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* U S B - K e r n e l
* Name: cdcuser.c
* Purpose: USB Communication Device Class User module
* Version: V1.10
* This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express,
* implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied
* warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and
* noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce
* and distribute executable files created using this software for use
* on NXP Semiconductors LPC microcontroller devices only. Nothing else
* gives you the right to use this software.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
extern "C" {
#include <lpc_types.h>
#include <debug_frmwrk.h>
#include "usb.h"
#include "usbhw.h"
#include "usbcfg.h"
#include "usbcore.h"
#include "cdc.h"
#include "cdcuser.h"
#include <serial.h>
unsigned char BulkBufIn[USB_CDC_BUFSIZE]; // Buffer to store USB IN packet
unsigned char BulkBufOut[USB_CDC_BUFSIZE]; // Buffer to store USB OUT packet
unsigned char NotificationBuf[10];
CDC_LINE_CODING CDC_LineCoding = { 921600, 0, 0, 8 };
unsigned short CDC_DepInEmpty = 1; // Data IN EP is empty
unsigned short CDC_LineState = 0;
unsigned short CDC_SerialState = 0;
extern HalSerial usb_serial;
write data to CDC_OutBuf
uint32_t CDC_WrOutBuf(const char *buffer, uint32_t *length) {
uint32_t bytesToWrite, bytesWritten;
// Write *length bytes
bytesToWrite = *length;
bytesWritten = bytesToWrite;
while (bytesToWrite) {
emergency_parser.update(usb_serial.emergency_state, *buffer);
usb_serial.receive_buffer.write(*buffer++); // Copy Data to buffer
return (bytesWritten);
check if character(s) are available at CDC_OutBuf
uint32_t CDC_OutBufAvailChar(uint32_t *availChar) {
*availChar = usb_serial.transmit_buffer.available();
return (0);
/* end Buffer handling */
CDC Initialisation
Initializes the data structures and serial port
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CDC_Init() {
CDC_DepInEmpty = 1;
CDC SendEncapsulatedCommand Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND Request
Parameters: None (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SendEncapsulatedCommand(void) {
return (TRUE);
CDC GetEncapsulatedResponse Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Get_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE Request
Parameters: None (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_GetEncapsulatedResponse(void) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC SetCommFeature Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Set_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: FeatureSelector
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SetCommFeature(unsigned short wFeatureSelector) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC GetCommFeature Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Get_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: FeatureSelector
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_GetCommFeature(unsigned short wFeatureSelector) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC ClearCommFeature Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC CLEAR_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: FeatureSelector
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_ClearCommFeature(unsigned short wFeatureSelector) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC SetLineCoding Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC SET_LINE_CODING Request
Parameters: none (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SetLineCoding(void) {
CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate = (EP0Buf[0] << 0) | (EP0Buf[1] << 8) | (EP0Buf[2] << 16) | (EP0Buf[3] << 24);
CDC_LineCoding.bCharFormat = EP0Buf[4];
CDC_LineCoding.bParityType = EP0Buf[5];
CDC_LineCoding.bDataBits = EP0Buf[6];
return (TRUE);
CDC GetLineCoding Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC GET_LINE_CODING Request
Parameters: None (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_GetLineCoding(void) {
EP0Buf[0] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 0) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[1] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 8) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[2] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 16) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[3] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 24) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[4] = CDC_LineCoding.bCharFormat;
EP0Buf[5] = CDC_LineCoding.bParityType;
EP0Buf[6] = CDC_LineCoding.bDataBits;
return (TRUE);
CDC SetControlLineState Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE Request
Parameters: ControlSignalBitmap
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SetControlLineState(unsigned short wControlSignalBitmap) {
CDC_LineState = wControlSignalBitmap;
usb_serial.host_connected = wControlSignalBitmap > 0 ? true : false;
return true;
CDC SendBreak Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Set_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: 0xFFFF start of Break
0x0000 stop of Break
0x#### Duration of Break
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SendBreak(unsigned short wDurationOfBreak) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC_BulkIn call on DataIn Request
Parameters: none
Return Value: none
void CDC_BulkIn(void) {
uint32_t numBytesAvail = usb_serial.transmit_buffer.available();
if (numBytesAvail > 0) {
numBytesAvail = numBytesAvail > (USB_CDC_BUFSIZE - 1) ? (USB_CDC_BUFSIZE - 1) : numBytesAvail;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numBytesAvail; ++i) {
USB_WriteEP(CDC_DEP_IN, &BulkBufIn[0], numBytesAvail);
} else {
CDC_DepInEmpty = 1;
CDC_BulkOut call on DataOut Request
Parameters: none
Return Value: none
void CDC_BulkOut(void) {
uint32_t numBytesRead = USB_ReadEP(CDC_DEP_OUT, &BulkBufOut[0]);
CDC_WrOutBuf((char *) &BulkBufOut[0], &numBytesRead);
Get the SERIAL_STATE as defined in usbcdc11.pdf, 6.3.5, Table 69.
Parameters: none
Return Value: SerialState as defined in usbcdc11.pdf
unsigned short CDC_GetSerialState(void) {
CDC_SerialState = CDC_LineState;
//todo: detect buffer overrun
return (CDC_SerialState);
Send the SERIAL_STATE notification as defined in usbcdc11.pdf, 6.3.5.
void CDC_NotificationIn(void) {
NotificationBuf[0] = 0xA1; // bmRequestType
NotificationBuf[1] = CDC_NOTIFICATION_SERIAL_STATE; // bNotification (SERIAL_STATE)
NotificationBuf[2] = 0x00; // wValue
NotificationBuf[3] = 0x00;
NotificationBuf[4] = 0x00; // wIndex (Interface #, LSB first)
NotificationBuf[5] = 0x00;
NotificationBuf[6] = 0x02; // wLength (Data length = 2 bytes, LSB first)
NotificationBuf[7] = 0x00;
NotificationBuf[8] = (CDC_SerialState >> 0) & 0xFF; // UART State Bitmap (16bits, LSB first)
NotificationBuf[9] = (CDC_SerialState >> 8) & 0xFF;
USB_WriteEP(CDC_CEP_IN, &NotificationBuf[0], 10); // send notification