When XFLASH is not available, allow users to request _online_ crash dumps by using D23 (since these require active user cooperation). Once enabled, instead of just rebooting, dump memory directly to the serial. As similarly done with EMERGENCY_DUMP, we have two features that can be enabled: EMERGENCY_SERIAL_DUMP: enables dumping on crash after being requested MENU_SERIAL_DUMP: allow triggering the same manually through the support menu.
21 lines
573 B
21 lines
573 B
// XFLASH dumper
#pragma once
#include "xflash_layout.h"
enum class dump_crash_reason : uint8_t
manual = 0,
void xfdump_reset(); // reset XFLASH dump state
void xfdump_dump(); // create a new SRAM memory dump
// return true if a dump is present, save type in "reason" if provided
bool xfdump_check_state(dump_crash_reason* reason = NULL);
// create a new dump containing registers and SRAM, then reset
void xfdump_full_dump_and_reset(dump_crash_reason crash = dump_crash_reason::manual);