slowed down return speed from crash detect after home Added babystep apply after return from crash detect (don’t know if it’s accurate) Added D10 to set machine to XYZ correctly calibrated Added resume debug directive to mask additional menu item
710 lines
24 KiB
710 lines
24 KiB
#include "Marlin.h"
#ifdef TMC2130
#include "tmc2130.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include "LiquidCrystal.h"
#include "ultralcd.h"
extern LiquidCrystal lcd;
#define TMC2130_GCONF_NORMAL 0x00000000 // spreadCycle
#define TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS 0x00003180 // spreadCycle with stallguard (stall activates DIAG0 and DIAG1 [pushpull])
#define TMC2130_GCONF_SILENT 0x00000004 // stealthChop
//externals for debuging
extern float current_position[4];
extern void st_get_position_xy(long &x, long &y);
extern long st_get_position(uint8_t axis);
extern void crashdet_stop_and_save_print();
extern void crashdet_stop_and_save_print2();
//chipselect pins
uint8_t tmc2130_cs[4] = { X_TMC2130_CS, Y_TMC2130_CS, Z_TMC2130_CS, E0_TMC2130_CS };
//diag pins
uint8_t tmc2130_diag[4] = { X_TMC2130_DIAG, Y_TMC2130_DIAG, Z_TMC2130_DIAG, E0_TMC2130_DIAG };
uint8_t tmc2130_mode = TMC2130_MODE_NORMAL;
//holding currents
uint8_t tmc2130_current_h[4] = TMC2130_CURRENTS_H;
//running currents
uint8_t tmc2130_current_r[4] = TMC2130_CURRENTS_R;
//axis stalled flags
uint8_t tmc2130_axis_stalled[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
//running currents for homing
uint8_t tmc2130_current_r_home[4] = {10, 10, 20, 10};
uint8_t tmc2130_pwm_ampl[2] = {TMC2130_PWM_AMPL_X, TMC2130_PWM_AMPL_Y};
uint8_t tmc2130_pwm_grad[2] = {TMC2130_PWM_GRAD_X, TMC2130_PWM_GRAD_Y};
uint8_t tmc2130_pwm_auto[2] = {TMC2130_PWM_AUTO_X, TMC2130_PWM_AUTO_Y};
uint8_t tmc2130_pwm_freq[2] = {TMC2130_PWM_FREQ_X, TMC2130_PWM_FREQ_Y};
uint8_t tmc2130_mres[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; //will be filed at begin of init
uint8_t tmc2130_sg_thr[4] = {TMC2130_SG_THRS_X, TMC2130_SG_THRS_Y, TMC2130_SG_THRS_Z, TMC2130_SG_THRS_E};
uint8_t tmc2130_sg_thr_home[4] = {3, 3, TMC2130_SG_THRS_Z, TMC2130_SG_THRS_E};
uint32_t tmc2130_sg_pos[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
uint8_t sg_homing_axes_mask = 0x00;
bool tmc2130_sg_stop_on_crash = true;
bool tmc2130_sg_crash = false;
uint8_t tmc2130_diag_mask = 0x00;
uint16_t tmc2130_sg_err[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
uint16_t tmc2130_sg_cnt[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
bool tmc2130_sg_change = false;
bool skip_debug_msg = false;
//TMC2130 registers
#define TMC2130_REG_GCONF 0x00 // 17 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_GSTAT 0x01 // 3 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_IOIN 0x04 // 8+8 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN 0x10 // 5+5+4 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_TPOWERDOWN 0x11 // 8 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_TSTEP 0x12 // 20 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_TPWMTHRS 0x13 // 20 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_TCOOLTHRS 0x14 // 20 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_THIGH 0x15 // 20 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_XDIRECT 0x2d // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_VDCMIN 0x33 // 23 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT0 0x60 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT1 0x61 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT2 0x62 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT3 0x63 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT4 0x64 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT5 0x65 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT6 0x66 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUT7 0x67 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUTSEL 0x68 // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSLUTSTART 0x69 // 8+8 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSCNT 0x6a // 10 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_MSCURACT 0x6b // 9+9 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_CHOPCONF 0x6c // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF 0x6d // 25 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_DCCTRL 0x6e // 24 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_DRV_STATUS 0x6f // 32 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_PWMCONF 0x70 // 22 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_PWM_SCALE 0x71 // 8 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_ENCM_CTRL 0x72 // 2 bits
#define TMC2130_REG_LOST_STEPS 0x73 // 20 bits
uint16_t tmc2130_rd_TSTEP(uint8_t cs);
uint16_t tmc2130_rd_MSCNT(uint8_t cs);
uint16_t tmc2130_rd_DRV_STATUS(uint8_t cs);
void tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(uint8_t cs, uint8_t toff = 3, uint8_t hstrt = 4, uint8_t hend = 1, uint8_t fd3 = 0, uint8_t disfdcc = 0, uint8_t rndtf = 0, uint8_t chm = 0, uint8_t tbl = 2, uint8_t vsense = 0, uint8_t vhighfs = 0, uint8_t vhighchm = 0, uint8_t sync = 0, uint8_t mres = 0b0100, uint8_t intpol = 1, uint8_t dedge = 0, uint8_t diss2g = 0);
void tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(uint8_t cs, uint8_t pwm_ampl, uint8_t pwm_grad, uint8_t pwm_freq, uint8_t pwm_auto, uint8_t pwm_symm, uint8_t freewheel);
void tmc2130_wr_TPWMTHRS(uint8_t cs, uint32_t val32);
void tmc2130_wr_THIGH(uint8_t cs, uint32_t val32);
uint8_t tmc2130_axis_by_cs(uint8_t cs);
uint8_t tmc2130_calc_mres(uint16_t microstep_resolution);
uint8_t tmc2130_wr(uint8_t cs, uint8_t addr, uint32_t wval);
uint8_t tmc2130_rd(uint8_t cs, uint8_t addr, uint32_t* rval);
uint8_t tmc2130_txrx(uint8_t cs, uint8_t addr, uint32_t wval, uint32_t* rval);
void tmc2130_setup_chopper(uint8_t axis, uint8_t mres, uint8_t current_h, uint8_t current_r);
void tmc2130_init()
tmc2130_mres[0] = tmc2130_calc_mres(TMC2130_USTEPS_XY);
tmc2130_mres[1] = tmc2130_calc_mres(TMC2130_USTEPS_XY);
tmc2130_mres[2] = tmc2130_calc_mres(TMC2130_USTEPS_Z);
tmc2130_mres[3] = tmc2130_calc_mres(TMC2130_USTEPS_E);
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_init mode=");
MYSERIAL.println(tmc2130_mode, DEC);
for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++) // X Y axes
/* if (tmc2130_current_r[axis] <= 31)
tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, mres, TMC2130_INTPOL_XY, 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | ((tmc2130_current_r[axis] & 0x1f) << 8) | (tmc2130_current_h[axis] & 0x1f));
tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, mres, TMC2130_INTPOL_XY, 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | (((tmc2130_current_r[axis] >> 1) & 0x1f) << 8) | ((tmc2130_current_h[axis] >> 1) & 0x1f));
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r[axis]);
// tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, mres, TMC2130_INTPOL_XY, 0, 0);
// tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | ((tmc2130_current_r[axis] & 0x1f) << 8) | (tmc2130_current_h[axis] & 0x1f));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_TPOWERDOWN, 0x00000000);
// tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF, (((uint32_t)tmc2130_sg_thr[axis]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)1 << 24));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF, (((uint32_t)tmc2130_sg_thr[axis]) << 16));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_TCOOLTHRS, (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT)?0:((axis==X_AXIS)?TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_X:TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_Y));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT)?TMC2130_GCONF_SILENT:TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS);
tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], tmc2130_pwm_ampl[axis], tmc2130_pwm_grad[axis], tmc2130_pwm_freq[axis], tmc2130_pwm_auto[axis], 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr_TPWMTHRS(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_TPWMTHRS);
//tmc2130_wr_THIGH(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_THIGH);
for (int axis = 2; axis < 3; axis++) // Z axis
// uint8_t mres = tmc2130_mres(TMC2130_USTEPS_Z);
/* if (tmc2130_current_r[axis] <= 31)
tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, mres, TMC2130_INTPOL_Z, 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | ((tmc2130_current_r[axis] & 0x1f) << 8) | (tmc2130_current_h[axis] & 0x1f));
tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, mres, TMC2130_INTPOL_Z, 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | (((tmc2130_current_r[axis] >> 1) & 0x1f) << 8) | ((tmc2130_current_h[axis] >> 1) & 0x1f));
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r[axis]);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_TPOWERDOWN, 0x00000000);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS);
for (int axis = 3; axis < 4; axis++) // E axis
// uint8_t mres = tmc2130_mres(TMC2130_USTEPS_E);
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r[axis]);
// tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, mres, TMC2130_INTPOL_E, 0, 0);
// tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | ((tmc2130_current_r[axis] & 0x1f) << 8) | (tmc2130_current_h[axis] & 0x1f));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_TPOWERDOWN, 0x00000000);
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS);
tmc2130_sg_err[0] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_err[1] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_err[2] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_err[3] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_cnt[0] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_cnt[1] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_cnt[2] = 0;
tmc2130_sg_cnt[3] = 0;
uint8_t tmc2130_sample_diag()
uint8_t mask = 0;
if (READ(X_TMC2130_DIAG)) mask |= X_AXIS_MASK;
if (READ(Y_TMC2130_DIAG)) mask |= Y_AXIS_MASK;
if (READ(Z_TMC2130_DIAG)) mask |= Z_AXIS_MASK;
if (READ(E0_TMC2130_DIAG)) mask |= E_AXIS_MASK;
return mask;
void tmc2130_st_isr(uint8_t last_step_mask)
if (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT) return;
bool crash = false;
uint8_t diag_mask = tmc2130_sample_diag();
for (uint8_t axis = X_AXIS; axis <= E_AXIS; axis++)
uint8_t mask = (X_AXIS_MASK << axis);
if (diag_mask & mask) tmc2130_sg_err[axis]++;
if (tmc2130_sg_err[axis] > 0) tmc2130_sg_err[axis]--;
if (tmc2130_sg_cnt[axis] < tmc2130_sg_err[axis])
tmc2130_sg_cnt[axis] = tmc2130_sg_err[axis];
tmc2130_sg_change = true;
if (tmc2130_sg_err[axis] >= 64)
tmc2130_sg_err[axis] = 0;
crash = true;
// if ((diag_mask & mask)/* && !(tmc2130_diag_mask & mask)*/)
// crash = true;
tmc2130_diag_mask = diag_mask;
if (sg_homing_axes_mask == 0)
/* if (crash)
if (diag_mask & 0x01) tmc2130_sg_cnt[0]++;
if (diag_mask & 0x02) tmc2130_sg_cnt[1]++;
if (diag_mask & 0x04) tmc2130_sg_cnt[2]++;
if (diag_mask & 0x08) tmc2130_sg_cnt[3]++;
if (tmc2130_sg_stop_on_crash && crash)
tmc2130_sg_crash = true;
tmc2130_sg_stop_on_crash = false;
void tmc2130_update_sg_axis(uint8_t axis)
if (!tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis])
uint8_t cs = tmc2130_cs[axis];
uint16_t tstep = tmc2130_rd_TSTEP(cs);
if (tstep < TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_Z)
long pos = st_get_position(axis);
if (abs(pos - tmc2130_sg_pos[axis]) > TMC2130_SG_DELTA)
uint16_t sg = tmc2130_rd_DRV_STATUS(cs) & 0x3ff;
if (sg == 0)
tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis] = true;
bool tmc2130_update_sg()
// uint16_t tstep = tmc2130_rd_TSTEP(tmc2130_cs[0]);
// MYSERIAL.print("TSTEP_X=");
// MYSERIAL.println((int)tstep);
#ifdef TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
if (sg_homing_axes_mask & X_AXIS_MASK) tmc2130_update_sg_axis(X_AXIS);
if (sg_homing_axes_mask & Y_AXIS_MASK) tmc2130_update_sg_axis(Y_AXIS);
#endif //TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
#ifdef TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_Z
if (sg_homing_axes_mask & Z_AXIS_MASK) tmc2130_update_sg_axis(Z_AXIS);
#endif //TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_Z
#if (defined(TMC2130_SG_HOMING) && defined(TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY))
if (sg_homing_axes_mask == 0) return false;
#ifdef TMC2130_DEBUG
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_update_sg mask=0x");
MYSERIAL.print((int)sg_homing_axes_mask, 16);
MYSERIAL.print(" stalledX=");
MYSERIAL.print(" stalledY=");
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG
for (uint8_t axis = X_AXIS; axis <= Y_AXIS; axis++) //only X and Y axes
uint8_t mask = (X_AXIS_MASK << axis);
if (sg_homing_axes_mask & mask)
if (!tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis])
uint8_t cs = tmc2130_cs[axis];
uint16_t tstep = tmc2130_rd_TSTEP(cs);
if (tstep < TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS)
long pos = st_get_position(axis);
if (abs(pos - tmc2130_sg_pos[axis]) > TMC2130_SG_DELTA)
uint16_t sg = tmc2130_rd_DRV_STATUS(cs) & 0x3ff;
if (sg == 0)
tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis] = true;
#ifdef TMC2130_DEBUG
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_update_sg AXIS STALLED ");
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG
return true;
return false;
void tmc2130_home_enter(uint8_t axes_mask)
#ifdef TMC2130_DEBUG
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_home_enter mask=0x");
MYSERIAL.println((int)axes_mask, 16);
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG
#ifdef TMC2130_SG_HOMING
for (uint8_t axis = X_AXIS; axis <= Z_AXIS; axis++) //X Y and Z axes
uint8_t mask = (X_AXIS_MASK << axis);
uint8_t cs = tmc2130_cs[axis];
if (axes_mask & mask)
sg_homing_axes_mask |= mask;
tmc2130_sg_pos[axis] = st_get_position(axis);
tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis] = false;
//Configuration to spreadCycle
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_NORMAL);
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF, (((uint32_t)tmc2130_sg_thr_home[axis]) << 16));
// tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF, (((uint32_t)tmc2130_sg_thr[axis]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)1 << 24));
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_TCOOLTHRS, (axis==X_AXIS)?TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_X:TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_Y);
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r_home[axis]);
#ifndef TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
if (mask & (X_AXIS_MASK | Y_AXIS_MASK))
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS); //stallguard output DIAG1, DIAG1 = pushpull
#endif //TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
#endif //TMC2130_SG_HOMING
void tmc2130_home_exit()
#ifdef TMC2130_DEBUG
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_home_exit mask=0x");
MYSERIAL.println((int)sg_homing_axes_mask, 16);
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG
#ifdef TMC2130_SG_HOMING
if (sg_homing_axes_mask)
for (uint8_t axis = X_AXIS; axis <= Z_AXIS; axis++) //X Y and Z axes
uint8_t mask = (X_AXIS_MASK << axis);
if (sg_homing_axes_mask & mask & (X_AXIS_MASK | Y_AXIS_MASK))
if (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT)
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_SILENT); // Configuration back to stealthChop
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_TCOOLTHRS, 0);
// tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(tmc2130_cs[i], tmc2130_pwm_ampl[i], tmc2130_pwm_grad[i], tmc2130_pwm_freq[i], tmc2130_pwm_auto[i], 0, 0);
#ifdef TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_NORMAL);
#else //TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
// tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_NORMAL);
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r[axis]);
// tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF, (((uint32_t)tmc2130_sg_thr[axis]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)1 << 24));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_COOLCONF, (((uint32_t)tmc2130_sg_thr[axis]) << 16));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_TCOOLTHRS, (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT)?0:((axis==X_AXIS)?TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_X:TMC2130_TCOOLTHRS_Y));
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS);
#endif //TMC2130_SG_HOMING_SW_XY
tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis] = false;
sg_homing_axes_mask = 0x00;
void tmc2130_home_pause(uint8_t axis)
if (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_NORMAL)
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_NORMAL);
void tmc2130_home_resume(uint8_t axis)
if (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_NORMAL)
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[axis], TMC2130_REG_GCONF, TMC2130_GCONF_SGSENS);
void tmc2130_home_restart(uint8_t axis)
tmc2130_sg_pos[axis] = st_get_position(axis);
tmc2130_axis_stalled[axis] = false;
void tmc2130_check_overtemp()
static uint32_t checktime = 0;
if (millis() - checktime > 1000 )
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
uint32_t drv_status = 0;
skip_debug_msg = true;
tmc2130_rd(tmc2130_cs[i], TMC2130_REG_DRV_STATUS, &drv_status);
if (drv_status & ((uint32_t)1 << 26))
{ // BIT 26 - over temp prewarning ~120C (+-20C)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
tmc2130_wr(tmc2130_cs[j], TMC2130_REG_CHOPCONF, 0x00010000);
checktime = millis();
tmc2130_sg_change = true;
if (tmc2130_sg_change)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tmc2130_sg_change = false;
lcd.setCursor(0 + i*4, 3);
lcd.print(' ');
void tmc2130_setup_chopper(uint8_t axis, uint8_t mres, uint8_t current_h, uint8_t current_r)
uint8_t cs = tmc2130_cs[axis];
uint8_t intpol = 1;
if (current_r <= 31)
tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(cs, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, mres, intpol, 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | ((current_r & 0x1f) << 8) | (current_h & 0x1f));
tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(cs, 3, 5, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, mres, intpol, 0, 0);
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_IHOLD_IRUN, 0x000f0000 | (((current_r >> 1) & 0x1f) << 8) | ((current_h >> 1) & 0x1f));
void tmc2130_set_current_h(uint8_t axis, uint8_t current)
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_set_current_h ");
MYSERIAL.print(" ");
tmc2130_current_h[axis] = current;
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r[axis]);
void tmc2130_set_current_r(uint8_t axis, uint8_t current)
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_set_current_r ");
MYSERIAL.print(" ");
tmc2130_current_r[axis] = current;
tmc2130_setup_chopper(axis, tmc2130_mres[axis], tmc2130_current_h[axis], tmc2130_current_r[axis]);
void tmc2130_print_currents()
void tmc2130_set_pwm_ampl(uint8_t axis, uint8_t pwm_ampl)
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_set_pwm_ampl ");
MYSERIAL.print(" ");
tmc2130_pwm_ampl[axis] = pwm_ampl;
if (((axis == 0) || (axis == 1)) && (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT))
tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], tmc2130_pwm_ampl[axis], tmc2130_pwm_grad[axis], tmc2130_pwm_freq[axis], tmc2130_pwm_auto[axis], 0, 0);
void tmc2130_set_pwm_grad(uint8_t axis, uint8_t pwm_grad)
MYSERIAL.print("tmc2130_set_pwm_grad ");
MYSERIAL.print(" ");
tmc2130_pwm_grad[axis] = pwm_grad;
if (((axis == 0) || (axis == 1)) && (tmc2130_mode == TMC2130_MODE_SILENT))
tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(tmc2130_cs[axis], tmc2130_pwm_ampl[axis], tmc2130_pwm_grad[axis], tmc2130_pwm_freq[axis], tmc2130_pwm_auto[axis], 0, 0);
uint16_t tmc2130_rd_TSTEP(uint8_t cs)
uint32_t val32 = 0;
tmc2130_rd(cs, TMC2130_REG_TSTEP, &val32);
if (val32 & 0x000f0000) return 0xffff;
return val32 & 0xffff;
uint16_t tmc2130_rd_MSCNT(uint8_t cs)
uint32_t val32 = 0;
tmc2130_rd(cs, TMC2130_REG_MSCNT, &val32);
return val32 & 0x3ff;
uint16_t tmc2130_rd_DRV_STATUS(uint8_t cs)
uint32_t val32 = 0;
tmc2130_rd(cs, TMC2130_REG_DRV_STATUS, &val32);
return val32;
void tmc2130_wr_CHOPCONF(uint8_t cs, uint8_t toff, uint8_t hstrt, uint8_t hend, uint8_t fd3, uint8_t disfdcc, uint8_t rndtf, uint8_t chm, uint8_t tbl, uint8_t vsense, uint8_t vhighfs, uint8_t vhighchm, uint8_t sync, uint8_t mres, uint8_t intpol, uint8_t dedge, uint8_t diss2g)
uint32_t val = 0;
val |= (uint32_t)(toff & 15);
val |= (uint32_t)(hstrt & 7) << 4;
val |= (uint32_t)(hend & 15) << 7;
val |= (uint32_t)(fd3 & 1) << 11;
val |= (uint32_t)(disfdcc & 1) << 12;
val |= (uint32_t)(rndtf & 1) << 13;
val |= (uint32_t)(chm & 1) << 14;
val |= (uint32_t)(tbl & 3) << 15;
val |= (uint32_t)(vsense & 1) << 17;
val |= (uint32_t)(vhighfs & 1) << 18;
val |= (uint32_t)(vhighchm & 1) << 19;
val |= (uint32_t)(sync & 15) << 20;
val |= (uint32_t)(mres & 15) << 24;
val |= (uint32_t)(intpol & 1) << 28;
val |= (uint32_t)(dedge & 1) << 29;
val |= (uint32_t)(diss2g & 1) << 30;
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_CHOPCONF, val);
//void tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(uint8_t cs, uint8_t PWMautoScale, uint8_t PWMfreq, uint8_t PWMgrad, uint8_t PWMampl)
void tmc2130_wr_PWMCONF(uint8_t cs, uint8_t pwm_ampl, uint8_t pwm_grad, uint8_t pwm_freq, uint8_t pwm_auto, uint8_t pwm_symm, uint8_t freewheel)
uint32_t val = 0;
val |= (uint32_t)(pwm_ampl & 255);
val |= (uint32_t)(pwm_grad & 255) << 8;
val |= (uint32_t)(pwm_freq & 3) << 16;
val |= (uint32_t)(pwm_auto & 1) << 18;
val |= (uint32_t)(pwm_symm & 1) << 19;
val |= (uint32_t)(freewheel & 3) << 20;
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_PWMCONF, val);
// tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_PWMCONF, ((uint32_t)(PWMautoScale+PWMfreq) << 16) | ((uint32_t)PWMgrad << 8) | PWMampl); // TMC LJ -> For better readability changed to 0x00 and added PWMautoScale and PWMfreq
void tmc2130_wr_TPWMTHRS(uint8_t cs, uint32_t val32)
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_TPWMTHRS, val32);
void tmc2130_wr_THIGH(uint8_t cs, uint32_t val32)
tmc2130_wr(cs, TMC2130_REG_THIGH, val32);
#if defined(TMC2130_DEBUG_RD) || defined(TMC2130_DEBUG_WR)
uint8_t tmc2130_axis_by_cs(uint8_t cs)
switch (cs)
case X_TMC2130_CS: return 0;
case Y_TMC2130_CS: return 1;
case Z_TMC2130_CS: return 2;
case E0_TMC2130_CS: return 3;
return -1;
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG
uint8_t tmc2130_calc_mres(uint16_t microstep_resolution)
if (microstep_resolution == 256) return 0b0000;
if (microstep_resolution == 128) return 0b0001;
if (microstep_resolution == 64) return 0b0010;
if (microstep_resolution == 32) return 0b0011;
if (microstep_resolution == 16) return 0b0100;
if (microstep_resolution == 8) return 0b0101;
if (microstep_resolution == 4) return 0b0110;
if (microstep_resolution == 2) return 0b0111;
if (microstep_resolution == 1) return 0b1000;
return 0;
uint8_t tmc2130_wr(uint8_t cs, uint8_t addr, uint32_t wval)
uint8_t stat = tmc2130_txrx(cs, addr | 0x80, wval, 0);
#ifdef TMC2130_DEBUG_WR
MYSERIAL.print((unsigned char)tmc2130_axis_by_cs(cs), DEC);
MYSERIAL.print(", 0x");
MYSERIAL.print((unsigned char)addr, HEX);
MYSERIAL.print(", 0x");
MYSERIAL.print((unsigned long)wval, HEX);
MYSERIAL.println((unsigned char)stat, HEX);
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG_WR
return stat;
uint8_t tmc2130_rd(uint8_t cs, uint8_t addr, uint32_t* rval)
uint32_t val32 = 0;
uint8_t stat = tmc2130_txrx(cs, addr, 0x00000000, &val32);
if (rval != 0) *rval = val32;
#ifdef TMC2130_DEBUG_RD
if (!skip_debug_msg)
MYSERIAL.print((unsigned char)tmc2130_axis_by_cs(cs), DEC);
MYSERIAL.print(", 0x");
MYSERIAL.print((unsigned char)addr, HEX);
MYSERIAL.print(", 0x");
MYSERIAL.print((unsigned long)val32, HEX);
MYSERIAL.println((unsigned char)stat, HEX);
skip_debug_msg = false;
#endif //TMC2130_DEBUG_RD
return stat;
uint8_t tmc2130_txrx(uint8_t cs, uint8_t addr, uint32_t wval, uint32_t* rval)
//datagram1 - request
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3));
digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
SPI.transfer(addr); // address
SPI.transfer((wval >> 24) & 0xff); // MSB
SPI.transfer((wval >> 16) & 0xff);
SPI.transfer((wval >> 8) & 0xff);
SPI.transfer(wval & 0xff); // LSB
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);
//datagram2 - response
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(4000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE3));
digitalWrite(cs, LOW);
uint8_t stat = SPI.transfer(0); // status
uint32_t val32 = 0;
val32 = SPI.transfer(0); // MSB
val32 = (val32 << 8) | SPI.transfer(0);
val32 = (val32 << 8) | SPI.transfer(0);
val32 = (val32 << 8) | SPI.transfer(0); // LSB
digitalWrite(cs, HIGH);
if (rval != 0) *rval = val32;
return stat;
#endif //TMC2130