[1.1.x] BLTouch 3.0 - 3.1 (#14839)
This commit is contained in:
114 changed files with 3213 additions and 916 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
dist: trusty
dist: bionic
sudo: true
language: c
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ before_install:
# Install arduino 1.8.5
- wget http://downloads-02.arduino.cc/arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar.xz
- tar xf arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar.xz
- sudo mv arduino-1.8.5 /usr/local/share/arduino
- wget http://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1.8.9-linux64.tar.xz
- tar xf arduino-1.8.9-linux64.tar.xz
- sudo mv arduino-1.8.9 /usr/local/share/arduino
- ln -s /usr/local/share/arduino/arduino ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/buildroot/bin/arduino
# Install: LiquidCrystal_I2C library
@ -477,14 +477,45 @@
#define BLTOUCH_SW_MODE 60
#define BLTOUCH_STOW 90
#define BLTOUCH_5V_MODE 140
#define BLTOUCH_OD_MODE 150
#define BLTOUCH_RESET 160
* The following commands require different minimum delays.
* 500ms required for a reliable Reset.
* 750ms required for Deploy/Stow, otherwise the alarm state
* will not be seen until the following move command.
// Always disable probe pin inverting for BLTouch
@ -728,20 +728,6 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -2071,50 +2071,240 @@ void clean_up_after_endstop_or_probe_move() {
void bltouch_command(int angle) {
MOVE_SERVO(Z_PROBE_SERVO_NR, angle); // Give the BL-Touch the command and wait
typedef unsigned char BLTCommand;
void bltouch_init(const bool set_voltage=false);
bool bltouch_last_written_mode; // Initialized by settings.load, 0 = Open Drain; 1 = 5V Drain
bool bltouch_triggered() {
return (
bool bltouch_command(const BLTCommand cmd, const millis_t &ms) {
safe_delay(MAX(ms, (uint32_t)BLTOUCH_DELAY)); // BLTOUCH_DELAY is also the *minimum* delay
return bltouch_triggered();
// Native BLTouch commands ("Underscore"...), used in lcd menus and internally
void _bltouch_reset() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_RESET, BLTOUCH_RESET_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_selftest() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_SELFTEST, BLTOUCH_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_set_SW_mode() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_SW_MODE, BLTOUCH_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_set_5V_mode() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_5V_MODE, BLTOUCH_SET5V_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_set_OD_mode() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_OD_MODE, BLTOUCH_SETOD_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_mode_store() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE, BLTOUCH_MODE_STORE_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_deploy() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_DEPLOY, BLTOUCH_DEPLOY_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_stow() { bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_STOW, BLTOUCH_STOW_DELAY); }
void _bltouch_reset_SW_mode() { if (bltouch_triggered()) _bltouch_stow(); else _bltouch_deploy(); }
bool _bltouch_deploy_query_alarm() { return bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_DEPLOY, BLTOUCH_DEPLOY_DELAY); }
bool _bltouch_stow_query_alarm() { return bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_STOW, BLTOUCH_STOW_DELAY); }
void bltouch_clear() {
_bltouch_reset(); // RESET or RESET_SW will clear an alarm condition but...
// ...it will not clear a triggered condition in SW mode when the pin is currently up
// ANTClabs <-- CODE ERROR
_bltouch_stow(); // STOW will pull up the pin and clear any triggered condition unless it fails, don't care
_bltouch_deploy(); // DEPLOY to test the probe. Could fail, don't care
_bltouch_stow(); // STOW to be ready for meaningful work. Could fail, don't care
bool bltouch_deploy_proc() {
// Do a DEPLOY
// Attempt to DEPLOY, wait for DEPLOY_DELAY or ALARM
if (_bltouch_deploy_query_alarm()) {
// The deploy might have failed or the probe is already triggered (nozzle too low?)
bltouch_clear(); // Get the probe into start condition
// Last attempt to DEPLOY
if (_bltouch_deploy_query_alarm()) {
// The deploy might have failed or the probe is actually triggered (nozzle too low?) again
SERIAL_ECHOLN(MSG_STOP_BLTOUCH); // Tell the user something is wrong, needs action
stop(); // but it's not too bad, no need to kill, allow restart
return true; // Tell our caller we goofed in case he cares to know
// One of the recommended ANTClabs ways to probe, using SW MODE
// Now the probe is ready to issue a 10ms pulse when the pin goes up.
// The trigger STOW (see motion.cpp for example) will pull up the probes pin as soon as the pulse
// is registered.
if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("bltouch.deploy_proc() end");
return false; // report success to caller
bool bltouch_stow_proc() {
// Do a STOW
// A STOW will clear a triggered condition in the probe (10ms pulse).
// At the moment that we come in here, we might (pulse) or will (SW mode) see the trigger on the pin.
// So even though we know a STOW will be ignored if an ALARM condition is active, we will STOW.
// Note: If the probe is deployed AND in an ALARM condition, this STOW will not pull up the pin
// and the ALARM condition will still be there. --> ANTClabs should change this behavior maybe
// Attempt to STOW, wait for STOW_DELAY or ALARM
if (_bltouch_stow_query_alarm()) {
// The stow might have failed
_bltouch_reset(); // This RESET will then also pull up the pin. If it doesn't
// work and the pin is still down, there will no longer be
// an ALARM condition though.
// But one more STOW will catch that
// Last attempt to STOW
if (_bltouch_stow_query_alarm()) { // so if there is now STILL an ALARM condition:
SERIAL_ECHOLN(MSG_STOP_BLTOUCH); // Tell the user something is wrong, needs action
stop(); // but it's not too bad, no need to kill, allow restart
return true; // Tell our caller we goofed in case he cares to know
if (DEBUGGING(LEVELING)) SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("bltouch.stow_proc() end");
return false; // report success to caller
bool bltouch_status_proc() {
* Return a TRUE for "YES, it is DEPLOYED"
* This function will ensure switch state is reset after execution
_bltouch_set_SW_mode(); // Incidentally, _set_SW_mode() will also RESET any active alarm
const bool tr = bltouch_triggered(); // If triggered in SW mode, the pin is up, it is STOWED
if (tr) _bltouch_stow(); else _bltouch_deploy(); // Turn off SW mode, reset any trigger, honor pin state
return !tr;
void bltouch_mode_conv_proc(const bool M5V) {
* BLTOUCH pre V3.0 and clones: No reaction at all to this sequence apart from a DEPLOY -> STOW
* BLTOUCH V3.0: This will set the mode (twice) and sadly, a STOW is needed at the end, because of the deploy
* BLTOUCH V3.1: This will set the mode and store it in the eeprom. The STOW is not needed but does not hurt
if (M5V) _bltouch_set_5V_mode(); else _bltouch_set_OD_mode();
if (M5V) _bltouch_set_5V_mode(); else _bltouch_set_OD_mode();
bltouch_last_written_mode = M5V;
bool set_bltouch_deployed(const bool deploy) {
if (deploy && TEST_BLTOUCH()) { // If BL-Touch says it's triggered
bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_RESET); // try to reset it.
bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_DEPLOY); // Also needs to deploy and stow to
bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_STOW); // clear the triggered condition.
safe_delay(1500); // Wait for internal self-test to complete.
// (Measured completion time was 0.65 seconds
// after reset, deploy, and stow sequence)
if (TEST_BLTOUCH()) { // If it still claims to be triggered...
stop(); // punt!
return true;
bltouch_command(deploy ? BLTOUCH_DEPLOY : BLTOUCH_STOW);
if (deploy) bltouch_command(BLTOUCH_SW_MODE);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("set_bltouch_deployed(", deploy);
if (deploy) _bltouch_deploy(); else _bltouch_stow();
return false;
void bltouch_mode_conv_5V() { bltouch_mode_conv_proc(true); }
void bltouch_mode_conv_OD() { bltouch_mode_conv_proc(false); }
// DEPLOY and STOW are wrapped for error handling - these are used by homing and by probing
bool bltouch_deploy() { return bltouch_deploy_proc(); }
bool bltouch_stow() { return bltouch_stow_proc(); }
bool bltouch_status() { return bltouch_status_proc(); }
// Init the class and device. Call from setup().
void bltouch_init(const bool set_voltage/*=false*/) {
// Voltage Setting (if enabled). At every Marlin initialization:
// BLTOUCH < V3.0 and clones: This will be ignored by the probe
// BLTOUCH V3.0: SET_5V_MODE or SET_OD_MODE (if enabled).
// OD_MODE is the default on power on, but setting it does not hurt
// This mode will stay active until manual SET_OD_MODE or power cycle
// BLTOUCH V3.1: SET_5V_MODE or SET_OD_MODE (if enabled).
// At power on, the probe will default to the eeprom settings configured by the user
constexpr bool should_set = true;
DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR("last_written_mode - ", (int)bltouch_last_written_mode);
DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("config mode - "
const bool should_set = bltouch_last_written_mode != (false
|| true
if (should_set && set_voltage)
|| true
#endif // BLTOUCH
@ -4265,7 +4455,7 @@ inline void gcode_G28(const bool always_home_all) {
// Make sure any BLTouch error condition is cleared
@ -15216,7 +15406,7 @@ void setup() {
// Make sure any BLTouch error condition is cleared
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
// Change EEPROM version if the structure changes
#define EEPROM_VERSION "V55"
#define EEPROM_VERSION "V56"
#define EEPROM_OFFSET 100
// Check the integrity of data offsets.
@ -77,6 +77,10 @@
#define LPQ_LEN thermalManager.lpq_len
extern bool bltouch_last_written_mode;
#pragma pack(push, 1) // No padding between variables
typedef struct PID { float Kp, Ki, Kd; } PID;
@ -159,6 +163,11 @@ typedef struct SettingsDataStruct {
bool planner_leveling_active; // M420 S planner.leveling_active
int8_t ubl_storage_slot; // ubl.storage_slot
bool bltouch_last_written_mode;
@ -573,6 +582,20 @@ void MarlinSettings::postprocess() {
const bool &eeprom_bltouch_last_written_mode = bltouch_last_written_mode;
constexpr bool eeprom_bltouch_last_written_mode = false;
// 11 floats for DELTA / [XYZ]_DUAL_ENDSTOPS
@ -1191,6 +1214,19 @@ void MarlinSettings::postprocess() {
bool &eeprom_bltouch_last_written_mode = bltouch_last_written_mode;
bool eeprom_bltouch_last_written_mode;
// DELTA Geometry or Dual Endstops offsets
@ -316,6 +316,10 @@ static void print_es_state(const bool is_hit, const char * const label=NULL) {
void _O2 Endstops::M119() {
extern void _bltouch_set_SW_mode();
#define ES_REPORT(S) print_es_state(READ(S##_PIN) != S##_ENDSTOP_INVERTING, PSTR(MSG_##S))
@ -383,6 +387,10 @@ void _O2 Endstops::M119() {
extern void _bltouch_reset_SW_mode();
} // Endstops::M119
// The following routines are called from an ISR context. It could be the temperature ISR, the
@ -741,20 +741,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -760,20 +760,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -769,20 +769,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -734,20 +734,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -709,20 +709,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -722,20 +722,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -709,20 +709,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -720,20 +720,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -731,20 +731,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -725,20 +725,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -740,20 +740,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -731,20 +731,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -725,20 +725,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -725,20 +725,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -731,20 +731,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -703,20 +703,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -703,20 +703,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -727,20 +727,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -736,20 +736,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -737,20 +737,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -736,20 +736,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -725,20 +725,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -733,20 +733,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -741,20 +741,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -725,20 +725,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -725,20 +725,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -761,20 +761,7 @@ Black rubber belt(MXL), 18 - tooth aluminium pulley : 87.489 step per mm (Huxley
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -719,20 +719,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -734,20 +734,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -752,20 +752,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -772,20 +772,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -732,20 +732,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -750,20 +750,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -397,6 +397,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -731,20 +731,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -721,20 +721,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -860,20 +860,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -806,20 +806,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -806,20 +806,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -806,20 +806,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -811,20 +811,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -796,20 +796,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -796,20 +796,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
@ -394,6 +394,65 @@
// Enable this if X or Y can't home without homing the other axis first.
* Either: Use the defaults (recommended) or: For special purposes, use the following DEFINES
* Do not activate settings that the probe might not understand. Clones might misunderstand
* advanced commands.
* Note: If the probe is not deploying, check a "Cmd: Reset" and "Cmd: Self-Test" and then
* check the wiring of the BROWN, RED and ORANGE wires.
* Note: If the trigger signal of your probe is not being recognized, it has been very often
* because the BLACK and WHITE wires needed to be swapped. They are not "interchangeable"
* like they would be with a real switch. So please check the wiring first.
* Settings for all BLTouch and clone probes:
// Safety: The probe needs time to recognize the command.
// Minimum command delay (ms). Enable and increase if needed.
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 500
* Settings for BLTOUCH Classic 1.2, 1.3 or BLTouch Smart 1.0, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, and most clones:
// Feature: Switch into SW mode after a deploy. It makes the output pulse longer. Can be useful
// in special cases, like noisy or filtered input configurations.
* Settings for BLTouch Smart 3.0 and 3.1
* Summary:
* - Voltage modes: 5V and OD (open drain - "logic voltage free") output modes
* - High-Speed mode
* - Disable LCD voltage options
* Danger: Don't activate 5V mode unless attached to a 5V-tolerant controller!
* V3.0 or 3.1: Set default mode to 5V mode at Marlin startup.
* If disabled, OD mode is the hard-coded default on 3.0
* On startup, Marlin will compare its eeprom to this vale. If the selected mode
* differs, a mode set eeprom write will be completed at initialization.
* Use the option below to force an eeprom write to a V3.1 probe regardless.
* Safety: Activate if connecting a probe with an unknown voltage mode.
* V3.0: Set a probe into mode selected above at Marlin startup. Required for 5V mode on 3.0
* V3.1: Force a probe with unknown mode into selected mode at Marlin startup ( = Probe EEPROM write )
* To preserve the life of the probe, use this once then turn it off and re-flash.
// Safety: Enable voltage mode settings in the LCD menu.
#endif // BLTOUCH
// @section machine
#define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES {false, false, false, false}
@ -789,20 +789,7 @@
* The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH
//#define BLTOUCH_DELAY 375 // (ms) Enable and increase if needed
* BLTouch V3.0 and newer smart series
* For genuine BLTouch 3.0 sensors. Clones may be confused by 3.0 command angles. YMMV.
* If the pin trigger is not detected, first try swapping the black and white wires then toggle this.
//#define BLTOUCH_V3
* Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
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