diff --git a/Marlin/src/pins/pins_COHESION3D_REMIX.h b/Marlin/src/pins/pins_COHESION3D_REMIX.h
index 00b6714cea4..29979792efc 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/pins/pins_COHESION3D_REMIX.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/pins/pins_COHESION3D_REMIX.h
@@ -139,11 +139,11 @@
   #undef HEATER_0_PIN
-  #define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN     P2_07   // FET 1
   #undef HEATER_BED_PIN
-  #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN     P2_05   // Bed FET
   #undef FAN_PIN
-  #define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN           P2_06   // FET 4
+  #define SPINDLE_LASER_ENA_PIN P2_07   // FET 1
+  #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN P2_05   // Bed FET
+  #define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN       P2_06   // FET 4
@@ -153,41 +153,134 @@
 // A remote SD card is currently not supported because the pins routed to the EXP2
-// connector are shared with the onboard SD card, and Marlin does not support reading
-// G-code files from the onboard SD card.
+// connector are shared with the onboard SD card, and Marlin does not support that
+// hardware configuration.
-  #define BEEPER_PIN       P1_31   // EXP1-1
-  #define SD_DETECT_PIN    P0_27   // EXP2-7
-  #define BTN_EN1          P3_26   // EXP2-5
-  #define BTN_EN2          P3_25   // EXP2-3
-  #define BTN_ENC          P1_30   // EXP1-2
+  #define FORCE_SOFT_SPI    // REQUIRED - results in LCD soft SPI mode 3
-  #define LCD_PINS_RS      P0_16   // EXP1-4
-  #define LCD_SDSS         P0_28   // EXP2-4
-  #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE  P0_18   // EXP1-3
-  #define LCD_PINS_D4      P0_15   // EXP1-5
+  #define BEEPER_PIN      P1_31   // EXP1-1
+  #define BTN_ENC         P1_30   // EXP1-2
+  #define DOGLCD_CS       P0_18   // EXP1-3
+  #define DOGLCD_A0       P0_16   // EXP1-4
+  #define LCD_RESET_PIN   P0_15   // EXP1-5
-  #define KILL_PIN         P2_11   // EXP2-10
+  // A custom cable is REQUIRED for EXP2 cable because the SCK & MOSI on the card's EXP2 are dedicated
+  // to the onboard SD card.  All required EXP2 signals come from the Ethernet connector.  Pin 1 of this
+  // connector is the one nearest the motor power connector.
+  #define DOGLCD_SCK      P1_17   // EXP2-2  =>  Ethernet pin  5 (bottom, 3 from left)
+  #define BTN_EN2         P1_09   // EXP2-3  =>  Ethernet pin  9 (bottom, 5 from left)
+  #define BTN_EN1         P1_04   // EXP2-5  =>  Ethernet pin 11 (bottom, 6 from left)
+  #define DOGLCD_MOSI     P1_01   // EXP2-6  =>  Ethernet pin 13 (bottom, 7 from left)
-    #error "SDSUPPORT is not currently supported by the Cohesion3D boards"
+  // A custom EXP1 cable is required colored LEDs. Pins 1-5, 9, 10 of the cable go to pins 1-5, 9, 10
+  // on the board's EXP1 connector. Pins 6, 7, and 8 of the EXP1 cable go to the Ethernet connector.
+  // Rev 1.2 displays do NOT require the RGB LEDs. 2.0 and 2.1 displays do require RGB.
+  #if EITHER(FYSETC_MINI_12864_1_2, FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_0)
+    #ifndef RGB_LED_R_PIN
+      #define RGB_LED_R_PIN P1_16 // EXP1-6  =>  Ethernet pin  6 (top row, 3 from left)
+    #endif
+    #ifndef RGB_LED_G_PIN
+      #define RGB_LED_G_PIN P1_10 // EXP1-7  =>  Ethernet pin 10 (top row, 5 from left)
+    #endif
+    #ifndef RGB_LED_B_PIN
+      #define RGB_LED_B_PIN P1_00 // EXP1-8  =>  Ethernet pin 12 (top row, 6 from left)
+    #endif
+  #elif ENABLED(FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_1)
+    #define NEOPIXEL_PIN  P1_16   // EXP1-6  =>  Ethernet pin  6 (top row, 3 from left)
+  #define BEEPER_PIN      P1_31   // EXP1-1
+  //#define SD_DETECT_PIN P0_27   // EXP2-7
+  #define BTN_EN1         P3_26   // EXP2-5
+  #define BTN_EN2         P3_25   // EXP2-3
+  #define BTN_ENC         P1_30   // EXP1-2
+  #define LCD_PINS_RS     P0_16   // EXP1-4
+  #define LCD_SDSS        P0_28   // EXP2-4
+  #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE P0_18   // EXP1-3
+  #define LCD_PINS_D4     P0_15   // EXP1-5
+  #define KILL_PIN        P2_11   // EXP2-10
 #endif // ULTRA_LCD
+// SD Support
+  #define USB_SD_ONBOARD
+  #define LPC_SD_ONBOARD
+  #define SCK_PIN          P0_07   // (52)  system defined J3-9 & AUX-3
+  #define MISO_PIN         P0_08   // (50)  system defined J3-10 & AUX-3
+  #define MOSI_PIN         P0_09   // (51)  system defined J3-10 & AUX-3
+  #define SS_PIN           P1_23   // (53)  system defined J3-5 & AUX-3 (Sometimes called SDSS) - CS used by Marlin
+  #define ONBOARD_SD_CS    P0_06   // Chip select for "System" SD card
+    // When sharing the SD card with a PC the LCD menu options are
+    // needed to mount/unmount and refresh SD. So disable SD detect.
+    #define SHARED_SD_CARD
+    #undef SD_DETECT_PIN   // No SD detect pin for the onboard card
+  #endif
+  #define SCK_PIN          P0_07
+  #define MISO_PIN         P0_08
+  #define MOSI_PIN         P0_09
+  #define SS_PIN           P0_06   // Chip select for SD card used by Marlin
+  #define ONBOARD_SD_CS    P0_06   // Chip select for "System" SD card
 // Ethernet pins
-#define ENET_MDIO          P1_17
-#define ENET_RX_ER         P1_14
-#define ENET_RXD1          P1_10
-#define ENET_MOC           P1_16
-#define REF_CLK            P1_15
-#define ENET_RXD0          P1_09
-#define ENET_CRS           P1_08
-#define ENET_TX_EN         P1_04
-#define ENET_TXD0          P1_00
-#define ENET_TXD1          P1_01
+//#define ENET_MDIO          P1_17   // Ethernet pin  5 (bottom, 3 from left)
+//#define ENET_RX_ER         P1_14
+//#define ENET_RXD1          P1_10   // Ethernet pin 10 (top row, 5 from left)
+//#define ENET_MOC           P1_16   // Ethernet pin  6 (top row, 3 from left)
+//#define REF_CLK            P1_15
+//#define ENET_RXD0          P1_09   // Ethernet pin  9 (bottom, 5 from left)
+//#define ENET_CRS           P1_08   // Ethernet pin  8 (top row, 4 from left) - INPUT ONLY
+//#define ENET_TX_EN         P1_04   // Ethernet pin 11 (bottom, 6 from left)
+//#define ENET_TXD0          P1_00   // Ethernet pin 12 (top row, 6 from left)
+//#define ENET_TXD1          P1_01   // Ethernet pin 13 (bottom, 7 from left)
+ *  EXP1 pins
+ *    1 - P1_31
+ *    2 - P1_30
+ *    3 - P0_18
+ *    4 - P0_16
+ *    5 - P0_15
+ *    6 - N/C
+ *    7 - N/C
+ *    8 - P0_27 (also on EXP2-7)
+ *    9 - GND
+ *   10 - +5V
+ *
+ *
+ *  EXP2 pins
+ *    1 - P0_08
+ *    2 - P0_07
+ *    3 - P3_26
+ *    4 - P0_28
+ *    5 - P3_25
+ *    6 - P0_09
+ *    7 - P0_27 (also on EXP1_8)
+ *    8 - P2_11
+ *    9 - GND
+ *   10 - N/C
+ */