//uart2.c #include "uart2.h" #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include "rbuf.h" #include "macros.h" #define UART2_BAUD 115200 #define UART_BAUD_SELECT(baudRate,xtalCpu) (((float)(xtalCpu))/(((float)(baudRate))*8.0)-1.0+0.5) #define uart2_rxcomplete (UCSR2A & (1 << RXC2)) #define uart2_txcomplete (UCSR2A & (1 << TXC2)) #define uart2_txready (UCSR2A & (1 << UDRE2)) uint8_t uart2_ibuf[14] = {0, 0}; FILE _uart2io = {0}; int uart2_putchar(char c, _UNUSED FILE *stream) { while (!uart2_txready); UDR2 = c; // transmit byte // while (!uart2_txcomplete); // wait until byte sent // UCSR2A |= (1 << TXC2); // delete TXCflag return 0; } int uart2_getchar(_UNUSED FILE *stream) { if (rbuf_empty(uart2_ibuf)) return -1; return rbuf_get(uart2_ibuf); } //uart init (io + FILE stream) void uart2_init(void) { DDRH &= ~0x01; PORTH |= 0x01; rbuf_ini(uart2_ibuf, sizeof(uart2_ibuf) - 4); UCSR2A |= (1 << U2X2); // baudrate multiplier UBRR2L = UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART2_BAUD, F_CPU); // select baudrate UCSR2B = (1 << RXEN2) | (1 << TXEN2); // enable receiver and transmitter UCSR2B |= (1 << RXCIE2); // enable rx interrupt fdev_setup_stream(uart2io, uart2_putchar, uart2_getchar, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE | _FDEV_SETUP_READ); //setup uart2 i/o stream } //returns 1 if chars in input buffer match to str //returns -1 if chars does not match and 0 for empty buffer int8_t uart2_rx_str_P(const char* str) { uint8_t r = rbuf_r(uart2_ibuf); //get read index uint8_t w = rbuf_w(uart2_ibuf); //get write index // printf_P(PSTR("uart2_rx_str_P r=%d w=%d\n"), r, w); uint8_t e = rbuf_l(uart2_ibuf) - 1; //get end index uint8_t len = strlen_P(str); //get string length str += len; //last char will be compared first // printf_P(PSTR(" len=%d\n"), len); while (len--) //loop over all chars { if (w == r) return 0; //empty buffer - return 0 if ((--w) == 255) w = e; //decrement index char c0 = pgm_read_byte(--str); //read char from str char c1 = uart2_ibuf[4 + w]; //read char from input buffer // printf_P(PSTR(" uart2_rx_str_P w=%d l=%d c0=%02x c1=%02x\n"), w, len, c0, c1); if (c0 == c1) continue; //if match, continue with next char if ((c0 == '\r') && (c1 == '\n')) //match cr as lf continue; if ((c0 == '\n') && (c1 == '\r')) //match lf as cr continue; return -1; //no match - return -1 } return 1; //all characters match - return 1 } ISR(USART2_RX_vect) { //printf_P(PSTR("USART2_RX_vect \n") ); if (rbuf_put(uart2_ibuf, UDR2) < 0) // put received byte to buffer { //rx buffer full //uart2_rx_clr(); //for sure, clear input buffer printf_P(PSTR("USART2 rx Full!!!\n")); } }