Remove incorrect usage of stop_and_save_print combined with the fsensor_recovert internal instruction which would result in a broken sequence of events and/or broken stack. Re-use the now safe stop/recover functions in the same spot (fsensor_checkpoint_stream) to effectively cut a hole in the current gcode stream to insert an M600 instruction, which removes all recursive behavior without the need of extra state variables.
95 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable file
95 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable file
//! @file
#ifndef FSENSOR_H
#define FSENSOR_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "config.h"
//! minimum meassured chunk length in steps
extern int16_t fsensor_chunk_len;
// enable/disable flag
extern bool fsensor_enabled;
// not responding flag
extern bool fsensor_not_responding;
//enable/disable quality meassurement
extern bool fsensor_oq_meassure_enabled;
//! @name save restore printing
//! @{
extern void fsensor_stop_and_save_print(void);
//! restore print - restore position and heatup to original temperature
extern void fsensor_restore_print_and_continue(void);
//! split the current gcode stream to insert new instructions
extern void fsensor_checkpoint_print(void);
//! @}
//! initialize
extern void fsensor_init(void);
//! @name enable/disable
//! @{
extern bool fsensor_enable(bool bUpdateEEPROM=true);
extern void fsensor_disable(bool bUpdateEEPROM=true);
//! @}
//autoload feature enabled
extern bool fsensor_autoload_enabled;
extern void fsensor_autoload_set(bool State);
extern void fsensor_update(void);
#ifdef PAT9125
//! setup pin-change interrupt
extern void fsensor_setup_interrupt(void);
//! @name autoload support
//! @{
extern void fsensor_autoload_check_start(void);
extern void fsensor_autoload_check_stop(void);
#endif //PAT9125
extern bool fsensor_check_autoload(void);
//! @}
//! @name optical quality measurement support
//! @{
extern void fsensor_oq_meassure_set(bool State);
extern void fsensor_oq_meassure_start(uint8_t skip);
extern void fsensor_oq_meassure_stop(void);
extern bool fsensor_oq_result(void);
//! @}
#include "planner.h"
//! @name callbacks from stepper
//! @{
extern void fsensor_st_block_begin(block_t* bl);
extern void fsensor_st_block_chunk(block_t* bl, int cnt);
//! @}
#define IR_SENSOR_STEADY 10 // [ms]
enum class ClFsensorPCB:uint_least8_t
enum class ClFsensorActionNA:uint_least8_t
extern ClFsensorPCB oFsensorPCB;
extern ClFsensorActionNA oFsensorActionNA;
extern bool fsensor_IR_check();
#endif //FSENSOR_H