diff --git a/Documentation/Hardware.md b/Documentation/Hardware.md
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+++ b/Documentation/Hardware.md
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+# Supported Hardware
+__Please note:__ We need more feedback from users weather their board is actually working!
+Supported boards are listed under: [/Marlin/boards.h](/Marlin/boards.h)
+##### RAMPS
+#define BOARD_RAMPS_OLD         3    // MEGA/RAMPS up to 1.2
+#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB      33   // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder, Fan, Bed)
+#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEB      34   // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder0, Extruder1, Bed)
+#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFF      35   // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder, Fan, Fan)
+#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EEF      36   // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Extruder0, Extruder1, Fan)
+#define BOARD_DUEMILANOVE_328P  4    // Duemilanove w/ ATMega328P pin assignment
+##### Generation 3 Electronics
+#define BOARD_GEN3_PLUS         9    // Gen3+
+#define BOARD_GEN3_MONOLITHIC   22   // Gen3 Monolithic Electronics
+##### Generation 6 Electronics
+#define BOARD_GEN6              5    // Gen6
+#define BOARD_GEN6_DELUXE       51   // Gen6 deluxe
+##### Generation 7 Electronics
+#define BOARD_GEN7_CUSTOM       10   // Gen7 custom (Alfons3 Version) "https://github.com/Alfons3/Generation_7_Electronics"
+#define BOARD_GEN7_12           11   // Gen7 v1.1, v1.2
+#define BOARD_GEN7_13           12   // Gen7 v1.3
+#define BOARD_GEN7_14           13   // Gen7 v1.4
+#define BOARD_CHEAPTRONIC       2    // Cheaptronic v1.0
+#define BOARD_SETHI             20   // Sethi 3D_1
+##### Sanguinololu
+#define BOARD_SANGUINOLOLU_11   6    // Sanguinololu < 1.2
+#define BOARD_SANGUINOLOLU_12   62   // Sanguinololu 1.2 and above
+##### Melzi
+#define BOARD_MELZI             63   // Melzi
+#define BOARD_MELZI_1284        66   // Melzi with ATmega1284 (MaKr3d version)
+##### RUMBA
+#define BOARD_RUMBA             80   // Rumba
+##### Azteeg
+  - http://reprap.org/wiki/Azteeg_X1
+  - http://reprap.org/wiki/Azteeg_X3
+#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X1         65   // Azteeg X1
+#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X3         67   // Azteeg X3
+#define BOARD_AZTEEG_X3_PRO     68   // Azteeg X3 Pro
+#### Others
+#define BOARD_STB_11            64   // STB V1.1
+#define BOARD_ULTIMAKER         7    // Ultimaker
+#define BOARD_ULTIMAKER_OLD     71   // Ultimaker (Older electronics. Pre 1.5.4. This is rare)
+#define BOARD_ULTIMAIN_2        72   // Ultimainboard 2.x (Uses TEMP_SENSOR 20)
+#define BOARD_3DRAG             77   // 3Drag Controller
+#define BOARD_TEENSYLU          8    // Teensylu
+#define BOARD_PRINTRBOARD       81   // Printrboard (AT90USB1286)
+#define BOARD_BRAINWAVE         82   // Brainwave (AT90USB646)
+#define BOARD_SAV_MKI           83   // SAV Mk-I (AT90USB1286)
+#define BOARD_TEENSY2           84   // Teensy++2.0 (AT90USB1286) - CLI compile: DEFINES=AT90USBxx_TEENSYPP_ASSIGNMENTS HARDWARE_MOTHERBOARD=84  make
+#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS       70   // Megatronics
+#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS_2     701  // Megatronics v2.0
+#define BOARD_MEGATRONICS_1     702  // Minitronics v1.0
+#define BOARD_OMCA_A            90   // Alpha OMCA board
+#define BOARD_OMCA              91   // Final OMCA board
+#define BOARD_RAMBO             301  // Rambo
+#define BOARD_ELEFU_3           21   // Elefu Ra Board (v3)
+#define BOARD_5DPRINT           88   // 5DPrint D8 Driver Board
+#define BOARD_LEAPFROG          999  // Leapfrog
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