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synced 2025-03-27 08:29:09 +00:00

* Fix mistake in gitignore file and add in missing core files. The missing leading slash on "lib" meant all folders names lib in the directory tree are ignored, rather than just the top level PlatformIO lib folder * Add LiquidCrystal Library and associated headers modified to compile.
258 lines
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258 lines
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* U S B - K e r n e l
* Name: cdcuser.c
* Purpose: USB Communication Device Class User module
* Version: V1.10
* This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express,
* implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied
* warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and
* noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce
* and distribute executable files created using this software for use
* on NXP Semiconductors LPC microcontroller devices only. Nothing else
* gives you the right to use this software.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
extern "C" {
#include <lpc_types.h>
#include <debug_frmwrk.h>
#include "usb.h"
#include "usbhw.h"
#include "usbcfg.h"
#include "usbcore.h"
#include "cdc.h"
#include "cdcuser.h"
#include <HAL_LPC1768/serial.h>
unsigned char BulkBufIn[USB_CDC_BUFSIZE]; // Buffer to store USB IN packet
unsigned char BulkBufOut[USB_CDC_BUFSIZE]; // Buffer to store USB OUT packet
unsigned char NotificationBuf[10];
CDC_LINE_CODING CDC_LineCoding = { 921600, 0, 0, 8 };
unsigned short CDC_DepInEmpty = 1; // Data IN EP is empty
unsigned short CDC_LineState = 0;
unsigned short CDC_SerialState = 0;
extern HalSerial usb_serial;
write data to CDC_OutBuf
uint32_t CDC_WrOutBuf(const char *buffer, uint32_t *length) {
uint32_t bytesToWrite, bytesWritten;
// Write *length bytes
bytesToWrite = *length;
bytesWritten = bytesToWrite;
while (bytesToWrite) {
usb_serial.receive_buffer.write(*buffer++); // Copy Data to buffer
return (bytesWritten);
check if character(s) are available at CDC_OutBuf
uint32_t CDC_OutBufAvailChar(uint32_t *availChar) {
*availChar = usb_serial.transmit_buffer.available();
return (0);
/* end Buffer handling */
CDC Initialisation
Initializes the data structures and serial port
Parameters: None
Return Value: None
void CDC_Init() {
CDC_DepInEmpty = 1;
CDC SendEncapsulatedCommand Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC SEND_ENCAPSULATED_COMMAND Request
Parameters: None (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SendEncapsulatedCommand(void) {
return (TRUE);
CDC GetEncapsulatedResponse Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Get_ENCAPSULATED_RESPONSE Request
Parameters: None (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_GetEncapsulatedResponse(void) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC SetCommFeature Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Set_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: FeatureSelector
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SetCommFeature(unsigned short wFeatureSelector) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC GetCommFeature Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Get_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: FeatureSelector
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_GetCommFeature(unsigned short wFeatureSelector) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC ClearCommFeature Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC CLEAR_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: FeatureSelector
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_ClearCommFeature(unsigned short wFeatureSelector) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC SetLineCoding Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC SET_LINE_CODING Request
Parameters: none (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SetLineCoding(void) {
CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate = (EP0Buf[0] << 0) | (EP0Buf[1] << 8) | (EP0Buf[2] << 16) | (EP0Buf[3] << 24);
CDC_LineCoding.bCharFormat = EP0Buf[4];
CDC_LineCoding.bParityType = EP0Buf[5];
CDC_LineCoding.bDataBits = EP0Buf[6];
return (TRUE);
CDC GetLineCoding Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC GET_LINE_CODING Request
Parameters: None (global SetupPacket and EP0Buf)
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_GetLineCoding(void) {
EP0Buf[0] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 0) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[1] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 8) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[2] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 16) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[3] = (CDC_LineCoding.dwDTERate >> 24) & 0xFF;
EP0Buf[4] = CDC_LineCoding.bCharFormat;
EP0Buf[5] = CDC_LineCoding.bParityType;
EP0Buf[6] = CDC_LineCoding.bDataBits;
return (TRUE);
CDC SetControlLineState Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE Request
Parameters: ControlSignalBitmap
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SetControlLineState(unsigned short wControlSignalBitmap) {
CDC_LineState = wControlSignalBitmap;
usb_serial.host_connected = wControlSignalBitmap > 0 ? true : false;
return true;
CDC SendBreak Request Callback
Called automatically on CDC Set_COMM_FATURE Request
Parameters: 0xFFFF start of Break
0x0000 stop of Break
0x#### Duration of Break
Return Value: TRUE - Success, FALSE - Error
uint32_t CDC_SendBreak(unsigned short wDurationOfBreak) {
/* ... add code to handle request */
return (TRUE);
CDC_BulkIn call on DataIn Request
Parameters: none
Return Value: none
void CDC_BulkIn(void) {
uint32_t numBytesAvail = usb_serial.transmit_buffer.available();
if (numBytesAvail > 0) {
numBytesAvail = numBytesAvail > (USB_CDC_BUFSIZE - 1) ? (USB_CDC_BUFSIZE - 1) : numBytesAvail;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < numBytesAvail; ++i) {
BulkBufIn[i] = usb_serial.transmit_buffer.read(); //todo: optimise
USB_WriteEP(CDC_DEP_IN, &BulkBufIn[0], numBytesAvail);
} else {
CDC_DepInEmpty = 1;
CDC_BulkOut call on DataOut Request
Parameters: none
Return Value: none
void CDC_BulkOut(void) {
uint32_t numBytesRead = USB_ReadEP(CDC_DEP_OUT, &BulkBufOut[0]);
CDC_WrOutBuf((char *) &BulkBufOut[0], &numBytesRead);
Get the SERIAL_STATE as defined in usbcdc11.pdf, 6.3.5, Table 69.
Parameters: none
Return Value: SerialState as defined in usbcdc11.pdf
unsigned short CDC_GetSerialState(void) {
CDC_SerialState = CDC_LineState;
//todo: detect buffer overrun
return (CDC_SerialState);
Send the SERIAL_STATE notification as defined in usbcdc11.pdf, 6.3.5.
void CDC_NotificationIn(void) {
NotificationBuf[0] = 0xA1; // bmRequestType
NotificationBuf[1] = CDC_NOTIFICATION_SERIAL_STATE; // bNotification (SERIAL_STATE)
NotificationBuf[2] = 0x00; // wValue
NotificationBuf[3] = 0x00;
NotificationBuf[4] = 0x00; // wIndex (Interface #, LSB first)
NotificationBuf[5] = 0x00;
NotificationBuf[6] = 0x02; // wLength (Data length = 2 bytes, LSB first)
NotificationBuf[7] = 0x00;
NotificationBuf[8] = (CDC_SerialState >> 0) & 0xFF; // UART State Bitmap (16bits, LSB first)
NotificationBuf[9] = (CDC_SerialState >> 8) & 0xFF;
USB_WriteEP(CDC_CEP_IN, &NotificationBuf[0], 10); // send notification