Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin.git synced 2025-03-13 01:40:09 +00:00

[bugfix-1.1.x] Auto-build CDC support fix, error handling improvements (#10852)

This commit is contained in:
Bob Kuhn 2018-05-26 01:07:01 -05:00 committed by Scott Lahteine
parent 1615542ac3
commit a07433f1cc
8 changed files with 46608 additions and 140 deletions

View file

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
# Revision: 2.0.1
# Description: script to automate PlatformIO builds
# CLI: python auto_build.py build_option
# build_option (required)
@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ current_OS = platform.system()
target_env = ''
board_name = ''
# Python 2 error messages:
# Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories ...
@ -115,7 +118,17 @@ board_name = ''
# reboot
# data/definitions used by memory check routine to determine if need to
# insert % memory used
mem_check_environments = ('at90USB1286_CDC', 'at90USB1286_DFU')
mem_check_builds = ('upload', 'program')
FLASH_MAX = 128 * 1024 - 4 * 1024 # DFU & CDC bootloaders start at word address F800
RAM_MAX = 8 * 1024
RAM_SYSTEM = 1024 # assume that 1K bytes is enough for stack, heap. ...
@ -208,6 +221,13 @@ def resolve_path(path):
import os
# turn the selection into a partial path
if 0 <= path.find('"'):
path = path[ path.find('"') : ]
if 0 <= path.find(', line '):
path = path.replace(', line ', ':')
path = path.replace('"', '')
#get line and column numbers
line_num = 1
column_num = 1
@ -402,45 +422,6 @@ def open_file(path):
# end - open_file
# move custom board definitions from project folder to PlatformIO
def copy_boards_dir():
temp = os.environ
for key in temp:
if 0 <= os.environ[key].find('.platformio'):
part = os.environ[key].split(';')
for part2 in part:
if 0 <= part2.find('.platformio'):
path = part2
PIO_path = path[ : path.find('.platformio') + 11]
# import sys
# import subprocess
# pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'run', '-t', 'envdump'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# # stream output from subprocess and split it into lines
# for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
# if 0 <= line.find('PIOHOME_DIR'):
# start = line.find(':') + 3
# end = line.find(',') - 1
# PIO_path = line[start:end]
PIO_path = PIO_path.replace("\\", "/")
PIO_path = PIO_path.replace("//", "/") + '/boards'
board_path = 'buildroot/share/PlatformIO/boards'
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
copy_tree(board_path, PIO_path)
# end copy_boards_dir
# gets the last build environment
def get_build_last():
env_last = ''
@ -956,6 +937,9 @@ class output_window(Text):
global error_found
error_found = False # are there any errors?
global memory_check_first_time
memory_check_first_time = True # wants to run memory_check twice
def __init__(self):
@ -969,6 +953,7 @@ class output_window(Text):
Text.__init__(self, self.frame, borderwidth=3, relief="sunken")
self.config(tabs=(400,)) # configure Text widget tab stops
self.config(background = 'black', foreground = 'white', font= ("consolas", 12), wrap = 'word', undo = 'True')
# self.config(background = 'black', foreground = 'white', font= ("consolas", 12), wrap = 'none', undo = 'True')
self.config(height = 24, width = 100)
self.config(insertbackground = 'pale green') # keyboard insertion point
self.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True)
@ -991,6 +976,25 @@ class output_window(Text):
scrb.pack(side='right', fill='y')
# self.scrb_Y = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='vertical', command=self.yview)
# self.scrb_Y.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrb_Y.set)
# self.scrb_Y.pack(side='right', fill='y')
# self.scrb_X = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='horizontal', command=self.xview)
# self.scrb_X.config(xscrollcommand=self.scrb_X.set)
# self.scrb_X.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
# scrb_X = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.xview) # tk.HORIZONTAL now have a horizsontal scroll bar BUT... shrinks it to a postage stamp and hides far right behind the vertical scroll bar
# self.config(xscrollcommand=scrb_X.set)
# scrb_X.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
# scrb= tk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.yview)
# self.config(yscrollcommand=scrb.set)
# scrb.pack(side='right', fill='y')
# self.config(height = 240, width = 1000) # didn't get the size baCK TO NORMAL
# self.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) # didn't get the size baCK TO NORMAL
# pop-up menu
self.popup = tk.Menu(self, tearoff=0)
@ -1046,6 +1050,8 @@ class output_window(Text):
if IO_queue.empty():
if not(self.secondary_thread.is_alive()):
continue_updates = False # queue is exhausted and thread is dead so no need for further updates
self.memory_check() # scan buffer and add percent used if needed
print 'starting memory check'
temp_text = IO_queue.get(block = False)
@ -1208,6 +1214,202 @@ class output_window(Text):
if isok:
self.delete('1.0', 'end')
# add memory % if needed
def memory_check(self):
global memory_check_first_time
if not(memory_check_first_time):
memory_check_first_time = False
search_position = self.search("Environment used:", "1.0", stopindex="end")
env_line = self.get(search_position, '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 200))
print 'env_line 1 ', env_line
if 0 <= env_line.find('\n'):
env_line = env_line[ : env_line.find('\n')]
env_end = env_line.find(' ', 18)
if env_end == -1:
env_end = len(env_line)
env_line = env_line[ 18 : env_end ]
print 'env_line 2 ', env_line
env_found = False
for env in mem_check_environments:
if env_line == env:
env_found = True
print 'env ', env
search_position = self.search("Build type:", "1.0", stopindex="end")
if search_position == "":
print "didn't find it"
build_line = self.get(search_position, '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 200))
print 'build_line 1 ', build_line
if 0 <= build_line.find('\n'):
build_line = build_line[ : build_line.find('\n')]
build_end = build_line.find(' ', 14)
if build_end == -1:
build_end = len(build_line)
build_line = build_line[ 12 : build_end ]
print 'build_line 2 ', build_line
build_found = False
for build in mem_check_builds:
if build_line == build:
build_found = True
print 'build ', build
if env_found and build_found: # find the memory values
search_position = self.search("Checking program size", "1.0", stopindex="end")
if search_position != '':
print 'search_position: ' + search_position
line_int = int(search_position[ : search_position.find(".")]) + 1
line_str = str(line_int)
line = self.get(line_str + '.0', line_str + '.200')
print 'line: ', line
while 'text' != line[ : 4 ] :
line_int = line_int + 1
line_str = str(line_int)
line = self.get(line_str + '.0', line_str + '.200')
print 'line: ', line
line_int = line_int + 1
line_str = str(line_int)
print 'line + 3: ' + line_str + '.0'
size_line = self.get(line_str + '.0', line_str + '.200')
print 'size_line ', size_line
data_start = 0
while ' ' == size_line[ data_start : data_start + 1] :
data_start = data_start + 1 # eat leading blanks
print 'data_start: ', data_start, size_line.find(' ', data_start)
data_end = size_line.find(' ', data_start) - 1
text_str = size_line[ data_start : data_end]
print 'text_str = ', data_start, data_end, text_str + '/////'
text_val = int(text_str)
print 'text_val ', text_val
data_start = size_line.find(' ', data_end)
while ' ' == size_line[ data_start : data_start + 1] :
data_start = data_start + 1 # eat leading blanks
print 'data_start: ', data_start, size_line.find(' ', data_start)
data_end = size_line.find(' ', data_start) -1
data_val = int(size_line[ data_start : data_end])
print 'data_val ', data_val
data_start = size_line.find(' ', data_end)
while ' ' == size_line[ data_start : data_start + 1] :
data_start = data_start + 1 # eat leading blanks
print 'data_start: ', data_start, size_line.find(' ', data_start)
data_end = size_line.find(' ', data_start) - 1
if data_end == -1:
data_end = len(size_line)
bss_val = int(size_line[ data_start : data_end])
print 'bss_val ', bss_val
FLASH_total = text_val + data_val
RAM_total = bss_val + data_val
tag = 'normal'
tag = 'warning'
if FLASH_total >= FLASH_MAX:
tag = 'error'
line_int = line_int + 1
line_str = str(line_int)
self.insert('end', '\nProgram: ' + str(FLASH_total) + ' bytes (' + str( 100*FLASH_total/FLASH_MAX) + '% of application area)\n', tag)
self.insert(line_str + '.0', '\nProgram: ' + str(FLASH_total) + ' bytes (' + str( 100*FLASH_total/FLASH_MAX) + '% of application area)\n', tag)
tag = 'normal'
if RAM_total >= RAM_MAX - RAM_WARN:
tag = 'warning'
if RAM_total >= RAM_MAX - RAM_SYSTEM:
tag = 'error'
line_int = line_int + 2
line_str = str(line_int)
self.insert('end', 'Data: ' + str(RAM_total) + ' bytes (' + str( 100*RAM_total/(RAM_MAX-RAM_SYSTEM)) + '% of non-system RAM)\n', tag)
self.insert(line_str + '.0', 'Data: ' + str(RAM_total) + ' bytes (' + str( 100*RAM_total/(RAM_MAX-RAM_SYSTEM)) + '% of non-system RAM)\n\n', tag)
self.see("end") # make the new lines visible (scroll text off the top)
# end - memory_check
# error reporting proceedure for copy_boards_dir()
def report_failure(self, PIO_path, board_path):
# didn't find the file - user needs to copy it & re-run the script
self.insert('end', 'Unable to move board definition file to destination. User must manually copy the file.\n\n', 'error')
self.insert('end', 'Please copy the following file and re-run the script:\n', 'normal')
self.insert('end', ' FROM:\n')
self.insert('end', ' ' + pwd + '/' + board_path + '/at90USB1286.json\n')
self.insert('end', ' TO:\n')
self.insert('end', ' ' + PIO_path + '/at90USB1286.json\n')
# move custom board definitions from project folder to PlatformIO
# returns True if the file ends up in the correct location
def copy_boards_dir(self):
temp = os.environ
for key in temp:
if 0 <= os.environ[key].find('.platformio'):
part = os.environ[key].split(';')
for part2 in part:
if 0 <= part2.find('.platformio'):
path = part2
path = path.replace("\\", "/")
path = path.replace("//", "/")
path_remaining = path
still_looking = True
PIO_path = ''
while still_looking:
colon_pos = path_remaining.find(':')
if -1 == colon_pos:
still_looking = False
path_maybe = path_remaining
path_maybe = path_remaining[ : colon_pos]
path_remaining = path_remaining[ colon_pos + 1 : ]
if 0 <= path_maybe.find('/.platformio'):
still_looking = False
PIO_path = path_maybe
start_loc = PIO_path.find('/.platformio')
next_loc = PIO_path.find('/', start_loc + 5)
if 0 <= next_loc:
PIO_path = PIO_path[ : next_loc]
PIO_path = PIO_path + '/boards'
board_path = 'buildroot/share/PlatformIO/boards'
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
copy_tree(board_path, PIO_path)
# check to see if it's there
# macOS will throw an exception if it can't get to the directory
# Ubuntu doesn't complain if it can't get to the directory
# Windows always succeeds (have not been able to lock it out in testing)
short_path = PIO_path[ : PIO_path.find('/boards')]
PIO_dir = os.listdir(short_path)
self.report_failure(PIO_path, board_path)
return False
if 'boards' in PIO_dir:
boards_dir = os.listdir(PIO_path)
self.report_failure(PIO_path, board_path)
return False
if 'at90USB1286.json' in boards_dir:
return True # it's there so all is well
self.report_failure(PIO_path, board_path)
return False
# end copy_boards_dir
# end - output_window
@ -1230,11 +1432,18 @@ def main():
target_env = get_env(board_name, Marlin_ver)
os.environ["BUILD_TYPE"] = build_type # let sub processes know what is happening
os.environ["TARGET_ENV"] = target_env
os.environ["BOARD_NAME"] = board_name
auto_build = output_window()
continue_script = True
if 0 <= target_env.find('USB1286'):
copy_boards_dir() # copy custom boards over to PlatformIO if using custom board
# causes 3-5 second delay in main window appearing
auto_build.start_thread() # executes the "run_PIO" function
continue_script = auto_build.copy_boards_dir() # copy custom boards over to PlatformIO if using custom board
if continue_script:
auto_build.start_thread() # executes the "run_PIO" function

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -9,107 +9,133 @@
# Will continue on if a COM port isn't found so that the compilation can be done.
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import sys
from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment
import platform
current_OS = platform.system()
from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment
env = DefaultEnvironment()
com_first = ''
com_last = ''
com_CDC = ''
description_first = ''
description_last = ''
description_CDC = ''
# grab the first com port that pops up unless we find one we know for sure
# is a CDC device
def get_com_port(com_search_text, descr_search_text, start):
global com_first
global com_last
global com_CDC
global description_first
global description_last
global description_CDC
build_type = os.environ.get("BUILD_TYPE", 'Not Set')
print '\nLooking for Serial Port\n'
if not(build_type == 'upload' or build_type == 'traceback' or build_type == 'Not Set') :
env.Replace(UPLOAD_PROTOCOL = 'teensy-gui') # run normal Teensy2 scripts
com_first = ''
com_last = ''
com_CDC = ''
description_first = ''
description_last = ''
description_CDC = ''
# stream output from subprocess and split it into lines
pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'device', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# grab the first com port that pops up unless we find one we know for sure
# is a CDC device
def get_com_port(com_search_text, descr_search_text, start):
looking_for_description = False
for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
if 0 <= line.find(com_search_text):
looking_for_description = True
com_last = line.replace('\n', '')
if com_first == '':
com_first = com_last
if 0 <= line.find(descr_search_text) and looking_for_description:
looking_for_description = False
description_last = line[ start : ]
if description_first == '':
description_first = description_last
if 0 <= description_last.find('CDC'):
com_CDC = com_last
description_CDC = description_last
if com_CDC == '' and not(com_first == ''):
com_CDC = com_first
description_CDC = description_first
elif com_CDC == '':
print com_CDC, '\n'
print 'FOUND: ' ,com_CDC
print 'DESCRIPTION: ', description_CDC , '\n'
if current_OS == 'Windows':
get_com_port('COM', 'Hardware ID:', 13)
avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
global com_first
global com_last
global com_CDC
global description_first
global description_last
global description_CDC
if current_OS == 'Darwin': # MAC
print '\nLooking for Serial Port\n'
get_com_port('usbmodem', 'Description:', 13)
# stream output from subprocess and split it into lines
pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'device', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/etc/avrdude.conf'
looking_for_description = False
for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
if 0 <= line.find(com_search_text):
looking_for_description = True
com_last = line.replace('\n', '')
if com_first == '':
com_first = com_last
if 0 <= line.find(descr_search_text) and looking_for_description:
looking_for_description = False
description_last = line[ start : ]
if description_first == '':
description_first = description_last
if 0 <= description_last.find('CDC'):
com_CDC = com_last
description_CDC = description_last
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
if com_CDC == '' and not(com_first == ''):
com_CDC = com_first
description_CDC = description_first
elif com_CDC == '':
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
while 0 <= com_CDC.find('\n'):
com_CDC = com_CDC.replace('\n', '')
while 0 <= com_CDC.find('\r'):
com_CDC = com_CDC.replace('\r', '')
print com_CDC, '\n'
print 'FOUND: ' ,com_CDC
print 'DESCRIPTION: ', description_CDC , '\n'
if current_OS == 'Windows':
get_com_port('COM', 'Hardware ID:', 13)
# avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
avrdude_conf_path = 'buildroot\\share\\atom\\avrdude.conf'
avrdude_exe_path = 'buildroot\\share\\atom\\avrdude_5.10.exe'
# source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
source_path = '.pioenvs\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
upload_string = avrdude_exe_path + ' -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
if current_OS == 'Linux':
if current_OS == 'Darwin': # MAC
get_com_port('/dev/tty', 'Description:', 13)
get_com_port('usbmodem', 'Description:', 13)
avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/etc/avrdude.conf'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
# avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/etc/avrdude.conf'
avrdude_conf_path = 'buildroot/share/atom/avrdude_macOS.conf'
UPLOADCMD = upload_string,
avrdude_exe_path = 'buildroot/share/atom/avrdude_5.10_macOS'
# source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
source_path = '.pioenvs/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
# upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
upload_string = avrdude_exe_path + ' -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
print 'upload_string: ', upload_string
if current_OS == 'Linux':
get_com_port('/dev/tty', 'Description:', 13)
# avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/etc/avrdude.conf'
avrdude_conf_path = 'buildroot/share/atom/avrdude_linux.conf'
avrdude_exe_path = 'buildroot/share/atom/avrdude_5.10_linux'
# source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
source_path = '.pioenvs/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
# upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
upload_string = avrdude_exe_path + ' -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
UPLOADCMD = upload_string,

View file

@ -9,29 +9,34 @@
# Will continue on if a COM port isn't found so that the compilation can be done.
import os
import sys
from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment
import platform
current_OS = platform.system()
env = DefaultEnvironment()
if current_OS == 'Windows':
avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
build_type = os.environ.get("BUILD_TYPE", 'Not Set')
if not(build_type == 'upload' or build_type == 'traceback' or build_type == 'Not Set') :
env.Replace(UPLOAD_PROTOCOL = 'teensy-gui') # run normal Teensy2 scripts
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
if current_OS == 'Windows':
avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
UPLOADCMD = upload_string,
UPLOADCMD = upload_string,