 * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
 * Copyright (c) 2019 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
 * Based on Sprinter and grbl.
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once

#include "../inc/MarlinConfig.h"

 * Define debug bit-masks
enum MarlinDebugFlags : uint8_t {
  MARLIN_DEBUG_NONE          = 0,
  MARLIN_DEBUG_ECHO          = _BV(0), ///< Echo commands in order as they are processed
  MARLIN_DEBUG_INFO          = _BV(1), ///< Print messages for code that has debug output
  MARLIN_DEBUG_ERRORS        = _BV(2), ///< Not implemented
  MARLIN_DEBUG_DRYRUN        = _BV(3), ///< Ignore temperature setting and E movement commands
  MARLIN_DEBUG_COMMUNICATION = _BV(4), ///< Not implemented
    MARLIN_DEBUG_LEVELING    = _BV(5), ///< Print detailed output for homing and leveling
    MARLIN_DEBUG_MESH_ADJUST = _BV(6), ///< UBL bed leveling
  MARLIN_DEBUG_ALL           = 0xFF

extern uint8_t marlin_debug_flags;
#define DEBUGGING(F) (marlin_debug_flags & (MARLIN_DEBUG_## F))

#define SERIAL_BOTH 0x7F
#if NUM_SERIAL > 1
  extern int8_t serial_port_index;
  #define _PORT_REDIRECT(n,p)   REMEMBER(n,serial_port_index,p)
  #define _PORT_RESTORE(n)      RESTORE(n)
  #define SERIAL_OUT(WHAT, V...) do{ \
    if (!serial_port_index || serial_port_index == SERIAL_BOTH) (void)MYSERIAL0.WHAT(V); \
    if ( serial_port_index) (void)MYSERIAL1.WHAT(V); \
  #define SERIAL_ASSERT(P)      if(serial_port_index!=(P)){ debugger(); }
  #define _PORT_REDIRECT(n,p)   NOOP
  #define _PORT_RESTORE(n)      NOOP
  #define SERIAL_OUT(WHAT, V...) (void)MYSERIAL0.WHAT(V)
  #define SERIAL_ASSERT(P)      NOOP

#define PORT_REDIRECT(p)        _PORT_REDIRECT(1,p)
#define PORT_RESTORE()          _PORT_RESTORE(1)

#define SERIAL_CHAR(x)          SERIAL_OUT(write, x)
#define SERIAL_ECHO(x)          SERIAL_OUT(print, x)
#define SERIAL_ECHO_F(V...)     SERIAL_OUT(print, V)
#define SERIAL_ECHOLN(x)        SERIAL_OUT(println, x)
#define SERIAL_PRINT(x,b)       SERIAL_OUT(print, x, b)
#define SERIAL_PRINTLN(x,b)     SERIAL_OUT(println, x, b)
#define SERIAL_PRINTF(V...)     SERIAL_OUT(printf, V)
#define SERIAL_FLUSH()          SERIAL_OUT(flush)

  #define SERIAL_FLUSHTX()      SERIAL_OUT(flushTX)
  #define SERIAL_FLUSHTX()

// Print up to 12 pairs of values
#define __SEP_N(N,V...)   _SEP_##N(V)
#define _SEP_N(N,V...)    __SEP_N(N,V)
#define _SEP_1(PRE)       SERIAL_ECHOPGM(PRE)
#define _SEP_2(PRE,V)     serial_echopair_PGM(PSTR(PRE),V)
#define _SEP_3(a,b,c)     do{ _SEP_2(a,b); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(c); }while(0)
#define _SEP_4(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_2(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_5(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_3(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_6(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_4(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_7(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_5(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_8(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_6(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_9(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_7(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_10(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_8(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_11(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_9(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_12(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_10(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_13(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_11(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_14(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_12(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_15(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_13(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_16(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_14(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_17(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_15(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_18(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_16(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_19(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_17(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_20(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_18(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_21(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_19(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_22(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_20(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_23(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_21(V); }while(0)
#define _SEP_24(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SEP_22(V); }while(0)


// Print up to 12 pairs of values followed by newline
#define __SELP_N(N,V...)   _SELP_##N(V)
#define _SELP_N(N,V...)    __SELP_N(N,V)
#define _SELP_2(PRE,V)     do{ serial_echopair_PGM(PSTR(PRE),V); SERIAL_EOL(); }while(0)
#define _SELP_3(a,b,c)     do{ _SEP_2(a,b); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(c); }while(0)
#define _SELP_4(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_2(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_5(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_3(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_6(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_4(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_7(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_5(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_8(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_6(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_9(a,b,V...)  do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_7(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_10(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_8(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_11(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_9(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_12(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_10(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_13(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_11(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_14(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_12(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_15(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_13(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_16(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_14(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_17(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_15(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_18(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_16(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_19(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_17(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_20(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_18(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_21(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_19(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_22(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_20(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_23(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_21(V); }while(0)
#define _SELP_24(a,b,V...) do{ _SEP_2(a,b); _SELP_22(V); }while(0)


#define SERIAL_ECHOPGM(S)           (serialprintPGM(PSTR(S)))
#define SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(S)         (serialprintPGM(PSTR(S "\n")))

#define SERIAL_ECHOPAIR_F(pre, V...) do{ SERIAL_ECHO(pre); SERIAL_ECHO_F(V); }while(0)
#define SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR_F(V...)    do{ SERIAL_ECHOPAIR_F(V); SERIAL_EOL(); }while(0)

#define SERIAL_ECHO_START()         serial_echo_start()
#define SERIAL_ERROR_START()        serial_error_start()
#define SERIAL_EOL()                SERIAL_CHAR('\n')

#define SERIAL_ECHO_MSG(S)          do{ SERIAL_ECHO_START(); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(S); }while(0)

#define SERIAL_ECHO_SP(C)           serial_spaces(C)

// Functions for serial printing from PROGMEM. (Saves loads of SRAM.)
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, const char *v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, char v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, int v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, long v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, float v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, double v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, unsigned int v);
void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, unsigned long v);
inline void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, uint8_t v) { serial_echopair_PGM(s_P, (int)v); }
inline void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, bool v)    { serial_echopair_PGM(s_P, (int)v); }
inline void serial_echopair_PGM(PGM_P const s_P, void *v)   { serial_echopair_PGM(s_P, (unsigned long)v); }

void serialprintPGM(PGM_P str);
void serial_echo_start();
void serial_error_start();
void serial_ternary(const bool onoff, PGM_P const pre, PGM_P const on, PGM_P const off, PGM_P const post=nullptr);
void serialprint_onoff(const bool onoff);
void serialprintln_onoff(const bool onoff);
void serialprint_truefalse(const bool tf);
void serial_spaces(uint8_t count);

void print_bin(const uint16_t val);

void print_xyz(PGM_P const prefix, PGM_P const suffix, const float x, const float y, const float z);
void print_xyz(PGM_P const prefix, PGM_P const suffix, const float xyz[]);
#define SERIAL_POS(SUFFIX,VAR) do { print_xyz(PSTR("  " STRINGIFY(VAR) "="), PSTR(" : " SUFFIX "\n"), VAR); }while(0)
#define SERIAL_XYZ(PREFIX,V...) do { print_xyz(PSTR(PREFIX), nullptr, V); }while(0)