diff --git a/buildroot/share/sublime/auto_build_sublime_menu/000_read_me.txt b/buildroot/share/sublime/auto_build_sublime_menu/000_read_me.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5853977911..0000000000
--- a/buildroot/share/sublime/auto_build_sublime_menu/000_read_me.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-1) Install Sublime
-2) Install Deviot (?optional?)
-3) Install WebDevShell (this will execute the auto-build script)
-4) Copy the menu configuration to the proper Sublime directory
-5) Add platformio to your path (usually not needed)
-Sublime with autobuild
- Tools
- Install Package Control
- Tools
- Command Palette
- Package Control: Install Package
- type in deviot and click on it
- Tools
- Command Palette
- Package Control: Install Package
- type in WebDevShell and click on it
- in Sublime, open Marlin directory with "platformio.ini" in it
- starting in the top level directory, go to the folder "Buildroot/shared/Sublime"
- copy the folder "auto_build_sublime_menu" and contents to:
- Windows
- \Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages
- Linux
- /home/your_user_name/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User
- macOS (Click on the Finder's 'Go' menu and hold down Option to open...)
- ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User
-The menu should now be visible
-If you get an error message that says "file not found" and "subprocess.Popen(['platformio' ... "
-then you'll need to add platformio to your path.
- macOS
- sudo nano /etc/paths
- add these to the bottom
- /Users/bob/.platformio
- /Users/bob/.platformio/penv/bin
diff --git a/buildroot/share/sublime/auto_build_sublime_menu/Main.sublime-menu b/buildroot/share/sublime/auto_build_sublime_menu/Main.sublime-menu
deleted file mode 100644
index 60939d12e7..0000000000
--- a/buildroot/share/sublime/auto_build_sublime_menu/Main.sublime-menu
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- {
- "caption": "Auto Build",
- "children": [
- {
- "caption": "PIO Build",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py build"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Clean",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py clean"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Upload",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py upload"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Upload (traceback)",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py traceback"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Upload using Programmer",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py program"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Test",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py test"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Debug",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py debug"
- }
- },
- {
- "caption": "PIO Remote",
- "command": "webdevshell",
- "args": {
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py remote"
- }
- }
- ],
- "id": "AutoBuild",
- "mnemonic": "A"
- }
diff --git a/buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py b/buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dcbf119d49..0000000000
--- a/buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1283 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
-# Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
-# Based on Sprinter and grbl.
-# Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see .
-# Revision: 2.1.0
-# Description: script to automate PlatformIO builds
-# CLI: python auto_build.py build_option
-# build_option (required)
-# build executes -> platformio run -e target_env
-# clean executes -> platformio run --target clean -e target_env
-# upload executes -> platformio run --target upload -e target_env
-# traceback executes -> platformio run --target upload -e target_env
-# program executes -> platformio run --target program -e target_env
-# test executes -> platformio test upload -e target_env
-# remote executes -> platformio remote run --target upload -e target_env
-# debug executes -> platformio debug -e target_env
-# 'traceback' just uses the debug variant of the target environment if one exists
-# General program flow
-# 1. Scans Configuration.h for the motherboard name and Marlin version.
-# 2. Scans pins.h for the motherboard.
-# returns the CPU(s) and platformio environment(s) used by the motherboard
-# 3. If further info is needed then a popup gets it from the user.
-# 4. The OUTPUT_WINDOW class creates a window to display the output of the PlatformIO program.
-# 5. A thread is created by the OUTPUT_WINDOW class in order to execute the RUN_PIO function.
-# 6. The RUN_PIO function uses a subprocess to run the CLI version of PlatformIO.
-# 7. The "iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, '')" function is used to stream the output of
-# PlatformIO back to the RUN_PIO function.
-# 8. Each line returned from PlatformIO is formatted to match the color coding seen in the
-# PlatformIO GUI.
-# 9. If there is a color change within a line then the line is broken at each color change
-# and sent separately.
-# 10. Each formatted segment (could be a full line or a split line) is put into the queue
-# IO_queue as it arrives from the platformio subprocess.
-# 11. The OUTPUT_WINDOW class periodically samples IO_queue. If data is available then it
-# is written to the window.
-# 12. The window stays open until the user closes it.
-# 13. The OUTPUT_WINDOW class continues to execute as long as the window is open. This allows
-# copying, saving, scrolling of the window. A right click popup is available.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import division
-import sys, os, re
-pwd = os.getcwd() # make sure we're executing from the correct directory level
-pwd = pwd.replace('\\', '/')
-if 0 <= pwd.find('buildroot/share/vscode'):
- pwd = pwd[:pwd.find('buildroot/share/vscode')]
- os.chdir(pwd)
-print('pwd: ', pwd)
-num_args = len(sys.argv)
-if num_args > 1:
- build_type = str(sys.argv[1])
- print('Please specify build type')
- exit()
-print('build_type: ', build_type)
-python_ver = sys.version_info[0] # major version - 2 or 3
-print("python version " + str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[2]))
-import platform
-current_OS = platform.system()
-target_env = ''
-board_name = ''
-from datetime import datetime
-# Python 2 error messages:
-# Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories ...
-# error "invalid command name "tcl_findLibrary""
-# Fix for the above errors on my Win10 system:
-# search all init.tcl files for the line "package require -exact Tcl" that has the highest 8.5.x number
-# copy it into the first directory listed in the error messages
-# set the environmental variables TCLLIBPATH and TCL_LIBRARY to the directory where you found the init.tcl file
-# reboot
-# popup to get input from user
-def get_answer(board_name, question_txt, options, default_value=1):
- if python_ver == 2:
- import Tkinter as tk
- else:
- import tkinter as tk
- def CPU_exit_3(): # forward declare functions
- CPU_exit_3_()
- def got_answer():
- got_answer_()
- def kill_session():
- kill_session_()
- root_get_answer = tk.Tk()
- root_get_answer.title('')
- #root_get_answer.withdraw()
- #root_get_answer.deiconify()
- root_get_answer.attributes("-topmost", True)
- def disable_event():
- pass
- root_get_answer.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", disable_event)
- root_get_answer.resizable(False, False)
- global get_answer_val
- get_answer_val = default_value # return get_answer_val, set default to match radio_state default
- radio_state = tk.IntVar()
- radio_state.set(get_answer_val)
- l1 = tk.Label(text=board_name, fg="light green", bg="dark green",
- font="default 14 bold").grid(row=0, columnspan=2, sticky='EW', ipadx=2, ipady=2)
- l2 = tk.Label(text=question_txt).grid(row=1, pady=4, columnspan=2, sticky='EW')
- buttons = []
- for index, val in enumerate(options):
- buttons.append(
- tk.Radiobutton(
- text=val,
- fg="black",
- bg="lightgray",
- relief=tk.SUNKEN,
- selectcolor="green",
- variable=radio_state,
- value=index + 1,
- indicatoron=0,
- command=CPU_exit_3
- ).grid(row=index + 2, pady=1, ipady=2, ipadx=10, columnspan=2))
- b6 = tk.Button(text="Cancel", fg="red", command=kill_session).grid(row=(2 + len(options)), column=0, padx=4, pady=4, ipadx=2, ipady=2)
- b7 = tk.Button(text="Continue", fg="green", command=got_answer).grid(row=(2 + len(options)), column=1, padx=4, pady=4, ipadx=2, ipady=2)
- def got_answer_():
- root_get_answer.destroy()
- def CPU_exit_3_():
- global get_answer_val
- get_answer_val = radio_state.get()
- def kill_session_():
- raise SystemExit(0) # kill everything
- root_get_answer.mainloop()
-# end - get answer
-# move custom board definitions from project folder to PlatformIO
-def resolve_path(path):
- import os
- # turn the selection into a partial path
- if 0 <= path.find('"'):
- path = path[path.find('"'):]
- if 0 <= path.find(', line '):
- path = path.replace(', line ', ':')
- path = path.replace('"', '')
- # get line and column numbers
- line_num = 1
- column_num = 1
- line_start = path.find(':', 2) # use 2 here so don't eat Windows full path
- column_start = path.find(':', line_start + 1)
- if column_start == -1:
- column_start = len(path)
- column_end = path.find(':', column_start + 1)
- if column_end == -1:
- column_end = len(path)
- if 0 <= line_start:
- line_num = path[line_start + 1:column_start]
- if line_num == '':
- line_num = 1
- if column_start != column_end:
- column_num = path[column_start + 1:column_end]
- if column_num == '':
- column_num = 0
- index_end = path.find(',')
- if 0 <= index_end:
- path = path[:index_end] # delete comma and anything after
- index_end = path.find(':', 2)
- if 0 <= index_end:
- path = path[:path.find(':', 2)] # delete the line number and anything after
- path = path.replace('\\', '/')
- if 1 == path.find(':') and current_OS == 'Windows':
- return path, line_num, column_num # found a full path - no need for further processing
- elif 0 == path.find('/') and (current_OS == 'Linux' or current_OS == 'Darwin'):
- return path, line_num, column_num # found a full path - no need for further processing
- else:
- # resolve as many '../' as we can
- while 0 <= path.find('../'):
- end = path.find('../') - 1
- start = path.find('/')
- while 0 <= path.find('/', start) < end:
- start = path.find('/', start) + 1
- path = path[0:start] + path[end + 4:]
- # this is an alternative to the above - it just deletes the '../' section
- # start_temp = path.find('../')
- # while 0 <= path.find('../',start_temp):
- # start = path.find('../',start_temp)
- # start_temp = start + 1
- # if 0 <= start:
- # path = path[start + 2 : ]
- start = path.find('/')
- if start != 0: # make sure path starts with '/'
- while 0 == path.find(' '): # eat any spaces at the beginning
- path = path[1:]
- path = '/' + path
- if current_OS == 'Windows':
- search_path = path.replace('/', '\\') # os.walk uses '\' in Windows
- else:
- search_path = path
- start_path = os.path.abspath('')
- # search project directory for the selection
- found = False
- full_path = ''
- for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(start_path):
- for filename in filenames:
- if 0 <= root.find('.git'): # don't bother looking in this directory
- break
- full_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
- if 0 <= full_path.find(search_path):
- found = True
- break
- if found:
- break
- return full_path, line_num, column_num
-# end - resolve_path
-# Open the file in the preferred editor at the line & column number
-# If the preferred editor isn't already running then it tries the next.
-# If none are open then the system default is used.
-# Editor order:
-# 1. Notepad++ (Windows only)
-# 2. Sublime Text
-# 3. Atom
-# 4. System default (opens at line 1, column 1 only)
-def open_file(path):
- import subprocess
- file_path, line_num, column_num = resolve_path(path)
- if file_path == '':
- return
- if current_OS == 'Windows':
- editor_note = subprocess.check_output('wmic process where "name=' + "'notepad++.exe'" + '" get ExecutablePath')
- editor_sublime = subprocess.check_output('wmic process where "name=' + "'sublime_text.exe'" + '" get ExecutablePath')
- editor_atom = subprocess.check_output('wmic process where "name=' + "'atom.exe'" + '" get ExecutablePath')
- if 0 <= editor_note.find('notepad++.exe'):
- start = editor_note.find('\n') + 1
- end = editor_note.find('\n', start + 5) - 4
- editor_note = editor_note[start:end]
- command = file_path, ' -n' + str(line_num), ' -c' + str(column_num)
- subprocess.Popen([editor_note, command])
- elif 0 <= editor_sublime.find('sublime_text.exe'):
- start = editor_sublime.find('\n') + 1
- end = editor_sublime.find('\n', start + 5) - 4
- editor_sublime = editor_sublime[start:end]
- command = file_path + ':' + line_num + ':' + column_num
- subprocess.Popen([editor_sublime, command])
- elif 0 <= editor_atom.find('atom.exe'):
- start = editor_atom.find('\n') + 1
- end = editor_atom.find('\n', start + 5) - 4
- editor_atom = editor_atom[start:end]
- command = file_path + ':' + str(line_num) + ':' + str(column_num)
- subprocess.Popen([editor_atom, command])
- else:
- os.startfile(resolve_path(path)) # open file with default app
- elif current_OS == 'Linux':
- command = file_path + ':' + str(line_num) + ':' + str(column_num)
- index_end = command.find(',')
- if 0 <= index_end:
- command = command[:index_end] # sometimes a comma magically appears, don't want it
- running_apps = subprocess.Popen('ps ax -o cmd', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- (output, err) = running_apps.communicate()
- temp = output.split('\n')
- def find_editor_linux(name, search_obj):
- for line in search_obj:
- if 0 <= line.find(name):
- path = line
- return True, path
- return False, ''
- (success_sublime, editor_path_sublime) = find_editor_linux('sublime_text', temp)
- (success_atom, editor_path_atom) = find_editor_linux('atom', temp)
- if success_sublime:
- subprocess.Popen([editor_path_sublime, command])
- elif success_atom:
- subprocess.Popen([editor_path_atom, command])
- else:
- os.system('xdg-open ' + file_path)
- elif current_OS == 'Darwin': # MAC
- command = file_path + ':' + str(line_num) + ':' + str(column_num)
- index_end = command.find(',')
- if 0 <= index_end:
- command = command[:index_end] # sometimes a comma magically appears, don't want it
- running_apps = subprocess.Popen('ps axwww -o command', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
- (output, err) = running_apps.communicate()
- temp = output.split('\n')
- def find_editor_mac(name, search_obj):
- for line in search_obj:
- if 0 <= line.find(name):
- path = line
- if 0 <= path.find('-psn'):
- path = path[:path.find('-psn') - 1]
- return True, path
- return False, ''
- (success_sublime, editor_path_sublime) = find_editor_mac('Sublime', temp)
- (success_atom, editor_path_atom) = find_editor_mac('Atom', temp)
- if success_sublime:
- subprocess.Popen([editor_path_sublime, command])
- elif success_atom:
- subprocess.Popen([editor_path_atom, command])
- else:
- os.system('open ' + file_path)
-# end - open_file
-# Get the last build environment
-def get_build_last():
- env_last = ''
- DIR_PWD = os.listdir('.')
- if '.pio' in DIR_PWD:
- date_last = 0.0
- DIR__pioenvs = os.listdir('.pio')
- for name in DIR__pioenvs:
- if 0 <= name.find('.') or 0 <= name.find('-'): # skip files in listing
- continue
- DIR_temp = os.listdir('.pio/build/' + name)
- for names_temp in DIR_temp:
- if 0 == names_temp.find('firmware.'):
- date_temp = os.path.getmtime('.pio/build/' + name + '/' + names_temp)
- if date_temp > date_last:
- date_last = date_temp
- env_last = name
- return env_last
-# Get the board being built from the Configuration.h file
-# return: board name, major version of Marlin being used (1 or 2)
-def get_board_name():
- board_name = ''
- # get board name
- with open('Marlin/Configuration.h', 'r') as myfile:
- Configuration_h = myfile.read()
- Configuration_h = Configuration_h.split('\n')
- Marlin_ver = 0 # set version to invalid number
- for lines in Configuration_h:
- if 0 == lines.find('#define CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION 01'):
- Marlin_ver = 1
- if 0 == lines.find('#define CONFIGURATION_H_VERSION 02'):
- Marlin_ver = 2
- board = lines.find(' BOARD_') + 1
- motherboard = lines.find(' MOTHERBOARD ') + 1
- define = lines.find('#define ')
- comment = lines.find('//')
- if (comment == -1 or comment > board) and \
- board > motherboard and \
- motherboard > define and \
- define >= 0 :
- spaces = lines.find(' ', board) # find the end of the board substring
- if spaces == -1:
- board_name = lines[board:]
- else:
- board_name = lines[board:spaces]
- break
- return board_name, Marlin_ver
-# extract first environment name found after the start position
-# return: environment name and position to start the next search from
-def get_env_from_line(line, start_position):
- env = ''
- next_position = -1
- env_position = line.find('env:', start_position)
- if 0 < env_position:
- next_position = line.find(' ', env_position + 4)
- if 0 < next_position:
- env = line[env_position + 4:next_position]
- else:
- env = line[env_position + 4:] # at the end of the line
- return env, next_position
-def invalid_board():
- print('ERROR - invalid board')
- print(board_name)
- raise SystemExit(0) # quit if unable to find board
-# scan pins.h for board name and return the environment(s) found
-def get_starting_env(board_name_full, version):
- # get environment starting point
- if version == 1:
- path = 'Marlin/pins.h'
- if version == 2:
- path = 'Marlin/src/pins/pins.h'
- with open(path, 'r') as myfile:
- pins_h = myfile.read()
- board_name = board_name_full[6:] # only use the part after "BOARD_" since we're searching the pins.h file
- pins_h = pins_h.split('\n')
- list_start_found = False
- possible_envs = None
- for i, line in enumerate(pins_h):
- if 0 < line.find("Unknown MOTHERBOARD value set in Configuration.h"):
- invalid_board()
- if list_start_found == False and 0 < line.find('1280'):
- list_start_found = True
- elif list_start_found == False: # skip lines until find start of CPU list
- continue
- # Use a regex to find the board. Make sure it is surrounded by separators so the full boardname
- # will be matched, even if multiple exist in a single MB macro. This avoids problems with boards
- # such as MALYAN_M200 and MALYAN_M200_V2 where one board is a substring of the other.
- if re.search(r'MB.*[\(, ]' + board_name + r'[, \)]', line):
- # need to look at the next line for environment info
- possible_envs = re.findall(r'env:([^ ]+)', pins_h[i + 1])
- break
- return possible_envs
-# get environment to be used for the build
-# return: environment
-def get_env(board_name, ver_Marlin):
- def no_environment():
- print('ERROR - no environment for this board')
- print(board_name)
- raise SystemExit(0) # no environment so quit
- possible_envs = get_starting_env(board_name, ver_Marlin)
- if not possible_envs:
- no_environment()
- # Proceed to ask questions based on the available environments to filter down to a smaller list.
- # If more then one remains after this filtering the user will be prompted to choose between
- # all remaining options.
- # Filter selection based on CPU choice
- CPU_questions = [
- {'options':['1280', '2560'], 'text':'1280 or 2560 CPU?', 'default':2},
- {'options':['644', '1284'], 'text':'644 or 1284 CPU?', 'default':2},
- {'options':['STM32F103RC', 'STM32F103RE'], 'text':'MCU Type?', 'default':1}]
- for question in CPU_questions:
- if any(question['options'][0] in env for env in possible_envs) and any(question['options'][1] in env for env in possible_envs):
- get_answer(board_name, question['text'], [question['options'][0], question['options'][1]], question['default'])
- possible_envs = [env for env in possible_envs if question['options'][get_answer_val - 1] in env]
- # Choose which STM32 framework to use, if both are available
- if [env for env in possible_envs if '_maple' in env] and [env for env in possible_envs if '_maple' not in env]:
- get_answer(board_name, 'Which STM32 Framework should be used?', ['ST STM32 (Preferred)', 'Maple (Deprecated)'])
- if 1 == get_answer_val:
- possible_envs = [env for env in possible_envs if '_maple' not in env]
- else:
- possible_envs = [env for env in possible_envs if '_maple' in env]
- # Both USB and non-USB STM32 options exist, filter based on these
- if any('STM32F103R' in env for env in possible_envs) and any('_USB' in env for env in possible_envs) and any('_USB' not in env for env in possible_envs):
- get_answer(board_name, 'USB Support?', ['USB', 'No USB'])
- if 1 == get_answer_val:
- possible_envs = [env for env in possible_envs if '_USB' in env]
- else:
- possible_envs = [env for env in possible_envs if '_USB' not in env]
- if not possible_envs:
- no_environment()
- if len(possible_envs) == 1:
- return possible_envs[0] # only one environment so finished
- target_env = None
- # A few environments require special behavior
- if 'LPC1768' in possible_envs:
- if build_type == 'traceback' or (build_type == 'clean' and get_build_last() == 'LPC1768_debug_and_upload'):
- target_env = 'LPC1768_debug_and_upload'
- else:
- target_env = 'LPC1768'
- elif 'DUE' in possible_envs:
- target_env = 'DUE'
- if build_type == 'traceback' or (build_type == 'clean' and get_build_last() == 'DUE_debug'):
- target_env = 'DUE_debug'
- elif 'DUE_USB' in possible_envs:
- get_answer(board_name, 'DUE Download Port?', ['(Native) USB port', 'Programming port'])
- if 1 == get_answer_val:
- target_env = 'DUE_USB'
- else:
- target_env = 'DUE'
- else:
- options = possible_envs
- # Perform some substitutions for environment names which follow a consistent
- # naming pattern and are very commonly used. This is fragile code, and replacements
- # should only be made here for stable environments unlikely to change often.
- for i, option in enumerate(options):
- if 'melzi' in option:
- options[i] = 'Melzi'
- elif 'sanguino1284p' in option:
- options[i] = 'sanguino1284p'
- if 'optiboot' in option:
- options[i] = options[i] + ' (Optiboot Bootloader)'
- if 'optimized' in option:
- options[i] = options[i] + ' (Optimized for Size)'
- get_answer(board_name, 'Which environment?', options)
- target_env = possible_envs[get_answer_val - 1]
- if build_type == 'traceback' and target_env != 'LPC1768_debug_and_upload' and target_env != 'DUE_debug' and Marlin_ver == 2:
- print("ERROR - this board isn't setup for traceback")
- print('board_name: ', board_name)
- print('target_env: ', target_env)
- raise SystemExit(0)
- return target_env
-# end - get_env
-# puts screen text into queue so that the parent thread can fetch the data from this thread
-if python_ver == 2:
- import Queue as queue
- import queue as queue
-IO_queue = queue.Queue()
-#PIO_queue = queue.Queue() not used!
-def write_to_screen_queue(text, format_tag='normal'):
- double_in = [text, format_tag]
- IO_queue.put(double_in, block=False)
-# send one line to the terminal screen with syntax highlighting
-# input: unformatted text, flags from previous run
-# return: formatted text ready to go to the terminal, flags from this run
-# This routine remembers the status from call to call because previous
-# lines can affect how the current line is highlighted
-# 'static' variables - init here and then keep updating them from within print_line
-warning = False
-warning_FROM = False
-error = False
-standard = True
-prev_line_COM = False
-next_line_warning = False
-warning_continue = False
-line_counter = 0
-def line_print(line_input):
- global warning
- global warning_FROM
- global error
- global standard
- global prev_line_COM
- global next_line_warning
- global warning_continue
- global line_counter
- # all '0' elements must precede all '1' elements or they'll be skipped
- platformio_highlights = [
- ['Environment', 0, 'highlight_blue'], ['[SKIP]', 1, 'warning'], ['[IGNORED]', 1, 'warning'], ['[ERROR]', 1, 'error'],
- ['[FAILED]', 1, 'error'], ['[SUCCESS]', 1, 'highlight_green']
- ]
- def write_to_screen_with_replace(text, highlights): # search for highlights & split line accordingly
- did_something = False
- for highlight in highlights:
- found = text.find(highlight[0])
- if did_something == True:
- break
- if found >= 0:
- did_something = True
- if 0 == highlight[1]:
- found_1 = text.find(' ')
- found_tab = text.find('\t')
- if not (0 <= found_1 <= found_tab):
- found_1 = found_tab
- write_to_screen_queue(text[:found_1 + 1])
- for highlight_2 in highlights:
- if highlight[0] == highlight_2[0]:
- continue
- found = text.find(highlight_2[0])
- if found >= 0:
- found_space = text.find(' ', found_1 + 1)
- found_tab = text.find('\t', found_1 + 1)
- if not (0 <= found_space <= found_tab):
- found_space = found_tab
- found_right = text.find(']', found + 1)
- write_to_screen_queue(text[found_1 + 1:found_space + 1], highlight[2])
- write_to_screen_queue(text[found_space + 1:found + 1])
- write_to_screen_queue(text[found + 1:found_right], highlight_2[2])
- write_to_screen_queue(text[found_right:] + '\n')
- break
- break
- if 1 == highlight[1]:
- found_right = text.find(']', found + 1)
- write_to_screen_queue(text[:found + 1])
- write_to_screen_queue(text[found + 1:found_right], highlight[2])
- write_to_screen_queue(text[found_right:] + '\n' + '\n')
- break
- if did_something == False:
- r_loc = text.find('\r') + 1
- if 0 < r_loc < len(text): # need to split this line
- text = text.split('\r')
- for line in text:
- if line != '':
- write_to_screen_queue(line + '\n')
- else:
- write_to_screen_queue(text + '\n')
- # end - write_to_screen_with_replace
-# scan the line
- line_counter = line_counter + 1
- max_search = len(line_input)
- if max_search > 3:
- max_search = 3
- beginning = line_input[:max_search]
- # set flags
- if 0 < line_input.find(': warning: '): # start of warning block
- warning = True
- warning_FROM = False
- error = False
- standard = False
- prev_line_COM = False
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = True
- if 0 < line_input.find('Thank you') or 0 < line_input.find('SUMMARY'):
- warning = False #standard line found
- warning_FROM = False
- error = False
- standard = True
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = False
- elif beginning == 'War' or \
- beginning == '#er' or \
- beginning == 'In ' or \
- (beginning != 'Com' and prev_line_COM == True and not(beginning == 'Arc' or beginning == 'Lin' or beginning == 'Ind') or \
- next_line_warning == True):
- warning = True #warning found
- warning_FROM = False
- error = False
- standard = False
- prev_line_COM = False
- elif beginning == 'Com' or \
- beginning == 'Ver' or \
- beginning == ' [E' or \
- beginning == 'Rem' or \
- beginning == 'Bui' or \
- beginning == 'Ind' or \
- beginning == 'PLA':
- warning = False #standard line found
- warning_FROM = False
- error = False
- standard = True
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = False
- elif beginning == '***':
- warning = False # error found
- warning_FROM = False
- error = True
- standard = False
- prev_line_COM = False
- elif 0 < line_input.find(': error:') or \
- 0 < line_input.find(': fatal error:'): # start of warning /error block
- warning = False # error found
- warning_FROM = False
- error = True
- standard = False
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = True
- elif beginning == 'fro' and warning == True or \
- beginning == '.pi' : # start of warning /error block
- warning_FROM = True
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = True
- elif warning_continue == True:
- warning = True
- warning_FROM = False # keep the warning status going until find a standard line or an error
- error = False
- standard = False
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = True
- else:
- warning = False # unknown so assume standard line
- warning_FROM = False
- error = False
- standard = True
- prev_line_COM = False
- warning_continue = False
- if beginning == 'Com':
- prev_line_COM = True
-# print based on flags
- if standard == True:
- write_to_screen_with_replace(line_input, platformio_highlights) #print white on black with substitutions
- if warning == True:
- write_to_screen_queue(line_input + '\n', 'warning')
- if error == True:
- write_to_screen_queue(line_input + '\n', 'error')
-# end - line_print
-# #
-# run Platformio #
-# #
-# build platformio run -e target_env
-# clean platformio run --target clean -e target_env
-# upload platformio run --target upload -e target_env
-# traceback platformio run --target upload -e target_env
-# program platformio run --target program -e target_env
-# test platformio test upload -e target_env
-# remote platformio remote run --target upload -e target_env
-# debug platformio debug -e target_env
-def sys_PIO():
- ##########################################################################
- # #
- # run Platformio inside the same shell as this Python script #
- # #
- ##########################################################################
- global build_type
- global target_env
- import os
- print('build_type: ', build_type)
- print('starting platformio')
- if build_type == 'build':
- # pio_result = os.system("echo -en '\033c'")
- pio_result = os.system('platformio run -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'clean':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio run --target clean -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'upload':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio run --target upload -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'traceback':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio run --target upload -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'program':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio run --target program -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'test':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio test upload -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'remote':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio remote run --target program -e ' + target_env)
- elif build_type == 'debug':
- pio_result = os.system('platformio debug -e ' + target_env)
- else:
- print('ERROR - unknown build type: ', build_type)
- raise SystemExit(0) # kill everything
- # stream output from subprocess and split it into lines
- #for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
- # line_print(line.replace('\n', ''))
- # append info used to run PlatformIO
- # write_to_screen_queue('\nBoard name: ' + board_name + '\n') # put build info at the bottom of the screen
- # write_to_screen_queue('Build type: ' + build_type + '\n')
- # write_to_screen_queue('Environment used: ' + target_env + '\n')
- # write_to_screen_queue(str(datetime.now()) + '\n')
-# end - sys_PIO
-def run_PIO(dummy):
- global build_type
- global target_env
- global board_name
- print('build_type: ', build_type)
- import subprocess
- print('starting platformio')
- if build_type == 'build':
- # platformio run -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'run', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'clean':
- # platformio run --target clean -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'clean', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'upload':
- # platformio run --target upload -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'upload', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'traceback':
- # platformio run --target upload -e target_env - select the debug environment if there is one
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'upload', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'program':
- # platformio run --target program -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'run', '--target', 'program', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'test':
- #platformio test upload -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'test', 'upload', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'remote':
- # platformio remote run --target upload -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'remote', 'run', '--target', 'program', '-e', target_env],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- elif build_type == 'debug':
- # platformio debug -e target_env
- # combine stdout & stderr so all compile messages are included
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(
- ['platformio', 'debug', '-e', target_env], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT
- )
- else:
- print('ERROR - unknown build type: ', build_type)
- raise SystemExit(0) # kill everything
-# stream output from subprocess and split it into lines
- if python_ver == 2:
- for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
- line_print(line.replace('\n', ''))
- else:
- for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, b''):
- line = line.decode('utf-8')
- line_print(line.replace('\n', ''))
-# append info used to run PlatformIO
- write_to_screen_queue('\nBoard name: ' + board_name + '\n') # put build info at the bottom of the screen
- write_to_screen_queue('Build type: ' + build_type + '\n')
- write_to_screen_queue('Environment used: ' + target_env + '\n')
- write_to_screen_queue(str(datetime.now()) + '\n')
-# end - run_PIO
-import threading
-if python_ver == 2:
- import Tkinter as tk
- import Queue as queue
- import ttk
- from Tkinter import Tk, Frame, Text, Scrollbar, Menu
- #from tkMessageBox import askokcancel this is not used: removed
- import tkFileDialog as fileDialog
- import tkinter as tk
- import queue as queue
- from tkinter import ttk, Tk, Frame, Text, Menu
-import sys
-que = queue.Queue()
-#IO_queue = queue.Queue()
-class output_window(Text):
- # based on Super Text
- global continue_updates
- continue_updates = True
- global search_position
- search_position = '' # start with invalid search position
- global error_found
- error_found = False # are there any errors?
- def __init__(self):
- self.root = tk.Tk()
- self.root.attributes("-topmost", True)
- self.frame = tk.Frame(self.root)
- self.frame.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
- # text widget
- #self.text = tk.Text(self.frame, borderwidth=3, relief="sunken")
- Text.__init__(self, self.frame, borderwidth=3, relief="sunken")
- self.config(tabs=(400, )) # configure Text widget tab stops
- self.config(background='black', foreground='white', font=("consolas", 12), wrap='word', undo='True')
- #self.config(background = 'black', foreground = 'white', font= ("consolas", 12), wrap = 'none', undo = 'True')
- self.config(height=24, width=100)
- self.config(insertbackground='pale green') # keyboard insertion point
- self.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True)
- self.tag_config('normal', foreground='white')
- self.tag_config('warning', foreground='yellow')
- self.tag_config('error', foreground='red')
- self.tag_config('highlight_green', foreground='green')
- self.tag_config('highlight_blue', foreground='cyan')
- self.tag_config('error_highlight_inactive', background='dim gray')
- self.tag_config('error_highlight_active', background='light grey')
- self.bind_class("Text", "", self.select_all) # required in windows, works in others
- self.bind_all("", self.scroll_errors)
- self.bind_class("", self.rebuild)
- # scrollbar
- scrb = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='vertical', command=self.yview)
- self.config(yscrollcommand=scrb.set)
- scrb.pack(side='right', fill='y')
- #self.scrb_Y = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='vertical', command=self.yview)
- #self.scrb_Y.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrb_Y.set)
- #self.scrb_Y.pack(side='right', fill='y')
- #self.scrb_X = tk.Scrollbar(self.frame, orient='horizontal', command=self.xview)
- #self.scrb_X.config(xscrollcommand=self.scrb_X.set)
- #self.scrb_X.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
- #scrb_X = tk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, command=self.xview) # tk.HORIZONTAL now have a horizsontal scroll bar BUT... shrinks it to a postage stamp and hides far right behind the vertical scroll bar
- #self.config(xscrollcommand=scrb_X.set)
- #scrb_X.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
- #scrb= tk.Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical', command=self.yview)
- #self.config(yscrollcommand=scrb.set)
- #scrb.pack(side='right', fill='y')
- #self.config(height = 240, width = 1000) # didn't get the size baCK TO NORMAL
- #self.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) # didn't get the size baCK TO NORMAL
- # pop-up menu
- self.popup = tk.Menu(self, tearoff=0)
- self.popup.add_command(label='Copy', command=self._copy)
- self.popup.add_command(label='Paste', command=self._paste)
- self.popup.add_separator()
- self.popup.add_command(label='Cut', command=self._cut)
- self.popup.add_separator()
- self.popup.add_command(label='Select All', command=self._select_all)
- self.popup.add_command(label='Clear All', command=self._clear_all)
- self.popup.add_separator()
- self.popup.add_command(label='Save As', command=self._file_save_as)
- self.popup.add_separator()
- #self.popup.add_command(label='Repeat Build(CTL-shift-r)', command=self._rebuild)
- self.popup.add_command(label='Repeat Build', command=self._rebuild)
- self.popup.add_separator()
- self.popup.add_command(label='Scroll Errors (CTL-shift-e)', command=self._scroll_errors)
- self.popup.add_separator()
- self.popup.add_command(label='Open File at Cursor', command=self._open_selected_file)
- if current_OS == 'Darwin': # MAC
- self.bind('', self._show_popup) # macOS only
- else:
- self.bind('', self._show_popup) # Windows & Linux
-# threading & subprocess section
- def start_thread(self, ):
- global continue_updates
- # create then start a secondary thread to run an arbitrary function
- # must have at least one argument
- self.secondary_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda q, arg1: q.put(run_PIO(arg1)), args=(que, ''))
- self.secondary_thread.start()
- continue_updates = True
- # check the Queue in 50ms
- self.root.after(50, self.check_thread)
- self.root.after(50, self.update)
- def check_thread(self): # wait for user to kill the window
- global continue_updates
- if continue_updates == True:
- self.root.after(10, self.check_thread)
- def update(self):
- global continue_updates
- if continue_updates == True:
- self.root.after(10, self.update) #method is called every 50ms
- temp_text = ['0', '0']
- if IO_queue.empty():
- if not (self.secondary_thread.is_alive()):
- continue_updates = False # queue is exhausted and thread is dead so no need for further updates
- else:
- try:
- temp_text = IO_queue.get(block=False)
- except queue.Empty:
- continue_updates = False # queue is exhausted so no need for further updates
- else:
- self.insert('end', temp_text[0], temp_text[1])
- self.see("end") # make the last line visible (scroll text off the top)
-# text editing section
- def _scroll_errors(self):
- global search_position
- global error_found
- if search_position == '': # first time so highlight all errors
- countVar = tk.IntVar()
- search_position = '1.0'
- search_count = 0
- while search_position != '' and search_count < 100:
- search_position = self.search("error", search_position, stopindex="end", count=countVar, nocase=1)
- search_count = search_count + 1
- if search_position != '':
- error_found = True
- end_pos = '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 5)
- self.tag_add("error_highlight_inactive", search_position, end_pos)
- search_position = '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 1) # point to the next character for new search
- else:
- break
- if error_found:
- if search_position == '':
- search_position = self.search("error", '1.0', stopindex="end", nocase=1) # new search
- else: # remove active highlight
- end_pos = '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 5)
- start_pos = '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, -1)
- self.tag_remove("error_highlight_active", start_pos, end_pos)
- search_position = self.search(
- "error", search_position, stopindex="end", nocase=1
- ) # finds first occurrence AGAIN on the first time through
- if search_position == "": # wrap around
- search_position = self.search("error", '1.0', stopindex="end", nocase=1)
- end_pos = '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 5)
- self.tag_add("error_highlight_active", search_position, end_pos) # add active highlight
- self.see(search_position)
- search_position = '{}+{}c'.format(search_position, 1) # point to the next character for new search
- def scroll_errors(self, event):
- self._scroll_errors()
- def _rebuild(self):
- #global board_name
- #global Marlin_ver
- #global target_env
- #board_name, Marlin_ver = get_board_name()
- #target_env = get_env(board_name, Marlin_ver)
- self.start_thread()
- def rebuild(self, event):
- print("event happened")
- self._rebuild()
- def _open_selected_file(self):
- current_line = self.index('insert')
- line_start = current_line[:current_line.find('.')] + '.0'
- line_end = current_line[:current_line.find('.')] + '.200'
- self.mark_set("path_start", line_start)
- self.mark_set("path_end", line_end)
- path = self.get("path_start", "path_end")
- from_loc = path.find('from ')
- colon_loc = path.find(': ')
- if 0 <= from_loc and ((colon_loc == -1) or (from_loc < colon_loc)):
- path = path[from_loc + 5:]
- if 0 <= colon_loc:
- path = path[:colon_loc]
- if 0 <= path.find('\\') or 0 <= path.find('/'): # make sure it really contains a path
- open_file(path)
- def _file_save_as(self):
- self.filename = fileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt')
- f = open(self.filename, 'w')
- f.write(self.get('1.0', 'end'))
- f.close()
- def copy(self, event):
- try:
- selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel'))
- self.clipboard_clear()
- self.clipboard_append(selection)
- except TypeError:
- pass
- def cut(self, event):
- try:
- selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel'))
- self.clipboard_clear()
- self.clipboard_append(selection)
- self.delete(*self.tag_ranges('sel'))
- except TypeError:
- pass
- def _show_popup(self, event):
- '''right-click popup menu'''
- if self.root.focus_get() != self:
- self.root.focus_set()
- try:
- self.popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)
- finally:
- self.popup.grab_release()
- def _cut(self):
- try:
- selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel'))
- self.clipboard_clear()
- self.clipboard_append(selection)
- self.delete(*self.tag_ranges('sel'))
- except TypeError:
- pass
- def cut(self, event):
- self._cut()
- def _copy(self):
- try:
- selection = self.get(*self.tag_ranges('sel'))
- self.clipboard_clear()
- self.clipboard_append(selection)
- except TypeError:
- pass
- def copy(self, event):
- self._copy()
- def _paste(self):
- self.insert('insert', self.selection_get(selection='CLIPBOARD'))
- def _select_all(self):
- self.tag_add('sel', '1.0', 'end')
- def select_all(self, event):
- self.tag_add('sel', '1.0', 'end')
- def _clear_all(self):
- #'''erases all text'''
- #
- #isok = askokcancel('Clear All', 'Erase all text?', frame=self,
- # default='ok')
- #if isok:
- # self.delete('1.0', 'end')
- self.delete('1.0', 'end')
-# end - output_window
-def main():
- ##########################################################################
- # #
- # main program #
- # #
- ##########################################################################
- global build_type
- global target_env
- global board_name
- global Marlin_ver
- board_name, Marlin_ver = get_board_name()
- target_env = get_env(board_name, Marlin_ver)
- # Re-use the VSCode terminal, if possible
- if os.environ.get('PLATFORMIO_CALLER', '') == 'vscode':
- sys_PIO()
- else:
- auto_build = output_window()
- auto_build.start_thread() # executes the "run_PIO" function
- auto_build.root.mainloop()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/buildroot/share/vscode/create_custom_upload_command_CDC.py b/buildroot/share/vscode/create_custom_upload_command_CDC.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b2d4d5715a..0000000000
--- a/buildroot/share/vscode/create_custom_upload_command_CDC.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Builds custom upload command
-# 1) Run platformio as a subprocess to find a COM port
-# 2) Build the upload command
-# 3) Exit and let upload tool do the work
-# This script runs between completion of the library/dependencies installation and compilation.
-# Will continue on if a COM port isn't found so that the compilation can be done.
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import division
-import subprocess, os, platform
-from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment
-current_OS = platform.system()
-env = DefaultEnvironment()
-build_type = os.environ.get("BUILD_TYPE", 'Not Set')
-if not(build_type == 'upload' or build_type == 'traceback' or build_type == 'Not Set') :
- env.Replace(UPLOAD_PROTOCOL = 'teensy-gui') # run normal Teensy2 scripts
- com_first = ''
- com_last = ''
- com_CDC = ''
- description_first = ''
- description_last = ''
- description_CDC = ''
- #
- # grab the first com port that pops up unless we find one we know for sure
- # is a CDC device
- #
- def get_com_port(com_search_text, descr_search_text, start):
- global com_first
- global com_last
- global com_CDC
- global description_first
- global description_last
- global description_CDC
- print('\nLooking for Serial Port\n')
- # stream output from subprocess and split it into lines
- pio_subprocess = subprocess.Popen(['platformio', 'device', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- looking_for_description = False
- for line in iter(pio_subprocess.stdout.readline, ''):
- if 0 <= line.find(com_search_text):
- looking_for_description = True
- com_last = line.replace('\n', '')
- if com_first == '':
- com_first = com_last
- if 0 <= line.find(descr_search_text) and looking_for_description:
- looking_for_description = False
- description_last = line[ start : ]
- if description_first == '':
- description_first = description_last
- if 0 <= description_last.find('CDC'):
- com_CDC = com_last
- description_CDC = description_last
- if com_CDC == '' and com_first != '':
- com_CDC = com_first
- description_CDC = description_first
- elif com_CDC == '':
- while 0 <= com_CDC.find('\n'):
- com_CDC = com_CDC.replace('\n', '')
- while 0 <= com_CDC.find('\r'):
- com_CDC = com_CDC.replace('\r', '')
- if com_CDC == 'COM_PORT_NOT_FOUND':
- print(com_CDC, '\n')
- else:
- print('FOUND: ', com_CDC)
- print('DESCRIPTION: ', description_CDC, '\n')
- if current_OS == 'Windows':
- get_com_port('COM', 'Hardware ID:', 13)
- # avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
- avrdude_conf_path = 'buildroot\\share\\vscode\\avrdude.conf'
- avrdude_exe_path = 'buildroot\\share\\vscode\\avrdude_5.10.exe'
- # source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
- source_path = '.pio\\build\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
- upload_string = avrdude_exe_path + ' -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- if current_OS == 'Darwin': # MAC
- get_com_port('usbmodem', 'Description:', 13)
-# avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/etc/avrdude.conf'
- avrdude_conf_path = 'buildroot/share/vscode/avrdude_macOS.conf'
- avrdude_exe_path = 'buildroot/share/vscode/avrdude_5.10_macOS'
-# source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
- source_path = '.pio/build/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
-# upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- upload_string = avrdude_exe_path + ' -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- print('upload_string: ', upload_string)
- if current_OS == 'Linux':
- get_com_port('/dev/tty', 'Description:', 13)
-# avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '/packages/toolchain-atmelavr/etc/avrdude.conf'
- avrdude_conf_path = 'buildroot/share/vscode/avrdude_linux.conf'
- avrdude_exe_path = 'buildroot/share/vscode/avrdude_5.10_linux'
-# source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
- source_path = '.pio/build/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
-# upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- upload_string = avrdude_exe_path + ' -p usb1286 -c avr109 -P ' + com_CDC + ' -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- env.Replace(
- UPLOADCMD = upload_string,
- MAXIMUM_SIZE = 130048
- )
diff --git a/buildroot/share/vscode/create_custom_upload_command_DFU.py b/buildroot/share/vscode/create_custom_upload_command_DFU.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 22809e177f..0000000000
--- a/buildroot/share/vscode/create_custom_upload_command_DFU.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Builds custom upload command
-# 1) Run platformio as a subprocess to find a COM port
-# 2) Build the upload command
-# 3) Exit and let upload tool do the work
-# This script runs between completion of the library/dependencies installation and compilation.
-# Will continue on if a COM port isn't found so that the compilation can be done.
-import os, platform
-from SCons.Script import DefaultEnvironment
-current_OS = platform.system()
-env = DefaultEnvironment()
-build_type = os.environ.get("BUILD_TYPE", 'Not Set')
-if not(build_type == 'upload' or build_type == 'traceback' or build_type == 'Not Set') :
- env.Replace(UPLOAD_PROTOCOL = 'teensy-gui') # run normal Teensy2 scripts
- if current_OS == 'Windows':
- avrdude_conf_path = env.get("PIOHOME_DIR") + '\\packages\\toolchain-atmelavr\\etc\\avrdude.conf'
- source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '\\' + env.get("PIOENV") + '\\firmware.hex'
- upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -C ' + avrdude_conf_path + ' -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- else:
- source_path = env.get("PROJECTBUILD_DIR") + '/' + env.get("PIOENV") + '/firmware.hex'
- upload_string = 'avrdude -p usb1286 -c flip1 -U flash:w:' + source_path + ':i'
- env.Replace(
- UPLOADCMD = upload_string,
- MAXIMUM_SIZE = 130048
- )
diff --git a/process-palette.json b/process-palette.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b05b99a7..0000000000
--- a/process-palette.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
- "patterns": {
- "P1": {
- "expression": "(path):(line)"
- },
- "P2": {
- "expression": "(path)\\s+(line)",
- "path": "(?:\\/[\\w\\.\\-]+)+"
- }
- },
- "commands": [
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Build",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py build",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": true,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": "",
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Clean",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py clean",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Upload",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py upload",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Upload (traceback)",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py traceback",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Upload using Programmer",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py program",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Test",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py test",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Debug",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py debug",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- },
- {
- "namespace": "process-palette",
- "action": "PIO Remote",
- "command": "python buildroot/share/vscode/auto_build.py remote",
- "arguments": [],
- "cwd": "{projectPath}",
- "inputDialogs": [],
- "env": {},
- "keystroke": null,
- "stream": true,
- "outputTarget": "panel",
- "outputBufferSize": 80000,
- "maxCompleted": 3,
- "autoShowOutput": true,
- "autoHideOutput": false,
- "scrollLockEnabled": false,
- "singular": false,
- "promptToSave": true,
- "saveOption": "none",
- "patterns": [
- "default"
- ],
- "successOutput": "{stdout}",
- "errorOutput": "{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalOutput": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "startMessage": null,
- "successMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}",
- "errorMessage": "Executed : {fullCommand}\nReturned with code {exitStatus}\n{stderr}",
- "fatalMessage": "Failed to execute : {fullCommand}\n{stdout}\n{stderr}",
- "menus": [
- "Auto Build"
- ],
- "startScript": null,
- "successScript": null,
- "errorScript": null,
- "scriptOnStart": false,
- "scriptOnSuccess": false,
- "scriptOnError": false,
- "notifyOnStart": false,
- "notifyOnSuccess": true,
- "notifyOnError": true,
- "input": null
- }
- ]