 * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
 * Copyright (C) 2017 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
 * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 *  Rev B  2 JUN 2017
 *  Converted to Arduino pin numbering

 *  There are two Arduino IDE extensions that are compatible with this board
 *  and with the mainstream Marlin software.
 *  Teensyduino - http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html
 *    Select Teensy++ 2.0 in Arduino IDE from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu
 *    Installation instructions are at the above URL.  Don't bother loading the
 *    libraries - they are not used with the Marlin software.
 *  Printrboard - https://github.com/scwimbush/Printrboard-HID-Arduino-IDE-Support
 *    Installation:
 *       1. Go to the above URL, click on the "Clone or Download" button and then
 *          click on "Download ZIP" button.
 *       2. Unzip the file, find the "printrboard" directory and then copy it to the
 *          hardware directory in Arduino.  The Arduino hardware directory will probably
 *          be located in a path similar to this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware.
 *       3. Restart Arduino.
 *       4. Select "Printrboard" from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.
 *  Teensyduino is the most popular option. Printrboard is used if your board doesn't have
 *  the Teensyduino bootloader on it.

 *  To burn the bootloader that comes with Printrboard:
 *   1. Connect your programmer to the board.
 *   2. In the Arduino IDE select "Printrboard" and then select the programmer.
 *   3. In the Arduino IDE click on "burn bootloader". Don't worry about the "verify failed at 1F000" error message.
 *   4. The programmer is no longer needed. Remove it.

#ifndef __AVR_AT90USB1286__
  #error "Oops!  Make sure you have 'Teensy++ 2.0' or 'Printrboard' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu."

#define DEFAULT_SOURCE_CODE_URL "https://github.com/fmalpartida/Marlin/tree/SAV-MkI-config"
#define BOARD_NAME              "SAV MkI"

// Servos
#define SERVO0_PIN         39   // F1  In teensy's pin definition for pinMode (in servo.cpp)

// Limit Switches
#define X_STOP_PIN         25   // B5
#define Y_STOP_PIN         26   // B6
//#define Z_STOP_PIN         27   // B7
#define Z_STOP_PIN         36   // E4 For inductive sensor.
//#define E_STOP_PIN         36   // E4

// Steppers
#define X_STEP_PIN         28   // A0
#define X_DIR_PIN          29   // A1
#define X_ENABLE_PIN       19   // E7

#define Y_STEP_PIN         30   // A2
#define Y_DIR_PIN          31   // A3
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN       18   // E6

#define Z_STEP_PIN         32   // A4
#define Z_DIR_PIN          33   // A5
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN       17   // C7

#define E0_STEP_PIN        34   // A6
#define E0_DIR_PIN         35   // A7
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN      13   // C3

// Temperature Sensors
#define TEMP_0_PIN          7   // F7  Analog Input (Extruder)
#define TEMP_BED_PIN        6   // F6  Analog Input (Bed)

// Heaters / Fans
#define HEATER_0_PIN       15   // C5 PWM3B - Extruder
#define HEATER_BED_PIN     14   // C4 PWM3C - Bed

#ifndef FAN_PIN
  #define FAN_PIN          16   // C6 PWM3A

// Misc. Functions
#define SDSS               20   // B0

// Extension header pin mapping
// ----------------------------
//  SCL (I2C)-D0    A0 (An), IO
//  SDA (I2C)-D1    A1 (An), IO
//  RX1-D2          A2 (An), IO
//  TX1-D3          A3 (An), IO
//  PWM-D24         A4 (An), IO
//  5V              GND
//  12V             GND
#define EXT_AUX_SCL_D0      0   // D0  PWM0B
#define EXT_AUX_SDA_D1      1   // D1
#define EXT_AUX_RX1_D2      2   // D2
#define EXT_AUX_TX1_D3      3   // D3
#define EXT_AUX_PWM_D24    24   // B4  PWM2A
#define EXT_AUX_A0          0   // F0  Analog Input
#define EXT_AUX_A0_IO      38   // F0  Digital IO
#define EXT_AUX_A1          1   // F1  Analog Input
#define EXT_AUX_A1_IO      39   // F1  Digital IO
#define EXT_AUX_A2          2   // F2  Analog Input
#define EXT_AUX_A2_IO      40   // F2  Digital IO
#define EXT_AUX_A3          3   // F3  Analog Input
#define EXT_AUX_A3_IO      41   // F3  Digital IO
#define EXT_AUX_A4          4   // F4  Analog Input
#define EXT_AUX_A4_IO      42   // F4  Digital IO

// LCD / Controller
#define BEEPER_PIN         -1
#define LCD_PINS_RS        -1
#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE    -1

  // For LCD SHIFT register LCD
  #define SR_DATA_PIN      EXT_AUX_SDA_D1
  #define SR_CLK_PIN       EXT_AUX_SCL_D0


  #define BTN_EN1          EXT_AUX_A1_IO
  #define BTN_EN2          EXT_AUX_A0_IO
  #define BTN_ENC          EXT_AUX_PWM_D24

  #define KILL_PIN         EXT_AUX_A2_IO
  #define HOME_PIN         EXT_AUX_A4_IO

#else // Use the expansion header for spindle control

  // M3/M4/M5 - Spindle/Laser Control
  #define SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN    24   // B4  PWM2A
  #define SPINDLE_LASER_ENABLE_PIN 39   // F1  Pin should have a pullup!
  #define SPINDLE_DIR_PIN          40   // F2

  #define CASE_LIGHT_PIN            0   // D0  PWM0B
