2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
# MarlinBinaryProtocol.py
# Supporting Firmware upload via USB/Serial, saving to the attached media.
import serial
import math
import time
from collections import deque
import threading
import sys
import datetime
import random
try :
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
import heatshrink2 as heatshrink
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
heatshrink_exists = True
except ImportError :
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
try :
import heatshrink
heatshrink_exists = True
except ImportError :
heatshrink_exists = False
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
def millis ( ) :
return time . perf_counter ( ) * 1000
class TimeOut ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , milliseconds ) :
self . duration = milliseconds
self . reset ( )
def reset ( self ) :
self . endtime = millis ( ) + self . duration
def timedout ( self ) :
return millis ( ) > self . endtime
class ReadTimeout ( Exception ) :
class FatalError ( Exception ) :
class SycronisationError ( Exception ) :
class PayloadOverflow ( Exception ) :
class ConnectionLost ( Exception ) :
class Protocol ( object ) :
device = None
baud = None
max_block_size = 0
port = None
block_size = 0
packet_transit = None
packet_status = None
packet_ping = None
errors = 0
packet_buffer = None
simulate_errors = 0
sync = 0
connected = False
syncronised = False
worker_thread = None
response_timeout = 1000
applications = [ ]
responses = deque ( )
def __init__ ( self , device , baud , bsize , simerr , timeout ) :
print ( " pySerial Version: " , serial . VERSION )
self . port = serial . Serial ( device , baudrate = baud , write_timeout = 0 , timeout = 1 )
self . device = device
self . baud = baud
self . block_size = int ( bsize )
self . simulate_errors = max ( min ( simerr , 1.0 ) , 0.0 ) ;
self . connected = True
self . response_timeout = timeout
self . register ( [ ' ok ' , ' rs ' , ' ss ' , ' fe ' ] , self . process_input )
self . worker_thread = threading . Thread ( target = Protocol . receive_worker , args = ( self , ) )
self . worker_thread . start ( )
def receive_worker ( self ) :
while self . port . in_waiting :
self . port . reset_input_buffer ( )
def dispatch ( data ) :
for tokens , callback in self . applications :
for token in tokens :
if token == data [ : len ( token ) ] :
callback ( ( token , data [ len ( token ) : ] ) )
def reconnect ( ) :
print ( " Reconnecting.. " )
self . port . close ( )
for x in range ( 10 ) :
try :
if self . connected :
self . port = serial . Serial ( self . device , baudrate = self . baud , write_timeout = 0 , timeout = 1 )
else :
print ( " Connection closed " )
except :
time . sleep ( 1 )
raise ConnectionLost ( )
while self . connected :
try :
data = self . port . readline ( ) . decode ( ' utf8 ' ) . rstrip ( )
if len ( data ) :
dispatch ( data )
except OSError :
reconnect ( )
except UnicodeDecodeError :
# dodgy client output or datastream corruption
self . port . reset_input_buffer ( )
def shutdown ( self ) :
self . connected = False
self . worker_thread . join ( )
self . port . close ( )
def process_input ( self , data ) :
self . responses . append ( data )
def register ( self , tokens , callback ) :
self . applications . append ( ( tokens , callback ) )
def send ( self , protocol , packet_type , data = bytearray ( ) ) :
self . packet_transit = self . build_packet ( protocol , packet_type , data )
self . packet_status = 0
self . transmit_attempt = 0
timeout = TimeOut ( self . response_timeout * 20 )
while self . packet_status == 0 :
try :
if timeout . timedout ( ) :
raise ConnectionLost ( )
self . transmit_packet ( self . packet_transit )
self . await_response ( )
except ReadTimeout :
self . errors + = 1
#print("Packetloss detected..")
self . packet_transit = None
def await_response ( self ) :
timeout = TimeOut ( self . response_timeout )
while not len ( self . responses ) :
time . sleep ( 0.00001 )
if timeout . timedout ( ) :
raise ReadTimeout ( )
while len ( self . responses ) :
token , data = self . responses . popleft ( )
switch = { ' ok ' : self . response_ok , ' rs ' : self . response_resend , ' ss ' : self . response_stream_sync , ' fe ' : self . response_fatal_error }
switch [ token ] ( data )
def send_ascii ( self , data , send_and_forget = False ) :
self . packet_transit = bytearray ( data , " utf8 " ) + b ' \n '
self . packet_status = 0
self . transmit_attempt = 0
timeout = TimeOut ( self . response_timeout * 20 )
while self . packet_status == 0 :
try :
if timeout . timedout ( ) :
self . port . write ( self . packet_transit )
if send_and_forget :
self . packet_status = 1
else :
self . await_response_ascii ( )
except ReadTimeout :
self . errors + = 1
#print("Packetloss detected..")
except serial . serialutil . SerialException :
self . packet_transit = None
def await_response_ascii ( self ) :
timeout = TimeOut ( self . response_timeout )
while not len ( self . responses ) :
time . sleep ( 0.00001 )
if timeout . timedout ( ) :
raise ReadTimeout ( )
token , data = self . responses . popleft ( )
self . packet_status = 1
def corrupt_array ( self , data ) :
rid = random . randint ( 0 , len ( data ) - 1 )
data [ rid ] ^ = 0xAA
return data
def transmit_packet ( self , packet ) :
packet = bytearray ( packet )
if ( self . simulate_errors > 0 and random . random ( ) > ( 1.0 - self . simulate_errors ) ) :
if random . random ( ) > 0.9 :
#random data drop
start = random . randint ( 0 , len ( packet ) )
end = start + random . randint ( 1 , 10 )
packet = packet [ : start ] + packet [ end : ]
#print("Dropping {0} bytes".format(end - start))
else :
#random corruption
packet = self . corrupt_array ( packet )
#print("Single byte corruption")
self . port . write ( packet )
self . transmit_attempt + = 1
def build_packet ( self , protocol , packet_type , data = bytearray ( ) ) :
if len ( data ) > self . max_block_size :
raise PayloadOverflow ( )
packet_buffer = bytearray ( )
packet_buffer + = self . pack_int8 ( self . sync ) # 8bit sync id
packet_buffer + = self . pack_int4_2 ( protocol , packet_type ) # 4 bit protocol id, 4 bit packet type
packet_buffer + = self . pack_int16 ( len ( data ) ) # 16bit packet length
packet_buffer + = self . pack_int16 ( self . build_checksum ( packet_buffer ) ) # 16bit header checksum
if len ( data ) :
packet_buffer + = data
packet_buffer + = self . pack_int16 ( self . build_checksum ( packet_buffer ) )
packet_buffer = self . pack_int16 ( PACKET_TOKEN ) + packet_buffer # 16bit start token, not included in checksum
return packet_buffer
# checksum 16 fletchers
def checksum ( self , cs , value ) :
cs_low = ( ( ( cs & 0xFF ) + value ) % 255 ) ;
return ( ( ( ( cs >> 8 ) + cs_low ) % 255 ) << 8 ) | cs_low ;
def build_checksum ( self , buffer ) :
cs = 0
for b in buffer :
cs = self . checksum ( cs , b )
return cs
def pack_int32 ( self , value ) :
return value . to_bytes ( 4 , byteorder = ' little ' )
def pack_int16 ( self , value ) :
return value . to_bytes ( 2 , byteorder = ' little ' )
def pack_int8 ( self , value ) :
return value . to_bytes ( 1 , byteorder = ' little ' )
def pack_int4_2 ( self , vh , vl ) :
value = ( ( vh & 0xF ) << 4 ) | ( vl & 0xF )
return value . to_bytes ( 1 , byteorder = ' little ' )
def connect ( self ) :
print ( " Connecting: Switching Marlin to Binary Protocol... " )
self . send_ascii ( " M28B1 " )
self . send ( 0 , 1 )
def disconnect ( self ) :
self . send ( 0 , 2 )
self . syncronised = False
def response_ok ( self , data ) :
try :
packet_id = int ( data ) ;
except ValueError :
if packet_id != self . sync :
raise SycronisationError ( )
self . sync = ( self . sync + 1 ) % 256
self . packet_status = 1
def response_resend ( self , data ) :
packet_id = int ( data ) ;
self . errors + = 1
if not self . syncronised :
print ( " Retrying syncronisation " )
elif packet_id != self . sync :
raise SycronisationError ( )
def response_stream_sync ( self , data ) :
sync , max_block_size , protocol_version = data . split ( ' , ' )
self . sync = int ( sync )
self . max_block_size = int ( max_block_size )
self . block_size = self . max_block_size if self . max_block_size < self . block_size else self . block_size
self . protocol_version = protocol_version
self . packet_status = 1
self . syncronised = True
print ( " Connection synced [ {0} ], binary protocol version {1} , {2} byte payload buffer " . format ( self . sync , self . protocol_version , self . max_block_size ) )
def response_fatal_error ( self , data ) :
raise FatalError ( )
class FileTransferProtocol ( object ) :
protocol_id = 1
class Packet ( object ) :
OPEN = 1
responses = deque ( )
def __init__ ( self , protocol , timeout = None ) :
protocol . register ( [ ' PFT:success ' , ' PFT:version: ' , ' PFT:fail ' , ' PFT:busy ' , ' PFT:ioerror ' , ' PTF:invalid ' ] , self . process_input )
self . protocol = protocol
self . response_timeout = timeout or protocol . response_timeout
def process_input ( self , data ) :
self . responses . append ( data )
def await_response ( self , timeout = None ) :
timeout = TimeOut ( timeout or self . response_timeout )
while not len ( self . responses ) :
time . sleep ( 0.0001 )
if timeout . timedout ( ) :
raise ReadTimeout ( )
return self . responses . popleft ( )
def connect ( self ) :
self . protocol . send ( FileTransferProtocol . protocol_id , FileTransferProtocol . Packet . QUERY ) ;
token , data = self . await_response ( )
if token != ' PFT:version: ' :
return False
self . version , _ , compression = data . split ( ' : ' )
if compression != ' none ' :
algorithm , window , lookahead = compression . split ( ' , ' )
self . compression = { ' algorithm ' : algorithm , ' window ' : int ( window ) , ' lookahead ' : int ( lookahead ) }
else :
self . compression = { ' algorithm ' : ' none ' }
print ( " File Transfer version: {0} , compression: {1} " . format ( self . version , self . compression [ ' algorithm ' ] ) )
def open ( self , filename , compression , dummy ) :
payload = b ' \1 ' if dummy else b ' \0 ' # dummy transfer
payload + = b ' \1 ' if compression else b ' \0 ' # payload compression
payload + = bytearray ( filename , ' utf8 ' ) + b ' \0 ' # target filename + null terminator
timeout = TimeOut ( 5000 )
token = None
self . protocol . send ( FileTransferProtocol . protocol_id , FileTransferProtocol . Packet . OPEN , payload ) ;
while token != ' PFT:success ' and not timeout . timedout ( ) :
try :
token , data = self . await_response ( 1000 )
if token == ' PFT:success ' :
print ( filename , " opened " )
elif token == ' PFT:busy ' :
print ( " Broken transfer detected, purging " )
self . abort ( )
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
self . protocol . send ( FileTransferProtocol . protocol_id , FileTransferProtocol . Packet . OPEN , payload ) ;
timeout . reset ( )
elif token == ' PFT:fail ' :
raise Exception ( " Can not open file on client " )
except ReadTimeout :
raise ReadTimeout ( )
def write ( self , data ) :
self . protocol . send ( FileTransferProtocol . protocol_id , FileTransferProtocol . Packet . WRITE , data ) ;
def close ( self ) :
self . protocol . send ( FileTransferProtocol . protocol_id , FileTransferProtocol . Packet . CLOSE ) ;
token , data = self . await_response ( 1000 )
if token == ' PFT:success ' :
print ( " File closed " )
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
return True
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
elif token == ' PFT:ioerror ' :
print ( " Client storage device IO error " )
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
return False
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
elif token == ' PFT:invalid ' :
print ( " No open file " )
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
return False
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
def abort ( self ) :
self . protocol . send ( FileTransferProtocol . protocol_id , FileTransferProtocol . Packet . ABORT ) ;
token , data = self . await_response ( )
if token == ' PFT:success ' :
print ( " Transfer Aborted " )
def copy ( self , filename , dest_filename , compression , dummy ) :
self . connect ( )
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
has_heatshrink = heatshrink_exists and self . compression [ ' algorithm ' ] == ' heatshrink '
if compression and not has_heatshrink :
hs = ' 2 ' if sys . version_info [ 0 ] > 2 else ' '
print ( " Compression not supported by client. Use ' pip install heatshrink %s ' to fix. " % hs )
compression = False
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
data = open ( filename , " rb " ) . read ( )
filesize = len ( data )
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
self . open ( dest_filename , compression , dummy )
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
block_size = self . protocol . block_size
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
if compression :
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
data = heatshrink . encode ( data , window_sz2 = self . compression [ ' window ' ] , lookahead_sz2 = self . compression [ ' lookahead ' ] )
cratio = filesize / len ( data )
blocks = math . floor ( ( len ( data ) + block_size - 1 ) / block_size )
kibs = 0
dump_pctg = 0
start_time = millis ( )
for i in range ( blocks ) :
start = block_size * i
end = start + block_size
self . write ( data [ start : end ] )
kibs = ( ( ( i + 1 ) * block_size ) / 1024 ) / ( millis ( ) + 1 - start_time ) * 1000
if ( i / blocks ) > = dump_pctg :
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
print ( " \r {0:2.0f} % {1:4.2f} KiB/s {2} Errors: {3} " . format ( ( i / blocks ) * 100 , kibs , " [ {0:4.2f} KiB/s] " . format ( kibs * cratio ) if compression else " " , self . protocol . errors ) , end = ' ' )
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
dump_pctg + = 0.1
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
if self . protocol . errors > 0 :
# Dump last status (errors may not be visible)
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
print ( " \r {0:2.0f} % {1:4.2f} KiB/s {2} Errors: {3} - Aborting... " . format ( ( i / blocks ) * 100 , kibs , " [ {0:4.2f} KiB/s] " . format ( kibs * cratio ) if compression else " " , self . protocol . errors ) , end = ' ' )
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
print ( " " ) # New line to break the transfer speed line
self . close ( )
print ( " Transfer aborted due to protocol errors " )
#raise Exception("Transfer aborted due to protocol errors")
return False ;
2023-05-29 19:00:09 -05:00
print ( " \r {0:2.0f} % {1:4.2f} KiB/s {2} Errors: {3} " . format ( 100 , kibs , " [ {0:4.2f} KiB/s] " . format ( kibs * cratio ) if compression else " " , self . protocol . errors ) ) # no one likes transfers finishing at 99.8%
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
if not self . close ( ) :
print ( " Transfer failed " )
return False
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
print ( " Transfer complete " )
2022-07-14 03:25:35 +02:00
return True
2022-01-09 08:14:03 +01:00
class EchoProtocol ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , protocol ) :
protocol . register ( [ ' echo: ' ] , self . process_input )
self . protocol = protocol
def process_input ( self , data ) :
print ( data )