#include "Dcodes.h" #include "Marlin.h" #include "cmdqueue.h" #include "pat9125.h" inline void serial_print_hex_nibble(uint8_t val) { MYSERIAL.write((val > 9)?(val - 10 + 'a'):(val + '0')); } void serial_print_hex_byte(uint8_t val) { serial_print_hex_nibble(val >> 4); serial_print_hex_nibble(val & 15); } void serial_print_hex_word(uint16_t val) { serial_print_hex_byte(val >> 8); serial_print_hex_byte(val & 255); } int parse_hex(char* hex, uint8_t* data, int count) { int parsed = 0; while (*hex) { if (count && (parsed >= count)) break; char c = *(hex++); if (c == ' ') continue; if (c == '\n') break; uint8_t val = 0x00; if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) val |= ((c - '0') << 4); else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) val |= ((c - 'a' + 10) << 4); else return -parsed; c = *(hex++); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) val |= (c - '0'); else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) val |= (c - 'a' + 10); else return -parsed; data[parsed] = val; parsed++; } return parsed; } void dcode_0() { if (*(strchr_pointer + 1) == 0) return; MYSERIAL.println("D0 - Reset"); if (code_seen('B')) //bootloader asm volatile("jmp 0x1e000"); else //reset asm volatile("jmp 0x00000"); /* cli(); //disable interrupts wdt_reset(); //reset watchdog WDTCSR = (1< 0x2000) count = 0x2000; if ((address + count) > 0x2000) count = 0x2000 - address; if (code_seen('X')) // Data { uint8_t data[16]; count = parse_hex(strchr_pointer + 1, data, 16); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) *((uint8_t*)(address + i)) = data[i]; MYSERIAL.print(count, DEC); MYSERIAL.println(" bytes written to RAM at addres "); serial_print_hex_word(address); MYSERIAL.write('\n'); } else count = 0; } while (count) { serial_print_hex_word(address); MYSERIAL.write(' '); uint8_t countperline = 16; while (count && countperline) { uint8_t data = *((uint8_t*)address++); MYSERIAL.write(' '); serial_print_hex_byte(data); countperline--; count--; } MYSERIAL.write('\n'); } } void dcode_3() { MYSERIAL.println("D3 - Read/Write EEPROM"); uint16_t address = 0x0000; //default 0x0000 uint16_t count = 0x2000; //default 0x2000 (entire eeprom) if (code_seen('A')) // Address (0x0000-0x1fff) address = (strchr_pointer[1] == 'x')?strtol(strchr_pointer + 2, 0, 16):(int)code_value(); if (code_seen('C')) // Count (0x0001-0x2000) count = (int)code_value(); address &= 0x1fff; if (count > 0x2000) count = 0x2000; if ((address + count) > 0x2000) count = 0x2000 - address; if (code_seen('X')) // Data { uint8_t data[16]; count = parse_hex(strchr_pointer + 1, data, 16); if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(address + i), data[i]); MYSERIAL.print(count, DEC); MYSERIAL.println(" bytes written to EEPROM at addres "); serial_print_hex_word(address); MYSERIAL.write('\n'); } else count = 0; } while (count) { serial_print_hex_word(address); MYSERIAL.write(' '); uint8_t countperline = 16; while (count && countperline) { uint8_t data = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)address++); MYSERIAL.write(' '); serial_print_hex_byte(data); countperline--; count--; } MYSERIAL.write('\n'); } } void dcode_4() { MYSERIAL.println("D4 - Read/Write PIN"); if (code_seen('P')) // Pin (0-255) { int pin = (int)code_value(); if ((pin >= 0) && (pin <= 255)) { if (code_seen('F')) // Function in/out (0/1) { int fnc = (int)code_value(); if (fnc == 0) pinMode(pin, INPUT); else if (fnc == 1) pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); } if (code_seen('V')) // Value (0/1) { int val = (int)code_value(); if (val == 0) digitalWrite(pin, LOW); else if (val == 1) digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } else { int val = (digitalRead(pin) != LOW)?1:0; MYSERIAL.print("PIN"); MYSERIAL.print(pin); MYSERIAL.print("="); MYSERIAL.println(val); } } } } void dcode_9125() { MYSERIAL.println("D9125 - PAT9125"); if ((strchr_pointer[1+4] == '?') || (strchr_pointer[1+4] == 0)) { MYSERIAL.print("res_x="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_xres, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" res_y="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_yres, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" x="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_x, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" y="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_y, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" b="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_b, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" s="); MYSERIAL.println(pat9125_s, DEC); return; } if (strchr_pointer[1+4] == '!') { pat9125_update(); MYSERIAL.print("x="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_x, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" y="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_y, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" b="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_b, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(" s="); MYSERIAL.println(pat9125_s, DEC); return; } if (code_seen('R')) { unsigned char res = (int)code_value(); MYSERIAL.print("pat9125_init(xres=yres="); MYSERIAL.print(res, DEC); MYSERIAL.print(")="); MYSERIAL.println(pat9125_init(res, res), DEC); } if (code_seen('X')) { pat9125_x = (int)code_value(); MYSERIAL.print("pat9125_x="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_x, DEC); } if (code_seen('Y')) { pat9125_y = (int)code_value(); MYSERIAL.print("pat9125_y="); MYSERIAL.print(pat9125_y, DEC); } } void dcode_2130() { }