From e94fa7d5dc41f26b82891b664b9a9812372747ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: EvilGremlin <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2022 04:49:23 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=F0=9F=94=A8=20Fix=20OpenBLT=20encode;=20no-boo?=
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 Marlin/src/pins/pins.h                        |  6 +--
 buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/ |  6 +--
 ini/stm32f4.ini                               | 46 ++++++++++++++-----
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h b/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h
index f94de8363b9..bdebb25969e 100644
--- a/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h
+++ b/Marlin/src/pins/pins.h
@@ -678,15 +678,15 @@
 #elif MB(MKS_ROBIN_NANO_V3_1)
   #include "stm32f4/pins_MKS_ROBIN_NANO_V3.h"   // STM32F4                                env:mks_robin_nano_v3_1 env:mks_robin_nano_v3_1_usb_flash_drive env:mks_robin_nano_v3_1_usb_flash_drive_msc
 #elif MB(ANET_ET4)
-  #include "stm32f4/pins_ANET_ET4.h"            // STM32F4                                env:Anet_ET4_OpenBLT
+  #include "stm32f4/pins_ANET_ET4.h"            // STM32F4                                env:Anet_ET4_no_bootloader env:Anet_ET4_OpenBLT
 #elif MB(ANET_ET4P)
-  #include "stm32f4/pins_ANET_ET4P.h"           // STM32F4                                env:Anet_ET4_OpenBLT
+  #include "stm32f4/pins_ANET_ET4P.h"           // STM32F4                                env:Anet_ET4_no_bootloader env:Anet_ET4_OpenBLT
   #include "stm32f4/pins_FYSETC_CHEETAH_V20.h"  // STM32F4                                env:FYSETC_CHEETAH_V20
   #include "stm32f4/pins_MKS_MONSTER8.h"        // STM32F4                                env:mks_monster8 env:mks_monster8_usb_flash_drive env:mks_monster8_usb_flash_drive_msc
 #elif MB(TH3D_EZBOARD_V2)
-  #include "stm32f4/pins_TH3D_EZBOARD_V2.h"     // STM32F4                                env:TH3D_EZBoard_V2
+  #include "stm32f4/pins_TH3D_EZBOARD_V2.h"     // STM32F4                                env:TH3D_EZBoard_V2_no_bootloader env:TH3D_EZBoard_V2_OpenBLT
   #include "stm32f4/pins_OPULO_LUMEN_REV3.h"    // STM32F4                                env:Opulo_Lumen_REV3
 #elif MB(MKS_ROBIN_NANO_V1_3_F4)
diff --git a/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/ b/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/
index 61b38a5e87f..33e82898f7b 100644
--- a/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/
+++ b/buildroot/share/PlatformIO/scripts/
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ if pioutil.is_pio_build():
 	board = env.BoardConfig()
 	board_keys = board.get("build").keys()
-	if 'encrypt' in board_keys:
+	if 'encode' in board_keys:
 			join("$BUILD_DIR", "${PROGNAME}.bin"),
 			env.VerboseAction(" ".join([
 				"$OBJCOPY", "-O", "srec",
-				"\"$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.elf\"", "\"" + join("$BUILD_DIR", board.get("build.encrypt")) + "\""
-			]), "Building $TARGET")
+				"\"$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.elf\"", "\"" + join("$BUILD_DIR", board.get("build.encode")) + "\""
+			]), "Building " + board.get("build.encode"))
diff --git a/ini/stm32f4.ini b/ini/stm32f4.ini
index 8da73f0f408..ddb944e80f6 100644
--- a/ini/stm32f4.ini
+++ b/ini/stm32f4.ini
@@ -106,24 +106,34 @@ extra_scripts     = ${stm32_variant.extra_scripts}
 # Anet ET4-MB_V1.x/ET4P-MB_V1.x (STM32F407VGT6 ARM Cortex-M4)
-# For use with with davidtgbe's OpenBLT bootloader
-# Comment out board_build.offset = 0x10000 if you don't plan to use OpenBLT/flashing directly to 0x08000000.
 extends                     = stm32_variant
 board                       = marlin_STM32F407VGT6_CCM
 board_build.variant         = MARLIN_F4x7Vx
-board_build.encrypt_mks     = firmware.srec
-board_build.offset          = 0x10000
-board_upload.offset_address = 0x08010000
 build_flags                 = ${stm32_variant.build_flags}
                               -DHAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED -DHAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED
 build_unflags               = ${stm32_variant.build_unflags}
                               -DUSBCON -DUSBD_USE_CDC -DUSBD_VID=0x0483
+# Anet ET4 directly flashed via ST-Link
+extends                     = Anet_ET4
+debug_tool                  = stlink
+upload_protocol             = stlink
+# Anet ET4 with OpenBLT from
+extends                     = Anet_ET4
+board_build.encode          = firmware.srec
+board_build.offset          = 0x10000
+board_upload.offset_address = 0x08010000
 extra_scripts               = ${stm32_variant.extra_scripts}
-debug_tool                  = jlink
-upload_protocol             = jlink
 # BigTreeTech SKR Pro (STM32F407ZGT6 ARM Cortex-M4)
@@ -546,16 +556,28 @@ build_unflags     = -DUSBD_USE_CDC
 # TH3D EZBoard v2.0 (STM32F405RGT6 ARM Cortex-M4)
 extends                     = stm32_variant
 board                       = genericSTM32F405RG
 board_build.variant         = MARLIN_TH3D_EZBOARD_V2
-board_build.encrypt_mks     = firmware.bin
-board_build.offset          = 0xC000
-board_upload.offset_address = 0x0800C000
 build_flags                 = ${stm32_variant.build_flags} -DHSE_VALUE=12000000U -O0
+# TH3D EZBoard v2.0 directly flashed via ST-Link
+extends                     = TH3D_EZBoard_V2
 debug_tool                  = stlink
 upload_protocol             = stlink
+# TH3D EZBoard v2.0 with OpenBLT from
+extends                     = TH3D_EZBoard_V2
+board_build.encode          = firmware.bin
+board_build.offset          = 0xC000
+board_upload.offset_address = 0x0800C000
 extra_scripts               = ${stm32_variant.extra_scripts}