From 8b7c274db5c18df5397c872657173133a593395c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scott Lahteine <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2017 23:21:02 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Comment/cleanup motion code

 Marlin/Marlin.h        |  28 +++++-
 Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp | 112 ++++++++++------------
 Marlin/planner.h       |   6 +-
 Marlin/stepper.cpp     |   3 +-
 Marlin/ubl_motion.cpp  | 211 +++++++++++++++--------------------------
 5 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 200 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Marlin/Marlin.h b/Marlin/Marlin.h
index 9035f08b4a8..78b9c32cee2 100644
--- a/Marlin/Marlin.h
+++ b/Marlin/Marlin.h
@@ -301,12 +301,38 @@ void report_current_position();
   extern float delta_height,
+               delta_tower_angle_trim[ABC],
+               delta_tower[ABC][2],
+               delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[ABC],
-               delta_tower_angle_trim[ABC],
   void recalc_delta_settings();
+  float delta_safe_distance_from_top();
+    float Q_rsqrt(const float number);
+    #define _SQRT(n) (1.0f / Q_rsqrt(n))
+  #else
+    #define _SQRT(n) SQRT(n)
+  #endif
+  // Macro to obtain the Z position of an individual tower
+  #define DELTA_Z(T) raw[Z_AXIS] + _SQRT(     \
+    delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[T] - HYPOT2(   \
+        delta_tower[T][X_AXIS] - raw[X_AXIS], \
+        delta_tower[T][Y_AXIS] - raw[Y_AXIS]  \
+      )                                       \
+    )
+  #define DELTA_RAW_IK() do {        \
+    delta[A_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(A_AXIS); \
+    delta[B_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(B_AXIS); \
+    delta[C_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(C_AXIS); \
+  }while(0)
 #elif IS_SCARA
   void forward_kinematics_SCARA(const float &a, const float &b);
diff --git a/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp b/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp
index a2c765d1c58..2c586d40235 100644
--- a/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/Marlin_main.cpp
@@ -12258,7 +12258,7 @@ void ok_to_send() {
      * Fast inverse sqrt from Quake III Arena
      * See:
-    float Q_rsqrt(float number) {
+    float Q_rsqrt(const float number) {
       long i;
       float x2, y;
       const float threehalfs = 1.5f;
@@ -12272,12 +12272,6 @@ void ok_to_send() {
       return y;
-    #define _SQRT(n) (1.0f / Q_rsqrt(n))
-  #else
-    #define _SQRT(n) SQRT(n)
@@ -12299,20 +12293,6 @@ void ok_to_send() {
    *   (see above)
-  // Macro to obtain the Z position of an individual tower
-  #define DELTA_Z(T) raw[Z_AXIS] + _SQRT(     \
-    delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[T] - HYPOT2(   \
-        delta_tower[T][X_AXIS] - raw[X_AXIS], \
-        delta_tower[T][Y_AXIS] - raw[Y_AXIS]  \
-      )                                       \
-    )
-  #define DELTA_RAW_IK() do {        \
-    delta[A_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(A_AXIS); \
-    delta[B_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(B_AXIS); \
-    delta[C_AXIS] = DELTA_Z(C_AXIS); \
-  }while(0)
   #define DELTA_DEBUG() do { \
       SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("cartesian X:", raw[X_AXIS]); \
       SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" Y:", raw[Y_AXIS]);          \
@@ -12367,46 +12347,53 @@ void ok_to_send() {
   void forward_kinematics_DELTA(float z1, float z2, float z3) {
     // Create a vector in old coordinates along x axis of new coordinate
-    float p12[3] = { delta_tower[B_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS], delta_tower[B_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS], z2 - z1 };
+    const float p12[] = {
+      delta_tower[B_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS],
+      delta_tower[B_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS],
+      z2 - z1
+    },
     // Get the Magnitude of vector.
-    float d = SQRT( sq(p12[0]) + sq(p12[1]) + sq(p12[2]) );
+    d = SQRT(sq(p12[0]) + sq(p12[1]) + sq(p12[2])),
     // Create unit vector by dividing by magnitude.
-    float ex[3] = { p12[0] / d, p12[1] / d, p12[2] / d };
+    ex[3] = { p12[0] / d, p12[1] / d, p12[2] / d },
     // Get the vector from the origin of the new system to the third point.
-    float p13[3] = { delta_tower[C_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS], delta_tower[C_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS], z3 - z1 };
+    p13[3] = {
+      delta_tower[C_AXIS][X_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS],
+      delta_tower[C_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS],
+      z3 - z1
+    },
     // Use the dot product to find the component of this vector on the X axis.
-    float i = ex[0] * p13[0] + ex[1] * p13[1] + ex[2] * p13[2];
+    i = ex[0] * p13[0] + ex[1] * p13[1] + ex[2] * p13[2],
     // Create a vector along the x axis that represents the x component of p13.
-    float iex[3] = { ex[0] * i, ex[1] * i, ex[2] * i };
+    iex[] = { ex[0] * i, ex[1] * i, ex[2] * i };
     // Subtract the X component from the original vector leaving only Y. We use the
     // variable that will be the unit vector after we scale it.
     float ey[3] = { p13[0] - iex[0], p13[1] - iex[1], p13[2] - iex[2] };
     // The magnitude of Y component
-    float j = SQRT( sq(ey[0]) + sq(ey[1]) + sq(ey[2]) );
+    const float j = SQRT(sq(ey[0]) + sq(ey[1]) + sq(ey[2]));
     // Convert to a unit vector
     ey[0] /= j; ey[1] /= j;  ey[2] /= j;
     // The cross product of the unit x and y is the unit z
     // float[] ez = vectorCrossProd(ex, ey);
-    float ez[3] = {
+    const float ez[3] = {
       ex[1] * ey[2] - ex[2] * ey[1],
       ex[2] * ey[0] - ex[0] * ey[2],
       ex[0] * ey[1] - ex[1] * ey[0]
-    };
+    },
     // We now have the d, i and j values defined in Wikipedia.
     // Plug them into the equations defined in Wikipedia for Xnew, Ynew and Znew
-    float Xnew = (delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[B_AXIS] + sq(d)) / (d * 2),
-          Ynew = ((delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[C_AXIS] + HYPOT2(i, j)) / 2 - i * Xnew) / j,
-          Znew = SQRT(delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - HYPOT2(Xnew, Ynew));
+    Xnew = (delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[B_AXIS] + sq(d)) / (d * 2),
+    Ynew = ((delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[C_AXIS] + HYPOT2(i, j)) / 2 - i * Xnew) / j,
+    Znew = SQRT(delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS] - HYPOT2(Xnew, Ynew));
     // Start from the origin of the old coordinates and add vectors in the
     // old coords that represent the Xnew, Ynew and Znew to find the point
@@ -12478,7 +12465,7 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
    * small incremental moves. This allows the planner to
    * apply more detailed bed leveling to the full move.
-  inline void segmented_line_to_destination(const float fr_mm_s, const float segment_size=LEVELED_SEGMENT_LENGTH) {
+  inline void segmented_line_to_destination(const float &fr_mm_s, const float segment_size=LEVELED_SEGMENT_LENGTH) {
     const float xdiff = destination[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS],
                 ydiff = destination[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS];
@@ -12517,16 +12504,12 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
     // SERIAL_ECHOPAIR("mm=", cartesian_mm);
     // SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR(" segments=", segments);
-    // Drop one segment so the last move is to the exact target.
-    // If there's only 1 segment, loops will be skipped entirely.
-    --segments;
     // Get the raw current position as starting point
     float raw[XYZE];
     COPY(raw, current_position);
     // Calculate and execute the segments
-    for (uint16_t s = segments + 1; --s;) {
+    while (--segments) {
       static millis_t next_idle_ms = millis() + 200UL;
       thermalManager.manage_heater();  // This returns immediately if not really needed.
       if (ELAPSED(millis(), next_idle_ms)) {
@@ -12548,7 +12531,8 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
    * Prepare a mesh-leveled linear move in a Cartesian setup,
    * splitting the move where it crosses mesh borders.
-  void mesh_line_to_destination(const float fr_mm_s, uint8_t x_splits = 0xFF, uint8_t y_splits = 0xFF) {
+  void mesh_line_to_destination(const float fr_mm_s, uint8_t x_splits=0xFF, uint8_t y_splits=0xFF) {
+    // Get current and destination cells for this line
     int cx1 = mbl.cell_index_x(current_position[X_AXIS]),
         cy1 = mbl.cell_index_y(current_position[Y_AXIS]),
         cx2 = mbl.cell_index_x(destination[X_AXIS]),
@@ -12558,8 +12542,8 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
     NOMORE(cx2, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 2);
     NOMORE(cy2, GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - 2);
+    // Start and end in the same cell? No split needed.
     if (cx1 == cx2 && cy1 == cy2) {
-      // Start and end on same mesh square
@@ -12568,25 +12552,30 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
     #define MBL_SEGMENT_END(A) (current_position[A ##_AXIS] + (destination[A ##_AXIS] - current_position[A ##_AXIS]) * normalized_dist)
     float normalized_dist, end[XYZE];
-    // Split at the left/front border of the right/top square
     const int8_t gcx = max(cx1, cx2), gcy = max(cy1, cy2);
+    // Crosses on the X and not already split on this X?
+    // The x_splits flags are insurance against rounding errors.
     if (cx2 != cx1 && TEST(x_splits, gcx)) {
+      // Split on the X grid line
+      CBI(x_splits, gcx);
       COPY(end, destination);
       destination[X_AXIS] = mbl.index_to_xpos[gcx];
       normalized_dist = (destination[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS]) / (end[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS]);
       destination[Y_AXIS] = MBL_SEGMENT_END(Y);
-      CBI(x_splits, gcx);
+    // Crosses on the Y and not already split on this Y?
     else if (cy2 != cy1 && TEST(y_splits, gcy)) {
+      // Split on the Y grid line
+      CBI(y_splits, gcy);
       COPY(end, destination);
       destination[Y_AXIS] = mbl.index_to_ypos[gcy];
       normalized_dist = (destination[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS]) / (end[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS]);
       destination[X_AXIS] = MBL_SEGMENT_END(X);
-      CBI(y_splits, gcy);
     else {
-      // Already split on a border
+      // Must already have been split on these border(s)
+      // This should be a rare case.
@@ -12611,7 +12600,8 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
    * Prepare a bilinear-leveled linear move on Cartesian,
    * splitting the move where it crosses grid borders.
-  void bilinear_line_to_destination(const float fr_mm_s, uint16_t x_splits = 0xFFFF, uint16_t y_splits = 0xFFFF) {
+  void bilinear_line_to_destination(const float fr_mm_s, uint16_t x_splits=0xFFFF, uint16_t y_splits=0xFFFF) {
+    // Get current and destination cells for this line
     int cx1 = CELL_INDEX(X, current_position[X_AXIS]),
         cy1 = CELL_INDEX(Y, current_position[Y_AXIS]),
         cx2 = CELL_INDEX(X, destination[X_AXIS]),
@@ -12621,8 +12611,8 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
     cx2 = constrain(cx2, 0, ABL_BG_POINTS_X - 2);
     cy2 = constrain(cy2, 0, ABL_BG_POINTS_Y - 2);
+    // Start and end in the same cell? No split needed.
     if (cx1 == cx2 && cy1 == cy2) {
-      // Start and end on same mesh square
@@ -12631,25 +12621,30 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
     #define LINE_SEGMENT_END(A) (current_position[A ##_AXIS] + (destination[A ##_AXIS] - current_position[A ##_AXIS]) * normalized_dist)
     float normalized_dist, end[XYZE];
-    // Split at the left/front border of the right/top square
     const int8_t gcx = max(cx1, cx2), gcy = max(cy1, cy2);
+    // Crosses on the X and not already split on this X?
+    // The x_splits flags are insurance against rounding errors.
     if (cx2 != cx1 && TEST(x_splits, gcx)) {
+      // Split on the X grid line
+      CBI(x_splits, gcx);
       COPY(end, destination);
       destination[X_AXIS] = bilinear_start[X_AXIS] + ABL_BG_SPACING(X_AXIS) * gcx;
       normalized_dist = (destination[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS]) / (end[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS]);
       destination[Y_AXIS] = LINE_SEGMENT_END(Y);
-      CBI(x_splits, gcx);
+    // Crosses on the Y and not already split on this Y?
     else if (cy2 != cy1 && TEST(y_splits, gcy)) {
+      // Split on the Y grid line
+      CBI(y_splits, gcy);
       COPY(end, destination);
       destination[Y_AXIS] = bilinear_start[Y_AXIS] + ABL_BG_SPACING(Y_AXIS) * gcy;
       normalized_dist = (destination[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS]) / (end[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS]);
       destination[X_AXIS] = LINE_SEGMENT_END(X);
-      CBI(y_splits, gcy);
     else {
-      // Already split on a border
+      // Must already have been split on these border(s)
+      // This should be a rare case.
@@ -12745,16 +12740,13 @@ void set_current_from_steppers_for_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
             oldB = stepper.get_axis_position_degrees(B_AXIS);
-    // Get the raw current position as starting point
+    // Get the current position as starting point
     float raw[XYZE];
     COPY(raw, current_position);
-    // Drop one segment so the last move is to the exact target.
-    // If there's only 1 segment, loops will be skipped entirely.
-    --segments;
     // Calculate and execute the segments
-    for (uint16_t s = segments + 1; --s;) {
+    while (--segments) {
       static millis_t next_idle_ms = millis() + 200UL;
       thermalManager.manage_heater();  // This returns immediately if not really needed.
@@ -13033,7 +13025,7 @@ void prepare_move_to_destination() {
     if (mm_of_travel < 0.001) return;
     uint16_t segments = FLOOR(mm_of_travel / (MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT));
-    if (segments == 0) segments = 1;
+    NOLESS(segments, 1);
      * Vector rotation by transformation matrix: r is the original vector, r_T is the rotated vector,
diff --git a/Marlin/planner.h b/Marlin/planner.h
index 75983922d38..6d658b2a883 100644
--- a/Marlin/planner.h
+++ b/Marlin/planner.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Planner {
       static uint8_t last_extruder;             // Respond to extruder change
-    static int16_t flow_percentage[EXTRUDERS]; // Extrusion factor for each extruder
+    static int16_t flow_percentage[EXTRUDERS];  // Extrusion factor for each extruder
     static float e_factor[EXTRUDERS],               // The flow percentage and volumetric multiplier combine to scale E movement
                  filament_size[EXTRUDERS],          // diameter of filament (in millimeters), typically around 1.75 or 2.85, 0 disables the volumetric calculations for the extruder
@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ class Planner {
      * Get the index of the next / previous block in the ring buffer
-    static int8_t next_block_index(int8_t block_index) { return BLOCK_MOD(block_index + 1); }
-    static int8_t prev_block_index(int8_t block_index) { return BLOCK_MOD(block_index - 1); }
+    static int8_t next_block_index(const int8_t block_index) { return BLOCK_MOD(block_index + 1); }
+    static int8_t prev_block_index(const int8_t block_index) { return BLOCK_MOD(block_index - 1); }
      * Calculate the distance (not time) it takes to accelerate
diff --git a/Marlin/stepper.cpp b/Marlin/stepper.cpp
index d6cc306ac50..bf99b4afda6 100644
--- a/Marlin/stepper.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/stepper.cpp
@@ -443,8 +443,7 @@ void Stepper::isr() {
   // If there is no current block, attempt to pop one from the buffer
   if (!current_block) {
     // Anything in the buffer?
-    current_block = planner.get_current_block();
-    if (current_block) {
+    if ((current_block = planner.get_current_block())) {
       // Initialize Bresenham counters to 1/2 the ceiling
diff --git a/Marlin/ubl_motion.cpp b/Marlin/ubl_motion.cpp
index 3bf679d2cb4..35127c04658 100644
--- a/Marlin/ubl_motion.cpp
+++ b/Marlin/ubl_motion.cpp
@@ -38,25 +38,6 @@
     extern void set_current_from_destination();
-    extern float delta[ABC];
-    extern float delta_endstop_adj[ABC],
-                 delta_radius,
-                 delta_tower_angle_trim[ABC],
-                 delta_tower[ABC][2],
-                 delta_diagonal_rod,
-                 delta_calibration_radius,
-                 delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[ABC],
-                 delta_segments_per_second,
-                 delta_clip_start_height;
-    extern float delta_safe_distance_from_top();
-  #endif
   static void debug_echo_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
     if (current_position[axis] == destination[axis])
@@ -268,9 +249,9 @@
          * else, we know the next X is the same so we can recover and continue!
          * Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
-        const float x = inf_m_flag ? start[X_AXIS] : (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m;
+        const float rx = inf_m_flag ? start[X_AXIS] : (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m;
-        float z0 = z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line(x, current_xi, current_yi)
+        float z0 = z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line(rx, current_xi, current_yi)
                    * planner.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
@@ -282,7 +263,7 @@
         if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
-        const float y = mesh_index_to_ypos(current_yi);
+        const float ry = mesh_index_to_ypos(current_yi);
          * Without this check, it is possible for the algorithm to generate a zero length move in the case
@@ -290,9 +271,9 @@
          * happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
          * the planner._buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
-        if (y != start[Y_AXIS]) {
+        if (ry != start[Y_AXIS]) {
           if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
-            on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
+            on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? rx - start[X_AXIS] : ry - start[Y_AXIS];
             e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
             z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@@ -301,7 +282,7 @@
             z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
-          planner._buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
+          planner._buffer_line(rx, ry, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
         } //else printf("FIRST MOVE PRUNED  ");
@@ -332,9 +313,9 @@
       while (current_xi != cell_dest_xi + left_flag) {
         current_xi += dxi;
         const float next_mesh_line_x = mesh_index_to_xpos(current_xi),
-                    y = m * next_mesh_line_x + c;   // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
+                    ry = m * next_mesh_line_x + c;   // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
-        float z0 = z_correction_for_y_on_vertical_mesh_line(y, current_xi, current_yi)
+        float z0 = z_correction_for_y_on_vertical_mesh_line(ry, current_xi, current_yi)
                    * planner.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
@@ -346,7 +327,7 @@
         if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
-        const float x = mesh_index_to_xpos(current_xi);
+        const float rx = mesh_index_to_xpos(current_xi);
          * Without this check, it is possible for the algorithm to generate a zero length move in the case
@@ -354,9 +335,9 @@
          * that happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
          * the planner._buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
-        if (x != start[X_AXIS]) {
+        if (rx != start[X_AXIS]) {
           if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
-            on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
+            on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? rx - start[X_AXIS] : ry - start[Y_AXIS];
             e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;  // is based on X or Y because this is a horizontal move
             z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@@ -365,7 +346,7 @@
             z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
-          planner._buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
+          planner._buffer_line(rx, ry, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
         } //else printf("FIRST MOVE PRUNED  ");
@@ -398,15 +379,15 @@
       const float next_mesh_line_x = mesh_index_to_xpos(current_xi + dxi),
                   next_mesh_line_y = mesh_index_to_ypos(current_yi + dyi),
-                  y = m * next_mesh_line_x + c,   // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
-                  x = (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
-                                                  // (No need to worry about m being zero.
-                                                  //  If that was the case, it was already detected
-                                                  //  as a vertical line move above.)
+                  ry = m * next_mesh_line_x + c,   // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
+                  rx = (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
+                                                   // (No need to worry about m being zero.
+                                                   //  If that was the case, it was already detected
+                                                   //  as a vertical line move above.)
-      if (left_flag == (x > next_mesh_line_x)) { // Check if we hit the Y line first
+      if (left_flag == (rx > next_mesh_line_x)) { // Check if we hit the Y line first
         // Yes!  Crossing a Y Mesh Line next
-        float z0 = z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line(x, current_xi - left_flag, current_yi + dyi)
+        float z0 = z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line(rx, current_xi - left_flag, current_yi + dyi)
                    * planner.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
@@ -419,7 +400,7 @@
         if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
         if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
-          on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : next_mesh_line_y - start[Y_AXIS];
+          on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? rx - start[X_AXIS] : next_mesh_line_y - start[Y_AXIS];
           e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
           z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@@ -427,13 +408,13 @@
           e_position = end[E_AXIS];
           z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
-        planner._buffer_line(x, next_mesh_line_y, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
+        planner._buffer_line(rx, next_mesh_line_y, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
         current_yi += dyi;
       else {
         // Yes!  Crossing a X Mesh Line next
-        float z0 = z_correction_for_y_on_vertical_mesh_line(y, current_xi + dxi, current_yi - down_flag)
+        float z0 = z_correction_for_y_on_vertical_mesh_line(ry, current_xi + dxi, current_yi - down_flag)
                    * planner.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
@@ -446,7 +427,7 @@
         if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
         if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
-          on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
+          on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - start[X_AXIS] : ry - start[Y_AXIS];
           e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
           z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
@@ -455,7 +436,7 @@
           z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
-        planner._buffer_line(next_mesh_line_x, y, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
+        planner._buffer_line(next_mesh_line_x, ry, z_position + z0, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
         current_xi += dxi;
@@ -489,29 +470,16 @@
     // We don't want additional apply_leveling() performed by regular buffer_line or buffer_line_kinematic,
     // so we call _buffer_line directly here.  Per-segmented leveling and kinematics performed first.
-    inline void _O2 ubl_buffer_segment_raw(const float &rx, const float &ry, const float rz, const float &e, const float &fr) {
+    inline void _O2 ubl_buffer_segment_raw(const float raw[XYZE], const float &fr) {
       #if ENABLED(DELTA)  // apply delta inverse_kinematics
-        const float delta_A = rz + SQRT( delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[A_AXIS]
-                                         - HYPOT2( delta_tower[A_AXIS][X_AXIS] - rx,
-                                                   delta_tower[A_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - ry ));
+        DELTA_RAW_IK();
+        planner._buffer_line(delta[A_AXIS], delta[B_AXIS], delta[C_AXIS], raw[E_AXIS], fr, active_extruder);
-        const float delta_B = rz + SQRT( delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[B_AXIS]
-                                         - HYPOT2( delta_tower[B_AXIS][X_AXIS] - rx,
-                                                   delta_tower[B_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - ry ));
+      #elif IS_SCARA  // apply scara inverse_kinematics (should be changed to save raw->logical->raw)
-        const float delta_C = rz + SQRT( delta_diagonal_rod_2_tower[C_AXIS]
-                                         - HYPOT2( delta_tower[C_AXIS][X_AXIS] - rx,
-                                                   delta_tower[C_AXIS][Y_AXIS] - ry ));
-        planner._buffer_line(delta_A, delta_B, delta_C, e, fr, active_extruder);
-      #elif IS_SCARA  // apply scara inverse_kinematics
-        const float lseg[XYZ] = { rx, ry, rz };
-        inverse_kinematics(lseg); // this writes delta[ABC] from lseg[XYZ]
+        inverse_kinematics(raw);  // this writes delta[ABC] from raw[XYZE]
                                   // should move the feedrate scaling to scara inverse_kinematics
         const float adiff = FABS(delta[A_AXIS] - scara_oldA),
@@ -520,14 +488,13 @@
         scara_oldB = delta[B_AXIS];
         float s_feedrate = max(adiff, bdiff) * scara_feed_factor;
-        planner._buffer_line(delta[A_AXIS], delta[B_AXIS], delta[C_AXIS], e, s_feedrate, active_extruder);
+        planner._buffer_line(delta[A_AXIS], delta[B_AXIS], delta[C_AXIS], raw[E_AXIS], s_feedrate, active_extruder);
       #else // CARTESIAN
-        planner._buffer_line(rx, ry, rz, e, fr, active_extruder);
+        planner._buffer_line(raw[X_AXIS], raw[Y_AXIS], raw[Z_AXIS], raw[E_AXIS], fr, active_extruder);
@@ -542,12 +509,14 @@
       if (!position_is_reachable(rtarget[X_AXIS], rtarget[Y_AXIS]))  // fail if moving outside reachable boundary
         return true; // did not move, so current_position still accurate
-      const float tot_dx = rtarget[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS],
-                  tot_dy = rtarget[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS],
-                  tot_dz = rtarget[Z_AXIS] - current_position[Z_AXIS],
-                  tot_de = rtarget[E_AXIS] - current_position[E_AXIS];
+      const float total[XYZE] = {
+        rtarget[X_AXIS] - current_position[X_AXIS],
+        rtarget[Y_AXIS] - current_position[Y_AXIS],
+        rtarget[Z_AXIS] - current_position[Z_AXIS],
+        rtarget[E_AXIS] - current_position[E_AXIS]
+      };
-      const float cartesian_xy_mm = HYPOT(tot_dx, tot_dy);  // total horizontal xy distance
+      const float cartesian_xy_mm = HYPOT(total[X_AXIS], total[Y_AXIS]);  // total horizontal xy distance
       #if IS_KINEMATIC
         const float seconds = cartesian_xy_mm / feedrate;                                  // seconds to move xy distance at requested rate
@@ -567,49 +536,30 @@
         scara_oldB = stepper.get_axis_position_degrees(B_AXIS);
-      const float seg_dx = tot_dx * inv_segments,
-                  seg_dy = tot_dy * inv_segments,
-                  seg_dz = tot_dz * inv_segments,
-                  seg_de = tot_de * inv_segments;
+      const float diff[XYZE] = {
+        total[X_AXIS] * inv_segments,
+        total[Y_AXIS] * inv_segments,
+        total[Z_AXIS] * inv_segments,
+        total[E_AXIS] * inv_segments
+      };
       // Note that E segment distance could vary slightly as z mesh height
       // changes for each segment, but small enough to ignore.
-      float seg_rx = current_position[X_AXIS],
-            seg_ry = current_position[Y_AXIS],
-            seg_rz = current_position[Z_AXIS],
-            seg_le = current_position[E_AXIS];
-      const bool above_fade_height = (
-          planner.z_fade_height != 0 && planner.z_fade_height < rtarget[Z_AXIS]
-        #else
-          false
-        #endif
-      );
+      float raw[XYZE] = {
+        current_position[X_AXIS],
+        current_position[Y_AXIS],
+        current_position[Z_AXIS],
+        current_position[E_AXIS]
+      };
       // Only compute leveling per segment if ubl active and target below z_fade_height.
       if (!planner.leveling_active || !planner.leveling_active_at_z(rtarget[Z_AXIS])) {   // no mesh leveling
-        do {
-          if (--segments) {     // not the last segment
-            seg_rx += seg_dx;
-            seg_ry += seg_dy;
-            seg_rz += seg_dz;
-            seg_le += seg_de;
-          } else {              // last segment, use exact destination
-            seg_rx = rtarget[X_AXIS];
-            seg_ry = rtarget[Y_AXIS];
-            seg_rz = rtarget[Z_AXIS];
-            seg_le = rtarget[E_AXIS];
-          }
-          ubl_buffer_segment_raw(seg_rx, seg_ry, seg_rz, seg_le, feedrate);
-        } while (segments);
+        while (--segments) {
+          LOOP_XYZE(i) raw[i] += diff[i];
+          ubl_buffer_segment_raw(raw, feedrate);
+        }
+        ubl_buffer_segment_raw(rtarget, feedrate);
         return false; // moved but did not set_current_from_destination();
@@ -617,15 +567,10 @@
         const float fade_scaling_factor = planner.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(rtarget[Z_AXIS]);
-      #else
-        constexpr float fade_scaling_factor = 1.0;
       // increment to first segment destination
-      seg_rx += seg_dx;
-      seg_ry += seg_dy;
-      seg_rz += seg_dz;
-      seg_le += seg_de;
+      LOOP_XYZE(i) raw[i] += diff[i];
       for(;;) {  // for each mesh cell encountered during the move
@@ -636,8 +581,8 @@
         // in top of loop and again re-find same adjacent cell and use it, just less efficient
         // for mesh inset area.
-        int8_t cell_xi = (seg_rx - (MESH_MIN_X)) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST)),
-               cell_yi = (seg_ry - (MESH_MIN_Y)) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST));
+        int8_t cell_xi = (raw[X_AXIS] - (MESH_MIN_X)) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST)),
+               cell_yi = (raw[Y_AXIS] - (MESH_MIN_Y)) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST));
         cell_xi = constrain(cell_xi, 0, (GRID_MAX_POINTS_X) - 1);
         cell_yi = constrain(cell_yi, 0, (GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y) - 1);
@@ -655,8 +600,8 @@
         if (isnan(z_x0y1)) z_x0y1 = 0;              //   in order to avoid isnan tests per cell,
         if (isnan(z_x1y1)) z_x1y1 = 0;              //   thus guessing zero for undefined points
-        float cx = seg_rx - x0,   // cell-relative x and y
-              cy = seg_ry - y0;
+        float cx = raw[X_AXIS] - x0,   // cell-relative x and y
+              cy = raw[Y_AXIS] - y0;
         const float z_xmy0 = (z_x1y0 - z_x0y0) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST)),   // z slope per x along y0 (lower left to lower right)
                     z_xmy1 = (z_x1y1 - z_x0y1) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST));   // z slope per x along y1 (upper left to upper right)
@@ -674,36 +619,35 @@
         // and the z_cxym slope will change, both as a function of cx within the cell, and
         // each change by a constant for fixed segment lengths.
-        const float z_sxy0 = z_xmy0 * seg_dx,                                     // per-segment adjustment to z_cxy0
-                    z_sxym = (z_xmy1 - z_xmy0) * (1.0 / (MESH_Y_DIST)) * seg_dx;  // per-segment adjustment to z_cxym
+        const float z_sxy0 = z_xmy0 * diff[X_AXIS],                                     // per-segment adjustment to z_cxy0
+                    z_sxym = (z_xmy1 - z_xmy0) * (1.0 / (MESH_Y_DIST)) * diff[X_AXIS];  // per-segment adjustment to z_cxym
         for(;;) {  // for all segments within this mesh cell
-          float z_cxcy = (z_cxy0 + z_cxym * cy) * fade_scaling_factor; // interpolated mesh z height along cx at cy, scaled for fade
+          if (--segments == 0)                      // if this is last segment, use rtarget for exact
+            COPY(raw, rtarget);
-          if (--segments == 0) {                    // if this is last segment, use rtarget for exact
-            seg_rx = rtarget[X_AXIS];
-            seg_ry = rtarget[Y_AXIS];
-            seg_rz = rtarget[Z_AXIS];
-            seg_le = rtarget[E_AXIS];
-          }
+          const float z_cxcy = (z_cxy0 + z_cxym * cy) // interpolated mesh z height along cx at cy
+              * fade_scaling_factor                   // apply fade factor to interpolated mesh height
+            #endif
+          ;
-          ubl_buffer_segment_raw(seg_rx, seg_ry, seg_rz + z_cxcy, seg_le, feedrate);
+          const float z = raw[Z_AXIS];
+          raw[Z_AXIS] += z_cxcy;
+          ubl_buffer_segment_raw(raw, feedrate);
+          raw[Z_AXIS] = z;
           if (segments == 0)                        // done with last segment
             return false;                           // did not set_current_from_destination()
-          seg_rx += seg_dx;
-          seg_ry += seg_dy;
-          seg_rz += seg_dz;
-          seg_le += seg_de;
+          LOOP_XYZE(i) raw[i] += diff[i];
-          cx += seg_dx;
-          cy += seg_dy;
+          cx += diff[X_AXIS];
+          cy += diff[Y_AXIS];
-          if (!WITHIN(cx, 0, MESH_X_DIST) || !WITHIN(cy, 0, MESH_Y_DIST)) {  // done within this cell, break to next
+          if (!WITHIN(cx, 0, MESH_X_DIST) || !WITHIN(cy, 0, MESH_Y_DIST))    // done within this cell, break to next
-          }
           // Next segment still within same mesh cell, adjust the per-segment
           // slope and intercept to compute next z height.
@@ -718,4 +662,3 @@
   #endif // UBL_DELTA