diff --git a/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h b/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
index 35e80443550..cf30684e89a 100644
--- a/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
+++ b/Marlin/Configuration_adv.h
@@ -138,24 +138,21 @@
- * Configuration options for MAX Thermocouples (-2, -3, -5).
- *   FORCE_HW_SPI:   Ignore SCK/MOSI/MISO pins and just use the CS pin & default SPI bus.
- *   MAX31865_WIRES: Set the number of wires for the probe connected to a MAX31865 board, 2-4. Default: 2
- *   MAX31865_50HZ:  Enable 50Hz filter instead of the default 60Hz.
- *   MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION: Detects random read errors from value spikes (a 20°C difference in less than 1sec)
- *   MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE: Faster and more frequent reads than 1-shot, but bias voltage always on, slightly affecting RTD temperature.
- *   MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC: in 1-shot mode, the minimum time between subsequent reads. This reduces the effect of bias voltage by leaving the sensor unpowered for longer intervals.
- *   MAX31865_WIRE_OHMS: In 2-wire configurations, manually set the wire resistance for more accurate readings
+ * Thermocouple Options — for MAX6675 (-2), MAX31855 (-3), and MAX31865 (-5).
-//#define MAX31865_SENSOR_WIRES_0 2
+//#define TEMP_SENSOR_FORCE_HW_SPI                // Ignore SCK/MOSI/MISO pins; use CS and the default SPI bus.
+//#define MAX31865_SENSOR_WIRES_0 2               // (2-4) Number of wires for the probe connected to a MAX31865 board.
 //#define MAX31865_SENSOR_WIRES_1 2
-//#define MAX31865_50HZ_FILTER
-//#define MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE
-//#define MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC 100
-//#define MAX31865_WIRE_OHMS_0 0.0f
-//#define MAX31865_WIRE_OHMS_1 0.0f
+//#define MAX31865_50HZ_FILTER                    // Use a 50Hz filter instead of the default 60Hz.
+//#define MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION       // Treat value spikes (20°C delta in under 1s) as read errors.
+//#define MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE                  // Read faster and more often than 1-shot; bias voltage always on; slight effect on RTD temperature.
+//#define MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC     100 // (ms) 1-shot: minimum read interval. Reduces bias voltage effects by leaving sensor unpowered for longer intervals.
+//#define MAX31865_IGNORE_INITIAL_FAULTY_READS 10 // Ignore some read faults (keeping the temperature reading) to work around a possible issue (#23439).
+//#define MAX31865_WIRE_OHMS_0              0.95f // For 2-wire, set the wire resistances for more accurate readings.
+//#define MAX31865_WIRE_OHMS_1              0.0f
  * Hephestos 2 24V heated bed upgrade kit.
diff --git a/Marlin/src/HAL/shared/Delay.h b/Marlin/src/HAL/shared/Delay.h
index df07881f01d..a6795a78eaf 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/HAL/shared/Delay.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/HAL/shared/Delay.h
@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ void calibrate_delay_loop();
   // Delay in microseconds
   #define DELAY_US(x) DELAY_CYCLES((x) * ((F_CPU) / 1000000UL))
 #elif defined(ESP32) || defined(__PLAT_LINUX__) || defined(__PLAT_NATIVE_SIM__)
   // DELAY_CYCLES specified inside platform
diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.cpp b/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.cpp
index 1cafbe5f170..c042504cf87 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.cpp
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@
   #define MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC 0
-#ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
-  #include <SoftwareSPI.h>
 #include "../core/debug_out.h"
@@ -151,24 +147,62 @@ void MAX31865::begin(max31865_numwires_t wires, float zero_res, float ref_res, f
   digitalWrite(cselPin, HIGH);
   if (sclkPin != TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, -1UL, 255))
-    softSpiBegin(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); // Define pin modes for Software SPI
+    softSpiInit(); // Define pin modes for Software SPI
   else {
-    DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("Initializing MAX31865 Hardware SPI");
+    DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("Init MAX31865 Hardware SPI");
     SPI.begin();    // Start and configure hardware SPI
-  clearFault(); // also initializes flags
+  DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 Regs: CFG ", readRegister8(MAX31865_CONFIG_REG),
+    "|RTD ", readRegister16(MAX31865_RTDMSB_REG),
+    "|HTHRS ", readRegister16(MAX31865_HFAULTMSB_REG),
+    "|LTHRS ", readRegister16(MAX31865_LFAULTMSB_REG),
+    "|FLT  ", readRegister8(MAX31865_FAULTSTAT_REG));
-  #if DISABLED(MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE) // make a proper first 1 shot read to initialize _lastRead
+  // fault detection cycle seems to initialize the sensor better
+  runAutoFaultDetectionCycle(); // also initializes flags
+  if (lastFault)
+    SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 init fault ", lastFault);
+  writeRegister16(MAX31865_HFAULTMSB_REG, 0xFFFF);
+  writeRegister16(MAX31865_LFAULTMSB_REG, 0);
+  #if ENABLED(MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE) // make a proper first read to initialize _lastRead
+   uint16_t rtd = readRegister16(MAX31865_RTDMSB_REG);
+      rtd = fixFault(rtd);
+    #endif
+    if (rtd & 1) {
+      lastRead = 0xFFFF; // some invalid value
+      lastFault = readRegister8(MAX31865_FAULTSTAT_REG);
+      clearFault(); // also clears the bias voltage flag, so no further action is required
+      DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read fault: ", rtd);
+    }
+    else {
+      DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("RTD MSB:", (rtd >> 8), "  RTD LSB:", (rtd & 0x00FF));
+      lastRead = rtd;
+      TERN_(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, lastReadStamp = millis());
+    }
+  #else
-    DELAY_US(11500);
+    DELAY_US(2000); // according to the datasheet, 10.5τ+1msec (see below)
-    DELAY_US(65000);
+    DELAY_US(63000);
     uint16_t rtd = readRegister16(MAX31865_RTDMSB_REG);
+      rtd = fixFault(rtd);
+    #endif
     if (rtd & 1) {
       lastRead = 0xFFFF; // some invalid value
       lastFault = readRegister8(MAX31865_FAULTSTAT_REG);
@@ -189,7 +223,7 @@ void MAX31865::begin(max31865_numwires_t wires, float zero_res, float ref_res, f
       TERN_(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, lastReadStamp = now);
-  #endif // !MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE
+  #endif // MAX31865_USE_AUTO_MODE
@@ -198,7 +232,7 @@ void MAX31865::begin(max31865_numwires_t wires, float zero_res, float ref_res, f
     " sclkPin: ", sclkPin,
     " mosiPin: ", mosiPin,
     " config: ", readRegister8(MAX31865_CONFIG_REG)
-  );
+    );
@@ -240,6 +274,29 @@ void MAX31865::oneShot() {
   setConfig(MAX31865_CONFIG_1SHOT | MAX31865_CONFIG_BIAS, 1);
+void MAX31865::runAutoFaultDetectionCycle() {
+  writeRegister8(MAX31865_CONFIG_REG, (stdFlags & 0x11) | 0x84 ); // cfg reg = 100X010Xb
+  DELAY_US(600);
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10 && (readRegister8(MAX31865_CONFIG_REG) & 0xC) > 0; i++) DELAY_US(100); // Fault det completes when bits 2 and 3 are zero (or after 10 tries)
+  readFault();
+  clearFault();
+ * Set a value in the configuration register.
+ *
+ * @param config  8-bit value for the config item
+ * @param enable  whether to enable or disable the value
+ */
+void MAX31865::setConfig(uint8_t config, bool enable) {
+  uint8_t t = stdFlags;
+  if (enable)
+    t |= config;
+  else
+    t &= ~config;
+  writeRegister8(MAX31865_CONFIG_REG, t);
  * Initialize standard flags with flags that will not change during operation (Hz, polling mode and no. of wires)
@@ -249,12 +306,59 @@ void MAX31865::initFixedFlags(max31865_numwires_t wires) {
   // set config-defined flags (same for all sensors)
   stdFlags = TERN(MAX31865_50HZ_FILTER, MAX31865_CONFIG_FILT50HZ, MAX31865_CONFIG_FILT60HZ) |
   if (wires == MAX31865_3WIRE)
-    stdFlags |= MAX31865_CONFIG_3WIRE;
-  else  // 2 or 4 wire
-    stdFlags &= ~MAX31865_CONFIG_3WIRE;
+    stdFlags |= MAX31865_CONFIG_3WIRE;   // 3 wire
+  else
+    stdFlags &= ~MAX31865_CONFIG_3WIRE;  // 2 or 4 wire
+  inline uint16_t MAX31865::fixFault(uint16_t rtd) {
+    if (!ignore_faults || !(rtd & 1))
+      return rtd;
+    ignore_faults--;
+    clearFault();
+    DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 ignoring fault ", (MAX31865_IGNORE_INITIAL_FAULTY_READS) - ignore_faults);
+    return rtd & ~1;  // 0xFFFE
+  }
+inline uint16_t MAX31865::readRawImmediate() {
+  uint16_t rtd = readRegister16(MAX31865_RTDMSB_REG);
+  DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 RTD MSB:", (rtd >> 8), " LSB:", (rtd & 0x00FF));
+    rtd = fixFault(rtd);
+  #endif
+  if (rtd & 1) {
+    lastFault = readRegister8(MAX31865_FAULTSTAT_REG);
+    lastRead |= 1;
+    clearFault(); // also clears the bias voltage flag, so no further action is required
+    DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read fault: ", lastFault);
+  }
+  else {
+    TERN_(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, const millis_t ms = millis());
+    if (TERN0(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, ABS((int)(lastRead - rtd)) > 500 && PENDING(ms, lastReadStamp + 1000))) {
+      // If 2 readings within 1s differ too much (~20°C) it's a read error.
+      lastFault = 0x01;
+      lastRead |= 1;
+      DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read error: ", rtd);
+    }
+    else {
+      lastRead = rtd;
+      TERN_(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, lastReadStamp = ms);
+    }
+  }
+  return rtd;
@@ -267,30 +371,13 @@ uint16_t MAX31865::readRaw() {
-    const uint16_t rtd = readRegister16(MAX31865_RTDMSB_REG);
-    DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 RTD MSB:", (rtd >> 8), " LSB:", (rtd & 0x00FF));
-    if (rtd & 1) {
-      lastFault = readRegister8(MAX31865_FAULTSTAT_REG);
-      lastRead |= 1;
-      clearFault(); // also clears the bias voltage flag, so no further action is required
-      DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read fault: ", rtd);
-    }
-      else if (ABS(lastRead - rtd) > 500 && PENDING(millis(), lastReadStamp + 1000)) { // if two readings within a second differ too much (~20°C), consider it a read error.
-        lastFault = 0x01;
-        lastRead |= 1;
-        DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read error: ", rtd);
-      }
-    #endif
-    else {
-      lastRead = rtd;
-      TERN_(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, lastReadStamp = millis());
-    }
+    readRawImmediate();
-    if (PENDING(millis(), nextEventStamp)) {
+    const millis_t ms = millis();
+    if (PENDING(ms, nextEventStamp)) {
       DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 waiting for event ", nextEvent);
       return lastRead;
@@ -298,46 +385,26 @@ uint16_t MAX31865::readRaw() {
     switch (nextEvent) {
-        nextEventStamp = millis() + 11; // wait at least 11msec before enabling 1shot
+        nextEventStamp = ms + 2; // wait at least 10.5*τ (τ = 100nF*430Ω max for PT100 / 10nF*4.3ΚΩ for PT1000 = 43μsec) + 1msec
         nextEvent = SETUP_1_SHOT_MODE;
         DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 bias voltage enabled");
       case SETUP_1_SHOT_MODE:
-        nextEventStamp = millis() + 65; // wait at least 65msec before reading RTD register
+        nextEventStamp = ms + TERN(MAX31865_50HZ_FILTER, 63, 52); // wait at least 52msec for 60Hz (63msec for 50Hz) before reading RTD register
         nextEvent = READ_RTD_REG;
         DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 1 shot mode enabled");
-      case READ_RTD_REG: {
-        const uint16_t rtd = readRegister16(MAX31865_RTDMSB_REG);
-        DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 RTD MSB:", (rtd >> 8), " LSB:", (rtd & 0x00FF));
+      case READ_RTD_REG:
-        if (rtd & 1) {
-          lastFault = readRegister8(MAX31865_FAULTSTAT_REG);
-          lastRead |= 1;
-          clearFault(); // also clears the bias voltage flag, so no further action is required
-          DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read fault: ", rtd);
-        }
-          else if (ABS(lastRead - rtd) > 500 && PENDING(millis(), lastReadStamp + 1000)) { // if two readings within a second differ too much (~20°C), consider it a read error.
-            lastFault = 0x01;
-            lastRead |= 1;
-            DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("MAX31865 read error: ", rtd);
-          }
-        #endif
-        else {
-          lastRead = rtd;
-          TERN_(MAX31865_USE_READ_ERROR_DETECTION, lastReadStamp = millis());
-        }
-        if (!(rtd & 1))   // if clearFault() was not invoked, need to clear the bias voltage and 1-shot flags
+        if (!(readRawImmediate() & 1))   // if clearFault() was not invoked, need to clear the bias voltage and 1-shot flags
         nextEvent = SETUP_BIAS_VOLTAGE;
-        nextEventStamp = millis() + MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC; // next step should not occur within less than MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC from the last one
-      } break;
+        nextEventStamp = ms + (MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC); // next step should not occur within less than MAX31865_MIN_SAMPLING_TIME_MSEC from the last one
+        break;
@@ -411,21 +478,17 @@ float MAX31865::temperature(float rtd_res) {
   return temp;
-// private:
- * Set a value in the configuration register.
- *
- * @param config  8-bit value for the config item
- * @param enable  whether to enable or disable the value
+ * MAX31865 SPI Timing constants
+ * See MAX31865 datasheet (https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/MAX31865.pdf)
+ * All timings in nsec, minimum values.
-void MAX31865::setConfig(uint8_t config, bool enable) {
-  uint8_t t = stdFlags;
-  if (enable) t |= config; else t &= ~config;
-  writeRegister8(MAX31865_CONFIG_REG, t);
+#define MAX31865_SPI_TIMING_TCC    400    // CS to SCLK setup
+#define MAX31865_SPI_TIMING_TDC     35    // Data to SCLK setup
+#define MAX31865_SPI_TIMING_TCL    100    // SCK half period
+#define MAX31865_SPI_TIMING_TCCH   100    // SCK to CS hold
+#define MAX31865_SPI_TIMING_TCWH   400    // CS inactive time (min)
  * Read a single byte from the specified register address.
@@ -459,18 +522,10 @@ uint16_t MAX31865::readRegister16(uint8_t addr) {
  * @param n       the number of bytes to read
 void MAX31865::readRegisterN(uint8_t addr, uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t n) {
   addr &= 0x7F; // make sure top bit is not set
-  if (sclkPin == TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, -1UL, 255))
-    SPI.beginTransaction(spiConfig);
-  else
-    digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);
-  digitalWrite(cselPin, LOW);
-  #ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
-    DELAY_CYCLES(spiSpeed);
-  #endif
+  spiBeginTransaction();
   while (n--) {
@@ -478,10 +533,15 @@ void MAX31865::readRegisterN(uint8_t addr, uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t n) {
-  if (sclkPin == TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, -1UL, 255))
-    SPI.endTransaction();
+  spiEndTransaction();
-  digitalWrite(cselPin, HIGH);
+void MAX31865::writeRegister16(uint8_t addr, uint16_t data) {
+  spiBeginTransaction();
+  spiTransfer(addr | 0x80); // make sure top bit is set
+  spiTransfer(data >> 8);
+  spiTransfer(data & 0xFF);
+  spiEndTransaction();
@@ -491,22 +551,31 @@ void MAX31865::readRegisterN(uint8_t addr, uint8_t buffer[], uint8_t n) {
  * @param data  the data to write
 void MAX31865::writeRegister8(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data) {
+  spiBeginTransaction();
+  spiTransfer(addr | 0x80); // make sure top bit is set
+  spiTransfer(data);
+  spiEndTransaction();
+void MAX31865::spiBeginTransaction() {
+  digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW); // ensure CPOL0
+  DELAY_NS_VAR(MAX31865_SPI_TIMING_TCWH); // ensure minimum time of CS inactivity after previous operation
+  digitalWrite(cselPin, LOW);
   if (sclkPin == TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, -1UL, 255))
-    digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);
-  digitalWrite(cselPin, LOW);
-  #ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
-    DELAY_CYCLES(spiSpeed);
-  #endif
-  spiTransfer(addr | 0x80); // make sure top bit is set
-  spiTransfer(data);
+    digitalWrite(sclkPin, HIGH);
+void MAX31865::spiEndTransaction() {
   if (sclkPin == TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, -1UL, 255))
+  else
+    digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(cselPin, HIGH);
@@ -521,42 +590,30 @@ void MAX31865::writeRegister8(uint8_t addr, uint8_t data) {
  * @return    the 8-bit response
 uint8_t MAX31865::spiTransfer(uint8_t x) {
   if (sclkPin == TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, -1UL, 255))
     return SPI.transfer(x);
-  #ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
-    return swSpiTransfer(x, spiSpeed, sclkPin, misoPin, mosiPin);
-  #else
-    uint8_t reply = 0;
-    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
-      digitalWrite(sclkPin, HIGH);       DELAY_NS_VAR(spiDelay);
-      reply <<= 1;
-      digitalWrite(mosiPin, x & _BV(i)); DELAY_NS_VAR(spiDelay);
-      if (digitalRead(misoPin)) reply |= 1;
-      digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);        DELAY_NS_VAR(spiDelay);
-    }
-    return reply;
-  #endif
+  uint8_t reply = 0;
+  for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) {
+    digitalWrite(mosiPin, x & _BV(i));
+    digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);
+    reply <<= 1;
+    if (digitalRead(misoPin)) reply |= 1;
+    digitalWrite(sclkPin, HIGH);
+  }
+  return reply;
-void MAX31865::softSpiBegin(const uint8_t spi_speed) {
+void MAX31865::softSpiInit() {
   DEBUG_ECHOLNPGM("Initializing MAX31865 Software SPI");
-  #ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
-    swSpiBegin(sclkPin, misoPin, mosiPin);
-    spiSpeed = swSpiInit(spi_speed, sclkPin, mosiPin);
-  #else
-    spiDelay = (100UL << spi_speed) / 3; // Calculate delay in ns. Top speed is ~10MHz, or 100ns delay between bits.
-    pinMode(sclkPin, OUTPUT);
-    digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);
-    pinMode(mosiPin, OUTPUT);
-    pinMode(misoPin, INPUT);
-  #endif
+  pinMode(sclkPin, OUTPUT);
+  digitalWrite(sclkPin, LOW);
+  pinMode(mosiPin, OUTPUT);
+  pinMode(misoPin, INPUT);
 #endif // HAS_MAX31865 && !USE_ADAFRUIT_MAX31865
diff --git a/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.h b/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.h
index bc7733b835e..baea455485d 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/libs/MAX31865.h
@@ -101,11 +101,7 @@ private:
   TERN(LARGE_PINMAP, uint32_t, uint8_t) sclkPin, misoPin, mosiPin, cselPin;
-  #ifdef TARGET_LPC1768
-    uint8_t spiSpeed;
-  #else
-    uint16_t spiDelay;
-  #endif
+  uint16_t spiDelay;
   float zeroRes, refRes, wireRes;
@@ -121,6 +117,11 @@ private:
     one_shot_event_t nextEvent;
+    uint8_t ignore_faults = MAX31865_IGNORE_INITIAL_FAULTY_READS;
+    uint16_t fixFault(uint16_t rtd);
+  #endif
   uint8_t stdFlags = 0;
   void setConfig(uint8_t config, bool enable);
@@ -130,9 +131,12 @@ private:
   uint16_t readRegister16(uint8_t addr);
   void writeRegister8(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg);
-  uint8_t spiTransfer(uint8_t addr);
+  void writeRegister16(uint8_t addr, uint16_t reg);
-  void softSpiBegin(const uint8_t spi_speed);
+  void softSpiInit();
+  void spiBeginTransaction();
+  uint8_t spiTransfer(uint8_t addr);
+  void spiEndTransaction();
   void initFixedFlags(max31865_numwires_t wires);
@@ -141,6 +145,10 @@ private:
   void oneShot();
   void resetFlags();
+  uint16_t readRawImmediate();
+  void runAutoFaultDetectionCycle();
     MAX31865(uint32_t spi_cs, uint8_t pin_mapping);