diff --git a/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.cpp b/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.cpp
index 6eb56126e1..ebe9d3b2cd 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.cpp
@@ -28,146 +28,6 @@
 #include "../MarlinCore.h"
-#ifdef __AVR__
-  static FORCE_INLINE uint32_t mult10(uint32_t val) {
-    uint32_t tmp = val;
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-       "add %A[tmp], %A[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %B[tmp], %B[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %C[tmp], %C[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %D[tmp], %D[tmp]\n"
-       "add %A[tmp], %A[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %B[tmp], %B[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %C[tmp], %C[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %D[tmp], %D[tmp]\n"
-       "add %A[val], %A[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %B[val], %B[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %C[val], %C[tmp]\n"
-       "adc %D[val], %D[tmp]\n"
-       "add %A[val], %A[val]\n"
-       "adc %B[val], %B[val]\n"
-       "adc %C[val], %C[val]\n"
-       "adc %D[val], %D[val]\n"
-        : [val] "+&r" (val),
-          [tmp] "+&r" (tmp)
-    );
-    return val;
-  }
-  static FORCE_INLINE uint32_t mult10(uint32_t val) { return val * 10; }
-// cheap base-10 strto(u)l.
-// does not check for errors.
-int32_t parse_int32(const char *buf) {
-  char c;
-  // Get a char, skipping leading spaces
-  do { c = *buf++; } while (c == ' ');
-  // check for sign
-  bool is_negative = (c == '-');
-  if (is_negative || c == '+')
-    c = *buf++;
-  // optimization for first digit (no multiplication)
-  uint8_t uc = c - '0';
-  if (uc > 9) return 0;
-  // read unsigned value
-  uint32_t uval = uc;
-  while (true) {
-    c = *buf++;
-    uc = c - '0';
-    if (uc > 9) break;
-    uval = mult10(uval) + uc;
-  }
-  return is_negative ? -uval : uval;
-// cheap strtof.
-// does not support nan/infinity or exponent notation.
-// does not check for errors.
-float parse_float(const char *buf) {
-  char c;
-  // Get a char, skipping leading spaces
-  do { c = *buf++; } while (c == ' ');
-  // check for sign
-  bool is_negative = (c == '-');
-  if (is_negative || c == '+')
-    c = *buf++;
-  // read unsigned value and decimal point
-  uint32_t uval;
-  uint8_t exp_dec;
-  uint8_t uc = c - '0';
-  if (uc <= 9) {
-    uval = uc;
-    exp_dec = 0;
-  }
-  else {
-    if (c != '.') return 0;
-    uval = 0;
-    exp_dec = 1;
-  }
-  int8_t exp = 0;
-  while (true) {
-    c = *buf++;
-    uc = c - '0';
-    if (uc <= 9) {
-      exp -= exp_dec;
-      uval = mult10(uval) + uc;
-      if (uval >= (UINT32_MAX - 9) / 10) {
-        // overflow. keep reading digits until decimal point.
-        while (exp_dec == 0) {
-          c = *buf++;
-          uc = c - '0';
-          if (uc > 9) break;
-          exp++;
-        }
-        goto overflow;
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      if (c != '.' || exp_dec != 0) break;
-      exp_dec = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  // early return for 0
-  if (uval == 0) return 0;
-  overflow:
-  // convert to float and apply sign
-  float fval = uval;
-  if (is_negative) fval *= -1;
-  // apply exponent (up to 1e-15 / 1e+15)
-  if (exp < 0) {
-    if (exp <= -8) { fval *= 1e-8; exp += 8; }
-    if (exp <= -4) { fval *= 1e-4; exp += 4; }
-    if (exp <= -2) { fval *= 1e-2; exp += 2; }
-    if (exp <= -1) { fval *= 1e-1; exp += 1; }
-  }
-  else if (exp > 0) {
-    if (exp >= 8) { fval *= 1e+8; exp -= 8; }
-    if (exp >= 4) { fval *= 1e+4; exp -= 4; }
-    if (exp >= 2) { fval *= 1e+2; exp -= 2; }
-    if (exp >= 1) { fval *= 1e+1; exp -= 1; }
-  }
-  return fval;
 // Must be declared for allocation and to satisfy the linker
 // Zero values need no initialization.
diff --git a/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.h b/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.h
index a0fc67b9e5..8523630098 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/gcode/parser.h
@@ -42,10 +42,6 @@
   typedef enum : uint8_t { LINEARUNIT_MM, LINEARUNIT_INCH } LinearUnit;
-int32_t parse_int32(const char *buf);
-float parse_float(const char *buf);
  * GCode parser
@@ -260,12 +256,29 @@ public:
   // The value as a string
   static inline char* value_string() { return value_ptr; }
-  // Code value as float
-  static inline float value_float() { return value_ptr ? parse_float(value_ptr) : 0.0; }
+  // Float removes 'E' to prevent scientific notation interpretation
+  static inline float value_float() {
+    if (value_ptr) {
+      char *e = value_ptr;
+      for (;;) {
+        const char c = *e;
+        if (c == '\0' || c == ' ') break;
+        if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') {
+          *e = '\0';
+          const float ret = strtof(value_ptr, nullptr);
+          *e = c;
+          return ret;
+        }
+        ++e;
+      }
+      return strtof(value_ptr, nullptr);
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
   // Code value as a long or ulong
-  static inline int32_t value_long() { return value_ptr ? parse_int32(value_ptr) : 0L; }
-  static inline uint32_t value_ulong() { return value_ptr ? parse_int32(value_ptr) : 0UL; }
+  static inline int32_t value_long() { return value_ptr ? strtol(value_ptr, nullptr, 10) : 0L; }
+  static inline uint32_t value_ulong() { return value_ptr ? strtoul(value_ptr, nullptr, 10) : 0UL; }
   // Code value for use as time
   static inline millis_t value_millis() { return value_ulong(); }
diff --git a/Marlin/src/gcode/queue.cpp b/Marlin/src/gcode/queue.cpp
index eb7ad79102..a79909917e 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/gcode/queue.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/gcode/queue.cpp
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ void GCodeQueue::get_serial_commands() {
         if (process_line_done(serial.input_state, serial.line_buffer, serial.count))
-        char *command = serial.line_buffer;
+        char* command = serial.line_buffer;
         while (*command == ' ') command++;                   // Skip leading spaces
         char *npos = (*command == 'N') ? command : nullptr;  // Require the N parameter to start the line
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ void GCodeQueue::get_serial_commands() {
             if (n2pos) npos = n2pos;
-          const long gcode_N = parse_int32(npos + 1);
+          const long gcode_N = strtol(npos + 1, nullptr, 10);
           if (gcode_N != serial.last_N + 1 && !M110) {
             // In case of error on a serial port, don't prevent other serial port from making progress
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ void GCodeQueue::get_serial_commands() {
           if (apos) {
             uint8_t checksum = 0, count = uint8_t(apos - command);
             while (count) checksum ^= command[--count];
-            if (parse_int32(apos + 1) != checksum) {
+            if (strtol(apos + 1, nullptr, 10) != checksum) {
               // In case of error on a serial port, don't prevent other serial port from making progress
               gcode_line_error(PSTR(STR_ERR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH), p);
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ void GCodeQueue::get_serial_commands() {
         if (IsStopped()) {
           char* gpos = strchr(command, 'G');
           if (gpos) {
-            switch (parse_int32(gpos + 1)) {
+            switch (strtol(gpos + 1, nullptr, 10)) {
               case 0: case 1:
               #if ENABLED(ARC_SUPPORT)
                 case 2: case 3:
diff --git a/Marlin/src/lcd/extui/lib/mks_ui/wifi_module.cpp b/Marlin/src/lcd/extui/lib/mks_ui/wifi_module.cpp
index ac07dc0102..a74ecd2f1e 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/lcd/extui/lib/mks_ui/wifi_module.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/lcd/extui/lib/mks_ui/wifi_module.cpp
@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ void get_wifi_commands() {
           if (IsStopped()) {
           char* gpos = strchr(command, 'G');
           if (gpos) {
-            switch (parse_int32(gpos + 1)) {
+            switch (strtol(gpos + 1, nullptr, 10)) {
               case 0 ... 1:
               #if ENABLED(ARC_SUPPORT)
                 case 2 ... 3: