diff --git a/Marlin/pins.h b/Marlin/pins.h
index 8e084273a8..fb582e7828 100644
--- a/Marlin/pins.h
+++ b/Marlin/pins.h
@@ -1805,6 +1805,20 @@
   #define MOSI_PIN         10
+#if defined(ULTRA_LCD) && defined(NEWPANEL)
+  //we have no buzzer installed
+  #define BEEPER -1
+  //LCD Pins
+  #ifdef LCD_I2C_PANELOLU2
+    #define BTN_EN1 27  //RX1 - fastio.h pin mapping 27
+    #define BTN_EN2 26  //TX1 - fastio.h pin mapping 26
+    #define BTN_ENC 43 //A3 - fastio.h pin mapping 43
+    #define SDSS   40 //use SD card on Panelolu2 (Teensyduino pin mapping)
+  #endif //LCD_I2C_PANELOLU2
+  //not connected to a pin
+  #define SDCARDDETECT -1    
+#endif //Ultipanel && Newpanel