SCRIPTS_DIR := buildroot/share/scripts CONTAINER_RT_BIN := docker CONTAINER_RT_OPTS := --rm -v $(PWD):/code -v platformio-cache:/root/.platformio CONTAINER_IMAGE := marlin-dev UNIT_TEST_CONFIG ?= default help: @echo "Tasks for local development:" @echo "make marlin : Build marlin for the configured board" @echo "make format-pins -j : Reformat all pins files (-j for parallel execution)" @echo "make validate-pins -j : Validate all pins files, fails if any require reformatting" @echo "make tests-single-ci : Run a single test from inside the CI" @echo "make tests-single-local : Run a single test locally" @echo "make tests-single-local-docker : Run a single test locally, using docker" @echo "make tests-all-local : Run all tests locally" @echo "make tests-all-local-docker : Run all tests locally, using docker" @echo "make unit-test-single-local : Run unit tests for a single config locally" @echo "make unit-test-single-local-docker : Run unit tests for a single config locally, using docker" @echo "make unit-test-all-local : Run all code tests locally" @echo "make unit-test-all-local-docker : Run all code tests locally, using docker" @echo "make setup-local-docker : Setup local docker using buildx" @echo "" @echo "Options for testing:" @echo " TEST_TARGET Set when running tests-single-*, to select the" @echo " test. If you set it to ALL it will run all " @echo " tests, but some of them are broken: use " @echo " tests-all-* instead to run only the ones that " @echo " run on GitHub CI" @echo " ONLY_TEST Limit tests to only those that contain this, or" @echo " the index of the test (1-based)" @echo " UNIT_TEST_CONFIG Set the name of the config from the test folder, without" @echo " the leading number. Default is 'default'". Used with the @echo " unit-test-single-* tasks" @echo " VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO If you want the full PIO output, set any value" @echo " GIT_RESET_HARD Used by CI: reset all local changes. WARNING:" @echo " THIS WILL UNDO ANY CHANGES YOU'VE MADE!" marlin: ./buildroot/bin/mftest -a .PHONY: marlin tests-single-ci: export GIT_RESET_HARD=true $(MAKE) tests-single-local TEST_TARGET=$(TEST_TARGET) PLATFORMIO_BUILD_FLAGS=-DGITHUB_ACTION tests-single-local: @if ! test -n "$(TEST_TARGET)" ; then echo "***ERROR*** Set TEST_TARGET=<your-module> or use make tests-all-local" ; return 1; fi export PATH="./buildroot/bin/:./buildroot/tests/:${PATH}" \ && export VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO=$(VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO) \ && run_tests . $(TEST_TARGET) "$(ONLY_TEST)" tests-single-local-docker: @if ! test -n "$(TEST_TARGET)" ; then echo "***ERROR*** Set TEST_TARGET=<your-module> or use make tests-all-local-docker" ; return 1; fi @if ! $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) images -q $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) > /dev/null ; then $(MAKE) setup-local-docker ; fi $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) run $(CONTAINER_RT_OPTS) $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) make tests-single-local TEST_TARGET=$(TEST_TARGET) VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO=$(VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO) GIT_RESET_HARD=$(GIT_RESET_HARD) ONLY_TEST="$(ONLY_TEST)" tests-all-local: @python -c "import yaml" 2>/dev/null || (echo 'pyyaml module is not installed. Install it with "python -m pip install pyyaml"' && exit 1) export PATH="./buildroot/bin/:./buildroot/tests/:${PATH}" \ && export VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO=$(VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO) \ && for TEST_TARGET in $$(python $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ ; do \ if [ "$$TEST_TARGET" = "linux_native" ] && [ "$$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then \ echo "Skipping tests for $$TEST_TARGET on macOS" ; \ continue ; \ fi ; \ echo "Running tests for $$TEST_TARGET" ; \ run_tests . $$TEST_TARGET || exit 1 ; \ sleep 5; \ done tests-all-local-docker: @if ! $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) images -q $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) > /dev/null ; then $(MAKE) setup-local-docker ; fi $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) run $(CONTAINER_RT_OPTS) $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) make tests-all-local VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO=$(VERBOSE_PLATFORMIO) GIT_RESET_HARD=$(GIT_RESET_HARD) unit-test-single-local: platformio run -t marlin_$(UNIT_TEST_CONFIG) -e linux_native_test unit-test-single-local-docker: @if ! $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) images -q $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) > /dev/null ; then $(MAKE) setup-local-docker ; fi $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) run $(CONTAINER_RT_OPTS) $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) make unit-test-single-local UNIT_TEST_CONFIG=$(UNIT_TEST_CONFIG) unit-test-all-local: platformio run -t test-marlin -e linux_native_test unit-test-all-local-docker: @if ! $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) images -q $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) > /dev/null ; then $(MAKE) setup-local-docker ; fi $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) run $(CONTAINER_RT_OPTS) $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) make unit-test-all-local setup-local-docker: $(CONTAINER_RT_BIN) buildx build -t $(CONTAINER_IMAGE) -f docker/Dockerfile . PINS := $(shell find Marlin/src/pins -mindepth 2 -name '*.h') .PHONY: $(PINS) format-pins validate-pins $(PINS): %: @echo "Formatting $@" @python $(SCRIPTS_DIR)/ $< $@ format-pins: $(PINS) validate-pins: format-pins @echo "Validating pins files" @git diff --exit-code || (git status && echo "\nError: Pins files are not formatted correctly. Run \"make format-pins\" to fix.\n" && exit 1)