#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Usage: # # build_example -b|--base=<path> - Configurations root folder (e.g., ./.pio/build-BRANCH) # -c|--config=<rel> - Sub-path of the configs to build (within config/examples) # [-e|--export=N] - Set CONFIG_EXPORT before build and export # [-a|--archive] - Archive the build (to the export location) # [-o|--output] - Redirect export / archiving to another location # (By default export to origin config folder) # [-f|--nofail] - Don't stop on a failed build # [-w|--nowarn] - Suppress warnings with extra config options # [-r|--reveal] - Reveal the config/export folder after the build # [-h|--help] - Print usage and exit # [--allow] - Allow this script to run standalone # usage() { echo "Usage: build_example -b|--base=<path> - Configurations root folder (e.g., ./.pio/build-BRANCH) -c|--config=<rel> - Sub-path of the configs to build (within config/examples) [-e|--export=N] - Set CONFIG_EXPORT before build and export [-a|--archive] - Archive the build (to the export location) [-o|--output] - Redirect export / archiving to another location (By default export to origin config folder) [-f|--nofail] - Don't stop on a failed build [-w|--nowarn] - Suppress warnings with extra config options [-r|--reveal] - Reveal the config/export folder after the build [-h|--help] - Print usage and exit [--allow] - Allow this script to run standalone " } HERE=`dirname $0` source "$HERE/mfutil" annc() { echo -e "\033[0;32m$1\033[0m" ; } # Get arguments BUILD=./.pio/build CLEANER= ALLOW= ARCHIVE= BASE= CONFIG= REVEAL= EXPNUM= NOFAIL= OUTBASE= while getopts 'ab:c:e:fhio:r-:' OFLAG; do case "${OFLAG}" in a) ARCHIVE=1 ;; b) BASE="${OPTARG%/}" ;; c) CONFIG="${OPTARG%/}" ;; e) EXPNUM="$OPTARG" ;; o) OUTBASE="${OPTARG%/}" ;; h) EXIT_USAGE=1 ; break ;; f) NOFAIL=1 ;; r) REVEAL=1 ;; -) ONAM="${OPTARG%%=*}" ; OVAL="${OPTARG#*=}" case "$ONAM" in archive) ARCHIVE=1 ;; allow) ALLOW=1 ;; base) BASE="${OVAL%/}" ;; config) CONFIG="${OVAL%/}" ;; export) EXPNUM="$OVAL" ;; output) OUTBASE="${OVAL%/}" ;; help) EXIT_USAGE=1 ; break ;; nofail) NOFAIL=1 ;; reveal) REVEAL=1 ;; *) EXIT_USAGE=2 ; echo "$SELF: unrecognized option \`--$ONAM'" ; break ;; esac ;; *) EXIT_USAGE=2 ; break ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) # Must be called from another script (or with --allow) [[ $ALLOW || $SHLVL -gt 2 ]] || { echo "Don't call this script directly, use build_all_examples instead." ; exit 1 ; } # Exit with helpful usage information ((EXIT_USAGE)) && { usage ; let EXIT_USAGE-- ; exit $EXIT_USAGE ; } # -b|--base and -c|--config are required [[ -z $BASE ]] && { echo "-b|--base is required" ; exit 1 ; } [[ -z $CONFIG ]] && { echo "-c|--config is required" ; exit 1 ; } # Expand ~ to $HOME in provided arguments BASE=${BASE/#\~/$HOME} CONFIG=${CONFIG/#\~/$HOME} # Make sure the examples exist SUB1="$BASE/config/examples" [[ -d "$SUB1" ]] || { echo "-b|--base $BASE doesn't contain config/examples" ; exit 1 ; } # Make sure the specific config folder exists SUB="$SUB1/$CONFIG" [[ -d "$SUB" ]] || { echo "-c|--config $CONFIG doesn't exist" ; exit 1 ; } # ...and contains Configuration.h or Configuration_adv.h [[ -n $(compgen -G "$SUB/Configuration*.h") ]] || { echo "No configuration files found in $SUB" ; exit 1 ; } # Get the location for exports and archives if [[ -n $OUTBASE ]]; then ARCSUB="${OUTBASE/#\~/$HOME}/$CONFIG" mkdir -p "$ARCSUB" else ARCSUB="$SUB" fi # Delete any config files from previous builds rm -f Marlin/_Bootscreen.h Marlin/_Statusscreen.h # Copy configurations into the Marlin folder echo "Getting configuration files from $SUB" cp "$BASE"/config/default/*.h Marlin/ cp "$SUB"/*.h Marlin/ rm -f Marlin/Config.h Marlin/Config-export.h set -e # Strip #error lines from Configuration.h using awk 'NR < 20 || NR > 30 || !/#error/' Marlin/Configuration.h > Marlin/Configuration.h~ mv Marlin/Configuration.h~ Marlin/Configuration.h # Hide several warnings when not exporting [[ -z $EXPNUM ]] && CLEANER=1 # Suppress fatal warnings if ((CLEANER)); then opt_add NO_CONTROLLER_CUSTOM_WIRING_WARNING opt_add NO_AUTO_ASSIGN_WARNING opt_add NO_CREALITY_DRIVER_WARNING opt_add DIAG_JUMPERS_REMOVED opt_add DIAG_PINS_REMOVED opt_add NO_MK3_FAN_PINS_WARNING opt_add NO_USER_FEEDBACK_WARNING opt_add NO_Z_SAFE_HOMING_WARNING opt_add NO_LCD_CONTRAST_WARNING opt_add NO_MICROPROBE_WARNING opt_add NO_CONFIGURATION_EMBEDDING_WARNING opt_add NO_HOMING_CURRENT_WARNING fi # Possible exported file names (in the build folder) ENAME=("-name" "marlin_config.json" \ "-o" "-name" "config.ini" \ "-o" "-name" "schema.json" \ "-o" "-name" "schema.yml") # Possible built firmware names (in the build folder) BNAME=("-type" "f" \ "-name" 'firmware*.hex' \ "-o" "-name" "firmware*.bin" \ "-o" "-name" "project*.bin" \ "-o" "-name" "Robin*.bin" \ "-o" "-name" "main_*.bin") mkdir -p "$BUILD" # If EXPNUM is set then apply to the config before build if [[ $EXPNUM ]]; then opt_set CONFIG_EXPORT $EXPNUM # Clean up old exports find "$BUILD" \( "${ENAME[@]}" \) -exec rm "{}" \; fi ((ARCHIVE)) && find "$BUILD" \( "${BNAME[@]}" \) -exec rm "{}" \; set +e echo "Building example $CONFIG ..." "$HERE/mftest" -s -a -n1 ; ERR=$? ((ERR)) && echo "Failed" || echo "Success" set -e # Copy exports back to the configs if [[ -n $EXPNUM ]]; then annc "Exporting $EXPNUM" [[ -f Marlin/Config-export.h ]] && { cp Marlin/Config-export.h "$ARCSUB"/Config.h ; } find "$BUILD" "${ENAME[@]}" -exec cp "{}" "$ARCSUB" \; fi # Copy potential firmware files into the config folder # TODO: Consider firmware that needs an STM32F4_UPDATE folder. # Currently only BOARD_CREALITY_F401RE env:STM32F401RE_creality if ((ARCHIVE)); then annc "Archiving" find "$BUILD" \( "${BNAME[@]}" \) -exec sh -c ' ARCSUB="$1" shift 1 for file in "$@"; do cd "$(dirname "$file")" base=$(basename "$file") tar -czf "$ARCSUB/$base.tar.gz" "$base" rm "$base" cd - >/dev/null done ' sh "$ARCSUB" {} + fi # Exit with error unless --nofail is set [[ $ERR -gt 0 && -z $NOFAIL ]] && exit $ERR # Reveal the configs after the build, if requested ((REVEAL)) && { annc "Revealing $ARCSUB" ; open "$ARCSUB" ; } exit 0