// All this is about silencing the heat bed, as it behaves like a loudspeaker.
// Basically, we want the PWM heating switched at 30Hz (or so) which is a well ballanced
// frequency for both power supply units (i.e. both PSUs are reasonably silent).
// The only trouble is the rising or falling edge of bed heating - that creates an audible click.
// This audible click may be suppressed by making the rising or falling edge NOT sharp.
// Of course, making non-sharp edges in digital technology is not easy, but there is a solution.
// It is possible to do a fast PWM sequence with duty starting from 0 to 255.
// Doing this at higher frequency than the bed "loudspeaker" can handle makes the click barely audible.
// Technically:
// timer0 is set to fast PWM mode at 62.5kHz (timer0 is linked to the bed heating pin) (zero prescaler)
// To keep the bed switching at 30Hz - we don't want the PWM running at 62kHz all the time
// since it would burn the heatbed's MOSFET:
// 16MHz/256 levels of PWM duty gives us 62.5kHz
// 62.5kHz/256 gives ~244Hz, that is still too fast - 244/8 gives ~30Hz, that's what we need
// So the automaton runs atop of inner 8 (or 16) cycles.
// The finite automaton is running in the ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect)
// 2019-08-14 update: the original algorithm worked very well, however there were 2 regressions:
// 1. 62kHz ISR requires considerable amount of processing power,
// USB transfer speed dropped by 20%, which was most notable when doing short G-code segments.
// 2. Some users reported TLed PSU started clicking when running at 120V/60Hz.
// This looks like the original algorithm didn't maintain base PWM 30Hz, but only 15Hz
// To address both issues, there is an improved approach based on the idea of leveraging
// different CLK prescalers in some automaton states - i.e. when holding LOW or HIGH on the output pin,
// we don't have to clock 62kHz, but we can increase the CLK prescaler for these states to 8 (or even 64).
// That shall result in the ISR not being called that much resulting in regained performance
// Theoretically this is relatively easy, however one must be very carefull handling the AVR's timer
// control registers correctly, especially setting them in a correct order.
// Some registers are double buffered, some changes are applied in next cycles etc.
// The biggest problem was with the CLK prescaler itself - this circuit is shared among almost all timers,
// we don't want to reset the prescaler counted value when transiting among automaton states.
// Resetting the prescaler would make the PWM more precise, right now there are temporal segments
// of variable period ranging from 0 to 7 62kHz ticks - that's logical, the timer must "sync"
// to the new slower CLK after setting the slower prescaler value.
// In our application, this isn't any significant problem and may be ignored.
// Doing changes in timer's registers non-correctly results in artefacts on the output pin
// - it can toggle unnoticed, which will result in bed clicking again.
// That's why there are special transition states ZERO_TO_RISE and ONE_TO_FALL, which enable the
// counter change its operation atomically and without artefacts on the output pin.
// The resulting signal on the output pin was checked with an osciloscope.
// If there are any change requirements in the future, the signal must be checked with an osciloscope again,
// ad-hoc changes may completely screw things up!
// 2020-01-29 update: we are introducing a new option to the automaton that will allow us to force the output state
// to either full ON or OFF. This is so that interference during the MBL probing is minimal.
// To accomplish this goal we use bedPWMDisabled. It is only supposed to be used for brief periods of time as to
// not make the bed temperature too unstable. Also, careful consideration should be used when using this
// option as leaving this enabled will also keep the bed output in the state it stopped in.
///! Definition off finite automaton states
ZERO_START=0,///< entry point of the automaton - reads the soft_pwm_bed value for the next whole PWM cycle
ZERO,///< steady 0 (OFF), no change for the whole period
ZERO_TO_RISE,///< metastate allowing the timer change its state atomically without artefacts on the output pin
RISE,///< 16 fast PWM cycles with increasing duty up to steady ON
RISE_TO_ONE,///< metastate allowing the timer change its state atomically without artefacts on the output pin
ONE,///< steady 1 (ON), no change for the whole period
ONE_TO_FALL,///< metastate allowing the timer change its state atomically without artefacts on the output pin
FALL,///< 16 fast PWM cycles with decreasing duty down to steady OFF
FALL_TO_ZERO///< metastate allowing the timer change its state atomically without artefacts on the output pin
///! Inner states of the finite automaton
///! Fast PWM counter is used in the RISE and FALL states (62.5kHz)
///! Slow PWM counter is used in the ZERO and ONE states (62.5kHz/8 or 64)
///! PWM counter for the whole cycle - a cache for soft_pwm_bed
///! The slow PWM duty for the next 30Hz cycle
///! Set in the whole firmware at various places
/// fastMax - how many fast PWM steps to do in RISE and FALL states
/// 16 is a good compromise between silenced bed ("smooth" edges)
/// and not burning the switching MOSFET
/// Scaler 16->256 for fast PWM
/// Increment slow PWM counter by slowInc every ZERO or ONE state
/// This allows for fine-tuning the basic PWM switching frequency
/// A possible further optimization - use a 64 prescaler (instead of 8)
/// increment slowCounter by 1
/// but use less bits of soft PWM - something like soft_pwm_bed >> 2
/// that may further reduce the CPU cycles required by the bed heating automaton
/// Due to the nature of bed heating the reduced PID precision may not be a major issue, however doing 8x less ISR(timer0_ovf) may significantly improve the performance
ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect)// timer compare interrupt service routine
if(bedPWMDisabled)return;// stay in the OFF state and do not change the output pin
pwm=soft_pwm_bed<<1;// expecting soft_pwm_bed to be 7bit!
state=States::ZERO;// do nothing, let it tick once again after the 30Hz period
caseStates::ZERO:// end of state ZERO - we'll either stay in ZERO or change to RISE
// In any case update our cache of pwm value for the next whole cycle from soft_pwm_bed
slowCounter+=slowInc;// this does software timer_clk/256 or less (depends on slowInc)
}// otherwise moving towards RISE
state=States::ZERO_TO_RISE;// and finalize the change in a transitional state RISE0
// even though it may look like the ZERO state may be glued together with the ZERO_TO_RISE, don't do it
// the timer must tick once more in order to get rid of occasional output pin toggles.
caseStates::ZERO_TO_RISE:// special state for handling transition between prescalers and switching inverted->non-inverted fast-PWM without toggling the output pin.
// It must be done in consequent steps, otherwise the pin will get flipped up and down during one PWM cycle.
// Also beware of the correct sequence of the following timer control registers initialization - it really matters!
state=States::RISE;// prepare for standard RISE cycles
fastCounter=fastMax-1;// we'll do 16-1 cycles of RISE
TCNT0=255;// force overflow on the next clock cycle
TCCR0B=(1<<CS00);// change prescaler to 1, i.e. 62.5kHz
TCCR0A&=~(1<<COM0B0);// Clear OC0B on Compare Match, set OC0B at BOTTOM (non-inverting mode)
}else{// end of RISE cycles, changing into state ONE
OCR0B=255;// full duty
TCNT0=254;// make the timer overflow in the next cycle
// @@TODO these constants are still subject to investigation
OCR0B=255;// full duty
TCNT0=255;// make the timer overflow in the next cycle
TCCR0B=(1<<CS01);// change prescaler to 8, i.e. 7.8kHz
caseStates::ONE:// state ONE - we'll either stay in ONE or change to FALL
if(bedPWMDisabled)return;// stay in the ON state and do not change the output pin
slowCounter+=slowInc;// this does software timer_clk/256 or less