#include "Configuration.h" #include "ultralcd.h" #include "sound.h" #include "language.h" #include "util.h" // Allocate the version string in the program memory. Otherwise the string lands either on the stack or in the global RAM. const char FW_VERSION_STR[] PROGMEM = FW_VERSION; const char* FW_VERSION_STR_P() { return FW_VERSION_STR; } const char FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC_STR[] PROGMEM = FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC; const char* FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC_STR_P() { return FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC_STR; } const char STR_REVISION_DEV [] PROGMEM = "dev"; const char STR_REVISION_ALPHA[] PROGMEM = "alpha"; const char STR_REVISION_BETA [] PROGMEM = "beta"; const char STR_REVISION_RC [] PROGMEM = "rc"; inline bool is_whitespace_or_nl(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == 'r'; } inline bool is_whitespace_or_nl_or_eol(char c) { return c == 0 || c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'; } inline bool is_digit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; } // Parse a major.minor.revision version number. // Return true if valid. inline bool parse_version(const char *str, uint16_t version[4]) { #if 0 SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Parsing version string "); SERIAL_ECHO(str); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(""); #endif const char *major = str; const char *p = str; while (is_digit(*p)) ++ p; if (*p != '.') return false; const char *minor = ++ p; while (is_digit(*p)) ++ p; if (*p != '.') return false; const char *rev = ++ p; while (is_digit(*p)) ++ p; if (! is_whitespace_or_nl_or_eol(*p) && *p != '-') return false; char *endptr = NULL; version[0] = strtol(major, &endptr, 10); if (endptr != minor - 1) return false; version[1] = strtol(minor, &endptr, 10); if (endptr != rev - 1) return false; version[2] = strtol(rev, &endptr, 10); if (endptr != p) return false; version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_RELEASED; if (*p ++ == '-') { const char *q = p; while (! is_whitespace_or_nl_or_eol(*q)) ++ q; uint8_t n = q - p; if (n == strlen_P(STR_REVISION_DEV) && strncmp_P(p, STR_REVISION_DEV, n) == 0) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_DEV; else if (n == strlen_P(STR_REVISION_ALPHA) && strncmp_P(p, STR_REVISION_ALPHA, n) == 0) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_ALPHA; else if (n == strlen_P(STR_REVISION_BETA) && strncmp_P(p, STR_REVISION_BETA, n) == 0) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_BETA; else if ((n == 2 || n == 3) && (p[0] == 'r' || p[0] == 'R') && (p[1] == 'c' || p[1] == 'C')) { if (n == 2) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_RC; else { if (is_digit(p[2])) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_RC + p[2] - '1'; else return false; } } else return false; } #if 0 SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Version parsed, major: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[0]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(", minor: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[1]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(", revision: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[2]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(", flavor: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[3]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(""); #endif return true; } inline bool strncmp_PP(const char *p1, const char *p2, uint8_t n) { for (; n > 0; -- n, ++ p1, ++ p2) { if (pgm_read_byte(p1) >= 65 && pgm_read_byte(p1) <= 92) //p1 is upper case (p2 is always lowercase) { if ((pgm_read_byte(p1)+32) < pgm_read_byte(p2)) return -1; if ((pgm_read_byte(p1)+32) > pgm_read_byte(p2)) return 1; } else if (pgm_read_byte(p1) == 0) { return 0; } else { //p1 is lowercase if (pgm_read_byte(p1) < pgm_read_byte(p2)) return -1; if (pgm_read_byte(p1) > pgm_read_byte(p2)) return 1; } } return 0; } // Parse a major.minor.revision version number. // Return true if valid. inline bool parse_version_P(const char *str, uint16_t version[4]) { #if 0 SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Parsing version string "); SERIAL_ECHORPGM(str); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(""); #endif const char *major = str; const char *p = str; while (is_digit(char(pgm_read_byte(p)))) ++ p; if (pgm_read_byte(p) != '.') return false; const char *minor = ++ p; while (is_digit(char(pgm_read_byte(p)))) ++ p; if (pgm_read_byte(p) != '.') return false; const char *rev = ++ p; while (is_digit(char(pgm_read_byte(p)))) ++ p; if (! is_whitespace_or_nl_or_eol(char(pgm_read_byte(p))) && pgm_read_byte(p) != '-') return false; char buf[5]; uint8_t n = minor - major - 1; if (n > 4) return false; memcpy_P(buf, major, n); buf[n] = 0; char *endptr = NULL; version[0] = strtol(buf, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0) return false; n = rev - minor - 1; if (n > 4) return false; memcpy_P(buf, minor, n); buf[n] = 0; version[1] = strtol(buf, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0) return false; n = p - rev; if (n > 4) return false; memcpy_P(buf, rev, n); buf[n] = 0; version[2] = strtol(buf, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0) return false; version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_RELEASED; if (pgm_read_byte(p ++) == '-') { const char *q = p; while (! is_whitespace_or_nl_or_eol(char(pgm_read_byte(q)))) ++ q; n = q - p; if (n == strlen_P(STR_REVISION_DEV) && strncmp_PP(p, STR_REVISION_DEV, n) == 0) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_DEV; else if (n == strlen_P(STR_REVISION_ALPHA) && strncmp_PP(p, STR_REVISION_ALPHA, n) == 0) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_ALPHA; else if (n == strlen_P(STR_REVISION_BETA) && strncmp_PP(p, STR_REVISION_BETA, n) == 0) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_BETA; else if ((n == 2 || n == 3) && strncmp_PP(p, STR_REVISION_RC, 2) == 0) { if (n == 2) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_RC; else { p += 2; if (is_digit(pgm_read_byte(p))) version[3] = FIRMWARE_REVISION_RC + pgm_read_byte(p) - '1'; else return false; } } else return false; } #if 0 SERIAL_ECHOPGM("Version parsed, major: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[0]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(", minor: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[1]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(", revision: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[2]); SERIAL_ECHOPGM(", flavor: "); SERIAL_ECHO(version[3]); SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM(""); #endif return true; } // 1 - yes, 0 - false, -1 - error; inline int8_t is_provided_version_newer(const char *version_string) { uint16_t ver_gcode[4], ver_current[4]; if (! parse_version(version_string, ver_gcode)) return -1; if (! parse_version_P(FW_VERSION_STR, ver_current)) return 0; // this shall not happen for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) if (ver_gcode[i] > ver_current[i]) return 1; return 0; } bool force_selftest_if_fw_version() { //if fw version used before flashing new firmware (fw version currently stored in eeprom) is lower then 3.1.2-RC2, function returns true to force selftest uint16_t ver_eeprom[4]; uint16_t ver_with_calibration[4] = {3, 1, 2, 4}; //hardcoded 3.1.2-RC2 version bool force_selftest = false; ver_eeprom[0] = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MAJOR); ver_eeprom[1] = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MINOR); ver_eeprom[2] = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_REVISION); ver_eeprom[3] = eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_FLAVOR); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (ver_with_calibration[i] > ver_eeprom[i]) { force_selftest = true; break; } else if (ver_with_calibration[i] < ver_eeprom[i]) break; } //force selftest also in case that version used before flashing new firmware was 3.2.0-RC1 if ((ver_eeprom[0] == 3) && (ver_eeprom[1] == 2) && (ver_eeprom[2] == 0) && (ver_eeprom[3] == 3)) force_selftest = true; return force_selftest; } bool show_upgrade_dialog_if_version_newer(const char *version_string) { uint16_t ver_gcode[4], ver_current[4]; if (! parse_version(version_string, ver_gcode)) { // SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("parse_version failed"); return false; } if (! parse_version_P(FW_VERSION_STR, ver_current)) { // SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("parse_version_P failed"); return false; // this shall not happen } // SERIAL_PROTOCOLLNPGM("versions parsed"); bool upgrade = false; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; ++ i) { if (ver_gcode[i] > ver_current[i]) { upgrade = true; break; } else if (ver_gcode[i] < ver_current[i]) break; } if (upgrade) { lcd_display_message_fullscreen_P(_i("New firmware version available:"));////MSG_NEW_FIRMWARE_AVAILABLE c=20 r=2 lcd_puts_at_P(0, 2, PSTR("")); for (const char *c = version_string; ! is_whitespace_or_nl_or_eol(*c); ++ c) lcd_putc(*c); lcd_puts_at_P(0, 3, _i("Please upgrade."));////MSG_NEW_FIRMWARE_PLEASE_UPGRADE c=20 if((eSoundMode==e_SOUND_MODE_LOUD)||(eSoundMode==e_SOUND_MODE_ONCE)) _tone(BEEPER, 1000); delay_keep_alive(50); _noTone(BEEPER); delay_keep_alive(500); if((eSoundMode==e_SOUND_MODE_LOUD)||(eSoundMode==e_SOUND_MODE_ONCE)) _tone(BEEPER, 1000); delay_keep_alive(50); _noTone(BEEPER); lcd_wait_for_click(); lcd_update_enable(true); lcd_clear(); lcd_update(0); } // Succeeded. return true; } void update_current_firmware_version_to_eeprom() { for (int8_t i = 0; i < FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC_LEN; ++ i) eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_FIRMWARE_PRUSA_MAGIC+i), pgm_read_byte(FW_PRUSA3D_MAGIC_STR+i)); uint16_t ver_current[4]; if (parse_version_P(FW_VERSION_STR, ver_current)) { eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MAJOR, ver_current[0]); eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MINOR, ver_current[1]); eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_REVISION, ver_current[2]); // See FirmwareRevisionFlavorType for the definition of firmware flavors. eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_FLAVOR, ver_current[3]); } } //-// void lcd_checking_menu(void); ClNozzleDiameter oNozzleDiameter=ClNozzleDiameter::_Diameter_400; ClCheckMode oCheckMode=ClCheckMode::_None; ClCheckModel oCheckModel=ClCheckModel::_None; ClCheckVersion oCheckVersion=ClCheckVersion::_None; ClCheckGcode oCheckGcode=ClCheckGcode::_None; void fCheckModeInit() { oCheckMode=(ClCheckMode)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_MODE); if(oCheckMode==ClCheckMode::_Undef) { oCheckMode=ClCheckMode::_Warn; eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_MODE,(uint8_t)oCheckMode); } if(farm_mode) oCheckMode=ClCheckMode::_Strict; oNozzleDiameter=(ClNozzleDiameter)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_NOZZLE_DIAMETER); if((oNozzleDiameter==ClNozzleDiameter::_Diameter_Undef)&& !farm_mode) { oNozzleDiameter=ClNozzleDiameter::_Diameter_400; eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_NOZZLE_DIAMETER,(uint8_t)oNozzleDiameter); eeprom_update_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_NOZZLE_DIAMETER_uM,400); } oCheckModel=(ClCheckModel)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_MODEL); if(oCheckModel==ClCheckModel::_Undef) { oCheckModel=ClCheckModel::_Warn; eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_MODEL,(uint8_t)oCheckModel); } oCheckVersion=(ClCheckVersion)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_VERSION); if(oCheckVersion==ClCheckVersion::_Undef) { oCheckVersion=ClCheckVersion::_Warn; eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_VERSION,(uint8_t)oCheckVersion); } oCheckGcode=(ClCheckGcode)eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_GCODE); if(oCheckGcode==ClCheckGcode::_Undef) { oCheckGcode=ClCheckGcode::_Warn; eeprom_update_byte((uint8_t*)EEPROM_CHECK_GCODE,(uint8_t)oCheckGcode); } } void nozzle_diameter_check(uint16_t nDiameter) { uint16_t nDiameter_um; if(oCheckMode==ClCheckMode::_None) return; nDiameter_um=eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_NOZZLE_DIAMETER_uM); if(nDiameter==nDiameter_um) return; //SERIAL_ECHO_START; //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Nozzle diameter doesn't match ..."); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("actual : "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN((float)(nDiameter_um/1000.0)); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("expected: "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN((float)(nDiameter/1000.0)); switch(oCheckMode) { case ClCheckMode::_Warn: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Nozzle diameter doesn't match! Press the knob to continue.")); break; case ClCheckMode::_Strict: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Nozzle diameter doesn't match! Print is aborted, press the knob.")); lcd_print_stop(); break; } bSettings=false; // flag ('fake parameter') for 'lcd_checking_menu()' function menu_submenu(lcd_checking_menu); } void printer_model_check(uint16_t nPrinterModel) { if(oCheckModel==ClCheckModel::_None) return; if(nPrinterModel==nPrinterType) return; //SERIAL_ECHO_START; //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Printer model doesn't match ..."); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("actual : "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN(nPrinterType); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("expected: "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN(nPrinterModel); switch(oCheckModel) { case ClCheckModel::_Warn: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Printer model doesn't match! Press the knob to continue.")); break; case ClCheckModel::_Strict: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Printer model doesn't match! Print is aborted, press the knob.")); lcd_print_stop(); break; } } uint8_t mCompareValue(uint16_t nX,uint16_t nY) { if(nX>nY) return((uint8_t)ClCompareValue::_Greater); if(nX<nY) return((uint8_t)ClCompareValue::_Less); return((uint8_t)ClCompareValue::_Equal); } void fw_version_check(const char *pVersion) { uint16_t aVersion[4]; uint8_t nCompareValueResult; if(oCheckVersion==ClCheckVersion::_None) return; parse_version(pVersion,aVersion); nCompareValueResult=mCompareValue(aVersion[0],eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MAJOR))<<6; nCompareValueResult+=mCompareValue(aVersion[1],eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_MINOR))<<4; nCompareValueResult+=mCompareValue(aVersion[2],eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_REVISION))<<2; nCompareValueResult+=mCompareValue(aVersion[3],eeprom_read_word((uint16_t*)EEPROM_FIRMWARE_VERSION_FLAVOR)); if(nCompareValueResult==COMPARE_VALUE_EQUAL) return; if((nCompareValueResult<COMPARE_VALUE_EQUAL)&&oCheckVersion==ClCheckVersion::_Warn) return; //SERIAL_ECHO_START; //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("FW version doesn't match ..."); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("actual : "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN(FW_VERSION); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("expected: "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN(pVersion); switch(oCheckVersion) { case ClCheckVersion::_Warn: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("FW version doesn't match! Press the knob to continue.")); break; case ClCheckVersion::_Strict: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("FW version doesn't match! Print is aborted, press the knob.")); lcd_print_stop(); break; } } void gcode_level_check(uint16_t nGcodeLevel) { if(oCheckGcode==ClCheckGcode::_None) return; if(nGcodeLevel==(uint16_t)GCODE_LEVEL) return; if((nGcodeLevel<(uint16_t)GCODE_LEVEL)&&(oCheckGcode==ClCheckGcode::_Warn)) return; //SERIAL_ECHO_START; //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("G-code level doesn't match ..."); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("actual : "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN(GCODE_LEVEL); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("expected: "); //SERIAL_ECHOLN(nGcodeLevel); switch(oCheckGcode) { case ClCheckGcode::_Warn: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("G-code level doesn't match! Press the knob to continue.")); break; case ClCheckGcode::_Strict: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("G-code level doesn't match! Print is aborted, press the knob.")); lcd_print_stop(); break; } } //-// -> cmdqueue ??? #define PRINTER_NAME_LENGTH ((sizeof(PRINTER_MMU_NAME)>sizeof(PRINTER_NAME))?(sizeof(PRINTER_MMU_NAME)-1):(sizeof(PRINTER_NAME)-1)) #define GCODE_DELIMITER '"' #define ELLIPSIS "..." char* code_string(char* pStr,size_t* nLength) { char* pStrBegin; char* pStrEnd; pStrBegin=strchr(pStr,GCODE_DELIMITER); if(!pStrBegin) return(NULL); pStrBegin++; pStrEnd=strchr(pStrBegin,GCODE_DELIMITER); if(!pStrEnd) return(NULL); *nLength=pStrEnd-pStrBegin; return(pStrBegin); } void printer_smodel_check(char* pStrPos) { char* pResult; size_t nLength,nPrinterNameLength; bool bCheckOK; char sPrinterName[PRINTER_NAME_LENGTH+sizeof(ELLIPSIS)-1+1]=""; nPrinterNameLength=strlen_P(::sPrinterName); pResult=code_string(pStrPos,&nLength); if(pResult!=NULL) { strlcpy(sPrinterName,pResult,min(nPrinterNameLength,nLength)+1); if(nLength>nPrinterNameLength) strcat(sPrinterName,ELLIPSIS); bCheckOK=(nLength==nPrinterNameLength); if(bCheckOK&&(!strncasecmp_P(pResult,::sPrinterName,nLength))) // i.e. string compare execute only if lengths are same return; } //SERIAL_ECHO_START; //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("Printer model doesn't match ..."); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("actual : \""); //serialprintPGM(::sPrinterName); //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\""); //SERIAL_ECHOPGM("expected: \""); ////SERIAL_ECHO(sPrinterName); //SERIAL_ECHOLNPGM("\""); switch(oCheckModel) { case ClCheckModel::_Warn: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Printer model doesn't match! Press the knob to continue.")); break; case ClCheckModel::_Strict: lcd_show_fullscreen_message_and_wait_P(_i("Printer model doesn't match! Print is aborted, press the knob.")); lcd_print_stop(); break; } } void fSetMmuMode(bool bMMu) { if(bMMu) { nPrinterType=pgm_read_word(&_nPrinterMmuType); sPrinterName=_sPrinterMmuName; } else { nPrinterType=pgm_read_word(&_nPrinterType); sPrinterName=_sPrinterName; } }