAD)
 #define degrees(rad) ((rad)*RAD_TO_DEG)
 #define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
diff --git a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring_private.h b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring_private.h
index 7449c76ac3..3ec8ce0148 100644
--- a/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring_private.h
+++ b/ArduinoAddons/Arduino_0.xx/Sanguino/cores/arduino/wiring_private.h
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
 #ifndef WiringPrivate_h
 #define WiringPrivate_h
-#include <math.h>
 #include <avr/io.h>
 #include <avr/interrupt.h>
-#include <util/delay.h>
+#include <avr/delay.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdarg.h>
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ extern "C"{
 #if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
+#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)