 * AZTEEG_X3_PRO (Arduino Mega) pin assignments

#include "pins_RAMPS_13.h"

#undef FAN_PIN
#define FAN_PIN             6 //Part Cooling System
#define BEEPER             33
#define CONTROLLERFAN_PIN   4 //Pin used for the fan to cool motherboard (-1 to disable)
//Fans/Water Pump to cool the hotend cool side.
//This section is to swap the MIN and MAX pins because the X3 Pro comes with only
//MIN endstops soldered onto the board. Delta code wants the homing endstops to be 
//the MAX so I swapped them here.
 #ifdef DELTA
  #undef X_MIN_PIN
  #undef X_MAX_PIN
  #undef Y_MIN_PIN
  #undef Y_MAX_PIN
  #undef Z_MIN_PIN
  #undef Z_MAX_PIN

  #define X_MIN_PIN           2
  #define X_MAX_PIN           3
  #define Y_MIN_PIN          15
  #define Y_MAX_PIN          14
  #define Z_MIN_PIN          19
  #define Z_MAX_PIN          18
//#undef Z_MIN_PIN
//#define Z_MIN_PIN        15
  #define Z_PROBE_PIN      19
#define E2_STEP_PIN        23
#define E2_DIR_PIN         25
#define E2_ENABLE_PIN      40

#define E3_STEP_PIN        27
#define E3_DIR_PIN         29
#define E3_ENABLE_PIN      41

#define E4_STEP_PIN        43
#define E4_DIR_PIN         37
#define E4_ENABLE_PIN      42

#undef HEATER_1_PIN
#undef HEATER_2_PIN
#undef HEATER_3_PIN
#define HEATER_1_PIN        9
#define HEATER_2_PIN       16
#define HEATER_3_PIN       17
#define HEATER_4_PIN        4
#define HEATER_5_PIN        5
#define HEATER_6_PIN        6
#define HEATER_7_PIN       11

#undef TEMP_2_PIN
#undef TEMP_3_PIN
#define TEMP_2_PIN         12   // ANALOG NUMBERING
#define TEMP_3_PIN         11   // ANALOG NUMBERING
#define TEMP_4_PIN         10   // ANALOG NUMBERING
#define TC1                 4   // ANALOG NUMBERING Thermo couple on Azteeg X3Pro
#define TC2                 5   // ANALOG NUMBERING Thermo couple on Azteeg X3Pro

//These Servo pins are for when they are defined. Tested for usage with bed leveling
//on a Delta with 1 servo. Running through the Z servo endstop in code. 
//Physical wire attachment was done on EXT1 on the GND, 5V, and D47 pins.
#undef SERVO0_PIN
#undef SERVO1_PIN
#undef SERVO2_PIN
#undef SERVO3_PIN

  #define SERVO0_PIN         -1
  #if NUM_SERVOS > 1
    #define SERVO1_PIN       -1
    #if NUM_SERVOS > 2
      #define SERVO2_PIN     47
      #if NUM_SERVOS > 3
        #define SERVO3_PIN   -1

//LCD Pins//

#if defined(VIKI2) || defined(miniVIKI)
 #define BEEPER 33
 // Pins for DOGM SPI LCD Support
 #define DOGLCD_A0  44
 #define DOGLCD_CS  45
 #define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
 //The encoder and click button
 #define BTN_EN1 22
 #define BTN_EN2 7
 #define BTN_ENC 39  //the click switch

 #define SDSS 53
 #define SDCARDDETECT 49
 #define KILL_PIN 31
 #define STAT_LED_RED       32
 #define STAT_LED_BLUE      35