Calibrate C/R values via univariate minimization using golden section. This is done in several passes: - Bootstrap C by setting an initial high R value - Calibrate R at the requested working temperature - Cooldown - Refine C to the final value - Estimate R losses for a subset of fan speeds - Interpolate remaining values to speed-up the process This results in robust values which are tailored to the current filtering constants, and avoid having to sample for an extended time to reach the required resolution. The refining pass could avoid cooldown if the recording buffer was at least twice as large, so that we could record both the heating and the steady-state, saving _considerable_ time.
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// model-based temperature safety checker declarations
#error "this file is not a public interface, it should be used *only* within temperature.cpp!"
#include "planner.h"
constexpr uint8_t TEMP_MODEL_CAL_S = 60; // Maximum recording lenght during calibration (s)
constexpr uint8_t TEMP_MODEL_CAL_R_STEP = 4; // Fan interpolation steps during calibration
constexpr float TEMP_MODEL_fS = 0.065; // simulation filter (1st-order IIR factor)
constexpr float TEMP_MODEL_fE = 0.05; // error filter (1st-order IIR factor)
// transport delay buffer size (samples)
constexpr uint8_t TEMP_MODEL_LAG_SIZE = (TEMP_MODEL_LAG / TEMP_MGR_INTV + 0.5);
// resistance values for all fan levels
constexpr uint8_t TEMP_MODEL_R_SIZE = (1 << FAN_SOFT_PWM_BITS);
namespace temp_model {
struct model_data
// temporary buffers
float dT_lag_buf[TEMP_MODEL_LAG_SIZE]; // transport delay buffer
uint8_t dT_lag_idx = 0; // transport delay buffer index
float dT_err_prev = 0; // previous temperature delta error
float T_prev = 0; // last temperature extruder
// configurable parameters
float P; // heater power (W)
float C; // heatblock capacitance (J/K)
float R[TEMP_MODEL_R_SIZE]; // heatblock resistance for all fan levels (K/W)
float Ta_corr; // ambient temperature correction (K)
// thresholds
float warn; // warning threshold (K/s)
float err; // error threshold (K/s)
// status flags
bool flags;
bool uninitialized: 1; // model is not initialized
bool error: 1; // error threshold set
bool warning: 1; // warning threshold set
} flag_bits;
// pre-computed values (initialized via reset)
float C_i; // heatblock capacitance (precomputed dT/C)
float warn_s; // warning threshold (per sample)
float err_s; // error threshold (per sample)
// simulation functions
void reset(uint8_t heater_pwm, uint8_t fan_pwm, float heater_temp, float ambient_temp);
void step(uint8_t heater_pwm, uint8_t fan_pwm, float heater_temp, float ambient_temp);
static bool enabled; // model check enabled
static bool warn_beep = true; // beep on warning threshold
static model_data data; // default heater data
static bool calibrated(); // return calibration/model validity status
static void check(); // check and trigger errors or warnings based on current state
// warning state (updated from from isr context)
volatile static struct
float dT_err; // temperature delta error (per sample)
bool warning: 1; // warning condition
bool assert: 1; // warning is still asserted
} warning_state;
static void handle_warning(); // handle warnings from user context
static struct
volatile struct
uint32_t stamp;
int8_t delta_ms;
uint8_t counter;
uint8_t cur_pwm;
float cur_temp;
float cur_amb;
} entry;
uint8_t serial;
bool enabled;
} log_buf;
static void log_usr(); // user log handler
static void log_isr(); // isr log handler
} // namespace temp_model
namespace temp_model_cal {
// recording scratch buffer
struct rec_entry
float temp; // heater temperature
uint8_t pwm; // heater PWM
static rec_entry* const rec_buffer = (rec_entry*)block_buffer; // oh-hey, free memory!
static_assert(sizeof(rec_entry[REC_BUFFER_SIZE]) <= sizeof(block_buffer),
"recording length too long to fit within available buffer");
} // namespace temp_model_cal