From 9acd41a942f4a24febea7c01bf4273de3835e4ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bubnikv <>
Date: Fri, 2 Feb 2018 22:55:50 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Reworked the stepper routine:

1) The computational load is spread more evenly along the stepper ISR
ticks by moving some of the timer and linear advance calculation from
the block initialization into the 1st tick of the steady phase
of the trapezoid.

2) Reworked planning of the Linear Advance ISR ticks to fit
the time slot allocated for the main stepper ISR tick. This is achieved
by grouping the Linear Advance extruder ticks by a power of two to tick
the Linear Advance interrupts at a maximum 7kHz. Also some
of the extruder ticks are performed just after the XYZ ticks
and if the remaining time slot for the Linear Advance ticks is too short,
all the Linear Advance steps are ticked inside the main stepper ISR invocation.

3) Added some calls to MSerial.checkRx() if the stepper ISR routine
is delayed for too long by the additional LinearAdvance ticks.

This implementation differs significantly from the original implementation
by @Sebastianv650, as this implementation tries to follow the exact
timing of the XYZ axes with the drawback of possibly ticking the extruder
faster than it could handle, while the original implementation
by @Sebastianv650 ticks the extruder slower with the drawback of possibly
spreading the XYZ ticks, thus introducing jerk in the cartesian movement.
 Firmware/stepper.cpp | 502 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 291 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Firmware/stepper.cpp b/Firmware/stepper.cpp
index 61a2f7f6..c636ae39 100644
--- a/Firmware/stepper.cpp
+++ b/Firmware/stepper.cpp
@@ -109,22 +109,24 @@ uint8_t LastStepMask = 0;
-  uint16_t ADV_NEVER = 65535;
   static uint16_t nextMainISR = 0;
-  static uint16_t nextAdvanceISR = ADV_NEVER;
-  static uint16_t eISR_Rate = ADV_NEVER;
+  static uint16_t eISR_Rate;
-  static volatile int e_steps; //Extrusion steps to be executed by the stepper
-  static int final_estep_rate; //Speed of extruder at cruising speed
-  static int current_estep_rate; //The current speed of the extruder
-  static int current_adv_steps; //The current pretension of filament expressed in steps
-  #define ADV_RATE(T, L) (e_steps ? (T) * (L) / abs(e_steps) : ADV_NEVER)
-  #define _NEXT_ISR(T) nextMainISR = T
+  // Extrusion steps to be executed by the stepper.
+  // If set to non zero, the timer ISR routine will tick the Linear Advance extruder ticks first.
+  // If e_steps is zero, then the timer ISR routine will perform the usual DDA step.
+  static volatile int16_t e_steps = 0;
+  // How many extruder steps shall be ticked at a single ISR invocation?
+  static uint8_t          estep_loops;
+  // The current speed of the extruder, scaled by the linear advance constant, so it has the same measure
+  // as current_adv_steps.
+  static int              current_estep_rate;
+  // The current pretension of filament expressed in extruder micro steps.
+  static int              current_adv_steps;
+  #define _NEXT_ISR(T)    nextMainISR = T
-  #define _NEXT_ISR(T) OCR1A = T
+  #define _NEXT_ISR(T)    OCR1A = T
@@ -339,26 +341,6 @@ FORCE_INLINE unsigned short calc_timer(uint16_t step_rate) {
   return timer;
-// Initializes the trapezoid generator from the current block. Called whenever a new
-// block begins.
-FORCE_INLINE void trapezoid_generator_reset() {
-  deceleration_time = 0;
-  // step_rate to timer interval
-  OCR1A_nominal = calc_timer(uint16_t(current_block->nominal_rate));
-  // make a note of the number of step loops required at nominal speed
-  step_loops_nominal = step_loops;
-  acc_step_rate = uint16_t(current_block->initial_rate);
-  acceleration_time = calc_timer(acc_step_rate);
-  _NEXT_ISR(acceleration_time);
-  #ifdef LIN_ADVANCE
-    if (current_block->use_advance_lead) {
-        current_estep_rate = ((unsigned long)acc_step_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
-        final_estep_rate = (current_block->nominal_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
-        }
-   #endif
 // "The Stepper Driver Interrupt" - This timer interrupt is the workhorse.
 // It pops blocks from the block_buffer and executes them by pulsing the stepper pins appropriately.
@@ -366,16 +348,61 @@ ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) {
 	uint16_t sp = SPL + 256 * SPH;
 	if (sp < SP_min) SP_min = sp;
-  #ifdef LIN_ADVANCE
-    advance_isr_scheduler();
-  #else
-      isr();
-  #endif
+  // If there are any e_steps planned, tick them.
+  bool run_main_isr = false;
+  if (e_steps) {
+    for (uint8_t i = estep_loops; e_steps && i --;) {
+        -- e_steps;
+    }
+    if (e_steps) {
+      // Plan another Linear Advance tick.
+      OCR1A = eISR_Rate;
+      nextMainISR -= eISR_Rate;
+    } else if (! (nextMainISR & 0x8000) || nextMainISR < 16) {
+      // The timer did not overflow and it is big enough, so it makes sense to plan it.
+      OCR1A = nextMainISR;
+    } else {
+      // The timer has overflown, or it is too small. Run the main ISR just after the Linear Advance routine
+      // in the current interrupt tick.
+      run_main_isr = true;
+      //FIXME pick the serial line.
+    }
+  } else
+    run_main_isr = true;
+  if (run_main_isr)
+    isr();
+  // Don't run the ISR faster than possible
+//  if (OCR1A < TCNT1 + 16) OCR1A = TCNT1 + 16;
+  // Verify whether the next planned timer interrupt has not been missed already.  
+  // This debugging test takes < 1.125us
+  // This skews the profiling slightly as the fastest stepper timer
+  // interrupt repeats at a 100us rate (10kHz).
+  if (OCR1A < TCNT1) {
+    stepper_timer_overflow_state = true;
+    SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Stepper timer overflow ");
+  }
 FORCE_INLINE void stepper_next_block()
   // Anything in the buffer?
   current_block = plan_get_current_block();
   if (current_block != NULL) {
 #ifdef PAT9125
@@ -384,7 +411,19 @@ FORCE_INLINE void stepper_next_block()
 #endif //PAT9125
     // The busy flag is set by the plan_get_current_block() call.
     // current_block->busy = true;
-    trapezoid_generator_reset();
+    // Initializes the trapezoid generator from the current block. Called whenever a new
+    // block begins.
+    deceleration_time = 0;
+    // Set the nominal step loops to zero to indicate, that the timer value is not known yet.
+    // That means, delay the initialization of nominal step rate and step loops until the steady
+    // state is reached.
+    step_loops_nominal = 0;
+    acc_step_rate = uint16_t(current_block->initial_rate);
+    acceleration_time = calc_timer(acc_step_rate);
+    current_estep_rate = ((unsigned long)acc_step_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
+#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
     if (current_block->flag & BLOCK_FLAG_DDA_LOWRES) {
       counter_x.lo = -(current_block->step_event_count.lo >> 1);
       counter_y.lo = counter_x.lo;
@@ -421,27 +460,30 @@ FORCE_INLINE void stepper_next_block()
-#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
     if ((out_bits & (1 << E_AXIS)) != 0) { // -direction
+#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
   #ifdef SNMM
         (snmm_extruder == 0 || snmm_extruder == 2) ? !INVERT_E0_DIR :
   #endif // SNMM
+#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
       count_direction[E_AXIS] = -1;
     } else { // +direction
+#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
   #ifdef SNMM
         (snmm_extruder == 0 || snmm_extruder == 2) ? INVERT_E0_DIR :
   #endif // SNMM
+#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
       count_direction[E_AXIS] = 1;
-#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
   else {
-      _NEXT_ISR(2000); // 1kHz.
+    OCR1A = 2000; // 1kHz.
 // Check limit switches.
@@ -588,14 +630,6 @@ FORCE_INLINE void stepper_tick_lowres()
   for (uint8_t i=0; i < step_loops; ++ i) { // Take multiple steps per interrupt (For high speed moves)
     MSerial.checkRx(); // Check for serial chars.
-    counter_e.lo += current_block->steps_e.lo;
-    if (counter_e.lo > 0) {
-      counter_e.lo -= current_block->step_event_count.lo;
-      count_position[E_AXIS] += count_direction[E_AXIS];
-      ((out_bits&(1<<E_AXIS))!=0) ? --e_steps : ++e_steps;
-    }
     // Step in X axis
     counter_x.lo += current_block->steps_x.lo;
     if (counter_x.lo > 0) {
@@ -635,19 +669,23 @@ FORCE_INLINE void stepper_tick_lowres()
-#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
     // Step in E axis
     counter_e.lo += current_block->steps_e.lo;
     if (counter_e.lo > 0) {
+#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
+#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
       counter_e.lo -= current_block->step_event_count.lo;
-      count_position[E_AXIS]+=count_direction[E_AXIS];
-#ifdef PAT9125
+      count_position[E_AXIS] += count_direction[E_AXIS];
+      ++ e_steps;
+  #ifdef PAT9125
       ++ fsensor_counter;
-#endif //PAT9125
-    }
+  #endif //PAT9125
+    }
     if(++ step_events_completed.lo >= current_block->step_event_count.lo)
@@ -657,14 +695,6 @@ FORCE_INLINE void stepper_tick_highres()
   for (uint8_t i=0; i < step_loops; ++ i) { // Take multiple steps per interrupt (For high speed moves)
     MSerial.checkRx(); // Check for serial chars.
-    counter_e.wide += current_block->steps_e.wide;
-    if (counter_e.wide > 0) {
-      counter_e.wide -= current_block->step_event_count.wide;
-      count_position[E_AXIS] += count_direction[E_AXIS];
-      ((out_bits&(1<<E_AXIS))!=0) ? --e_steps : ++e_steps;
-    }
     // Step in X axis
     counter_x.wide += current_block->steps_x.wide;
     if (counter_x.wide > 0) {
@@ -704,25 +734,34 @@ FORCE_INLINE void stepper_tick_highres()
-#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
     // Step in E axis
     counter_e.wide += current_block->steps_e.wide;
     if (counter_e.wide > 0) {
+#ifndef LIN_ADVANCE
+#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
       counter_e.wide -= current_block->step_event_count.wide;
-#ifdef PAT9125
+      ++ e_steps;
+  #ifdef PAT9125
       ++ fsensor_counter;
-#endif //PAT9125
-    }
+  #endif //PAT9125
+    }
     if(++ step_events_completed.wide >= current_block->step_event_count.wide)
-void isr() {
+// 50us delay
+FORCE_INLINE void isr() {
 	//if (UVLO) uvlo();
   // If there is no current block, attempt to pop one from the buffer
   if (current_block == NULL)
@@ -733,101 +772,215 @@ void isr() {
   if (current_block != NULL) 
+      e_steps = 0;
+#endif /* LIN_ADVANCE */
     if (current_block->flag & BLOCK_FLAG_DDA_LOWRES)
+      if (out_bits&(1<<E_AXIS))
+        // Move in negative direction.
+        e_steps = - e_steps;
       if (current_block->use_advance_lead) {
-        const int delta_adv_steps = current_estep_rate - current_adv_steps;
-        current_adv_steps += delta_adv_steps;
-        e_steps += delta_adv_steps;
-      }
-      // If we have esteps to execute, fire the next advance_isr "now"
-      if (e_steps) nextAdvanceISR = 0;
-    // Calculare new timer value
-    unsigned short timer;
-    uint16_t step_rate;
-    if (step_events_completed.wide <= (unsigned long int)current_block->accelerate_until) {
-      // v = t * a   ->   acc_step_rate = acceleration_time * current_block->acceleration_rate
-      MultiU24X24toH16(acc_step_rate, acceleration_time, current_block->acceleration_rate);
-      acc_step_rate += uint16_t(current_block->initial_rate);
-      // upper limit
-      if(acc_step_rate > uint16_t(current_block->nominal_rate))
-        acc_step_rate = current_block->nominal_rate;
-      // step_rate to timer interval
-      timer = calc_timer(acc_step_rate);
-      _NEXT_ISR(timer);
-      acceleration_time += timer;
-        if (current_block->use_advance_lead) {
-         current_estep_rate = ((uint32_t)acc_step_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
+        //int esteps_inc = 0;
+        //esteps_inc = current_estep_rate - current_adv_steps;
+        //e_steps += esteps_inc;
+        e_steps += current_estep_rate - current_adv_steps;
+#if 0
+        if (abs(esteps_inc) > 4) {
+          LOGIC_ANALYZER_SERIAL_TX_WRITE(esteps_inc);
+          if (esteps_inc < -511 || esteps_inc > 511)
+            LOGIC_ANALYZER_SERIAL_TX_WRITE(esteps_inc >> 9);
-        eISR_Rate = ADV_RATE(timer, step_loops);
-    }
-    else if (step_events_completed.wide > (unsigned long int)current_block->decelerate_after) {
-      MultiU24X24toH16(step_rate, deceleration_time, current_block->acceleration_rate);
+        current_adv_steps = current_estep_rate;
+      }
+      // If we have esteps to execute, step some of them now.
+      if (e_steps) {
+        //WRITE_NC(LOGIC_ANALYZER_CH7, true);
+        // Set the step direction.
+        {
+          bool neg = e_steps < 0;
+          bool dir =
+        #ifdef SNMM
+            (neg == (snmm_extruder & 1))
+        #else
+            neg
+        #endif
+            ? INVERT_E0_DIR : !INVERT_E0_DIR; //If we have SNMM, reverse every second extruder.
+          WRITE_NC(E0_DIR_PIN, dir);
+          if (neg)
+            // Flip the e_steps counter to be always positive.
+            e_steps = - e_steps;
+        }
+        // Tick min(step_loops, abs(e_steps)).
+        estep_loops = (e_steps & 0x0ff00) ? 4 : e_steps;
+        if (step_loops < estep_loops)
+          estep_loops = step_loops;
+    #ifdef PAT9125
+        fsensor_counter += estep_loops;
+    #endif //PAT9125
+        do {
+          -- e_steps;
+        } while (-- estep_loops != 0);
+        //WRITE_NC(LOGIC_ANALYZER_CH7, false);
+        MSerial.checkRx(); // Check for serial chars.
+      }
-      if(step_rate > acc_step_rate) { // Check step_rate stays positive
-        step_rate = uint16_t(current_block->final_rate);
+    // Calculare new timer value
+    // 13.38-14.63us for steady state,
+    // 25.12us for acceleration / deceleration.
+    {
+      //WRITE_NC(LOGIC_ANALYZER_CH1, true);
+      if (step_events_completed.wide <= (unsigned long int)current_block->accelerate_until) {
+        // v = t * a   ->   acc_step_rate = acceleration_time * current_block->acceleration_rate
+        MultiU24X24toH16(acc_step_rate, acceleration_time, current_block->acceleration_rate);
+        acc_step_rate += uint16_t(current_block->initial_rate);
+        // upper limit
+        if(acc_step_rate > uint16_t(current_block->nominal_rate))
+          acc_step_rate = current_block->nominal_rate;
+        // step_rate to timer interval
+        uint16_t timer = calc_timer(acc_step_rate);
+        _NEXT_ISR(timer);
+        acceleration_time += timer;
+  #ifdef LIN_ADVANCE
+        if (current_block->use_advance_lead)
+          // int32_t = (uint16_t * uint32_t) >> 17
+          current_estep_rate = ((uint32_t)acc_step_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
+  #endif
+      }
+      else if (step_events_completed.wide > (unsigned long int)current_block->decelerate_after) {
+        uint16_t step_rate;
+        MultiU24X24toH16(step_rate, deceleration_time, current_block->acceleration_rate);
+        step_rate = acc_step_rate - step_rate; // Decelerate from aceleration end point.
+        if ((step_rate & 0x8000) || step_rate < uint16_t(current_block->final_rate)) {
+          // Result is negative or too small.
+          step_rate = uint16_t(current_block->final_rate);
+        }
+        // Step_rate to timer interval.
+        uint16_t timer = calc_timer(step_rate);
+        _NEXT_ISR(timer);
+        deceleration_time += timer;
+  #ifdef LIN_ADVANCE
+        if (current_block->use_advance_lead)
+          current_estep_rate = ((uint32_t)step_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
+  #endif
       else {
-        step_rate = acc_step_rate - step_rate; // Decelerate from aceleration end point.
-      }
-      // lower limit
-      if(step_rate < uint16_t(current_block->final_rate))
-        step_rate = uint16_t(current_block->final_rate);
-      // step_rate to timer interval
-      timer = calc_timer(step_rate);
-      _NEXT_ISR(timer);
-      deceleration_time += timer;
-        if (current_block->use_advance_lead) {
-          current_estep_rate = ((uint32_t)step_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
+        if (! step_loops_nominal) {
+          // Calculation of the steady state timer rate has been delayed to the 1st tick of the steady state to lower
+          // the initial interrupt blocking.
+          OCR1A_nominal = calc_timer(uint16_t(current_block->nominal_rate));
+          step_loops_nominal = step_loops;
+  #ifdef LIN_ADVANCE
+          if (current_block->use_advance_lead)
+            current_estep_rate = (current_block->nominal_rate * current_block->abs_adv_steps_multiplier8) >> 17;
+  #endif
-        eISR_Rate = ADV_RATE(timer, step_loops);
+        _NEXT_ISR(OCR1A_nominal);
+      }
+      //WRITE_NC(LOGIC_ANALYZER_CH1, false);
-    else {
-        if (current_block->use_advance_lead)
-          current_estep_rate = final_estep_rate;
-        eISR_Rate = ADV_RATE(OCR1A_nominal, step_loops_nominal);
+    if (e_steps && current_block->use_advance_lead) {
+      //WRITE_NC(LOGIC_ANALYZER_CH7, true);
+      MSerial.checkRx(); // Check for serial chars.
+      // Some of the E steps were not ticked yet. Plan additional interrupts.
+      uint16_t now = TCNT1;
+      // Plan the first linear advance interrupt after 50us from now.
+      uint16_t to_go = nextMainISR - now - LIN_ADV_FIRST_TICK_DELAY;
+      eISR_Rate = 0;
+      if ((to_go & 0x8000) == 0) {
+        // The to_go number is not negative.
+        // Count the number of 7812,5 ticks, that fit into to_go 2MHz ticks.
+        uint8_t ticks = to_go >> 8;
+        if (ticks == 1) {
+          // Avoid running the following loop for a very short interval.
+          estep_loops = 255;
+          eISR_Rate = 1;
+        } else if ((e_steps & 0x0ff00) == 0) {
+          // e_steps <= 0x0ff
+          if (uint8_t(e_steps) <= ticks) {
+            // Spread the e_steps along the whole go_to interval.
+            eISR_Rate = to_go / uint8_t(e_steps);
+            estep_loops = 1;
+          } else if (ticks != 0) {
+            // At least one tick fits into the to_go interval. Calculate the e-step grouping.
+            uint8_t e = uint8_t(e_steps) >> 1;
+            estep_loops = 2;
+            while (e > ticks) {
+              e >>= 1;
+              estep_loops <<= 1;
+            }
+            // Now the estep_loops contains the number of loops of power of 2, that will be sufficient
+            // to squeeze enough of Linear Advance ticks until nextMainISR.
+            // Calculate the tick rate.
+            eISR_Rate = to_go / ticks;          
+          }
+        } else {
+          // This is an exterme case with too many e_steps inserted by the linear advance.
+          // At least one tick fits into the to_go interval. Calculate the e-step grouping.
+          estep_loops = 2;
+          uint16_t e = e_steps >> 1;
+          while (e & 0x0ff00) {
+            e >>= 1;
+            estep_loops <<= 1;
+          }
+          while (uint8_t(e) > ticks) {
+            e >>= 1;
+            estep_loops <<= 1;
+          }
+          // Now the estep_loops contains the number of loops of power of 2, that will be sufficient
+          // to squeeze enough of Linear Advance ticks until nextMainISR.
+          // Calculate the tick rate.
+          eISR_Rate = to_go / ticks;
+        }
+      }
+      if (eISR_Rate == 0) {
+        // There is not enough time to fit even a single additional tick.
+        // Tick all the extruder ticks now.
+    #ifdef PAT9125
+        fsensor_counter += e_steps;
+    #endif //PAT9125
+        MSerial.checkRx(); // Check for serial chars.
+        do {
+          -- e_steps;
+        } while (e_steps);
+        OCR1A = nextMainISR;
+      } else {
+        // Tick the 1st Linear Advance interrupt after 50us from now.
+        nextMainISR -= LIN_ADV_FIRST_TICK_DELAY;
+        OCR1A = now + LIN_ADV_FIRST_TICK_DELAY;
+      }
+      //WRITE_NC(LOGIC_ANALYZER_CH7, false);
+    } else
+      OCR1A = nextMainISR;
-      _NEXT_ISR(OCR1A_nominal);
-      // ensure we're running at the correct step rate, even if we just came off an acceleration
-      step_loops = step_loops_nominal;
-    }
     // If current block is finished, reset pointer
     if (step_events_completed.wide >= current_block->step_event_count.wide) {
 #ifdef PAT9125
       fsensor_st_block_chunk(current_block, fsensor_counter);
-	  fsensor_counter = 0;
+	    fsensor_counter = 0;
 #endif //PAT9125
       current_block = NULL;
 #ifdef PAT9125
-	else if (fsensor_counter >= fsensor_chunk_len)
-	{
+  	else if (fsensor_counter >= fsensor_chunk_len)
+  	{
       fsensor_st_block_chunk(current_block, fsensor_counter);
-	  fsensor_counter = 0;
-	}
+  	  fsensor_counter = 0;
+  	}
 #endif //PAT9125
@@ -835,83 +988,10 @@ void isr() {
 #endif //TMC2130
-  // Verify whether the next planned timer interrupt has not been missed already.  
-  // This debugging test takes < 1.125us
-  // This skews the profiling slightly as the fastest stepper timer
-  // interrupt repeats at a 100us rate (10kHz).
-  if (OCR1A < TCNT1) {
-    stepper_timer_overflow_state = true;
-    SERIAL_PROTOCOLPGM("Stepper timer overflow ");
-  }
-      // Timer interrupt for E. e_steps is set in the main routine.
-void advance_isr() {
-  if (e_steps) {
-      bool dir =
-#ifdef SNMM
-      ((e_steps < 0) == (snmm_extruder & 1))
-      (e_steps < 0)
-      ? INVERT_E0_DIR : !INVERT_E0_DIR; //If we have SNMM, reverse every second extruder.
-      WRITE_NC(E0_DIR_PIN, dir);
-      for (uint8_t i = step_loops; e_steps && i--;) {
-          e_steps < 0 ? ++e_steps : --e_steps;
-#ifdef PAT9125
-		  fsensor_counter++;
-#endif //PAT9125
-      }
-  }
-  else {
-    eISR_Rate = ADV_NEVER;
-  }
-  nextAdvanceISR = eISR_Rate;
-void advance_isr_scheduler() {
-  // Run main stepping ISR if flagged
-  if (!nextMainISR) isr();
-  // Run Advance stepping ISR if flagged
-  if (!nextAdvanceISR) advance_isr();
-  // Is the next advance ISR scheduled before the next main ISR?
-  if (nextAdvanceISR <= nextMainISR) {
-      // Set up the next interrupt
-      OCR1A = nextAdvanceISR;
-      // New interval for the next main ISR
-      if (nextMainISR) nextMainISR -= nextAdvanceISR;
-      // Will call Stepper::advance_isr on the next interrupt
-      nextAdvanceISR = 0;
-  }
-  else {
-      // The next main ISR comes first
-      OCR1A = nextMainISR;
-      // New interval for the next advance ISR, if any
-      if (nextAdvanceISR && nextAdvanceISR != ADV_NEVER)
-          nextAdvanceISR -= nextMainISR;
-      // Will call Stepper::isr on the next interrupt
-      nextMainISR = 0;
-  }
-  // Don't run the ISR faster than possible
-  if (OCR1A < TCNT1 + 16) OCR1A = TCNT1 + 16;
 void clear_current_adv_vars() {
   e_steps = 0; //Should be already 0 at an filament change event, but just to be sure..