diff --git a/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/DWIN_ICO.py b/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/DWIN_ICO.py
index a13437a8bb5..ff95b8cbc99 100644
--- a/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/DWIN_ICO.py
+++ b/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/DWIN_ICO.py
@@ -118,14 +118,14 @@ class DWIN_ICO_File():
             count += 1
     def createFile(self, iconDir, filename):
-        '''Create a new .ico file from the contents of iconDir.
+        """Create a new .ico file from the contents of iconDir.
         The contents of iconDir are processed to get image
         resolution, and a new entry is created for each.
         Each filename must have a leading number followed by a
         dash, which is the icon index. E.g., "071-ICON_StepX.jpg".
-        '''
+        """
         self.entries = [Entry() for i in range(0,256)]
         # 1. Scan icon directory and record all valid files
         print('Scanning icon directory', iconDir)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class DWIN_ICO_File():
                 if not (0 <= index <= 255):
                     print('...Ignoring invalid index on', dirEntry.path)
-                #dirEntry.path is iconDir/name
+                # dirEntry.path is iconDir/name
                 w,h = getJpegResolution(dirEntry.path)
                 length = dirEntry.stat().st_size
                 e = self.entries[index]
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ class DWIN_ICO_File():
             e.offset = offset
             offset += e.length
-            #print('%03d: (%d x %d) len=%d off=%d' %
+            # print('%03d: (%d x %d) len=%d off=%d' %
             #      (i, e.width, e.height, e.length, e.offset))
     def _combineAndWriteIcoFile(self, filename):
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ class DWIN_ICO_File():
             return contents
 class Entry():
-    '''Entry objects record resolution and size information
+    """Entry objects record resolution and size information
     about each icon stored in an ICO file.
-    '''
+    """
     __slots__ = ('width', 'height', 'offset', 'length', 'filename')
     def __init__(self, w=0, h=0, length=0, offset=0, filename=None):
diff --git a/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/makeIco.py b/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/makeIco.py
index 65e7eb53a58..95d81503011 100755
--- a/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/makeIco.py
+++ b/buildroot/share/dwin/bin/makeIco.py
@@ -49,4 +49,3 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     except Exception as e:
         print('Error: ', e)