diff --git a/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h b/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h
index 23201bb3876..897cb2824fc 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/inc/SanityCheck.h
@@ -2304,7 +2304,7 @@ static_assert(hbm[Z_AXIS] >= 0, "HOMING_BUMP_MM.Z must be greater than or equal
   + (ENABLED(IS_LEGACY_TFT) && COUNT_ENABLED(TFT_320x240, TFT_320x240_SPI, TFT_480x320, TFT_480x320_SPI)) \
   + COUNT_ENABLED(FYSETC_MINI_12864_X_X, FYSETC_MINI_12864_1_2, FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_0, FYSETC_MINI_12864_2_1, FYSETC_GENERIC_12864_1_1) \
diff --git a/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.cpp b/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.cpp
index 3f6b50dd4bd..405da103de7 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.cpp
@@ -261,7 +261,14 @@ void CardReader::selectByName(SdFile dir, const char * const match) {
-// Recursive method to list all files within a folder
+// Recursive method to print all files within a folder in flat
+// DOS 8.3 format. This style of listing is the most compatible
+// with legacy hosts.
+// This method recurses to unlimited depth and lists every
+// G-code file within the given parent. If the hierarchy is
+// very deep this can blow up the stack, so a 'depth' parameter
+// (as with printListingJSON) would be a good addition.
 void CardReader::printListing(SdFile parent, const char * const prepend/*=nullptr*/) {
   dir_t p;
@@ -288,17 +295,17 @@ void CardReader::printListing(SdFile parent, const char * const prepend/*=nullpt
       // Get a new directory object using the full path
       // and dive recursively into it.
-      SdFile child;
-      if (!child.open(&parent, dosFilename, O_READ))
+      SdFile child; // child.close() in destructor
+      if (child.open(&parent, dosFilename, O_READ))
+        printListing(child, path);
+      else {
-      printListing(child, path);
-      // close() is done automatically by destructor of SdFile
+        return;
+      }
     else if (is_dir_or_gcode(p)) {
-      createFilename(filename, p);
       if (prepend) SERIAL_ECHO(prepend);
-      SERIAL_ECHO(filename);
+      SERIAL_ECHO(createFilename(filename, p));
       SERIAL_CHAR(' ');
@@ -342,7 +349,7 @@ void CardReader::ls() {
       // Go to the next segment
       while (path[++i]) { }
-      // SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Looking for segment: "); SERIAL_ECHOLN(segment);
+      //SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Looking for segment: ", segment);
       // Find the item, setting the long filename
@@ -720,14 +727,14 @@ void CardReader::removeFile(const char * const name) {
-  SdFile *curDir;
-  const char * const fname = diveToFile(false, curDir, name);
+  SdFile *itsDirPtr;
+  const char * const fname = diveToFile(false, itsDirPtr, name);
   if (!fname) return;
     SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Deletion failed (read-only), File: ", fname, ".");
-    if (file.remove(curDir, fname)) {
+    if (file.remove(itsDirPtr, fname)) {
       SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("File deleted:", fname);
       sdpos = 0;
       TERN_(SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA, presort());
@@ -870,98 +877,101 @@ uint16_t CardReader::countFilesInWorkDir() {
  *  - If update_cwd was 'true' the workDir now points to the file's directory.
  * Returns a pointer to the last segment (filename) of the given DOS 8.3 path.
+ * On exit, inDirPtr contains an SdFile reference to the file's directory.
  * A nullptr result indicates an unrecoverable error.
+ *
+ * NOTE: End the path with a slash to dive to a folder. In this case the
+ *       returned filename will be blank (points to the end of the path).
-const char* CardReader::diveToFile(const bool update_cwd, SdFile* &diveDir, const char * const path, const bool echo/*=false*/) {
+const char* CardReader::diveToFile(const bool update_cwd, SdFile* &inDirPtr, const char * const path, const bool echo/*=false*/) {
   DEBUG_SECTION(est, "diveToFile", true);
   // Track both parent and subfolder
   static SdFile newDir1, newDir2;
-  SdFile *sub = &newDir1, *startDir;
+  SdFile *sub = &newDir1, *startDirPtr;
   // Parsing the path string
-  const char *item_name_adr = path;
+  const char *atom_ptr = path;
   DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" path = '", path, "'");
   if (path[0] == '/') {               // Starting at the root directory?
-    diveDir = &root;
-    item_name_adr++;
-    DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" CWD to root: ", hex_address((void*)diveDir));
+    inDirPtr = &root;
+    atom_ptr++;
+    DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" CWD to root: ", hex_address((void*)inDirPtr));
     if (update_cwd) workDirDepth = 0; // The cwd can be updated for the benefit of sub-programs
-    diveDir = &workDir;               // Dive from workDir (as set by the UI)
+    inDirPtr = &workDir;              // Dive from workDir (as set by the UI)
-  startDir = diveDir;
+  startDirPtr = inDirPtr;
-  DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" startDir = ", hex_address((void*)startDir));
+  DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" startDirPtr = ", hex_address((void*)startDirPtr));
-  while (item_name_adr) {
+  while (atom_ptr) {
     // Find next subdirectory delimiter
-    char * const name_end = strchr(item_name_adr, '/');
+    char * const name_end = strchr(atom_ptr, '/');
     // Last atom in the path? Item found.
-    if (name_end <= item_name_adr) break;
+    if (name_end <= atom_ptr) break;
-    // Set subDirName
-    const uint8_t len = name_end - item_name_adr;
+    // Isolate the next subitem name
+    const uint8_t len = name_end - atom_ptr;
     char dosSubdirname[len + 1];
-    strncpy(dosSubdirname, item_name_adr, len);
+    strncpy(dosSubdirname, atom_ptr, len);
     dosSubdirname[len] = 0;
     if (echo) SERIAL_ECHOLN(dosSubdirname);
     DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" sub = ", hex_address((void*)sub));
-    // Open diveDir (closing first)
+    // Open inDirPtr (closing first)
-    if (!sub->open(diveDir, dosSubdirname, O_READ)) {
+    if (!sub->open(inDirPtr, dosSubdirname, O_READ)) {
-      item_name_adr = nullptr;
+      atom_ptr = nullptr;
-    // Close diveDir if not at starting-point
-    if (diveDir != startDir) {
-      DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" closing diveDir: ", hex_address((void*)diveDir));
-      diveDir->close();
+    // Close inDirPtr if not at starting-point
+    if (inDirPtr != startDirPtr) {
+      DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" closing inDirPtr: ", hex_address((void*)inDirPtr));
+      inDirPtr->close();
-    // diveDir now subDir
-    diveDir = sub;
-    DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" diveDir = sub: ", hex_address((void*)diveDir));
+    // inDirPtr now subDir
+    inDirPtr = sub;
+    DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" inDirPtr = sub: ", hex_address((void*)inDirPtr));
     // Update workDirParents and workDirDepth
     if (update_cwd) {
       DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" update_cwd");
       if (workDirDepth < MAX_DIR_DEPTH)
-        workDirParents[workDirDepth++] = *diveDir;
+        workDirParents[workDirDepth++] = *inDirPtr;
     // Point sub at the other scratch object
-    sub = (diveDir != &newDir1) ? &newDir1 : &newDir2;
+    sub = (inDirPtr != &newDir1) ? &newDir1 : &newDir2;
     DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" swapping sub = ", hex_address((void*)sub));
     // Next path atom address
-    item_name_adr = name_end + 1;
+    atom_ptr = name_end + 1;
   if (update_cwd) {
-    workDir = *diveDir;
-    DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" final workDir = ", hex_address((void*)diveDir));
+    workDir = *inDirPtr;
+    DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" final workDir = ", hex_address((void*)inDirPtr));
     flag.workDirIsRoot = (workDirDepth == 0);
     TERN_(SDCARD_SORT_ALPHA, presort());
-  DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" returning string ", item_name_adr ?: "nullptr");
-  return item_name_adr;
+  DEBUG_ECHOLNPAIR(" returning string ", atom_ptr ?: "nullptr");
+  return atom_ptr;
 void CardReader::cd(const char * relpath) {
-  SdFile newDir;
-  SdFile *parent = workDir.isOpen() ? &workDir : &root;
+  SdFile newDir, *parent = &getWorkDir();
   if (newDir.open(parent, relpath, O_READ)) {
     workDir = newDir;
diff --git a/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.h b/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.h
index 6f1633d30eb..35d76274216 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/sd/cardreader.h
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ public:
   static void mount();
   static void release();
   static inline bool isMounted() { return flag.mounted; }
-  static void ls();
   // Handle media insert/remove
   static void manage_media();
@@ -176,21 +175,32 @@ public:
     return 0;
-  // Helper for open and remove
-  static const char* diveToFile(const bool update_cwd, SdFile* &curDir, const char * const path, const bool echo=false);
+  /**
+   * Dive down to a relative or absolute path.
+   * Relative paths apply to the workDir.
+   *
+   * update_cwd: Pass 'true' to update the workDir on success.
+   *   inDirPtr: On exit your pointer points to the target SdFile.
+   *             A nullptr indicates failure.
+   *       path: Start with '/' for abs path. End with '/' to get a folder ref.
+   *       echo: Set 'true' to print the path throughout the loop.
+   */
+  static const char* diveToFile(const bool update_cwd, SdFile* &inDirPtr, const char * const path, const bool echo=false);
     static void presort();
     static void getfilename_sorted(const uint16_t nr);
-      FORCE_INLINE static void setSortOn(bool b) { sort_alpha = b; presort(); }
-      FORCE_INLINE static void setSortFolders(int i) { sort_folders = i; presort(); }
+      FORCE_INLINE static void setSortOn(bool b)        { sort_alpha   = b; presort(); }
+      FORCE_INLINE static void setSortFolders(int i)    { sort_folders = i; presort(); }
       //FORCE_INLINE static void setSortReverse(bool b) { sort_reverse = b; }
     FORCE_INLINE static void getfilename_sorted(const uint16_t nr) { selectFileByIndex(nr); }
+  static void ls();
     static bool jobRecoverFileExists();
     static void openJobRecoveryFile(const bool read);
@@ -199,6 +209,7 @@ public:
   // Current Working Dir - Set by cd, cdup, cdroot, and diveToFile(true, ...)
   static inline char* getWorkDirName()  { workDir.getDosName(filename); return filename; }
+  static inline SdFile& getWorkDir()    { return workDir.isOpen() ? workDir : root; }
   // Print File stats
   static inline uint32_t getFileSize()  { return filesize; }