 * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
 * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
 * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef ULCDST7565_H
#define ULCDST7565_H

#include <U8glib.h>
#include "delay.h"

#define ST7565_CLK_PIN  DOGLCD_SCK
#define ST7565_CS_PIN   DOGLCD_CS
#define ST7565_A0_PIN   DOGLCD_A0

#define LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH 128
#define PAGE_HEIGHT 8

//set optimization so ARDUINO optimizes this file
#pragma GCC optimize (3)

// If you want you can define your own set of delays in Configuration.h
//#define ST7565_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
//#define ST7565_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(0)
//#define ST7565_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(0)

#define ST7565_DELAY_1 u8g_10MicroDelay()
#define ST7565_DELAY_2 u8g_10MicroDelay()
#define ST7565_DELAY_3 u8g_10MicroDelay()

#if F_CPU >= 20000000
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(63)
#elif MB(3DRAG) || MB(K8200) || MB(K8400)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(188)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(250)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(0)
#elif MB(RAMBO)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(0)
#elif F_CPU == 16000000
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_1 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_2 DELAY_NS(0)
  #define CPU_ST7565_DELAY_3 DELAY_NS(63)
  #error "No valid condition for delays in 'ultralcd_st7565_u8glib_VIKI.h'"

#ifndef ST7565_DELAY_1
  #define ST7565_DELAY_1 CPU_ST7565_DELAY_1
#ifndef ST7565_DELAY_2
  #define ST7565_DELAY_2 CPU_ST7565_DELAY_2
#ifndef ST7565_DELAY_3
  #define ST7565_DELAY_3 CPU_ST7565_DELAY_3

// On Viki2 the LCD and the SD card share a single SPI

#if HARDWARE_SPI  // using the hardware SPI

  #define ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(a)                 { SPDR = a; while (!TEST(SPSR, SPIF)); U8G_DELAY(); }
  #define ST7560_WriteSequence(count, pointer) { uint8_t *ptr = pointer; for (uint8_t i = 0; i <  count; i++) {SPDR = *ptr++; while (!TEST(SPSR, SPIF));} U8G_DELAY(); }

#else // !HARDWARE_SPI

  #define ST7565_SND_BIT \
    WRITE(ST7565_CLK_PIN, LOW);        ST7565_DELAY_1; \
    WRITE(ST7565_DAT_PIN, val & 0x80); ST7565_DELAY_2; \
    WRITE(ST7565_CLK_PIN, HIGH);       ST7565_DELAY_3; \
    WRITE(ST7565_CLK_PIN, LOW);\
    val <<= 1

  static void ST7565_SWSPI_SND_8BIT(uint8_t val) {
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 1
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 2
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 3
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 4
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 5
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 6
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 7
    ST7565_SND_BIT; // 8

  #define ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(a)                 { ST7565_SWSPI_SND_8BIT((uint8_t)a); U8G_DELAY(); }
  #define ST7560_WriteSequence(count, pointer) { uint8_t *ptr = pointer; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { ST7565_SWSPI_SND_8BIT(*ptr++); } U8G_DELAY(); }

#endif // !HARDWARE_SPI

  #define U8G_DELAY() u8g_10MicroDelay()

#define ST7565_CS()   do{ WRITE(ST7565_CS_PIN, HIGH); U8G_DELAY(); }while(0)
#define ST7565_NCS()      WRITE(ST7565_CS_PIN, LOW)
#define ST7565_A0()   do{ WRITE(ST7565_A0_PIN, HIGH); U8G_DELAY(); }while(0)
#define ST7565_NA0()      WRITE(ST7565_A0_PIN, LOW)

#define ST7565_ADC_REVERSE(N)    ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xA0 | ((N) & 0x1))
#define ST7565_BIAS_MODE(N)      ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xA2 | ((N) & 0x1))
#define ST7565_ALL_PIX(N)        ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xA4 | ((N) & 0x1))
#define ST7565_INVERTED(N)       ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xA6 | ((N) & 0x1))
#define ST7565_ON(N)             ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xAE | ((N) & 0x1))
#define ST7565_OUT_MODE(N)       ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xC0 | ((N) & 0x1) << 3)
#define ST7565_POWER_CONTROL(N)  ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0x28 | (N))
#define ST7565_V0_RATIO(N)       ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0x10 | ((N) & 0x7)) // Specific to Displaytech 64128N? (ST7565 is 0x20 | N)
#define ST7565_CONTRAST(N)   do{ ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0x81); ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(N); }while(0)

#define ST7565_COLUMN_ADR(N) do{ ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0x10 | (((N) >> 4) & 0xF)); ST7565_WRITE_BYTE((N) & 0xF); }while(0)
#define ST7565_PAGE_ADR(N)       ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xB0 | (N))
#define ST7565_START_LINE(N)     ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0x40 | (N))
#define ST7565_SLEEP_MODE()      ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xAC)
#define ST7565_NOOP()            ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0xE3)

uint8_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_fn(u8g_t *u8g, u8g_dev_t *dev, uint8_t msg, void *arg) {
  switch (msg) {

    case U8G_DEV_MSG_INIT: {

      OUT_WRITE(ST7565_CS_PIN, LOW);

      #if HARDWARE_SPI
        OUT_WRITE(SDSS, 1);   // must be set to an output first or else will never go into master mode
        SPCR = 0x50;          // enable SPI in master mode at fast speed
        SPSR = 1;             // kick it up to 2x speed mode

      OUT_WRITE(ST7565_A0_PIN, LOW);

      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
      ST7565_NA0();                     // instruction mode
      ST7565_NCS();                     // chip select

      ST7565_BIAS_MODE(0);              // 0xA2: LCD bias 1/9 (according to Displaytech 64128N datasheet)
      ST7565_ADC_REVERSE(0);            // Normal (not flipped) ADC Select (according to Displaytech 64128N datasheet)

      ST7565_OUT_MODE(1);               // common output mode: set scan direction normal operation/SHL Select; 0x0C0 --> SHL = 0; normal; 0x0C8 --> SHL = 1
      ST7565_START_LINE(0);             // Display start line for Displaytech 64128N

      ST7565_POWER_CONTROL(0x4);        // power control: turn on Booster
      U8G_ESC_DLY(50);                  // delay 50 ms - hangs after a reset if used

      ST7565_POWER_CONTROL(0x6);        // power control: turn on Booster, Voltage Regulator
      U8G_ESC_DLY(50);                  // delay 50 ms - hangs after a reset if used

      ST7565_POWER_CONTROL(0x7);        // power control: turn on Booster, Voltage Regulator, Voltage Follower
      U8G_ESC_DLY(50);                  // delay 50 ms - hangs after a reset if used

      ST7565_V0_RATIO(0);               // Set V0 Voltage Resistor ratio. Setting for controlling brightness of Displaytech 64128N

      ST7565_INVERTED(0);               // display normal, bit val 0: LCD pixel off.

      ST7565_CONTRAST(0x1E);            // Contrast value. Setting for controlling contrast of Displaytech 64128N

      ST7565_ON(1);                     // display on

      U8G_ESC_DLY(100);                 // delay 100 ms
      ST7565_ALL_PIX(1);                // display all points; ST7565
      U8G_ESC_DLY(100);                 // delay 100 ms
      U8G_ESC_DLY(100);                 // delay 100 ms
      ST7565_ALL_PIX(0);                // normal display
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
    }                                   // end of sequence

    case U8G_DEV_MSG_STOP: break;

    case U8G_DEV_MSG_PAGE_NEXT: {
      u8g_pb_t *pb = (u8g_pb_t*)(dev->dev_mem);
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
      ST7565_NA0();                     // instruction mode
      ST7565_NCS();                     // chip select
      ST7565_COLUMN_ADR(0x00);          // high 4 bits to 0, low 4 bits to 0. Changed for DisplayTech 64128N
                                        // end of sequence
      ST7565_PAGE_ADR(2 * pb->p.page);  // select current page (ST7565R)
      ST7565_A0();                      // data mode
      ST7560_WriteSequence((uint8_t)pb->width, (uint8_t*)pb->buf);
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
      ST7565_NA0();                     // instruction mode
      ST7565_NCS();                     // chip select
      ST7565_COLUMN_ADR(0x00);          // high 4 bits to 0, low 4 bits to 0
                                        // end of sequence
      ST7565_PAGE_ADR(2 * pb->p.page + 1); // select current page (ST7565R)
      ST7565_A0();                      // data mode
      ST7560_WriteSequence((uint8_t)pb->width, (uint8_t*)(pb->buf) + pb->width);
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off

      ST7565_NA0();                     // instruction mode
      ST7565_CONTRAST((*(uint8_t*)arg) >> 2);
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
      return 1;

    case U8G_DEV_MSG_SLEEP_ON:
      ST7565_NA0();                     // instruction mode
      ST7565_NCS();                     // chip select
      ST7565_SLEEP_MODE();              // static indicator off
      //ST7565_WRITE_BYTE(0x00);        // indicator register set (not sure if this is required)
      ST7565_ON(0);                     // display off
      ST7565_ALL_PIX(1);                // all points on
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
      return 1;

      ST7565_NA0();                     // instruction mode
      ST7565_NCS();                     // chip select
      ST7565_ALL_PIX(0);                // all points off
      ST7565_ON(1);                     // display on
      U8G_ESC_DLY(50);                  // delay 50 ms
      ST7565_CS();                      // chip select off
      return 1;
  return u8g_dev_pb16v1_base_fn(u8g, dev, msg, arg);

uint8_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_buf[LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH * 2] U8G_NOCOMMON;
u8g_pb_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_pb = {{16, LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0}, LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH, u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_buf};
u8g_dev_t u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_sw_spi = {u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_fn, &u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_pb, &u8g_com_null_fn};

class U8GLIB_ST7565_64128n_2x_VIKI : public U8GLIB {
  U8GLIB_ST7565_64128n_2x_VIKI(uint8_t dummy)
    : U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_sw_spi)
    {  }
  U8GLIB_ST7565_64128n_2x_VIKI(uint8_t sck, uint8_t mosi, uint8_t cs, uint8_t a0, uint8_t reset = U8G_PIN_NONE)
    : U8GLIB(&u8g_dev_st7565_64128n_2x_VIKI_sw_spi)
    {  }

#pragma GCC reset_options

#endif // ULCDST7565_H