# Marlin Firmware
# PlatformIO Configuration File

# STM32F1 Architecture with LibMaple STM32F1 HAL
# Naming Example: STM32F103RCT6
#   F : Foundation (sometimes High Performance F2/F4)
#   1 : Cortex M3 core (0:M0, 1-2:M3, 3-4:M4, 7:M7)
#  03 : Line/Features
#   R : 64 or 66 pins  (V:100, Z:144, I:176)
#   C : 256KB Flash-memory  (D:384KB, E:512KB, G:1024KB)
#   T : LQFP package
#   6 : -40...85°C   (7: ...105°C)

# HAL/STM32F1 Common Environment values
platform          = ststm32@~12.1
board_build.core  = maple
build_flags       = !python Marlin/src/HAL/STM32F1/build_flags.py
  ${common.build_flags} -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32 -DMAPLE_STM32F1
build_unflags     = -std=gnu11 -std=gnu++11
build_src_filter  = ${common.default_src_filter} +<src/HAL/STM32F1>
lib_ignore        = SPI, FreeRTOS701, FreeRTOS821
lib_deps          = ${common.lib_deps}
platform_packages = tool-stm32duino
extra_scripts     = ${common.extra_scripts}

# Generic STM32F103RC environment
extends       = STM32F1_maple
board         = genericSTM32F103RC
monitor_speed = 115200

# Generic STM32F103RE environment
extends       = STM32F1_maple
board         = genericSTM32F103RE
monitor_speed = 115200

# MEEB_3DP (STM32F103RCT6 with 512K)
extends              = env:STM32F103RC_maple
board                = marlin_maple_MEEB_3DP
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags}
board_build.ldscript = STM32F103RC_MEEB_3DP.ld
extra_scripts        = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}
lib_deps             = ${STM32F1_maple.lib_deps}
                       USBComposite for STM32F1@0.91
custom_marlin.NEOPIXEL_LED = Adafruit NeoPixel=https://github.com/ccccmagicboy/Adafruit_NeoPixel#meeb_3dp_use
debug_tool           = stlink
upload_protocol      = dfu

extends         = env:STM32F103RC_maple
extra_scripts   = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}
build_flags     = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0
lib_ldf_mode    = chain
debug_tool      = stlink
upload_protocol = serial

# BigTreeTech SKR Mini V1.1 / SKR Mini E3 & MZ (STM32F103RCT6 ARM Cortex-M3)
#   STM32F103RC_btt_maple ............. RCT6 with 256K
#   STM32F103RC_btt_USB_maple ......... RCT6 with 256K (USB mass storage)
extends              = env:STM32F103RC_maple
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.ldscript = STM32F103RC_SKR_MINI_256K.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DSS_TIMER=4
monitor_speed        = 115200

extends     = env:STM32F103RC_btt_maple
build_flags = ${env:STM32F103RC_btt_maple.build_flags} -DUSE_USB_COMPOSITE
lib_deps    = ${env:STM32F103RC_btt_maple.lib_deps}
              USBComposite for STM32F1@0.91

# Creality (STM32F103RET6)
extends              = env:STM32F103RE_maple
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DTEMP_TIMER_CHAN=4
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.ldscript = creality.ld
extra_scripts        = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}
debug_tool           = jlink
upload_protocol      = jlink

# Creality (STM32F103RCT6)
extends              = env:STM32F103RC_maple
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DTEMP_TIMER_CHAN=4
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.ldscript = creality.ld
extra_scripts        = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}
debug_tool           = jlink
upload_protocol      = jlink

# Creality 512K (STM32F103RE) for new 64KiB bootloader (CR-10 Smart Pro printer)
extends              = env:STM32F103RE_creality_maple
board_build.address  = 0x08010000
board_build.ldscript = crealityPro.ld

# BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 V2.0 & DIP / SKR CR6 (STM32F103RET6 ARM Cortex-M3)
#   STM32F103RE_btt_maple ............. RET6
#   STM32F103RE_btt_USB_maple ......... RET6 (USB mass storage)
extends              = env:STM32F103RE_maple
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.ldscript = STM32F103RE_SKR_MINI_512K.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DSS_TIMER=4
debug_tool           = stlink
upload_protocol      = stlink

extends     = env:STM32F103RE_btt_maple
build_flags = ${env:STM32F103RE_btt_maple.build_flags} -DUSE_USB_COMPOSITE
lib_deps    = ${STM32F1_maple.lib_deps}
              USBComposite for STM32F1@0.91

# Geeetech GTM32 (STM32F103VET6)
extends         = STM32F1_maple
board           = genericSTM32F103VE
build_flags     = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags}
                  -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -MMD
                  -DMCU_STM32F103VE -DARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103V -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1 -DBOARD_generic_stm32f103v
upload_protocol = serial

# Longer 3D board in Alfawise U20 (STM32F103VET6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103VE
board_build.address  = 0x08010000
board_build.rename   = project.bin
board_build.ldscript = STM32F103VE_longer.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags}
                       -DMCU_STM32F103VE -DSTM32F1xx -USERIAL_USB -DU20 -DTS_V12
build_unflags        = ${STM32F1_maple.build_unflags}

# MKS Robin Mini (STM32F103VET6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103VE
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.rename   = Robin_mini.bin
board_build.ldscript = mks_robin_mini.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DMCU_STM32F103VE

# MKS Robin Nano v1.x and v2 (STM32F103VET6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103VE
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.rename   = Robin_nano35.bin
board_build.ldscript = mks_robin_nano.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DMCU_STM32F103VE -DSS_TIMER=4

# MKS Robin (STM32F103ZET6)
extends                 = STM32F1_maple
board                   = genericSTM32F103ZE
board_build.address     = 0x08007000
board_build.encrypt_mks = Robin.bin
board_build.ldscript    = mks_robin.ld
build_flags             = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DSS_TIMER=4 -DSTM32_XL_DENSITY

# MKS Robin Pro (STM32F103ZET6)
extends                 = env:mks_robin_maple
board_build.address     = 0x08007000
board_build.encrypt_mks = Robin_pro.bin
board_build.ldscript    = mks_robin_pro.ld

extends       = env:mks_robin_maple
extra_scripts = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}

# MKS Robin E3D (STM32F103RCT6) and
# MKS Robin E3 with TMC2209
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103RC
board_build.address  = 0x08005000
board_build.rename   = Robin_e3.bin
board_build.ldscript = mks_robin_e3.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DSS_TIMER=4

# MKS Robin E3p (STM32F103VET6)
#  - LVGL UI
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103VE
board_build.address  = 0x08007000
board_build.rename   = Robin_e3p.bin
board_build.ldscript = mks_robin_e3p.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DMCU_STM32F103VE -DSS_TIMER=4
debug_tool           = jlink
upload_protocol      = jlink

# MKS Robin Lite/Lite2 (STM32F103RCT6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103RC
board_build.address  = 0x08005000
board_build.rename   = mksLite.bin
board_build.ldscript = mks_robin_lite.ld

extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103RC
board_build.address  = 0x08005000
board_build.rename   = mksLite3.bin
board_build.ldscript = mks_robin_lite.ld

# JGAurora A5S A1 (STM32F103ZET6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103ZE
board_build.address  = 0x0800A000
board_build.ldscript = jgaurora_a5s_a1.ld
extra_scripts        = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DSTM32F1xx -DSTM32_XL_DENSITY

# Malyan M200 (STM32F103CB)
extends     = STM32F1_maple
board       = marlin_malyanM200
build_flags = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags}
              -DMCU_STM32F103CB -D__STM32F1__=1 -std=c++1y -DSERIAL_USB -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
              -Wl,--gc-sections -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -D__MARLIN_FIRMWARE__
lib_ignore  = ${STM32F1_maple.lib_ignore}

# Chitu boards like Tronxy X5s (STM32F103ZET6)
extends       = STM32F1_maple
board         = marlin_maple_CHITU_F103
extra_scripts = ${STM32F1_maple.extra_scripts}
build_flags   = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DSTM32F1xx -DSTM32_XL_DENSITY
build_unflags = ${STM32F1_maple.build_unflags}

# Some Chitu V5 boards have a problem with GPIO init.
# Use this target if G28 or G29 are always failing.
extends     = env:chitu_f103_maple
build_flags = ${env:chitu_f103_maple.build_flags} -DCHITU_V5_Z_MIN_BUGFIX

# FLYmaker FLY Mini (STM32F103RCT6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103RC
board_build.address  = 0x08005000
board_build.ldscript = fly_mini.ld
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags} -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DSS_TIMER=4

# Zonestar ZM3E2 V1.0 / ZM3E4 V1.0 / ZM3E4 V2.0
#  STM32F103RC_ZM3E2_USB_maple ........... RCT6 with 256K
#  STM32F103VC_ZM3E4_USB_maple ........... VCT6 with 256K
#  STM32F103VE_ZM3E4V2_USB_maple ......... VET6 with 512K
extends                   = STM32F1_maple
platform_packages         = tool-stm32duino
board_build.address       = 0x08005000
board_build.offset        = 0x5000
board_upload.maximum_size = 237568
build_flags               = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags}
                            -D__STM32F1__=1 -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DSS_TIMER=4 -DSERIAL_USB
lib_deps                  = ${STM32F1_maple.lib_deps}
                            USBComposite for STM32F1@0.91
lib_ignore                = Adafruit NeoPixel, SPI, SailfishLCD, SailfishRGB_LED, SlowSoftI2CMaster, TMCStepper

extends              = ZONESTAR_ZM3E_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103RC
board_build.ldscript = ZONESTAR_ZM3E_256K.ld

extends              = ZONESTAR_ZM3E_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103VC
board_build.ldscript = ZONESTAR_ZM3E_256K.ld
build_flags          = ${ZONESTAR_ZM3E_maple.build_flags} -DTONE_TIMER=1 -DTONE_CHANNEL=2

extends                   = ZONESTAR_ZM3E_maple
board                     = genericSTM32F103VE
board_build.ldscript      = ZONESTAR_ZM3E_512K.ld
build_flags               = ${ZONESTAR_ZM3E_maple.build_flags} -DTONE_TIMER=1 -DTONE_CHANNEL=2
board_upload.maximum_size = 499712

# ERYONE ERY32 Mini (STM32F103VET6)
extends              = STM32F1_maple
board                = genericSTM32F103VE
build_flags          = ${STM32F1_maple.build_flags}
                       -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -nostdlib -MMD
                       -DMCU_STM32F103VE -DARDUINO_GENERIC_STM32F103V -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1
board_build.variant  = MARLIN_F103Vx
board_build.ldscript = eryone_ery32_mini.ld
board_build.address  = 0x08004000
build_unflags        = ${STM32F1_maple.build_unflags}