From d1cad5afa47cbf593f2174c6b58fc3102ac3d5e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scott Lahteine <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2017 02:05:11 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Apply FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES to example configs

 .../AlephObjects/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h     | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Anet/A6/Configuration_adv.h               | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Anet/A8/Configuration_adv.h               | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../BQ/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h          | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../BQ/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h        | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../BQ/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h             | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h              | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Creality/CR-10/Configuration.h            |  2 +-
 .../Creality/CR-10/Configuration_adv.h        | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Felix/Configuration_adv.h                 | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../FolgerTech/i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h    | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Infitary/i3-M508/Configuration_adv.h      | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Malyan/M150/Configuration_adv.h           | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Micromake/C1/enhanced/Configuration_adv.h | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h              | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../SCARA/Configuration_adv.h                 | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Sanguinololu/Configuration_adv.h          | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h              | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Velleman/K8200/Configuration_adv.h        | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Velleman/K8400/Configuration_adv.h        | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../Wanhao/Duplicator 6/Configuration_adv.h   | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h  | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h     | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h         | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h     | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h      | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h       | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../gCreate/gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h      | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../makibox/Configuration_adv.h               | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h         | 53 +++++++++++--------
 .../wt150/Configuration_adv.h                 | 53 +++++++++++--------
 31 files changed, 931 insertions(+), 661 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/AlephObjects/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/AlephObjects/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h
index 1074bc45d6..5c60dd8fa3 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/AlephObjects/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/AlephObjects/TAZ4/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A6/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A6/Configuration_adv.h
index 36e87826b9..9c14a12373 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A6/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A6/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A8/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A8/Configuration_adv.h
index 6d7e288d9f..320c67b797 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A8/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Anet/A8/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h
index e8f5214067..7a4200f67e 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h
index 14776c62c6..de4ed113a9 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/Hephestos_2/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h
index e8f5214067..7a4200f67e 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/BQ/WITBOX/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h
index aa7bcff1db..523f780120 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Cartesio/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 1         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  //#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100 // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 1         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  //#define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100 // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration.h
index efd299e568..a8e00abceb 100755
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration.h
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@
  *    P1  Raise the nozzle always to Z-park height.
  *    P2  Raise the nozzle by Z-park amount, limited to Z_MAX_POS.
   // Specify a park position as { X, Y, Z }
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration_adv.h
index f1dc2f0d3b..9e0aad3175 100755
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Creality/CR-10/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 4         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 420   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 8     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 120       // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 3 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                  // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 4         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 420   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 8     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 120       // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 6       // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                  // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   #define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE         // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h
index 778c8e088d..67abadd739 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Felix/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech/i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech/i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h
index d700c25cfa..2eba78fe82 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech/i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/FolgerTech/i3-2020/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                  // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                  // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Infitary/i3-M508/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Infitary/i3-M508/Configuration_adv.h
index 4715634ed2..732f497db5 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Infitary/i3-M508/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Infitary/i3-M508/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Malyan/M150/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Malyan/M150/Configuration_adv.h
index c46e7f7b73..2067af3e5b 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Malyan/M150/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Malyan/M150/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Micromake/C1/enhanced/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Micromake/C1/enhanced/Configuration_adv.h
index db9065568f..50dae453d2 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Micromake/C1/enhanced/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Micromake/C1/enhanced/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -879,29 +879,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h
index fdcac909a7..e563d2912d 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/RigidBot/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h
index 8909af8146..d2593437be 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/SCARA/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Sanguinololu/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Sanguinololu/Configuration_adv.h
index 4b326e8cbb..c2396ddfe3 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Sanguinololu/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Sanguinololu/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -845,29 +845,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h
index 8fdc831cbb..b83bd989d4 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/TinyBoy2/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8200/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8200/Configuration_adv.h
index a593ca7f9c..fa2eae4f5b 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8200/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8200/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -889,29 +889,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8400/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8400/Configuration_adv.h
index 19d0433b31..680bc15e00 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8400/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Velleman/K8400/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 5         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 600   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 100   // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 5         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 600   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 100   // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/Wanhao/Duplicator 6/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/Wanhao/Duplicator 6/Configuration_adv.h
index 4aae63702e..9509eb4a28 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/Wanhao/Duplicator 6/Configuration_adv.h	
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/Wanhao/Duplicator 6/Configuration_adv.h	
@@ -880,29 +880,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h
index 8e2568bb1c..a15fe61c59 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/auto_calibrate/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -880,29 +880,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
index 60d7c0a281..20912be5ab 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/FLSUN/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -880,29 +880,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h
index 60d7c0a281..20912be5ab 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/generic/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -880,29 +880,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
index 60d7c0a281..20912be5ab 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_mini/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -880,29 +880,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h
index c5330406ff..b0fa9ec175 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_pro/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -885,29 +885,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h
index 0edc91d476..1156a96081 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/delta/kossel_xl/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -880,29 +880,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate/gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate/gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h
index 8bad79a5f0..a220743ad4 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate/gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/gCreate/gMax1.5+/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                  // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  #define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                  // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h
index 35af6427b6..5852e9ec11 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/makibox/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h
index cf2d78b406..2c5d6af4a1 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/tvrrug/Round2/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -878,29 +878,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc
diff --git a/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h
index ea1b4610fd..6b4f20a057 100644
--- a/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/example_configurations/wt150/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -868,29 +868,38 @@
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // Initial retract feedrate in mm/s
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // Initial retract in mm
-                                              // It is a short retract used immediately after print interrupt before move to filament exchange position
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // Unload filament feedrate in mm/s - filament unloading can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // Unload filament length from hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to unload filament from whole bowden tube,
-                                              // shorter length for printers without bowden to unload filament from extruder only,
-                                              // 0 to disable unloading for manual unloading
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // Load filament feedrate in mm/s - filament loading into the bowden tube can be fast
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // Load filament length over hotend in mm
-                                              // Longer length for bowden printers to fast load filament into whole bowden tube over the hotend,
-                                              // Short or zero length for printers without bowden where loading is not used
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // Extrude filament feedrate in mm/s - must be slower than load feedrate
-  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // Extrude filament length in mm after filament is loaded over the hotend,
-                                              // 0 to disable for manual extrusion
-                                              // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the filament exchange menu to fill the hotend,
-                                              // or until outcoming filament color is not clear for filament color change
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // Turn off nozzle if user doesn't change filament within this time limit in seconds
-  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_NUMBER_OF_ALERT_BEEPS 5 // Number of alert beeps before printer goes quiet
-  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable to have stepper motors hold position during filament change
-                                              // even if it takes longer than DEFAULT_STEPPER_DEACTIVE_TIME.
-  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Go to filament change position on pause, return to print position on resume
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60      // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2         // (mm) Initial retract.
+                                              // This short retract is done immediately, before parking the nozzle.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10  // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_LENGTH 100   // (mm) The length of filament for a complete unload.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual unloading.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6     // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This can be pretty fast.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_LOAD_LENGTH 0       // (mm) Load length of filament, from extruder gear to nozzle.
+                                              //   For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle.
+                                              //   For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_FEEDRATE 3   // (mm/s) Extrude feedrate (after loading). Should be slower than load feedrate.
+  #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_EXTRUDE_LENGTH 50    // (mm) Length to extrude after loading.
+                                              //   Set to 0 for manual extrusion.
+                                              //   Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu
+                                              //   until extrusion is consistent, and to purge old filament.
+                                              // Filament Unload does a Retract, Delay, and Purge first:
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_RETRACT_LENGTH 13   // (mm) Unload initial retract length.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_DELAY 5000          // (ms) Delay for the filament to cool after retract.
+  #define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_PURGE_LENGTH 8      // (mm) An unretract is done, then this length is purged.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NOZZLE_TIMEOUT 45        // (seconds) Time limit before the nozzle is turned off for safety.
+  #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_ALERT_BEEPS 10      // Number of alert beeps to play when a response is needed.
+  #define PAUSE_PARK_NO_STEPPER_TIMEOUT       // Enable for XYZ steppers to stay powered on during filament change.
+  //#define PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE                // Park the nozzle during pause and filament change.
   //#define HOME_BEFORE_FILAMENT_CHANGE       // Ensure homing has been completed prior to parking for filament change
+  //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES       // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu.
+  //#define FILAMENT_UNLOAD_ALL_EXTRUDERS     // Allow M702 to unload all extruders above a minimum target temp (as set by M302)
 // @section tmc