#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Usage: # # build_all_examples [-b|--branch=] # [-c|--continue] # [-d|--debug] # [-i|--ini] # [-l|--limit=#] # [-n|--nobuild] # [-r|--resume=] # [-s|--skip] # # build_all_examples [...] branch [resume-from] # set -e GITREPO=https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations.git STAT_FILE=./.pio/.buildall # Check dependencies which curl 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "curl not found! Please install it."; exit ; } which git 1>/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "git not found! Please install it."; exit ; } SED=$(command -v gsed 2>/dev/null || command -v sed 2>/dev/null) [[ -z "$SED" ]] && { echo "No sed found, please install sed" ; exit 1 ; } SELF=`basename "$0"` HERE=`dirname "$0"` # Check if called in the right location [[ -e "Marlin/src" ]] || { echo -e "This script must be called from a Marlin working copy with:\n ./buildroot/bin/$SELF $1" ; exit ; } perror() { echo -e "$0: \033[0;31m$1 -- $2\033[0m" ; } bugout() { ((DEBUG)) && echo -e "\033[0;32m$1\033[0m" ; } usage() { echo " Usage: $SELF [-b|--branch=] [-d|--debug] [-i|--ini] [-r|--resume=] $SELF [-b|--branch=] [-d|--debug] [-i|--ini] [-c|--continue] $SELF [-b|--branch=] [-d|--debug] [-i|--ini] [-s|--skip] $SELF [-b|--branch=] [-d|--debug] [-n|--nobuild] $SELF [...] branch [resume-point] " } # Assume the most recent configs BRANCH=import-2.1.x unset FIRST_CONF EXIT_USAGE= LIMIT=1000 while getopts 'b:cdhil:nqr:sv-:' OFLAG; do case "${OFLAG}" in b) BRANCH=$OPTARG ; bugout "Branch: $BRANCH" ;; r) FIRST_CONF="$OPTARG" ; bugout "Resume: $FIRST_CONF" ;; c) CONTINUE=1 ; bugout "Continue" ;; s) CONTSKIP=1 ; bugout "Continue, skipping" ;; i) CREATE_INI=1 ; bugout "Generate an INI file" ;; h) EXIT_USAGE=1 ; break ;; l) LIMIT=$OPTARG ; bugout "Limit to $LIMIT configs" ;; d|v) DEBUG=1 ; bugout "Debug ON" ;; n) DRYRUN=1 ; bugout "Dry Run" ;; -) IFS="=" read -r ONAM OVAL <<< "$OPTARG" case "$ONAM" in branch) BRANCH=$OVAL ; bugout "Branch: $BRANCH" ;; resume) FIRST_CONF="$OVAL" ; bugout "Resume: $FIRST_CONF" ;; continue) CONTINUE=1 ; bugout "Continue" ;; skip) CONTSKIP=2 ; bugout "Continue, skipping" ;; limit) LIMIT=$OVAL ; bugout "Limit to $LIMIT configs" ;; ini) CREATE_INI=1 ; bugout "Generate an INI file" ;; help) [[ -z "$OVAL" ]] || perror "option can't take value $OVAL" $ONAM ; EXIT_USAGE=1 ;; debug) DEBUG=1 ; bugout "Debug ON" ;; nobuild) DRYRUN=1 ; bugout "Dry Run" ;; *) EXIT_USAGE=2 ; echo "$SELF: unrecognized option \`--$ONAM'" ; break ;; esac ;; *) EXIT_USAGE=2 ; break ;; esac done # Extra arguments count as BRANCH, FIRST_CONF shift $((OPTIND - 1)) [[ $# > 0 ]] && { BRANCH=$1 ; shift 1 ; bugout "BRANCH=$BRANCH" ; } [[ $# > 0 ]] && { FIRST_CONF=$1 ; shift 1 ; bugout "FIRST_CONF=$FIRST_CONF" ; } [[ $# > 0 ]] && { EXIT_USAGE=2 ; echo "too many arguments" ; } ((EXIT_USAGE)) && { usage ; let EXIT_USAGE-- ; exit $EXIT_USAGE ; } echo "This script downloads each Configuration and attempts to build it." echo "On failure the last-built configs will be left in your working copy." echo "Restore your configs with 'git checkout -f' or 'git reset --hard HEAD'." if [[ -f "$STAT_FILE" ]]; then IFS='*' read BRANCH FIRST_CONF <"$STAT_FILE" fi # If -c is given start from the last attempted build if ((CONTINUE)); then if [[ -z $BRANCH || -z $FIRST_CONF ]]; then echo "Nothing to continue" exit fi elif ((CONTSKIP)); then if [[ -n $BRANCH && -n $FIRST_CONF ]]; then SKIP_CONF=1 else echo "Nothing to skip" exit fi fi # Check if the current repository has unmerged changes if [[ $SKIP_CONF ]]; then echo "Skipping $FIRST_CONF" elif [[ $FIRST_CONF ]]; then echo "Resuming from $FIRST_CONF" else git diff --quiet || { echo "The working copy is modified. Commit or stash changes before proceeding."; exit ; } fi # Create a temporary folder inside .pio TMP=./.pio/build-$BRANCH [[ -d "$TMP" ]] || mkdir -p $TMP # Download Configurations into the temporary folder if [[ ! -e "$TMP/README.md" ]]; then echo "Downloading Configurations from GitHub into $TMP" git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch "$BRANCH" $GITREPO "$TMP" || { echo "Failed to clone the configuration repository"; exit ; } else echo "Using previously downloaded Configurations at $TMP" fi echo -e "Start building now...\n=====================" shopt -s nullglob IFS=' ' CONF_TREE=$( ls -d "$TMP"/config/examples/*/ "$TMP"/config/examples/*/*/ "$TMP"/config/examples/*/*/*/ "$TMP"/config/examples/*/*/*/*/ | grep -vE ".+\.(\w+)$" ) DOSKIP=0 for CONF in $CONF_TREE ; do # Get a config's directory name DIR=$( echo $CONF | sed "s|$TMP/config/examples/||" ) # If looking for a config, skip others [[ $FIRST_CONF ]] && [[ $FIRST_CONF != $DIR && "$FIRST_CONF/" != $DIR ]] && continue # Once found, stop looking unset FIRST_CONF # If skipping, don't build the found one [[ $SKIP_CONF ]] && { unset SKIP_CONF ; continue ; } # ...if skipping, don't build this one compgen -G "${CONF}Con*.h" > /dev/null || continue # Remember where we are in case of failure echo "${BRANCH}*${DIR}" >"$STAT_FILE" # Build or pretend to build if [[ $DRYRUN ]]; then echo "[DRYRUN] build_example internal \"$TMP\" \"$DIR\"" else # Build folder is unknown so delete all "config.ini" files [[ $CREATE_INI ]] && find ./.pio/build/ -name "config.ini" -exec rm "{}" \; ((DEBUG)) && echo "\"$HERE/build_example\" \"internal\" \"$TMP\" \"$DIR\"" "$HERE/build_example" "internal" "$TMP" "$DIR" || { echo "Failed to build $DIR"; exit ; } # Build folder is unknown so copy any "config.ini" [[ $CREATE_INI ]] && find ./.pio/build/ -name "config.ini" -exec cp "{}" "$CONF" \; fi ((LIMIT--)) || { echo "Limit reached" ; break ; } done # Delete the build state rm "$STAT_FILE" # Delete the temp folder if not preserving generated INI files if [[ -e "$TMP/config/examples" ]]; then if [[ $CREATE_INI ]]; then OPEN=$( which gnome-open xdg-open open | head -n1 ) $OPEN "$TMP" else rm -rf "$TMP" fi fi