/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (c) 2020 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (c) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "../../../inc/MarlinConfigPre.h" #if HAS_TFT_LVGL_UI #include "string.h" #include "draw_ui.h" #include "pic_manager.h" #include "draw_ready_print.h" #include "mks_hardware.h" #include "SPIFlashStorage.h" #include "../../../libs/W25Qxx.h" #include "../../../sd/cardreader.h" #include "../../../MarlinCore.h" extern uint16_t DeviceCode; #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) extern char *createFilename(char * const buffer, const dir_t &p); #endif static const char assets[][LONG_FILENAME_LENGTH] = { // Homing screen "bmp_zeroAll.bin", "bmp_zero.bin", "bmp_zeroX.bin", "bmp_zeroY.bin", "bmp_zeroZ.bin", "bmp_manual_off.bin", // Tool screen "bmp_preHeat.bin", "bmp_extruct.bin", "bmp_mov.bin", "bmp_leveling.bin", "bmp_filamentchange.bin", "bmp_more.bin", // Fan screen "bmp_Add.bin", "bmp_Dec.bin", "bmp_speed255.bin", "bmp_speed127.bin", "bmp_speed0.bin", "bmp_bed.bin", "bmp_step1_degree.bin", "bmp_step5_degree.bin", "bmp_step10_degree.bin", // Extrusion screen "bmp_in.bin", "bmp_out.bin", "bmp_extru1.bin", #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER "bmp_extru2.bin", #endif "bmp_speed_high.bin", "bmp_speed_slow.bin", "bmp_speed_normal.bin", "bmp_step1_mm.bin", "bmp_step5_mm.bin", "bmp_step10_mm.bin", // Select file screen "bmp_pageUp.bin", "bmp_pageDown.bin", "bmp_back.bin", //TODO: why two back buttons? Why not just one? (return / back) "bmp_dir.bin", "bmp_file.bin", // Move motor screen // TODO: 6 equal icons, just in diffenct rotation... it may be optimized too "bmp_xAdd.bin", "bmp_xDec.bin", "bmp_yAdd.bin", "bmp_yDec.bin", "bmp_zAdd.bin", "bmp_zDec.bin", "bmp_step_move0_1.bin", "bmp_step_move1.bin", "bmp_step_move10.bin", // Operation screen "bmp_auto_off.bin", "bmp_speed.bin", "bmp_fan.bin", "bmp_temp.bin", "bmp_extrude_opr.bin", "bmp_move_opr.bin", // Change speed screen "bmp_step1_percent.bin", "bmp_step5_percent.bin", "bmp_step10_percent.bin", "bmp_extruct_sel.bin", "bmp_mov_changespeed.bin", "bmp_mov_sel.bin", "bmp_speed_extruct.bin", // Printing screen "bmp_pause.bin", "bmp_resume.bin", "bmp_stop.bin", "bmp_ext1_state.bin", #if HAS_MULTI_EXTRUDER "bmp_ext2_state.bin", #endif "bmp_bed_state.bin", "bmp_fan_state.bin", "bmp_time_state.bin", "bmp_zpos_state.bin", "bmp_operate.bin", // Manual Level screen (only if auto level is disabled) #if DISABLED(AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR) "bmp_leveling1.bin", "bmp_leveling2.bin", "bmp_leveling3.bin", "bmp_leveling4.bin", "bmp_leveling5.bin", #endif // Language Select screen #if HAS_LANG_SELECT_SCREEN "bmp_language.bin", "bmp_simplified_cn.bin", "bmp_simplified_cn_sel.bin", "bmp_traditional_cn.bin", "bmp_traditional_cn_sel.bin", "bmp_english.bin", "bmp_english_sel.bin", "bmp_russian.bin", "bmp_russian_sel.bin", "bmp_spanish.bin", "bmp_spanish_sel.bin", "bmp_french.bin", "bmp_french_sel.bin", "bmp_italy.bin", "bmp_italy_sel.bin", #endif // HAS_LANG_SELECT_SCREEN // G-code preview #if HAS_GCODE_DEFAULT_VIEW_IN_FLASH "bmp_preview.bin", #endif #if HAS_LOGO_IN_FLASH "bmp_logo.bin", #endif // Settings screen "bmp_about.bin", "bmp_eeprom_settings.bin", "bmp_machine_para.bin", "bmp_function1.bin", // Start screen "bmp_printing.bin", "bmp_set.bin", "bmp_tool.bin", // Base icons "bmp_arrow.bin", "bmp_back70x40.bin", "bmp_value_blank.bin", "bmp_blank_sel.bin", "bmp_disable.bin", "bmp_enable.bin", "bmp_return.bin", #if ENABLED(MKS_WIFI_MODULE) // Wifi screen "bmp_wifi.bin", "bmp_cloud.bin", #endif #if ENABLED(MULTI_VOLUME) "bmp_usb_disk.bin", // "bmp_usb_disk_sel.bin", "bmp_sd.bin", // "bmp_sd_sel.bin", #endif // Babystep screen "bmp_baby_move0_01.bin", "bmp_baby_move0_05.bin", "bmp_baby_move0_1.bin", // More screen "bmp_custom1.bin", "bmp_custom2.bin", "bmp_custom3.bin", "bmp_custom4.bin", "bmp_custom5.bin", "bmp_custom6.bin", "bmp_custom7.bin" }; #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_FONT static char fonts[][LONG_FILENAME_LENGTH] = { "FontUNIGBK.bin" }; #endif uint8_t currentFlashPage = 0; uint32_t lv_get_pic_addr(uint8_t *Pname) { uint8_t Pic_cnt; uint8_t i, j; PIC_MSG PIC; uint32_t tmp_cnt = 0; uint32_t addr = 0; currentFlashPage = 0; #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Getting picture SPI Flash Address: ", (const char*)Pname); #endif W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&Pic_cnt, PIC_COUNTER_ADDR, 1); if (Pic_cnt == 0xFF) Pic_cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < Pic_cnt; i++) { j = 0; do { W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&PIC.name[j], PIC_NAME_ADDR + tmp_cnt, 1); tmp_cnt++; } while (PIC.name[j++] != '\0'); if ((strcasecmp((char*)Pname, (char*)PIC.name)) == 0) { if (DeviceCode == 0x9488 || DeviceCode == 0x5761) addr = PIC_DATA_ADDR_TFT35 + i * PER_PIC_MAX_SPACE_TFT35; else addr = PIC_DATA_ADDR_TFT32 + i * PER_PIC_MAX_SPACE_TFT32; return addr; } } return addr; } const char *assetsPath = "assets"; const char *bakPath = "_assets"; void spiFlashErase_PIC() { volatile uint32_t pic_sectorcnt = 0; W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); //erase 0x001000 -64K for (pic_sectorcnt = 0; pic_sectorcnt < (64 - 4) / 4; pic_sectorcnt++) { watchdog_refresh(); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_SectorErase(PICINFOADDR + pic_sectorcnt * 4 * 1024); } //erase 64K -- 6M for (pic_sectorcnt = 0; pic_sectorcnt < (PIC_SIZE_xM * 1024 / 64 - 1); pic_sectorcnt++) { watchdog_refresh(); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BlockErase((pic_sectorcnt + 1) * 64 * 1024); } } #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_FONT void spiFlashErase_FONT() { volatile uint32_t Font_sectorcnt = 0; W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); for (Font_sectorcnt = 0; Font_sectorcnt < 32-1; Font_sectorcnt++) { watchdog_refresh(); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BlockErase(FONTINFOADDR + Font_sectorcnt * 64 * 1024); } } #endif uint32_t LogoWrite_Addroffset = 0; uint8_t Pic_Logo_Write(uint8_t *LogoName, uint8_t *Logo_Wbuff, uint32_t LogoWriteSize) { if (LogoWriteSize <= 0) return 0; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(Logo_Wbuff, PIC_LOGO_ADDR + LogoWrite_Addroffset, LogoWriteSize); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < LogoWriteSize; i++) { uint8_t temp1; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&temp1, PIC_LOGO_ADDR + LogoWrite_Addroffset + i, 1); if (*(Logo_Wbuff + i) != temp1) return 0; } LogoWrite_Addroffset += LogoWriteSize; const uint32_t logo_maxsize = DeviceCode == 0x9488 || DeviceCode == 0x5761 ? LOGO_MAX_SIZE_TFT35 : LOGO_MAX_SIZE_TFT32; if (LogoWrite_Addroffset >= logo_maxsize) LogoWrite_Addroffset = 0; return 1; } uint32_t TitleLogoWrite_Addroffset = 0; uint8_t Pic_TitleLogo_Write(uint8_t *TitleLogoName, uint8_t *TitleLogo_Wbuff, uint32_t TitleLogoWriteSize) { if (TitleLogoWriteSize <= 0) return 0; if ((DeviceCode == 0x9488) || (DeviceCode == 0x5761)) W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(TitleLogo_Wbuff, PIC_ICON_LOGO_ADDR_TFT35 + TitleLogoWrite_Addroffset, TitleLogoWriteSize); else W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(TitleLogo_Wbuff, PIC_ICON_LOGO_ADDR_TFT32 + TitleLogoWrite_Addroffset, TitleLogoWriteSize); TitleLogoWrite_Addroffset += TitleLogoWriteSize; if (TitleLogoWrite_Addroffset >= TITLELOGO_MAX_SIZE) TitleLogoWrite_Addroffset = 0; return 1; } uint32_t default_view_addroffset_r = 0; void default_view_Write(uint8_t *default_view__Rbuff, uint32_t default_view_Writesize) { W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(default_view__Rbuff, DEFAULT_VIEW_ADDR_TFT35 + default_view_addroffset_r, default_view_Writesize); default_view_addroffset_r += default_view_Writesize; if (default_view_addroffset_r >= DEFAULT_VIEW_MAX_SIZE) default_view_addroffset_r = 0; } uint32_t Pic_Info_Write(uint8_t *P_name, uint32_t P_size) { uint8_t pic_counter = 0; uint32_t Pic_SaveAddr; uint32_t Pic_SizeSaveAddr; uint32_t Pic_NameSaveAddr; uint8_t Pname_temp; uint32_t i, j; uint32_t name_len = 0; uint32_t SaveName_len = 0; union union32 size_tmp; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&pic_counter, PIC_COUNTER_ADDR, 1); if (pic_counter == 0xFF) pic_counter = 0; if ((DeviceCode == 0x9488) || (DeviceCode == 0x5761)) Pic_SaveAddr = PIC_DATA_ADDR_TFT35 + pic_counter * PER_PIC_MAX_SPACE_TFT35; else Pic_SaveAddr = PIC_DATA_ADDR_TFT32 + pic_counter * PER_PIC_MAX_SPACE_TFT32; for (j = 0; j < pic_counter; j++) { do { W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&Pname_temp, PIC_NAME_ADDR + SaveName_len, 1); SaveName_len++; } while (Pname_temp != '\0'); } i = 0; while ((*(P_name + i) != '\0')) { i++; name_len++; } Pic_NameSaveAddr = PIC_NAME_ADDR + SaveName_len; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(P_name, Pic_NameSaveAddr, name_len + 1); Pic_SizeSaveAddr = PIC_SIZE_ADDR + 4 * pic_counter; size_tmp.dwords = P_size; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(size_tmp.bytes, Pic_SizeSaveAddr, 4); pic_counter++; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_SectorErase(PIC_COUNTER_ADDR); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(&pic_counter, PIC_COUNTER_ADDR, 1); return Pic_SaveAddr; } #if ENABLED(SDSUPPORT) static void dosName2LongName(const char dosName[11], char *longName) { uint8_t j = 0; LOOP_L_N(i, 11) { if (i == 8) longName[j++] = '.'; if (dosName[i] == '\0' || dosName[i] == ' ') continue; longName[j++] = dosName[i]; } longName[j] = '\0'; } static int8_t arrayFindStr(const char arr[][LONG_FILENAME_LENGTH], uint8_t arraySize, const char *str) { for (uint8_t a = 0; a < arraySize; a++) { if (strcasecmp(arr[a], str) == 0) return a; } return -1; } #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) static uint32_t totalSizes = 0, totalCompressed = 0; #endif #define ASSET_TYPE_ICON 0 #define ASSET_TYPE_LOGO 1 #define ASSET_TYPE_TITLE_LOGO 2 #define ASSET_TYPE_G_PREVIEW 3 #define ASSET_TYPE_FONT 4 static void loadAsset(SdFile &dir, dir_t& entry, const char *fn, int8_t assetType) { SdFile file; char dosFilename[FILENAME_LENGTH]; createFilename(dosFilename, entry); if (!file.open(&dir, dosFilename, O_READ)) { #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Error opening Asset: ", fn); #endif return; } watchdog_refresh(); disp_assets_update_progress(fn); W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); uint16_t pbr; uint32_t pfileSize; uint32_t totalSizeLoaded = 0; uint32_t Pic_Write_Addr; pfileSize = file.fileSize(); totalSizeLoaded += pfileSize; if (assetType == ASSET_TYPE_LOGO) { do { watchdog_refresh(); pbr = file.read(public_buf, BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); Pic_Logo_Write((uint8_t *)fn, public_buf, pbr); } while (pbr >= BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); } else if (assetType == ASSET_TYPE_TITLE_LOGO) { do { watchdog_refresh(); pbr = file.read(public_buf, BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); Pic_TitleLogo_Write((uint8_t *)fn, public_buf, pbr); } while (pbr >= BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); } else if (assetType == ASSET_TYPE_G_PREVIEW) { do { watchdog_refresh(); pbr = file.read(public_buf, BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); default_view_Write(public_buf, pbr); } while (pbr >= BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); } else if (assetType == ASSET_TYPE_ICON) { Pic_Write_Addr = Pic_Info_Write((uint8_t *)fn, pfileSize); SPIFlash.beginWrite(Pic_Write_Addr); #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_COMPRESSION do { watchdog_refresh(); pbr = file.read(public_buf, SPI_FLASH_PageSize); TERN_(MARLIN_DEV_MODE, totalSizes += pbr); SPIFlash.writeData(public_buf, SPI_FLASH_PageSize); } while (pbr >= SPI_FLASH_PageSize); #else do { pbr = file.read(public_buf, BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(public_buf, Pic_Write_Addr, pbr); Pic_Write_Addr += pbr; } while (pbr >= BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); #endif #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Space used: ", fn, " - ", (SPIFlash.getCurrentPage() + 1) * SPI_FLASH_PageSize / 1024, "KB"); totalCompressed += (SPIFlash.getCurrentPage() + 1) * SPI_FLASH_PageSize; #endif SPIFlash.endWrite(); } else if (assetType == ASSET_TYPE_FONT) { Pic_Write_Addr = UNIGBK_FLASH_ADDR; do { watchdog_refresh(); pbr = file.read(public_buf, BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferWrite(public_buf, Pic_Write_Addr, pbr); Pic_Write_Addr += pbr; } while (pbr >= BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); } file.close(); #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Asset added: ", fn); #endif } void UpdateAssets() { if (!card.isMounted()) return; SdFile dir, root = card.getroot(); if (dir.open(&root, assetsPath, O_RDONLY)) { disp_assets_update(); disp_assets_update_progress("Erasing pics..."); watchdog_refresh(); spiFlashErase_PIC(); #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_FONT disp_assets_update_progress("Erasing fonts..."); watchdog_refresh(); spiFlashErase_FONT(); #endif disp_assets_update_progress("Reading files..."); dir_t d; while (dir.readDir(&d, card.longFilename) > 0) { // If we don't get a long name, but gets a short one, try it if (card.longFilename[0] == 0 && d.name[0] != 0) dosName2LongName((const char*)d.name, card.longFilename); if (card.longFilename[0] == 0) continue; if (card.longFilename[0] == '.') continue; int8_t a = arrayFindStr(assets, COUNT(assets), card.longFilename); if (a >= 0 && a < (int8_t)COUNT(assets)) { uint8_t assetType = ASSET_TYPE_ICON; if (strstr(assets[a], "_logo")) assetType = ASSET_TYPE_LOGO; else if (strstr(assets[a], "_titlelogo")) assetType = ASSET_TYPE_TITLE_LOGO; else if (strstr(assets[a], "_preview")) assetType = ASSET_TYPE_G_PREVIEW; loadAsset(dir, d, assets[a], assetType); continue; } #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_FONT a = arrayFindStr(fonts, COUNT(fonts), card.longFilename); if (a >= 0 && a < (int8_t)COUNT(fonts)) loadAsset(dir, d, fonts[a], ASSET_TYPE_FONT); #endif } dir.rename(&root, bakPath); } dir.close(); #if ENABLED(MARLIN_DEV_MODE) uint8_t pic_counter = 0; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&pic_counter, PIC_COUNTER_ADDR, 1); SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Total assets loaded: ", pic_counter); SERIAL_ECHOLNPAIR("Total Uncompressed: ", totalSizes, ", Compressed: ", totalCompressed); #endif } #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_FONT void spi_flash_read_test() { W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(public_buf, UNIGBK_FLASH_ADDR, BMP_WRITE_BUF_LEN); } #endif #endif // SDSUPPORT void Pic_Read(uint8_t *Pname, uint8_t *P_Rbuff) { uint8_t i, j; uint8_t Pic_cnt; uint32_t tmp_cnt = 0; PIC_MSG PIC; W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&Pic_cnt, PIC_COUNTER_ADDR, 1); if (Pic_cnt == 0xFF) Pic_cnt = 0; for (i = 0; i < Pic_cnt; i++) { j = 0; do { W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(&PIC.name[j], PIC_NAME_ADDR + tmp_cnt, 1); tmp_cnt++; } while (PIC.name[j++] != '\0'); //pic size W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(PIC.size.bytes, PIC_SIZE_ADDR + i * 4, 4); if ((strcmp((char*)Pname, (char*)PIC.name)) == 0) { W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead((uint8_t *)P_Rbuff, PIC_DATA_ADDR_TFT35 + i * PER_PIC_MAX_SPACE_TFT35, PIC.size.dwords); break; } } } void lv_pic_test(uint8_t *P_Rbuff, uint32_t addr, uint32_t size) { #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_COMPRESSION if (currentFlashPage == 0) SPIFlash.beginRead(addr); SPIFlash.readData(P_Rbuff, size); currentFlashPage++; #else W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead((uint8_t *)P_Rbuff, addr, size); #endif } #if HAS_SPI_FLASH_FONT void get_spi_flash_data(const char *rec_buf, int addr, int size) { W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead((uint8_t *)rec_buf, UNIGBK_FLASH_ADDR + addr, size); } #endif uint32_t logo_addroffset = 0; void Pic_Logo_Read(uint8_t *LogoName, uint8_t *Logo_Rbuff, uint32_t LogoReadsize) { W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(Logo_Rbuff, PIC_LOGO_ADDR + logo_addroffset, LogoReadsize); logo_addroffset += LogoReadsize; if (logo_addroffset >= LOGO_MAX_SIZE_TFT35) logo_addroffset = 0; } uint32_t default_view_addroffset = 0; void default_view_Read(uint8_t *default_view_Rbuff, uint32_t default_view_Readsize) { W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(default_view_Rbuff, DEFAULT_VIEW_ADDR_TFT35 + default_view_addroffset, default_view_Readsize); default_view_addroffset += default_view_Readsize; if (default_view_addroffset >= DEFAULT_VIEW_MAX_SIZE) default_view_addroffset = 0; } #if HAS_BAK_VIEW_IN_FLASH uint32_t flash_view_addroffset = 0; void flash_view_Read(uint8_t *flash_view_Rbuff, uint32_t flash_view_Readsize) { W25QXX.init(SPI_QUARTER_SPEED); W25QXX.SPI_FLASH_BufferRead(flash_view_Rbuff, BAK_VIEW_ADDR_TFT35 + flash_view_addroffset, flash_view_Readsize); flash_view_addroffset += flash_view_Readsize; if (flash_view_addroffset >= FLASH_VIEW_MAX_SIZE) flash_view_addroffset = 0; } #endif #endif // HAS_TFT_LVGL_UI