/** * Marlin 3D Printer Firmware * Copyright (C) 2016 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin] * * Based on Sprinter and grbl. * Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ /** * Finnish * * LCD Menu Messages * See also http://marlinfw.org/docs/development/lcd_language.html * */ #ifndef LANGUAGE_FI_H #define LANGUAGE_FI_H #define MAPPER_C2C3 #define DISPLAY_CHARSET_ISO10646_1 #define CHARSIZE 2 #define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME _UxGT(" valmis.") #define MSG_SD_INSERTED _UxGT("Kortti asetettu") #define MSG_SD_REMOVED _UxGT("Kortti poistettu") #define MSG_MAIN _UxGT("Palaa") #define MSG_AUTOSTART _UxGT("Automaatti") #define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS _UxGT("Vapauta moottorit") #define MSG_AUTO_HOME _UxGT("Aja referenssiin") #define MSG_TMC_Z_CALIBRATION _UxGT("Kalibroi Z") #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_HOMING _UxGT("Homing XYZ") #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_WAITING _UxGT("Click to Begin") #define MSG_LEVEL_BED_DONE _UxGT("Leveling Done!") #define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS _UxGT("Set home offsets") #define MSG_HOME_OFFSETS_APPLIED _UxGT("Offsets applied") #define MSG_SET_ORIGIN _UxGT("Aseta origo") #define MSG_PREHEAT_1 _UxGT("Esilämmitä PLA") #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_N _UxGT("Esilämmitä PLA ") #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_ALL _UxGT("Esilä. PLA Kaikki") #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_BEDONLY _UxGT("Esilä. PLA Alusta") #define MSG_PREHEAT_1_SETTINGS _UxGT("Esilämm. PLA konf") #define MSG_PREHEAT_2 _UxGT("Esilämmitä ABS") #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_N _UxGT("Esilämmitä ABS ") #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_ALL _UxGT("Esilä. ABS Kaikki") #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_BEDONLY _UxGT("Esilä. ABS Alusta") #define MSG_PREHEAT_2_SETTINGS _UxGT("Esilämm. ABS konf") #define MSG_COOLDOWN _UxGT("Jäähdytä") #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON _UxGT("Virta päälle") #define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF _UxGT("Virta pois") #define MSG_EXTRUDE _UxGT("Pursota") #define MSG_RETRACT _UxGT("Vedä takaisin") #define MSG_MOVE_AXIS _UxGT("Liikuta akseleita") #define MSG_MOVE_X _UxGT("Liikuta X") #define MSG_MOVE_Y _UxGT("Liikuta Y") #define MSG_MOVE_Z _UxGT("Liikuta Z") #define MSG_MOVE_E _UxGT("Extruder") #define MSG_MOVE_01MM _UxGT("Liikuta 0.1mm") #define MSG_MOVE_1MM _UxGT("Liikuta 1mm") #define MSG_MOVE_10MM _UxGT("Liikuta 10mm") #define MSG_SPEED _UxGT("Nopeus") #define MSG_NOZZLE _UxGT("Suutin") #define MSG_BED _UxGT("Alusta") #define MSG_FAN_SPEED _UxGT("Tuul. nopeus") #define MSG_FLOW _UxGT("Virtaus") #define MSG_CONTROL _UxGT("Kontrolli") #define MSG_MIN LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Min") #define MSG_MAX LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Max") #define MSG_FACTOR LCD_STR_THERMOMETER _UxGT(" Kerr") #define MSG_AUTOTEMP _UxGT("Autotemp") #define MSG_ON _UxGT("On ") #define MSG_OFF _UxGT("Off") #define MSG_PID_P _UxGT("PID-P") #define MSG_PID_I _UxGT("PID-I") #define MSG_PID_D _UxGT("PID-D") #define MSG_PID_C _UxGT("PID-C") #define MSG_ACC _UxGT("Kiihtyv") #define MSG_JERK _UxGT("Jerk") #if IS_KINEMATIC #define MSG_VA_JERK _UxGT("Va-jerk") #define MSG_VB_JERK _UxGT("Vb-jerk") #define MSG_VC_JERK _UxGT("Vc-jerk") #else #define MSG_VA_JERK _UxGT("Vx-jerk") #define MSG_VB_JERK _UxGT("Vy-jerk") #define MSG_VC_JERK _UxGT("Vz-jerk") #endif #define MSG_VE_JERK _UxGT("Ve-jerk") #define MSG_VMAX _UxGT("Vmax ") #define MSG_VMIN _UxGT("Vmin") #define MSG_VTRAV_MIN _UxGT("VLiike min") #define MSG_ACCELERATION MSG_ACC #define MSG_AMAX _UxGT("Amax ") #define MSG_A_RETRACT _UxGT("A-peruuta") #define MSG_STEPS_PER_MM _UxGT("Steps/mm") #if IS_KINEMATIC #define MSG_ASTEPS _UxGT("Asteps/mm") #define MSG_BSTEPS _UxGT("Bsteps/mm") #define MSG_CSTEPS _UxGT("Csteps/mm") #else #define MSG_ASTEPS _UxGT("Xsteps/mm") #define MSG_BSTEPS _UxGT("Ysteps/mm") #define MSG_CSTEPS _UxGT("Zsteps/mm") #endif #define MSG_ESTEPS _UxGT("Esteps/mm") #define MSG_E1STEPS _UxGT("E1steps/mm") #define MSG_E2STEPS _UxGT("E2steps/mm") #define MSG_E3STEPS _UxGT("E3steps/mm") #define MSG_E4STEPS _UxGT("E4steps/mm") #define MSG_E5STEPS _UxGT("E5steps/mm") #define MSG_TEMPERATURE _UxGT("Lämpötila") #define MSG_MOTION _UxGT("Liike") #define MSG_FILAMENT _UxGT("Filament") #define MSG_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED _UxGT("E in mm³") #define MSG_FILAMENT_DIAM _UxGT("Fil. Dia.") #define MSG_CONTRAST _UxGT("LCD kontrasti") #define MSG_STORE_EEPROM _UxGT("Tallenna muistiin") #define MSG_LOAD_EEPROM _UxGT("Lataa muistista") #define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE _UxGT("Palauta oletus") #define MSG_REFRESH _UxGT("Päivitä") #define MSG_WATCH _UxGT("Seuraa") #define MSG_PREPARE _UxGT("Valmistele") #define MSG_TUNE _UxGT("Säädä") #define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT _UxGT("Keskeytä tulostus") #define MSG_RESUME_PRINT _UxGT("Jatka tulostusta") #define MSG_STOP_PRINT _UxGT("Pysäytä tulostus") #define MSG_CARD_MENU _UxGT("Korttivalikko") #define MSG_NO_CARD _UxGT("Ei korttia") #define MSG_DWELL _UxGT("Nukkumassa...") #define MSG_USERWAIT _UxGT("Odotet. valintaa") #define MSG_PRINT_ABORTED _UxGT("Print aborted") #define MSG_NO_MOVE _UxGT("Ei liiketta.") #define MSG_KILLED _UxGT("KILLED. ") #define MSG_STOPPED _UxGT("STOPPED. ") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT _UxGT("Vedä mm") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP _UxGT("Va. Vedä mm") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF _UxGT("Vedä V") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT _UxGT("Z mm") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER _UxGT("UnRet mm") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAP _UxGT("Va. UnRet mm") #define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVERF _UxGT("UnRet V") #define MSG_AUTORETRACT _UxGT("AutoVeto.") #define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE _UxGT("Change filament") #define MSG_INIT_SDCARD _UxGT("Init. SD-Card") #define MSG_CNG_SDCARD _UxGT("Change SD-Card") #define MSG_ZPROBE_OUT _UxGT("Z probe out. bed") #define MSG_HOME _UxGT("Home") // Used as MSG_HOME " " MSG_X MSG_Y MSG_Z " " MSG_FIRST #define MSG_FIRST _UxGT("first") #define MSG_ZPROBE_ZOFFSET _UxGT("Z Offset") #define MSG_BABYSTEP_X _UxGT("Babystep X") #define MSG_BABYSTEP_Y _UxGT("Babystep Y") #define MSG_BABYSTEP_Z _UxGT("Babystep Z") #define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT _UxGT("Endstop abort") #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE _UxGT("Delta Kalibrointi") #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_X _UxGT("Kalibroi X") #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Y _UxGT("Kalibroi Y") #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_Z _UxGT("Kalibroi Z") #define MSG_DELTA_CALIBRATE_CENTER _UxGT("Kalibroi Center") #endif // LANGUAGE_FI_H