![]() This fixes problem, that restore_print_from_ram_and_continue() blocked for heating for at least TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME (3 seconds) even if temperature was resumed by M600 command. |
Catch2 | ||
Firmware | ||
lang | ||
Tests | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
build.sh | ||
CMakeLists.txt | ||
PF-build.sh | ||
prepare_winbuild.ps1 | ||
README.md | ||
README_cz.md | ||
test.sh |
Table of contents
- Linux build
- Windows build
- Automated tests
- Documentation
Run shell script build.sh to build for MK3 and flash with Slic3er.
If you have a different printer model, follow step 2.b from Windows build first.
If you wish to flash from Arduino, follow step 2.c from Windows build first.
The script downloads Arduino with our modifications and Rambo board support installed, unpacks it into folder PF-build-env-<version> on the same level, as your Prusa-Firmware folder is located, builds firmware for MK3 using that Arduino in Prusa-Firmware-build folder on the same level as Prusa-Firmware, runs secondary language support scripts. Firmware with secondary language support is generated in lang subfolder. Use firmware.hex for MK3 variant. Use firmware_<lang>.hex for other printers. Don't forget to follow step 2.b first for non-MK3 printers.
Using Arduino
note: Multi language build is not supported.
1. Development environment preparation
a. install "Arduino Software IDE"
for your preferred operating system
https://www.arduino.cc -> Software->Downloads
it is recommended to use version "1.8.5"
, as it is used on out build server to produce official builds.
note: in the case of persistent compilation problems, check the version of the currently used C/C++ compiler (GCC) - should be 4.8.1
; version can be verified by entering the command
avr-gcc --version
if you are not sure where the file is placed (depends on how "Arduino Software IDE"
was installed), you can use the search feature within the file system
note: name collision for "LiquidCrystal"
library known from previous versions is now obsolete (so there is no need to delete or rename original file/-s)
b. add (UltiMachine
board into the list of Arduino target boards
into text field "Additional Boards Manager URLs"
type location
or you can 'manually' modify the item
at the file "preferences.txt"
(this parameter allows you to write a comma-separated list of addresses)
note: you can find location of this file on your disk by doing the following:
("More preferences can be edited in file ..."
then choose
from viewed list and select the item labeled "RAMBo"
(will probably be labeled as "RepRap Arduino-compatible Mother Board (RAMBo) by UltiMachine"
note: select this item for any variant of board used in printers 'Prusa i3 MKx'
, that is for RAMBo-mini x.y
and EINSy x.y
'clicking' the item will display the installation button; select choice "1.0.1"
from the list(last known version as of the date of issue of this document)
(after installation, the item is labeled as "INSTALLED"
and can then be used for target board selection)
c. modify platform.txt to enable float printf support:
add "-Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm" to "compiler.c.elf.flags=" before existing flag "-Wl,--gc-sections"
"compiler.c.elf.flags=-w -Os -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm -Wl,--gc-sections"
The file can be found in Arduino instalation directory, or after Arduino has been updated at:
If you can locate the file in both places, file from user profile is probably used.
2. Source code compilation
a. place the source codes corresponding to your printer model obtained from the repository into the selected directory on your disk
b. In the subdirectory "Firmware/variants/"
select the configuration file (.h
) corresponding to your printer model, make copy named "Configuration_prusa.h"
(or make simple renaming) and copy it into "Firmware/"
c. In file "Firmware/config.h"
set LANG_MODE to 0.
run "Arduino IDE"
; select the file "Firmware.ino"
from the subdirectory "Firmware/"
at the location, where you placed the source code
make the desired code customizations; all changes are on your own risk!
select the target board "RAMBo"
note: it is not possible to use any of the variants "Arduino Mega …"
, even though it is the same MCU
run the compilation
upload the result code into the connected printer
or you can also save the output code to the file (in so called HEX
-format) "Firmware.ino.rambo.hex"
and then upload it to the printer using the program "FirmwareUpdater"
note: this file is created in the directory "Firmware/"
Using Linux subsystem under Windows 10 64-bit
notes: Script and instructions contributed by 3d-gussner. Use at your own risk. Script downloads Arduino executables outside of Prusa control. Report problems there. Multi language build is supported.
- follow the Microsoft guide https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10 You can also use the 'prepare_winbuild.ps1' powershell script with Administrator rights
- Tested versions are at this moment
Ubuntu other may different
After the installation and reboot please open your Ubuntu bash and do following steps
run command
apt-get update
to install zip run
apt-get install zip
add few lines at the top of
by runningsudo nano ~/.bashrc
export OS="Linux" export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true" export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
to close nano and confirm to write the new entries -
restart Ubuntu bash Now your Ubuntu subsystem is ready to use the automatic
script and compile your firmware correctly
Some Tips for Ubuntu
- Linux is case sensetive so please don't forget to use capital letters where needed, like changing to a directory
- To change the path to your Prusa-Firmware location you downloaded and unzipped
- Example: You files are under
- use under Ubuntu the following command
cd /mnt/c/Users/<your-username>/Downloads/Prusa-Firmware-MK3
to change to the right folder
- Example: You files are under
- Unix and windows have different line endings (LF vs CRLF), try dos2unix to convert
- This should fix the
"$'\r': command not found"
error - to install run
apt-get install dos2unix
- This should fix the
Compile Prusa-firmware with Ubuntu Linux subsystem installed
- open Ubuntu bash
- change to your source code folder (case sensitive)
- run
- follow the instructions
Using Git-bash under Windows 10 64-bit
notes: Script and instructions contributed by 3d-gussner. Use at your own risk. Script downloads Arduino executables outside of Prusa control. Report problems there. Multi language build is supported.
- Download and install the 64bit Git version https://git-scm.com/download/win
- Also follow these instructions https://gist.github.com/evanwill/0207876c3243bbb6863e65ec5dc3f058
- Download and install 7z-zip from its official website https://www.7-zip.org/ By default, it is installed under the directory /c/Program Files/7-Zip in Windows 10
- Run
under Administrator privilege - navigate to the directory /c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin
- run
ln -s /c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe zip.exe
Compile Prusa-firmware with Git-bash installed
- open Git-bash
- change to your source code folder
- run
bash PF-build.sh
- follow the instructions
3. Automated tests
c++11 compiler e.g. g++ 6.3.1
build system - ninja or gnu make
Create a folder where you want to build tests.
cd ..
mkdir Prusa-Firmware-test
Generate build scripts in target folder.
cd Prusa-Firmware-test
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja" ../Prusa-Firmware
or for DEBUG build:
cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../Prusa-Firmware
Build it.
4. Documentation
run doxygen in Firmware folder
5. FAQ
Q:I built firmware using Arduino and I see "?" instead of numbers in printer user interface.
A:Step 1.c was ommited or you updated Arduino and now platform.txt located somewhere in your user profile is used.
Q:I built firmware using Arduino and printer now speaks Klingon (nonsense characters and symbols are displayed @^#$&*°;~ÿ)
A:Step 2.c was omitted.
Q:What environment does Prusa use to build the firmware in the first place?
A:Our production builds are 99.9% equivalent to https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware#linux this is also easiest way to build as only one step is needed - run single script, which downloads patched Arduino from github, builds using it, then extracts translated strings and creates language variants (for MK2x) or language hex file for external SPI flash (MK3x). But you need Linux or Linux in virtual machine. This is also what happens when you open pull request to our repository - all variants are built by Travis http://travis-ci.org/ (to check for compilation errors). You can see, what is happening in .travis.yml. It would be also possible to get hex built by travis, only deploy step is missing in .travis.yml. You can get inspiration how to deploy hex by travis and how to setup travis in https://github.com/prusa3d/MM-control-01/ repository. Final hex is located in ./lang/firmware.hex Community reproduced this for Windows in https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware#using-linux-subsystem-under-windows-10-64-bit or https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware#using-git-bash-under-windows-10-64-bit .
Q:Why are build instructions for Arduino mess.
Y:We are too lazy to ship proper board definition for Arduino. We plan to swich to cmake + ninja to be inherently multiplatform, easily integrate build tools, suport more IDEs, get 10 times shorter build times and be able to update compiler whenewer we want.