 * CartesioV12 pin assignments

#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
  #error Oops!  Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

//#define LARGE_FLASH true

 #define X_ENABLE_PIN           26
 #define X_STEP_PIN             25
 #define X_DIR_PIN              27
 #define X_MIN_PIN              19
 #define X_MAX_PIN              -1
 #define Y_ENABLE_PIN           29
 #define Y_STEP_PIN             28
 #define Y_DIR_PIN              30
 #define Y_MIN_PIN              22
 #define Y_MAX_PIN              -1
 #define Z_ENABLE_PIN           32
 #define Z_STEP_PIN             31
 #define Z_DIR_PIN              33
 #define Z_MIN_PIN              23
 #define Z_MAX_PIN              -1


 #define E0_ENABLE_PIN          58
 #define E0_STEP_PIN            57
 #define E0_DIR_PIN             55
 #define HEATER_0_PIN           11
 #define TEMP_0_PIN             0   // ANALOG INPUT !!
// #define TOOL_0_PIN             56
// #define TOOL_0_PWM_PIN         10 // used for red warning led at dual extruder
 #define E1_ENABLE_PIN          60
 #define E1_STEP_PIN            61
 #define E1_DIR_PIN             62
 #define HEATER_1_PIN           9 
 #define TEMP_1_PIN             9  // 9 for tool3 -> 13 for chambertemp
// #define TOOL_1_PIN             59
// #define TOOL_1_PWM_PIN         8 // used for lights at dual extruder
 #define E2_ENABLE_PIN          44
 #define E2_STEP_PIN            46
 #define E2_DIR_PIN             66
 #define HEATER_2_PIN           6
 #define TEMP_2_PIN             13 // 10 for tool3 -> 13 for chambertemp
// #define TOOL_2_PIN             4
// #define TOOL_2_PWM_PIN         5
 #define E3_ENABLE_PIN          47
 #define E3_STEP_PIN            45
 #define E3_DIR_PIN             69
 #define HEATER_3_PIN           3  
 #define TEMP_3_PIN             11  // 11 for tool4 -> 13 for chambertemp
// #define TOOL_3_PIN             14
// #define TOOL_3_PWM_PIN         2
 #define HEATER_BED_PIN         24
 #define TEMP_BED_PIN           14   // ANALOG INPUT !! 
//common I/O

 //#define TEMP_CHAMBER_PIN        13  // ANALOG INPUT !!
 //#define PWM_1_PIN               12
 //#define PWM_2_PIN               13 
 //#define SPARE_IO                17  
 #define FAN_PIN                   5 // 5 is PWMtool3 -> 7 is common PWM pin for all tools 
//user interface

 #define BEEPER_PIN                16

 // Pins for DOGM SPI LCD Support
 #define DOGLCD_A0             39
 #define DOGLCD_CS             35
 #define DOGLCD_MOSI           48
 #define DOGLCD_SCK            49
 #define LCD_SCREEN_ROT_180
 //The encoder and click button 
 #define BTN_EN1 36
 #define BTN_EN2 34
 #define BTN_ENC 38  //the click switch

 //hardware buttons for manual movement of XYZ
 #define SHIFT_OUT             42
 #define SHIFT_LD              41
 #define SHIFT_CLK             40

 //#define UI1                 43
 //#define UI2                 37

// Other 

 #define SDSS                  53
 #define SD_DETECT_PIN         15
 #define STAT_LED_BLUE         -1
 #define STAT_LED_RED          10 // TOOL_0_PWM_PIN