diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.cpp b/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.cpp
index d5039c4ea2..eb9c6f3157 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.cpp
@@ -20,246 +20,167 @@
+#include "../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
 #include "nozzle.h"
 #include "../Marlin.h"
 #include "../module/motion.h"
 #include "point_t.h"
-  #include "../module/delta.h"
-  * @brief Stroke clean pattern
-  * @details Wipes the nozzle back and forth in a linear movement
-  *
-  * @param start point_t defining the starting point
-  * @param end point_t defining the ending point
-  * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
-  */
-void Nozzle::stroke(
-  _UNUSED point_t const &start,
-  _UNUSED point_t const &end,
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes
-) {
+  /**
+   * @brief Stroke clean pattern
+   * @details Wipes the nozzle back and forth in a linear movement
+   *
+   * @param start point_t defining the starting point
+   * @param end point_t defining the ending point
+   * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
+   */
+  void Nozzle::stroke(const point_t &start, const point_t &end, const uint8_t &strokes) {
-      // Store the current coords
-      point_t const initial = {
-        current_position[X_AXIS],
-        current_position[Y_AXIS],
-        current_position[Z_AXIS],
-        current_position[E_AXIS]
-      };
-    #endif // NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK
+      const float ix = current_position[X_AXIS], iy = current_position[Y_AXIS], iz = current_position[Z_AXIS];
+    #endif
     // Move to the starting point
-    do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x, start.y);
-    do_blocking_move_to_z(start.z);
+    do_blocking_move_to(start.x, start.y, start.z);
     // Start the stroke pattern
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (strokes >>1); i++) {
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (strokes >> 1); i++) {
       do_blocking_move_to_xy(end.x, end.y);
       do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x, start.y);
-      // Move the nozzle to the initial point
-      do_blocking_move_to(initial.x, initial.y, initial.z);
-    #endif // NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK
+      do_blocking_move_to(ix, iy, iz);
+    #endif
+  }
-  * @brief Zig-zag clean pattern
-  * @details Apply a zig-zag cleanning pattern
-  *
-  * @param start point_t defining the starting point
-  * @param end point_t defining the ending point
-  * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
-  * @param objects number of objects to create
-  */
-void Nozzle::zigzag(
-  _UNUSED point_t const &start,
-  _UNUSED point_t const &end,
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes,
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &objects
-) {
-    const float A = nozzle_clean_horizontal ? nozzle_clean_height : nozzle_clean_length, // [twice the] Amplitude
-                P = (nozzle_clean_horizontal ? nozzle_clean_length : nozzle_clean_height) / (objects << 1); // Period
-    // Don't allow impossible triangles
-    if (A <= 0.0f || P <= 0.0f ) return;
+  /**
+   * @brief Zig-zag clean pattern
+   * @details Apply a zig-zag cleaning pattern
+   *
+   * @param start point_t defining the starting point
+   * @param end point_t defining the ending point
+   * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
+   * @param objects number of triangles to do
+   */
+  void Nozzle::zigzag(const point_t &start, const point_t &end, const uint8_t &strokes, const uint8_t &objects) {
+    const float diffx = end.x - start.x, diffy = end.y - start.y;
+    if (!diffx || !diffy) return;
-      // Store the current coords
-      point_t const initial = {
-        current_position[X_AXIS],
-        current_position[Y_AXIS],
-        current_position[Z_AXIS],
-        current_position[E_AXIS]
-      };
-    #endif // NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK
+      const float ix = current_position[X_AXIS], iy = current_position[Y_AXIS], iz = current_position[Z_AXIS];
+    #endif
+    do_blocking_move_to(start.x, start.y, start.z);
+    const uint8_t zigs = objects << 1;
+    const bool horiz = FABS(diffx) >= FABS(diffy);    // Do a horizontal wipe?
+    const float P = (horiz ? diffx : diffy) / zigs;   // Period of each zig / zag
+    const point_t *side;
     for (uint8_t j = 0; j < strokes; j++) {
-      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < (objects << 1); i++) {
-        float const x = start.x + ( nozzle_clean_horizontal ? i * P : (A/P) * (P - FABS(FMOD((i*P), (2*P)) - P)) );
-        float const y = start.y + (!nozzle_clean_horizontal ? i * P : (A/P) * (P - FABS(FMOD((i*P), (2*P)) - P)) );
-        do_blocking_move_to_xy(x, y);
-        if (i == 0) do_blocking_move_to_z(start.z);
+      for (int8_t i = 0; i < zigs; i++) {
+        side = (i & 1) ? &end : &start;
+        if (horiz)
+          do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x + i * P, side->y);
+        else
+          do_blocking_move_to_xy(side->x, start.y + i * P);
-      for (int i = (objects << 1); i > -1; i--) {
-        float const x = start.x + ( nozzle_clean_horizontal ? i * P : (A/P) * (P - FABS(FMOD((i*P), (2*P)) - P)) );
-        float const y = start.y + (!nozzle_clean_horizontal ? i * P : (A/P) * (P - FABS(FMOD((i*P), (2*P)) - P)) );
-        do_blocking_move_to_xy(x, y);
+      for (int8_t i = zigs; i >= 0; i--) {
+        side = (i & 1) ? &end : &start;
+        if (horiz)
+          do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x + i * P, side->y);
+        else
+          do_blocking_move_to_xy(side->x, start.y + i * P);
-      // Move the nozzle to the initial point
-      do_blocking_move_to_z(initial.z);
-      do_blocking_move_to_xy(initial.x, initial.y);
-    #endif // NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK
+      do_blocking_move_to(ix, iy, iz);
+    #endif
+  }
-  * @brief Circular clean pattern
-  * @details Apply a circular cleaning pattern
-  *
-  * @param start point_t defining the middle of circle
-  * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
-  * @param radius radius of circle
-  */
-void Nozzle::circle(
-  _UNUSED point_t const &start,
-  _UNUSED point_t const &middle,
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes,
-  _UNUSED float const &radius
-) {
+  /**
+   * @brief Circular clean pattern
+   * @details Apply a circular cleaning pattern
+   *
+   * @param start point_t defining the middle of circle
+   * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
+   * @param radius radius of circle
+   */
+  void Nozzle::circle(const point_t &start, const point_t &middle, const uint8_t &strokes, const float &radius) {
     if (strokes == 0) return;
-      // Store the current coords
-      point_t const initial = {
-        current_position[X_AXIS],
-        current_position[Y_AXIS],
-        current_position[Z_AXIS],
-        current_position[E_AXIS]
-      };
-    #endif // NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK
+      const float ix = current_position[X_AXIS], iy = current_position[Y_AXIS], iz = current_position[Z_AXIS];
+    #endif
-    if (start.z <= current_position[Z_AXIS]) {
-      // Order of movement is pretty darn important here
-      do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x, start.y);
-      do_blocking_move_to_z(start.z);
-    }
-    else {
-      do_blocking_move_to_z(start.z);
-      do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x, start.y);
-    }
+    do_blocking_move_to(start.x, start.y, start.z);
-    float x, y;
-    for (uint8_t s = 0; s < strokes; s++) {
-      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_FN; i++) {
-        x = middle.x + sin((M_2_PI / NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_FN) * i) * radius;
-        y = middle.y + cos((M_2_PI / NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_FN) * i) * radius;
-        do_blocking_move_to_xy(x, y);
-      }
-    }
+    for (uint8_t s = 0; s < strokes; s++)
+      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_FN; i++)
+        do_blocking_move_to_xy(
+          middle.x + sin((M_2_PI / NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_FN) * i) * radius,
+          middle.y + cos((M_2_PI / NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_FN) * i) * radius
+        );
     // Let's be safe
     do_blocking_move_to_xy(start.x, start.y);
-      // Move the nozzle to the initial point
-      if (start.z <= initial.z) {
-        // As above order is important
-        do_blocking_move_to_z(initial.z);
-        do_blocking_move_to_xy(initial.x, initial.y);
-      }
-      else {
-        do_blocking_move_to_xy(initial.x, initial.y);
-        do_blocking_move_to_z(initial.z);
-      }
-    #endif // NOZZLE_CLEAN_GOBACK
-  * @brief Clean the nozzle
-  * @details Starts the selected clean procedure pattern
-  *
-  * @param pattern one of the available patterns
-  * @param argument depends on the cleaning pattern
-  */
-void Nozzle::clean(
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &pattern,
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes,
-  _UNUSED float const &radius,
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &objects
-) {
-      if (current_position[Z_AXIS] > delta_clip_start_height)
-        do_blocking_move_to_z(delta_clip_start_height);
+      do_blocking_move_to(ix, iy, iz);
+  }
+  /**
+   * @brief Clean the nozzle
+   * @details Starts the selected clean procedure pattern
+   *
+   * @param pattern one of the available patterns
+   * @param argument depends on the cleaning pattern
+   */
+  void Nozzle::clean(const uint8_t &pattern, const uint8_t &strokes, const float &radius, const uint8_t &objects/*=0*/) {
     switch (pattern) {
       case 1:
-        Nozzle::zigzag(
-          NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT, strokes, objects);
+        zigzag(NOZZLE_CLEAN_START_POINT, NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT, strokes, objects);
       case 2:
-        Nozzle::circle(
-          NOZZLE_CLEAN_CIRCLE_MIDDLE, strokes, radius);
-        Nozzle::stroke(
-          NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT, strokes);
+  }
-void Nozzle::park(
-  _UNUSED uint8_t const &z_action
-) {
-    float const z = current_position[Z_AXIS];
-    point_t const park = NOZZLE_PARK_POINT;
-    switch(z_action) {
-      case 1: // force Z-park height
+  void Nozzle::park(const uint8_t &z_action) {
+    const point_t park = NOZZLE_PARK_POINT;
+    switch (z_action) {
+      case 1: // Go to Z-park height
       case 2: // Raise by Z-park height
-        do_blocking_move_to_z(
-          (z + park.z > Z_MAX_POS) ? Z_MAX_POS : z + park.z);
+        do_blocking_move_to_z(min(current_position[Z_AXIS] + park.z, Z_MAX_POS));
-      default: // Raise to Z-park height if lower
-        if (current_position[Z_AXIS] < park.z)
-          do_blocking_move_to_z(park.z);
+      default: // Raise to at least the Z-park height
+        do_blocking_move_to_z(max(park.z, current_position[Z_AXIS]));
     do_blocking_move_to_xy(park.x, park.y);
+  }
diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.h b/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.h
index 308efd1c96..ae1fe774d3 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/nozzle.h
@@ -26,14 +26,6 @@
 #include "../inc/MarlinConfig.h"
 #include "point_t.h"
-  constexpr float nozzle_clean_start_point[4] = NOZZLE_CLEAN_START_POINT,
-                  nozzle_clean_end_point[4] = NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT,
-                  nozzle_clean_length = FABS(nozzle_clean_start_point[X_AXIS] - nozzle_clean_end_point[X_AXIS]), //abs x size of wipe pad
-                  nozzle_clean_height = FABS(nozzle_clean_start_point[Y_AXIS] - nozzle_clean_end_point[Y_AXIS]); //abs y size of wipe pad
-  constexpr bool nozzle_clean_horizontal = nozzle_clean_length >= nozzle_clean_height; //whether to zig-zag horizontally or vertically
  * @brief Nozzle class
@@ -41,6 +33,9 @@
 class Nozzle {
      * @brief Stroke clean pattern
      * @details Wipes the nozzle back and forth in a linear movement
@@ -49,11 +44,7 @@ class Nozzle {
      * @param end point_t defining the ending point
      * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
-    static void stroke(
-      _UNUSED point_t const &start,
-      _UNUSED point_t const &end,
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes
-    ) _Os;
+    static void stroke(const point_t &start, const point_t &end, const uint8_t &strokes) _Os;
      * @brief Zig-zag clean pattern
@@ -64,12 +55,7 @@ class Nozzle {
      * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
      * @param objects number of objects to create
-    static void zigzag(
-      _UNUSED point_t const &start,
-      _UNUSED point_t const &end,
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes,
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &objects
-    ) _Os;
+    static void zigzag(const point_t &start, const point_t &end, const uint8_t &strokes, const uint8_t &objects) _Os;
      * @brief Circular clean pattern
@@ -79,14 +65,14 @@ class Nozzle {
      * @param strokes number of strokes to execute
      * @param radius radius of circle
-    static void circle(
-      _UNUSED point_t const &start,
-      _UNUSED point_t const &middle,
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes,
-      _UNUSED float const &radius
-    ) _Os;
+    static void circle(const point_t &start, const point_t &middle, const uint8_t &strokes, const float &radius) _Os;
      * @brief Clean the nozzle
      * @details Starts the selected clean procedure pattern
@@ -94,16 +80,15 @@ class Nozzle {
      * @param pattern one of the available patterns
      * @param argument depends on the cleaning pattern
-    static void clean(
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &pattern,
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &strokes,
-      _UNUSED float const &radius,
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &objects = 0
-    ) _Os;
+    static void clean(const uint8_t &pattern, const uint8_t &strokes, const float &radius, const uint8_t &objects=0) _Os;
-    static void park(
-      _UNUSED uint8_t const &z_action
-    ) _Os;
+    static void park(const uint8_t &z_action) _Os;
+  #endif
 #endif // __NOZZLE_H__
diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/point_t.h b/Marlin/src/libs/point_t.h
index 367ee55fe1..37ade7eba7 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/libs/point_t.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/point_t.h
@@ -31,19 +31,9 @@
  * @param x The x-coordinate of the point.
  * @param y The y-coordinate of the point.
  * @param z The z-coordinate of the point.
- * @param e The e-coordinate of the point.
 struct point_t {
-  float x, y, z, e;
-  /**
-   * @brief Two dimensional point constructor
-   *
-   * @param x The x-coordinate of the point.
-   * @param y The y-coordinate of the point.
-   */
-  point_t(float const x, float const y)
-    : point_t(x, y, NAN, NAN) {}
+  float x, y, z;
    * @brief Three dimensional point constructor
@@ -52,23 +42,16 @@ struct point_t {
    * @param y The y-coordinate of the point.
    * @param z The z-coordinate of the point.
-  point_t(float const x, float const y, float const z)
-    : point_t(x, y, z, NAN) {}
+  point_t(const float x, const float y, const float z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
-   * @brief Tree dimensional point constructor with extrusion length
+   * @brief Two dimensional point constructor
    * @param x The x-coordinate of the point.
    * @param y The y-coordinate of the point.
-   * @param z The z-coordinate of the point.
-   * @param e The e-coordinate of the point.
-  point_t(float const x, float const y, float const z, float const e) {
-    this->x = x;
-    this->y = y;
-    this->z = z;
-    this->e = e;
-  }
+  point_t(const float x, const float y) : point_t(x, y, NAN) {}
 #endif // __POINT_T__