Get the status of the Toshiba FlashAir, namely its IP address. The IP address is currently reported through an M46, but this is subject to change and the IP address shall be shown on the display.
286 lines
9.1 KiB
286 lines
9.1 KiB
/* Arduino Sd2Card Library
* Copyright (C) 2009 by William Greiman
* This file is part of the Arduino Sd2Card Library
* This Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the Arduino Sd2Card Library. If not, see
* <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Marlin.h"
#ifndef SdInfo_h
#define SdInfo_h
#include <stdint.h>
// Based on the document:
// SD Specifications
// Part 1
// Physical Layer
// Simplified Specification
// Version 3.01
// May 18, 2010
// http://www.sdcard.org/developers/tech/sdcard/pls/simplified_specs
// SD card commands
/** GO_IDLE_STATE - init card in spi mode if CS low */
uint8_t const CMD0 = 0X00;
/** SEND_IF_COND - verify SD Memory Card interface operating condition.*/
uint8_t const CMD8 = 0X08;
/** SEND_CSD - read the Card Specific Data (CSD register) */
uint8_t const CMD9 = 0X09;
/** SEND_CID - read the card identification information (CID register) */
uint8_t const CMD10 = 0X0A;
/** STOP_TRANSMISSION - end multiple block read sequence */
uint8_t const CMD12 = 0X0C;
/** SEND_STATUS - read the card status register */
uint8_t const CMD13 = 0X0D;
/** READ_SINGLE_BLOCK - read a single data block from the card */
uint8_t const CMD17 = 0X11;
/** READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK - read a multiple data blocks from the card */
uint8_t const CMD18 = 0X12;
/** WRITE_BLOCK - write a single data block to the card */
uint8_t const CMD24 = 0X18;
/** WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK - write blocks of data until a STOP_TRANSMISSION */
uint8_t const CMD25 = 0X19;
/** ERASE_WR_BLK_START - sets the address of the first block to be erased */
uint8_t const CMD32 = 0X20;
/** ERASE_WR_BLK_END - sets the address of the last block of the continuous
range to be erased*/
uint8_t const CMD33 = 0X21;
/** ERASE - erase all previously selected blocks */
uint8_t const CMD38 = 0X26;
/** Toshiba FlashAir: iSDIO */
uint8_t const CMD48 = 0x30;
/** Toshiba FlashAir: iSDIO */
uint8_t const CMD49 = 0x31;
/** APP_CMD - escape for application specific command */
uint8_t const CMD55 = 0X37;
/** READ_OCR - read the OCR register of a card */
uint8_t const CMD58 = 0X3A;
/** SET_WR_BLK_ERASE_COUNT - Set the number of write blocks to be
pre-erased before writing */
uint8_t const ACMD23 = 0X17;
/** SD_SEND_OP_COMD - Sends host capacity support information and
activates the card's initialization process */
uint8_t const ACMD41 = 0X29;
/** status for card in the ready state */
uint8_t const R1_READY_STATE = 0X00;
/** status for card in the idle state */
uint8_t const R1_IDLE_STATE = 0X01;
/** status bit for illegal command */
uint8_t const R1_ILLEGAL_COMMAND = 0X04;
/** start data token for read or write single block*/
uint8_t const DATA_START_BLOCK = 0XFE;
/** stop token for write multiple blocks*/
uint8_t const STOP_TRAN_TOKEN = 0XFD;
/** start data token for write multiple blocks*/
uint8_t const WRITE_MULTIPLE_TOKEN = 0XFC;
/** mask for data response tokens after a write block operation */
uint8_t const DATA_RES_MASK = 0X1F;
/** write data accepted token */
uint8_t const DATA_RES_ACCEPTED = 0X05;
/** Card IDentification (CID) register */
typedef struct CID {
// byte 0
/** Manufacturer ID */
unsigned char mid;
// byte 1-2
/** OEM/Application ID */
char oid[2];
// byte 3-7
/** Product name */
char pnm[5];
// byte 8
/** Product revision least significant digit */
unsigned char prv_m : 4;
/** Product revision most significant digit */
unsigned char prv_n : 4;
// byte 9-12
/** Product serial number */
uint32_t psn;
// byte 13
/** Manufacturing date year low digit */
unsigned char mdt_year_high : 4;
/** not used */
unsigned char reserved : 4;
// byte 14
/** Manufacturing date month */
unsigned char mdt_month : 4;
/** Manufacturing date year low digit */
unsigned char mdt_year_low :4;
// byte 15
/** not used always 1 */
unsigned char always1 : 1;
/** CRC7 checksum */
unsigned char crc : 7;
/** CSD for version 1.00 cards */
typedef struct CSDV1 {
// byte 0
unsigned char reserved1 : 6;
unsigned char csd_ver : 2;
// byte 1
unsigned char taac;
// byte 2
unsigned char nsac;
// byte 3
unsigned char tran_speed;
// byte 4
unsigned char ccc_high;
// byte 5
unsigned char read_bl_len : 4;
unsigned char ccc_low : 4;
// byte 6
unsigned char c_size_high : 2;
unsigned char reserved2 : 2;
unsigned char dsr_imp : 1;
unsigned char read_blk_misalign :1;
unsigned char write_blk_misalign : 1;
unsigned char read_bl_partial : 1;
// byte 7
unsigned char c_size_mid;
// byte 8
unsigned char vdd_r_curr_max : 3;
unsigned char vdd_r_curr_min : 3;
unsigned char c_size_low :2;
// byte 9
unsigned char c_size_mult_high : 2;
unsigned char vdd_w_cur_max : 3;
unsigned char vdd_w_curr_min : 3;
// byte 10
unsigned char sector_size_high : 6;
unsigned char erase_blk_en : 1;
unsigned char c_size_mult_low : 1;
// byte 11
unsigned char wp_grp_size : 7;
unsigned char sector_size_low : 1;
// byte 12
unsigned char write_bl_len_high : 2;
unsigned char r2w_factor : 3;
unsigned char reserved3 : 2;
unsigned char wp_grp_enable : 1;
// byte 13
unsigned char reserved4 : 5;
unsigned char write_partial : 1;
unsigned char write_bl_len_low : 2;
// byte 14
unsigned char reserved5: 2;
unsigned char file_format : 2;
unsigned char tmp_write_protect : 1;
unsigned char perm_write_protect : 1;
unsigned char copy : 1;
/** Indicates the file format on the card */
unsigned char file_format_grp : 1;
// byte 15
unsigned char always1 : 1;
unsigned char crc : 7;
/** CSD for version 2.00 cards */
typedef struct CSDV2 {
// byte 0
unsigned char reserved1 : 6;
unsigned char csd_ver : 2;
// byte 1
/** fixed to 0X0E */
unsigned char taac;
// byte 2
/** fixed to 0 */
unsigned char nsac;
// byte 3
unsigned char tran_speed;
// byte 4
unsigned char ccc_high;
// byte 5
/** This field is fixed to 9h, which indicates READ_BL_LEN=512 Byte */
unsigned char read_bl_len : 4;
unsigned char ccc_low : 4;
// byte 6
/** not used */
unsigned char reserved2 : 4;
unsigned char dsr_imp : 1;
/** fixed to 0 */
unsigned char read_blk_misalign :1;
/** fixed to 0 */
unsigned char write_blk_misalign : 1;
/** fixed to 0 - no partial read */
unsigned char read_bl_partial : 1;
// byte 7
/** not used */
unsigned char reserved3 : 2;
/** high part of card size */
unsigned char c_size_high : 6;
// byte 8
/** middle part of card size */
unsigned char c_size_mid;
// byte 9
/** low part of card size */
unsigned char c_size_low;
// byte 10
/** sector size is fixed at 64 KB */
unsigned char sector_size_high : 6;
/** fixed to 1 - erase single is supported */
unsigned char erase_blk_en : 1;
/** not used */
unsigned char reserved4 : 1;
// byte 11
unsigned char wp_grp_size : 7;
/** sector size is fixed at 64 KB */
unsigned char sector_size_low : 1;
// byte 12
/** write_bl_len fixed for 512 byte blocks */
unsigned char write_bl_len_high : 2;
/** fixed value of 2 */
unsigned char r2w_factor : 3;
/** not used */
unsigned char reserved5 : 2;
/** fixed value of 0 - no write protect groups */
unsigned char wp_grp_enable : 1;
// byte 13
unsigned char reserved6 : 5;
/** always zero - no partial block read*/
unsigned char write_partial : 1;
/** write_bl_len fixed for 512 byte blocks */
unsigned char write_bl_len_low : 2;
// byte 14
unsigned char reserved7: 2;
/** Do not use always 0 */
unsigned char file_format : 2;
unsigned char tmp_write_protect : 1;
unsigned char perm_write_protect : 1;
unsigned char copy : 1;
/** Do not use always 0 */
unsigned char file_format_grp : 1;
// byte 15
/** not used always 1 */
unsigned char always1 : 1;
/** checksum */
unsigned char crc : 7;
/** union of old and new style CSD register */
union csd_t {
csd1_t v1;
csd2_t v2;
#endif // SdInfo_h
#endif |