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synced 2025-03-20 21:26:27 +00:00

I think I forgot to Sync before I committed last time. Some UBL changes did not stick. Also, update the gMax configuaration.h file so other than unique numbers and settings, it exactly matches the default configuration.h file.
477 lines
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477 lines
19 KiB
* Marlin 3D Printer Firmware
* Copyright (C) 2016 MarlinFirmware [https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin]
* Based on Sprinter and grbl.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Camiel Gubbels / Erik van der Zalm
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "MarlinConfig.h"
#include "Marlin.h"
#include "ubl.h"
#include "planner.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <math.h>
extern float destination[XYZE];
extern void set_current_to_destination();
static void debug_echo_axis(const AxisEnum axis) {
if (current_position[axis] == destination[axis])
SERIAL_ECHO_F(destination[X_AXIS], 6);
void debug_current_and_destination(const char *title) {
// if the title message starts with a '!' it is so important, we are going to
// ignore the status of the g26_debug_flag
if (*title != '!' && !ubl.g26_debug_flag) return;
const float de = destination[E_AXIS] - current_position[E_AXIS];
if (de == 0.0) return;
const float dx = current_position[X_AXIS] - destination[X_AXIS],
dy = current_position[Y_AXIS] - destination[Y_AXIS],
xy_dist = HYPOT(dx, dy);
if (xy_dist == 0.0) {
//const float fpmm = de / xy_dist;
else {
const float fpmm = de / xy_dist;
SERIAL_ECHO_F(fpmm, 6);
SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" current=( ");
SERIAL_ECHO_F(current_position[X_AXIS], 6);
SERIAL_ECHO_F(current_position[Y_AXIS], 6);
SERIAL_ECHO_F(current_position[Z_AXIS], 6);
SERIAL_ECHO_F(current_position[E_AXIS], 6);
SERIAL_ECHOPGM(" ) destination=( ");
void ubl_line_to_destination(const float &feed_rate, uint8_t extruder) {
* Much of the nozzle movement will be within the same cell. So we will do as little computation
* as possible to determine if this is the case. If this move is within the same cell, we will
* just do the required Z-Height correction, call the Planner's buffer_line() routine, and leave
const float start[XYZE] = {
end[XYZE] = {
const int cell_start_xi = ubl.get_cell_index_x(RAW_X_POSITION(start[X_AXIS])),
cell_start_yi = ubl.get_cell_index_y(RAW_Y_POSITION(start[Y_AXIS])),
cell_dest_xi = ubl.get_cell_index_x(RAW_X_POSITION(end[X_AXIS])),
cell_dest_yi = ubl.get_cell_index_y(RAW_Y_POSITION(end[Y_AXIS]));
if (ubl.g26_debug_flag) {
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(" ubl_line_to_destination(xe=", end[X_AXIS]);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(", ye=", end[Y_AXIS]);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(", ze=", end[Z_AXIS]);
SERIAL_ECHOPAIR(", ee=", end[E_AXIS]);
debug_current_and_destination(PSTR("Start of ubl_line_to_destination()"));
if (cell_start_xi == cell_dest_xi && cell_start_yi == cell_dest_yi) { // if the whole move is within the same cell,
* we don't need to break up the move
* If we are moving off the print bed, we are going to allow the move at this level.
* But we detect it and isolate it. For now, we just pass along the request.
if (!WITHIN(cell_dest_xi, 0, GRID_MAX_POINTS_X - 1) || !WITHIN(cell_dest_yi, 0, GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y - 1)) {
// Note: There is no Z Correction in this case. We are off the grid and don't know what
// a reasonable correction would be.
planner.buffer_line(end[X_AXIS], end[Y_AXIS], end[Z_AXIS] + ubl.state.z_offset, end[E_AXIS], feed_rate, extruder);
if (ubl.g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination(PSTR("out of bounds in ubl_line_to_destination()"));
* Optimize some floating point operations here. We could call float get_z_correction(float x0, float y0) to
* generate the correction for us. But we can lighten the load on the CPU by doing a modified version of the function.
* We are going to only calculate the amount we are from the first mesh line towards the second mesh line once.
* We will use this fraction in both of the original two Z Height calculations for the bi-linear interpolation. And,
* instead of doing a generic divide of the distance, we know the distance is MESH_X_DIST so we can use the preprocessor
* to create a 1-over number for us. That will allow us to do a floating point multiply instead of a floating point divide.
const float xratio = (RAW_X_POSITION(end[X_AXIS]) - pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_xpos[cell_dest_xi])) * (1.0 / (MESH_X_DIST)),
z1 = ubl.z_values[cell_dest_xi ][cell_dest_yi ] + xratio *
(ubl.z_values[cell_dest_xi + 1][cell_dest_yi ] - ubl.z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi ]),
z2 = ubl.z_values[cell_dest_xi ][cell_dest_yi + 1] + xratio *
(ubl.z_values[cell_dest_xi + 1][cell_dest_yi + 1] - ubl.z_values[cell_dest_xi][cell_dest_yi + 1]);
// we are done with the fractional X distance into the cell. Now with the two Z-Heights we have calculated, we
// are going to apply the Y-Distance into the cell to interpolate the final Z correction.
const float yratio = (RAW_Y_POSITION(end[Y_AXIS]) - pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_ypos[cell_dest_yi])) * (1.0 / (MESH_Y_DIST));
float z0 = z1 + (z2 - z1) * yratio;
z0 *= ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
planner.buffer_line(end[X_AXIS], end[Y_AXIS], end[Z_AXIS] + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, end[E_AXIS], feed_rate, extruder);
if (ubl.g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination(PSTR("FINAL_MOVE in ubl_line_to_destination()"));
* If we get here, we are processing a move that crosses at least one Mesh Line. We will check
* for the simple case of just crossing X or just crossing Y Mesh Lines after we get all the details
* of the move figured out. We can process the easy case of just crossing an X or Y Mesh Line with less
* computation and in fact most lines are of this nature. We will check for that in the following
* blocks of code:
const float dx = end[X_AXIS] - start[X_AXIS],
dy = end[Y_AXIS] - start[Y_AXIS];
const int left_flag = dx < 0.0 ? 1 : 0,
down_flag = dy < 0.0 ? 1 : 0;
const float adx = left_flag ? -dx : dx,
ady = down_flag ? -dy : dy;
const int dxi = cell_start_xi == cell_dest_xi ? 0 : left_flag ? -1 : 1,
dyi = cell_start_yi == cell_dest_yi ? 0 : down_flag ? -1 : 1;
* Compute the scaling factor for the extruder for each partial move.
* We need to watch out for zero length moves because it will cause us to
* have an infinate scaling factor. We are stuck doing a floating point
* divide to get our scaling factor, but after that, we just multiply by this
* number. We also pick our scaling factor based on whether the X or Y
* component is larger. We use the biggest of the two to preserve precision.
const bool use_x_dist = adx > ady;
float on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? dx : dy,
e_position = end[E_AXIS] - start[E_AXIS],
z_position = end[Z_AXIS] - start[Z_AXIS];
const float e_normalized_dist = e_position / on_axis_distance,
z_normalized_dist = z_position / on_axis_distance;
int current_xi = cell_start_xi,
current_yi = cell_start_yi;
const float m = dy / dx,
c = start[Y_AXIS] - m * start[X_AXIS];
const bool inf_normalized_flag = isinf(e_normalized_dist),
inf_m_flag = isinf(m);
* This block handles vertical lines. These are lines that stay within the same
* X Cell column. They do not need to be perfectly vertical. They just can
* not cross into another X Cell column.
if (dxi == 0) { // Check for a vertical line
current_yi += down_flag; // Line is heading down, we just want to go to the bottom
while (current_yi != cell_dest_yi + down_flag) {
current_yi += dyi;
const float next_mesh_line_y = LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_ypos[current_yi]));
* if the slope of the line is infinite, we won't do the calculations
* else, we know the next X is the same so we can recover and continue!
* Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
const float x = inf_m_flag ? start[X_AXIS] : (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m;
float z0 = ubl.z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line(x, current_xi, current_yi);
z0 *= ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
const float y = LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_ypos[current_yi]));
* Without this check, it is possible for the algorithm to generate a zero length move in the case
* where the line is heading down and it is starting right on a Mesh Line boundary. For how often that
* happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
* the planner.buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
if (y != start[Y_AXIS]) {
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
//on_axis_distance = y - start[Y_AXIS];
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
//on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
//on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : next_mesh_line_y - start[Y_AXIS];
//on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
//on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : next_mesh_line_y - start[Y_AXIS];
e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
else {
e_position = end[E_AXIS];
z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
planner.buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
} //else printf("FIRST MOVE PRUNED ");
if (ubl.g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination(PSTR("vertical move done in ubl_line_to_destination()"));
// Check if we are at the final destination. Usually, we won't be, but if it is on a Y Mesh Line, we are done.
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != end[X_AXIS] || current_position[Y_AXIS] != end[Y_AXIS])
* This block handles horizontal lines. These are lines that stay within the same
* Y Cell row. They do not need to be perfectly horizontal. They just can
* not cross into another Y Cell row.
if (dyi == 0) { // Check for a horizontal line
current_xi += left_flag; // Line is heading left, we just want to go to the left
// edge of this cell for the first move.
while (current_xi != cell_dest_xi + left_flag) {
current_xi += dxi;
const float next_mesh_line_x = LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_xpos[current_xi])),
y = m * next_mesh_line_x + c; // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
float z0 = ubl.z_correction_for_y_on_vertical_mesh_line(y, current_xi, current_yi);
z0 *= ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
const float x = LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_xpos[current_xi]));
* Without this check, it is possible for the algorithm to generate a zero length move in the case
* where the line is heading left and it is starting right on a Mesh Line boundary. For how often
* that happens, it might be best to remove the check and always 'schedule' the move because
* the planner.buffer_line() routine will filter it if that happens.
if (x != start[X_AXIS]) {
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
//on_axis_distance = x - start[X_AXIS];
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
//on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
//on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : next_mesh_line_y - start[Y_AXIS];
e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist; // is based on X or Y because this is a horizontal move
z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
else {
e_position = end[E_AXIS];
z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
planner.buffer_line(x, y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
} //else printf("FIRST MOVE PRUNED ");
if (ubl.g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination(PSTR("horizontal move done in ubl_line_to_destination()"));
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != end[X_AXIS] || current_position[Y_AXIS] != end[Y_AXIS])
* This block handles the generic case of a line crossing both X and Y Mesh lines.
int xi_cnt = cell_start_xi - cell_dest_xi,
yi_cnt = cell_start_yi - cell_dest_yi;
if (xi_cnt < 0) xi_cnt = -xi_cnt;
if (yi_cnt < 0) yi_cnt = -yi_cnt;
current_xi += left_flag;
current_yi += down_flag;
while (xi_cnt > 0 || yi_cnt > 0) {
const float next_mesh_line_x = LOGICAL_X_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_xpos[current_xi + dxi])),
next_mesh_line_y = LOGICAL_Y_POSITION(pgm_read_float(&ubl.mesh_index_to_ypos[current_yi + dyi])),
y = m * next_mesh_line_x + c, // Calculate Y at the next X mesh line
x = (next_mesh_line_y - c) / m; // Calculate X at the next Y mesh line
// (No need to worry about m being zero.
// If that was the case, it was already detected
// as a vertical line move above.)
if (left_flag == (x > next_mesh_line_x)) { // Check if we hit the Y line first
// Yes! Crossing a Y Mesh Line next
float z0 = ubl.z_correction_for_x_on_horizontal_mesh_line(x, current_xi - left_flag, current_yi + dyi);
z0 *= ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? x - start[X_AXIS] : next_mesh_line_y - start[Y_AXIS];
e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
else {
e_position = end[E_AXIS];
z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
planner.buffer_line(x, next_mesh_line_y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
current_yi += dyi;
else {
// Yes! Crossing a X Mesh Line next
float z0 = ubl.z_correction_for_y_on_vertical_mesh_line(y, current_xi + dxi, current_yi - down_flag);
z0 *= ubl.fade_scaling_factor_for_z(end[Z_AXIS]);
* If part of the Mesh is undefined, it will show up as NAN
* in z_values[][] and propagate through the
* calculations. If our correction is NAN, we throw it out
* because part of the Mesh is undefined and we don't have the
* information we need to complete the height correction.
if (isnan(z0)) z0 = 0.0;
if (!inf_normalized_flag) {
on_axis_distance = use_x_dist ? next_mesh_line_x - start[X_AXIS] : y - start[Y_AXIS];
e_position = start[E_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * e_normalized_dist;
z_position = start[Z_AXIS] + on_axis_distance * z_normalized_dist;
else {
e_position = end[E_AXIS];
z_position = end[Z_AXIS];
planner.buffer_line(next_mesh_line_x, y, z_position + z0 + ubl.state.z_offset, e_position, feed_rate, extruder);
current_xi += dxi;
if (ubl.g26_debug_flag)
debug_current_and_destination(PSTR("generic move done in ubl_line_to_destination()"));
if (current_position[X_AXIS] != end[X_AXIS] || current_position[Y_AXIS] != end[Y_AXIS])