From 9865318f1c8f7b2c45a6a73e923c20a8b31b3d6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: AnHardt <>
Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2015 12:24:01 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Disable splash-screen when done once

Splash screen was shown with every display init.
That means every time the menus where entered.

Note the 2 in the initialisation.
The buffer is already written in two steps a 512 byte.
Without the 2 only the upper half is shown.
 Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h | 23 ++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h b/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h
index c057e56425..e6cfb80784 100644
--- a/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h
+++ b/Marlin/dogm_lcd_implementation.h
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ char lcd_printPGM(const char* str) {
   return n;
+static int8_t show_splashscreed = 2;
 static void lcd_implementation_init()
   #ifdef LCD_PIN_BL // Enable LCD backlight
@@ -219,15 +221,18 @@ static void lcd_implementation_init()
 	do {
-    u8g.drawBitmapP(offx, offy, START_BMPBYTEWIDTH, START_BMPHEIGHT, start_bmp);
-    lcd_setFont(FONT_MENU);
-    #ifndef STRING_SPLASH_LINE2
-      u8g.drawStr(txt1X, u8g.getHeight() - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT, STRING_SPLASH_LINE1);
-    #else
-      int txt2X = (u8g.getWidth() - (sizeof(STRING_SPLASH_LINE2) - 1)*DOG_CHAR_WIDTH) / 2;
-      u8g.drawStr(txt1X, u8g.getHeight() - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT*3/2, STRING_SPLASH_LINE1);
-      u8g.drawStr(txt2X, u8g.getHeight() - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT*1/2, STRING_SPLASH_LINE2);
-    #endif
+    if (show_splashscreed) {
+      u8g.drawBitmapP(offx, offy, START_BMPBYTEWIDTH, START_BMPHEIGHT, start_bmp);
+      lcd_setFont(FONT_MENU);
+      #ifndef STRING_SPLASH_LINE2
+        u8g.drawStr(txt1X, u8g.getHeight() - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT, STRING_SPLASH_LINE1);
+      #else
+        int txt2X = (u8g.getWidth() - (sizeof(STRING_SPLASH_LINE2) - 1)*DOG_CHAR_WIDTH) / 2;
+        u8g.drawStr(txt1X, u8g.getHeight() - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT*3/2, STRING_SPLASH_LINE1);
+        u8g.drawStr(txt2X, u8g.getHeight() - DOG_CHAR_HEIGHT*1/2, STRING_SPLASH_LINE2);
+      #endif
+      show_splashscreed--;
+    }
 	} while (u8g.nextPage());